Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker


>Why is Palpatine back in The Rise of Skywalker?
Sorry writing + his spirit was bound to a phylactery and possesses some guy played by Matt Smith later on called The Dark Acolyte.
>Who are The Sith troopers?
Sheev's secret arsenal that somehow look like FO Stormtroopers.
>What was the point of Snoke?
He was some guy who apparently had a connection to Sheev or whatever. Essentially nothing.

watch it this christmas and find out

Snoke was Palp's clone, he realized the only real way to cheat death is just to keep cloning yourself, so at least a copy of you is continuing your evil plans for the rest of time

All this stuff is taken from which leaked TFA and bits of TLJ. All of these were bits and pieces put together and I think it's closer to the film we get.
>One year after THE LAST JEDI.
>The First Order has conquered most of the galaxy.
>Kylo Ren is still torn between the dark side and the light and still harbors feelings for Rey.
>Hux has been replaced by Allegiant General Pryde (Richard E. Grant) and has been leaking information to the Resistance in hopes that they kill Kylo and allow him to retake control.
>The Knights of Ren return from an expedition to the Unknown Regions to inform Kylo about a secret arsenal of superweapons built by Palpatine.
>Kylo and the Knights of Ren begin searching for the Wayfinder, a device required to locate the arsenal.
>The Resistance learns about this and deploys Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, BB-8, C-3P0 and R2-D2 to retrieve the Wayfinder first.
>Rose is now a high-ranking Resistance commander answering directly to Leia and stays behind to coordinate them from the base.
>The Wayfinder’s coordinates are in C-3P0’s old memory unit in an abandoned Imperial blockade in a jungle world, where the heroes befriend the warrior Jannah (Naomie Ackie) and her people.
>After retrieving it, the heroes to a decommissioned droid factory in a snow world to unlock it, where they are ambushed by the First Order and rescued by bounty hunter Zorii Bliss (Keri Russell) and her droid D-0.
>During the battle, the memory unit of a combat droid is uploaded into C-3P0, causing him to develop an aggressive personality and take Chewie’s bowcaster for himself.
>Meanwhile, Kylo meets an oracle who directs him to the Wayfinder’s location in a desert world. Rey and her friends also learn about it from C-3P0’s memories...

>Rey and Kylo meet and fight in the desert world, while the Knights of Ren battle Finn, Poe, Chewie and the droids.
>Rey and Kylo still share a Force bond, which causes them to experience “Force flashes” of past events as they fight.
>Kylo and the Knights of Ren retrieve the Wayfinder and return to the ruins of the Death Star in the jungle world to unlock the arsenal’s location.
>The Resistance follows him, but are ambushed by the First Order and nearly defeated before a local alien, Klaud, helps them escape.
>Finn recruits Jannah and her people as reinforcements to battle the First Order, while Rey confronts Kylo.
>Rey and Kylo learn that the Wayfinder actually contains Palpatine’s spirit. The Knights of Ren are loyal to him and manipulated Kylo into freeing him.
>Palpatine possesses one of the knights (Matt Smith) and announces his plan to seize control of the First Order and use the arsenal to subjugate the galaxy. He also reveals that he was behind Snoke.
>Luke Skywalker and Han Solo appear as Force ghosts and encourage Kylo to accept the light. Kylo then join forces with Rey to stop Palpatine.
>Rey and Kylo defeat Palpatine, but he then possesses Kylo. He urges Rey to kill him, and she reluctantly does. Palpatine is unable to possess Rey and is destroyed for the last time.
>The First Order is defeated and Palpatine’s arsenal is destroyed.
>Rey mourns Kylo and Luke's force ghost appears, he ressurects him.
>The film is rumoured to end with a sunset.
>So about Lando, he doesn't do much, he's just there with the heroes. Knights of Ren also have lots of scene where they are just there.
>The final battle will take place on the jungle planet, the Sith Fleet will be there to fight.
>The death star remains will make the final battle epic and Rey and Kylo will use force flash fights against Palpatine....

Is Matt Smith a stand in for pic related? I feel like this is a clear message from JJ and Disney. They know that most of present day SW fanboys are c:\>turnbrainoff.exe -consume.
Basically like puppets.

On the other hand The fact that his character is allegedly Sheev’s host body is literally saying that incels are being brainwashed by white supremacy and committing terrorism.

Either way, it’s a good thing!

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>Why is Palpatine back in The Rise of Skywalker? Who are The Sith troopers? What was the point of Snoke? Is Matt Smith in the film? Who is he playing?

Who cares? Just hyperspace ram every question.

>>The First Order has conquered most of the galaxy.
Star Keks galaxy is literally just five planets.

It's a fake poster. Who gives a shit?