What kind of paranormal shows do you watch?
I only got Ghost Adventures, but it's getting uninteresting because it's so formulaic.
What kind of paranormal shows do you watch?
I only got Ghost Adventures, but it's getting uninteresting because it's so formulaic.
Other urls found in this thread:
>show starts
>close ups of ugly people jumping to their own shadows
>retards walk around talking to thin air
>nothing concrete is found
>show ends
Yeah but some of the locations are neat
The first half of each episodes with the backstory and interviews is the worst part
Why watch a show about hunting ghosts when you can just do the investigations yourself?
this desu, i just want to watch the crew yell at each other that they swear they saw something move and not some fat lady tell us how she felt an evil presence in the women’s bathroom
Only niggers believe in ghosts.
the first part is kino in a different way; one might call it a pleb filter
Ghost Adventures is beyond kino. The incels giving the show shit itt are just jealous of Zak's alpha presence. Maybe Most Haunted is more your speed, kiddos.
This. I love urban legends and listening to grown people talk about spooky stuff they saw before it turns into "WHAT WAS THAT CAN YOU HEAR ME TRY TO CHOKE ME IF YOU'RE THERE"
Based paranormal investigator user
And risk going into a junkie/nigger hideout?
Ghost Adventures fell off once Nick left. It feels like he was holding the show together from it being too Zak-centric.
The first 2/3 seasons are great, though.
tripfags are not welcome and have no place here or in real life
I've been living with ghosts for 2 decades and it is pretty underwhelming.
Those kinds of people are too scared to lurk in haunted asylums which may or may not be a gateway to Hell
Ghost Hunters comes back in 2 weeks bros I'm so excited
living with demons is patrician though
I used to watch Most Haunted with my granma ever week.
Got any proof?
I signed up for a ghost tour once when I was in Gettysburg for shits and giggles. Turns out I signed up to go legit ghost hunting with like the shit you see these dudes and TAPS use in pitch black forests. No one else but me and my gf signed up for this so it was just us hunting ghosts for a few hours using that white noise voicebox thing that responds in a robot voice, an infrared camera, and some other shit. Way better than I expected since she just wanted to walk around town hearing someone tell spooky stories about dead Confederate soldiers.
I have none but it is pretty common from where I live. people just tend to ignore them because we view them as attention seekers.
I live ten minutes away from Lake Shawnee and have been there a handful of times. Ghosts are real but so is evil and evil likes to dance with the living.
I still watch this sometimes. No more Derek but it's weirdly comfy.
You guys were lucky, Gettysburg is one of the most haunted locations in the country. If you ever get a chance to go back there are some ghost tours which are pretty rad, like around the bread lady's house. I did one a few years ago in a basement where they'd been piling up bodies and the narrator had a concealed switch which triggered a door to rattle and it got everyone in the group to jump. Tours and investigations are two separate kinds of experiences but both are a blast.
We also went to Hershey and apparently the chocolate factory is haunted and employees hear footsteps and whispers when the building is empty.
I don't fuck with Indian ghosts.
Don't get me wrong, I had an absolutely awesome time, and would definitely do it again. Saw and heard some pretty incredible things that even me being the biggest skeptic couldn't really put a definitive answer to debunking it.
There was a ghost in the old projectionist booth I used to work. For 20 years people have been hearing or seeing things
there's a couple of youtube channels that I can recommend, that's not the usual listicals Number 15 burger king foot lettuce tier shite.
The Paranormal Scholar
Bedtime Stories
Beyond Creepy
the above channels are well researched, and balanced in their assessment, and aren't as woo woo as the subject matter is likely to attract, and more in the vein fortean reporting and eye witness testimony.
I know we jest but spirits are absolutely real. We're just energy and once this host goes the energy still exists. I've got loads of evidence from st. augustine, lake shawnee and other random places including my old home where the guy who lived there before me was decapitated. No one can actually disprove it.
Ghost hunters is back in a couple weeks and I’m excited to see Jay and Grant back at it
That's how it starts. A lot of supernatural phenomenon that gets reported is bullshit but once you've stood somewhere and felt an undeniable change in the air, felt a presence you can only describe as raw evil, it's unforgettable. It's like every cell in your body is telling you something is wrong and you're in danger and you know you should leave.
When I was in college the dorms were segregated and the girls lived in an old building which had used to be the slave quarters, and there were times when the building would be empty and I'd be in the kitchen and we'd always have shadows moving in the corners or hear creaking stairs. A lot of the students would report feeling someone touching their hair while they were studying. Humans have a very narrow range of perception, so why is it impossible for energy patterns we can't sense to exist?
They go in during the day and clear it out you dingus
Me too, hope some of the old crew comes back
go to sleep, Mike
>got any proof that our understanding of physics and reality is completely wrong?
Something tells me he doesn't
Why do they only appear when you're alone or in a small group?
Because they only exist in the imagination.
Logically places like the Coliseum should be packed with """ghosts""" but it's always some dark old house in the woods. Funny that.
Because ghosts are trolls.
t.someone who's never done any research into the phenomena.
There are several reports of ghosts in the Coliseum. If you'd done the research before shitposting you'd know that.
post some links
based check out these videos.
Would you like links to the over 140,000 contemporary reports of ghost activity in the Colosseum or wound you prefer accounts of ghost activity in Rome in general? Are you incapable of using Google?
They definitely exist. It's just your not part of the chosen ones to see them.
>140,000 reports
>not a single news article or scientific study corroborating
Neither are cameras apparently
user just gave you links to police reports Dumb faggot no wonder ghosts don't want to hang out with you
I can't take any seriously. My mom watches that show with the lady and the cop dude and it just makes me cringe and at worst feel like they're taking advantage of people. Maybe they aren't and it's how the show is presented but idk.
I like Destination Truth ans Josh Gates other shows. I mostly listen to podcasts for my paranormal fix. With interviews with the people experiencing it and stories. No BS.
Are you saying ghosts have never been caught on camera?
why do they use such grainy cameras?
>night vision
that's not actually a constraint
Absolutely they haven't.
Leaves more space for imagination.
>greatest scientific breakthrough in the history of man
>proof that there is some form of life after death
>instead of the BBC or Fox News reporting this it's a low budget cable show filmed 6 months before airing
read anything by John keel or Jacques Valee.
Hostage to the Devil: The Possession and Exorcism of Five Contemporary Americans
Possession and Exorcism by Hans Naegeli-Osjord
there's more books that's what I can think of, off the top of my head.
>are some people mentally ill? can people have psychotic episodes?
Nope it's the magic demon spirit. FAR more likely!
If they captured footage of something it's possible for them to keep it under wraps but that never happens. I realized this as a kid
The odds of making contact on your first investigation are astronomical. Usually it takes months of repeated visits to establish a connection with a location so when a tv crew comes in and some asshole is running around screaming about cold air and dust particles that look like orbs it discredits the entire field of research.
If we can't see ghosts why would they appear on a recording? Manifestations are incredibly rare and usually occur when a spirit is trying to communicate with an individual. Why would they appear on security cameras? (although they have -- check out the kid on the stairs from the first Amityville investigation)
Most phenomenon is exaggerated and developed into a spooky campfire story but underneath all the impossible accounts of slime dripping down walls you can find the truth.
Literally every single 'ghost' is a larping demon trying to lure you into occult thinking, acceptance, and eventually practice
theres not a single link or links to show you to sway your scepticism. many years of fascination and research lead someone to a personal conclusion to why they believe in the paranormal or not. normalfaggots like yourself will never understand. if your truly interested, spend some time on the subject instead of wanting to be spoonfed. also kys.
>Hostage to the Devil: The Possession and Exorcism of Five Contemporary Americans
The author:
>Malachi Brendan Martin (Irish: Maolsheachlainn Breandán Ó Máirtín; 23 July 1921–27 July 1999), occasionally writing under the pseudonym Michael Serafian, was an Irish Catholic priest and writer on the Catholic Church. Originally ordained as a Jesuit priest, he became Professor of Palaeography at the Vatican's Pontifical Biblical Institute. From 1958, he served as secretary to Cardinal Augustin Bea during preparations for the Second Vatican Council.
You should listen to the Astonishing Legends podcast series on the sallie house and watch the In Search of episode about it. The podcast captured a fucking creepy screaming evp there and made them believers. The camera crew had shit happen too
Zak is a based showman who yearns for ghost bussy, ghussy. New episodes are stale a bit, especially the one where it is abundantly clear a 4 year is being abused by their mom and not the spooks. Still it’s great entertainment, along with they catch something actually interesting every now and again.
>magic IS real!
You're a mental midget. You don't think a reporter would want to cover potentially the biggest story in history? You don't think a scientist wants to be the first to discover and prove this?
They haven't because it's not real.
Does anyone remember that Destination Truth episode where they are in the woods and a crew member gets like fucking tossed through the air or something?
You think that they don't want to hide it? Lmao
If your beliefs require you to not only to believe in magic ghosts but ALSO a grand conspiracy of science and media then you might need to reexamine them.
No actually. Because for even touching it a scientists rep is ruined. Look at Psi, there ARE tests that are done that show odd results. They are reproduced by peers. The government itself in Russia and the US has ran programs with things like remote viewing.
But it's a taboo that cannot get funding or more research into it in the public sector. Here's an entire talk that Google hosted where he goes into the tests and such. I know you won't watch it but I want you to know scientists are people and have to worry about rep with peers too and "whacko" shit won't be touched by 99%. youtu.be
>What kind of paranormal shows do you watch?
Ancient aliens
Oak island (not really paranormal but still)
and that's it
I could not give 2 fuck about ghosts or bigfoot shit
That's one alien looking bitch bruh
have sex incel
It isn't a conspiracy. It's simply because it's labeled as nutjob shit and someone's who spent years in school and are in debt from it aren't going to risk their future and life on making a career on it. Even if they are interested it's career suicide. It's understandable
I'm preserving it for marriage.
kys honestly man
I spent the weekend in a haunted castle. Saw fuck all paranormal.
In Search Of is pretty rad
You're confusing ghosts with demons. One is an echo repeating through time, the other is supposedly an intelligence capable of hijacking a human body.
When you invoke a presence it's like listening to your favorite song to get in the right mood, totally separate phenomenon than ghost reports. Not saying "demons" aren't "real" but you shouldn't accept the Catholic Church's definitions of demonic activity when they have a vested interest in maintaining their demons meme. Early Shamanic rituals see demons more as middlemen which can be used to contact the spirit world.
Possession is mental illness.
kys honestly man
if many people are killed at once there won't be something left there? Like all our thoughts and emotions are real things. They are a physical reaction. If a city is nuked and all that suffering happens at once couldn't there be a sort of radiation of a human sort?
Anyone know the name of that paranormal show about bigfoot and dogman?
Two episodes i remember was a dogman in a park shot a bunch of times and didn't drop, the other was about bigfoot and it was a kid camping with his grandfather.
Was in YouTube now i cant find it. Not monsters and mysteries
Not a show but you'd probably like this podcast. astonishinglegends.com
Was it monster quest?
/x/ has been shit for over 8 years.
Martin was a jesuit priest, and the only ones who can preform exorcisms, it's not done lightly, and not until the person who's suffering under the affliction has gone through a large battery of tests, including psychiatric evaluation by trained professionals, they aren't performed alone, usualy two priests a psychiatrist and observers, and it's fully documented, the above book is five detailed accounts.
Dr Hans Naegeli-Osjord Possession and Exorcism.
His career
Hans Naegeli grew up with four siblings in a strictly scientific-oriented family of doctors.
After leaving school in 1927 in Zurich, he studied medicine in Lausanne, Rome, Hamburg, Munich and Zurich. He passed his medical state examination in 1933 in Zurich.
Subsequently, he specialized in psychiatry and opened in late 1940 a private practice as a psychiatrist. Already in the thirties, he began to deal with para-phenomena, so that he finally had to deal in greater extent in his psychiatric practice with obsessions
it's not likely you're going read them, but the evidence is there, and it's well documented, if you're inclined you'll find it yourself.
No i found it after those. Same premise but was basically just bigfoot and dogman. Recentish show too
Fucking you need silver bullets to drop werewolves, the dumb fucks.
If the rite of exorcism can only be performed by a Catholic priest then why did God wait thousands of years to send his only Son to empower humanity with the ability to cast out demons?
Demons aren't ghosts, dude. You're cherry picking.
We debunk this as a draft as the windows are closed.
sounds fun
Man, Gettysburg. Even just being there in day time you feel something. On the actual fields of battle. I think everyone who can should go. It's something
Why doesn't Zak and the crew ever use a talking board (aka ouija board)? Or one of those planchette's with the pencil attached?
There are several signs that reinforce my earlier beliefs that a demon is residing in this room
They have done that a few times, the zozo episodes are kino
They have on at least 2 episodes.
Zozo and The Exorcist House come to mind.
>mfw zak thought he was talking with a ghost but it's actually a demon
dumb motherfucker
>I realized this as a kid
t. 19 and a fully grown man
What episode was that?
It’s really pretty there, really odd feeling but really peaceful at the same time. Haven’t done any ghost tours but if you just walk around the battlefield, you know what I mean probably, there’s a feeling & well of emotion there. Been there twice and I just know I need to go back again. Plan on taking my wife there now that I’m married and see what she thinks.
All of em
>Oh hey, there's totally a man eating demon that rips peoples arms off and devours their skulls.
>Zak: Well I guess we know where Aaron's spending a few hours.
>Aaron: Oh fuck, here we go again.
Im 23. I was watching monster quest when I realized "If they had something it would be on the news" because it was a rerun and not a new episode so I stopped watching it
>check out Demon House
>the house is severely lacking in cameras covering multiple angles
>Zak is left alone
>the camera goes blurry the exact moment a figure shows up right in front of him
Why did Zak have to leave such a sour taste in my mouth?
>The government itself in Russia and the US has ran programs with things like remote viewing.
you realize their own reports say that it's bullshit right? don't @ me with the "remote viewing ancient martian civilization" report either because that report also concluded with the guy in charge saying it's all fake. I don't even know why you would mention this. I think you either haven't done a lot of research yourself or you don't understand what you've read.
>zozo episode
>invite two people who are clearly addicts on the show
>woman basically getting ready to get ghost fucked
I know they’re not completely retarded, so what were they thinking? Also iirc this was Nick’s last episode or one of them? You can see the tension in his last episodes with Zak so there had to be something behind the scenes the there especially because Zak got real pissy on twitter when he left before deleting the tweets. Seems like they’ve gotten over it though, Nick was at the haunted museum last year.
>Demons aren't ghosts, dude. You're cherry picking.
I'm not saying they are, and I understand the distinction, I mealy posted the two book as examples of well documented case studies dealing with "Paranormal" events, ghost and other such phenomena.
>If the rite of exorcism can only be performed by a Catholic priest then why did God wait thousands of years to send his only Son to empower humanity with the ability to cast out demons?
I didn't say he did, although there the only ones that offer the service, and they have a good track record. infant I have a feeling it's more about the strength of the will of the person doing an exorcism that makes the difference, a priest can bolster his will by his faith in God.
Eddie's is delicious and they have some amazing house beers. A little pricey but it's a beautiful restaurant and fuck it, you're on vaycay.
They were probably the one people they could get to do stuff in the house. The woman clearly has some issues.
It was Nick's last episode, apparently. The show has gone downhill since he left.
“My Ghost Story” is my favorite ghost show. It only shows cases with evidence (pictures/video/evp) and it has like 5 different cases it covers each episode so there’s usually bound to be at least one interesting one or decent piece of evidence each episode. Since it isn’t some team investigating and just what people send in as evidence the “I hope sometime g happens tonight” factor is cut out and instead you often have people who tried for month to document what was happening in their house and we get to see the prices they got over a long period of time. Yeah a lot of it is orbs or some stupid shit but there’s also some really good stuff in there, definitely the best show I’ve seen on tv for actually having a chance of seeing some weird paranormal stuff captured on film. There is apparently an Asian version of the show too but it’s hard to find and I don’t think it’s translated, it’s unfortunate cause I feel like half the spooky ghost stuff captured by people around the world I’m missing out on cause I can’t find the Asian version anywhere.
only people*
The best ghost show that I watched regarding people telling their own stories was Paranormal Witness.
I loved that show.
If they actually found ghosts do you really think they would wait 3-6 months for them to reveal it to the world through a cable show?
No matter how you look at it, these "hunting X" shows are a waste of time.
Why is it like single moms on those paranormal re-enactment shows like 90% of the time? Really makes you think...
Ghosts like MILFs.
My cable previously aired the asian version and it's quite comfy.
Oh okay that makes sense. Yeah, a person has to believe the demon is real in order to participate in the ritual of exorcism.
You're also right about it being an incredibly difficult process to get the Church involved and they want to remove all other possibilities, and try all other treatments available, before rolling up their sleeves and busting out the holy water. People think it's like in the movies where as soon as a priest enters the home of someone possessed it becomes The Exorcist but it's actually a long, drawn out series of rituals and visits which eventually banish the demon.
It's not really an entry level topic and I apologize for jumping on your back. You've put a lot of time into this topic and it's impossible to cover it comprehensively on Yea Forums. The best someone who's curious can do is start researching for themselves. There are no short cuts.
I've never seen, heard or felt a ghost. Lord knows I've tried. I've done the Ouija, nothing. I've spent the night in dozens of haunted places,nothing. I've been so desperate as to try and desecrate sacred Indian grounds, nothing. I thought I finally found one making a godawful grating sound but it was just a cat clawing on a window screen. I WANT to believe. I'll keep trying but I have my doubts now.
it's all good dude.
Even ghosts are afraid of blacks.
But I'm not black. There was homeless black guy at one of the places I tried to sleep at though. I got the fuck outta there desu.
Because the rights to what happened at the house are owned by some studio. He couldn't do half of what he wanted to do with the doc because of this. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he had to blur whatever was captured to avoid being sued or something. Why do you think he destroyed the house at the end?
>There are several signs that reinforce my earlier beliefs that a demon is residing in this room
Why is it ghosts are only in scary and dark places?
You'd think that they'd be everywhere. Especially in areas like Iraq and the Levant where humans have lives for thousands and thousands of years.
You're just not doing the right research maaaaan
>why are ghosts spooky?
why are you in this thread?
Who else would be dumb enough to believe in ghosts?
Why aren't there any modern ghosts browsing the internet?
If you were a ghost, you'd end up trying to do this, admit it.
>user: no you're not
It's not as fun as fucking with normies irl
just be thankful you're not receptive to the paranormal. trust me you don't want to wake up at 3 in the morning with 2 shadow figures holding hands.
I absolutely would and I would hope a sexy big tiddy lady would move into the place I'm haunting and totally ghostjack it to her getting changed and make big ecto all over.
You don't really want that.
>t.seen multiple ghost and other weird shit.
You eventually get used to it, but it'll fuck your shit up the first time.
Ghosts do post online. Who do you think keeps saying ghosts aren't real?
>american who thinks that counts as history.
Sounds like sleep paralysis.
>You don't really want that.
Don't want what? Demons?
>Aaron is now in a bodycast from all the demons just beating the shit outta him, he thinks he's safe
>'Aaron...' Zak says to him, grabbing the moving bed he's on 'I know you're in the cast but you're getting locked inside this highly hell energy charged room.'
>Aaron lies in fear for about five minutes, nothing happens.
>'Whew' I thought I was gonna have to-
>All the demons that beat his ass previously appear, and beat him up all over again.
>Aaron then has to drink food through a straw for the next 6 months.
Meant for
The archives are FULL of ghostposting!
ghostposting is a stupid meme
So you're saying that seeing ghosts is genetic or some shit? Sounds suspiciously akin to mental unwellness.
>he hasn’t seen the ghost posters
Tiny brain
I really wish it were and the notion of it being sleep paralysis seems nice.
>humans born with different traits is mental unwellness
sorry you're less evolved
>people have claimed to be violently-raped and cut by spirits in this room
>Aaron, I know where you're going
>wake up as a ghost
>fuck with normies by downloading illegal shit onto their computers and getting them arrested
I'm sorry you see things that aren't there.
what, no? my house used to be haunted as fuck, and multiple people experienced it, I never told them about it either, and the weird thing is my house is a new build, there's never been anything here it was agricultural land before that going back hundred of years.
You haven't seen shit.
What is more likely?
A. You imagined something
B. Everything we know about physics is wrong and magic is real
>aaron this is where people have been forced to say the N word repeatedly while shitting their pants
>just be cool and stay in here bro, we need to test the spirits, I promise I won’t lock the door
>thinks ghosts aren't real
hurr people seeing ghosts since the beginning of recorded history is all paranoid delusions
the american civil war had two battles that are top 5 all time in single day death tolls in recorded military history
it's like to Describe it as 3D shadow, the one that used to visit it me was massive 7/8 feet tall, muscular definition but without features, they leave you alone, but you have to get angry.
And they were all country men.
I have, and so have other people, pray you don't see it yourself. your mind might cave in.
If you think casting fireballs and summoning demons is real, no. If you think the shaman's and mage's journey is a valid psychological process then yes, magic is real.
If they're trying to film ghosts, why have a fucking face cam.
Ghost adventures was better when Zak was still jacked. The more he slimmed down the worse it got.
He’s just gotten kinda chonky recently, wears a lot of baggy clothes so I can’t tell if he’s bulking or just getting fat.
Jacked, JNCO jeans, and spiked-forward hair.
I really don't dislike them per say but they always give me and my mother a sense of comfort whenever they make their presence known.
My brother claims to the point of getting actually angry that he saw a white figure walk on the road in front of him when he was on his bike at like 1 in the morning.
I've never personally seen anything but I did have a weird experience when I was around 10. I got in bed and not long after I start hearing breathing. I thought it was just one of my brothers trying to scare me so I said something like "nice try but I know its you" but no response. It sounded like the breathing was coming from my foot end of the bed. I said again to fuck off but nothing. If anything I swear it got progressively heavier. I got frustrated and got out of bed twist this cunts nipples but as I headed in that direction it just stopped. I looked and no one was in my room. Really creeps me out the more I think about it.
Have a read it's only 9 pages. it's not as clear cut as you think, it's a field that's worth of investigation.
Two Perspectives on PossessionPossession & Exorcism: Understanding the Human Psyche in Chaos by Hans Naegeli-Osjord. New Frontiers Center, 1988. 186 pp. ISBN 978-0945831013.The Devil Within: Possession and Exorcism in the Christian Westby Brian Levack. Yale University Press, 2013. 360 pp. $40.00. ISBN 978-0300114720.
The phenomenon of possession has a long, complicated history and a dark, unsavory side. Nevertheless, it has persisted in one form or another until present times. The books under review afford two perspectives on demonic possession: psychiatric and historical. Both authors are informed in their respective fields. They are critical writers and agree on a basic factual underpinning of the controversial phenomena. The grounds for this concord lie in the recurrence of the phenomena and the cumulatively large number of recorded witnesses.Both are aware of the academic prejudice toward the alleged realities of possession. Historian Brian Levack is interested in the historical and performance dimension of the untoward effects, and plays down their ontological strangeness and implications. The Swiss psychiatrist Hans Naegeli is more concerned with these implications, for example, for psychiatry, noting the unhelpfulness of standard materialist outlooks. The books are mainly complementary and affirm the reality of some of the strangest phenomena in the history of psychophysical anomalies.
Ghosts aren't real
Is exactly something A GHOST would say!
You can't prove I'm a ghost.
It's a spooky world and not everything has a simple explanation. The Lady in White is the most commonly reported apparition.
The night my brother died I had an awful feeling of dread and woke up to the news. I learned recently this is a Psi phenomenon and happens to a ton of people. I've never told anyone in my life but it made me a believer in something
I'm sorry for your loss. It sounds like he was trying to reach out to you as he was passing on.
You would have to be low into enjoy any episode of that show ever
Redpill me on demons
ghost bros are kino
does anyone remember this channel and the Booth Brothers?
I re-watched children of the grave last night
Not real
Show quality dropped off a bit after Nick left. Fuck Billy. Fuck Jay.
They're just mean ghosts.
Why did Nick leave anyway?
Uh...breach of contract? That's the prevailing theory. He and Zak originally co-produced the show, but Zak obviously was hogging up the attention and treating Nick kinda like a sidekick, so I think Nick decided to work on his own show.
The only paranormal-related stuff I've seen is in the original Unsolved Mysteries when I was a kid. A friend recently recommended Paranormal Witness, but I'm hesitant to watch because I've long since stopped believing in that shit. I think it'll just bore me.
inb4 no-fun-allowed.jpg
Any honest opinions about Paranormal Witness?
That's too bad, I honestly like Nick more than Zack and nothing beats the original trio's dynamic.
Yeah, they even made episodes where nothing happened (like the Execution Rocks Lighthouse) feel comfy.
If aliens are demons then does that mean ghosts are aliens, too?
>I know we jest but spirits are absolutely real. We're just energy and once this host goes the energy still exists.
Not arguing against ghosts and sheiit but this energy meme is just dumb.
They'll buy your soul and give you whatever you want - then they can cash in and you get damned to Hell for all eternity.
The re-enactment scenes are straight up cheese, and the demon/monster/alien effects when they show them run the gambit from pretty good to Syfy channel level silly.
>give you whatever you want
What if I wanted to be Kang of Hell?
>occam’s razor isn’t real because i say so
>i say so because i can’t confront the oblivion that whole brain death surely is btw, not sure if that’s relevant
Be careful what you wish for.
Why are you always such a butthurt little bitch?
>Aaron, I want you to go inside there on your own
>No, I won't lock the door behind you
why is he such an asshole
>this energy meme is just dumb
because it's not like lightning and fire used to be thought of as divine or anything
I live in St. Augustine, the only thing haunting here are the droves of homeless begging for money
Ghosts and demons do not exist
>occam's razor
>You don't think a scientist wants to be the first to discover and prove this?
Definitively not.
Science is the most toxic field you can work in. Feminism is a fucking joke against this. There hasn't anything really novel in science because all the low hanging fruits are gone and there exit networks of "scientists" who just shit out really useless papers and reference each other to to stay relevant while they try to keep everyone else down. Then there's a thing called peer review which means that other people get to read your work first before you can publish it and things get peer reviewed out because of very mundane things like personal opinions or because it's conflicting with some else's field and hypothesis. If your start to do experimental things you're out of science. Whatever happens no ones gonna reference you anymore.
>hurrrr why doesn't Occam's Meme explain what happens when you die
It does if you ignore what you don't understand, brainlet.
Well you could probably get that, but then every other demon in Hell would be aiming to kill/overthrow you.
This thread alone has multiple anons with first hand experiences. Just because a ghost has never manifested in your living room while you spend your entire life shuffling between your computer and your microwave to ask for some of those hot pockets doesn't mean you understand anything about the mysteries of the universe. If you left the house once in a while you might be surprised by how little you actually know, you autistic clown.
>This thread alone has multiple anons with first hand experiences
Pls scroll up to the very top of the thread and read that banner.
>multiple firsthand experiences
It's honestly shocking how people still talk about and treat ghosts like they're real. An incredible scam to make money from.
>generic spooky youtuber narrating some fag's creepypasta
>police reports
lol retard
>/pol/ shit has anything to do with the paranormal
Guess that's ghosts debunked then. Yes, people exaggerate the truth but underneath the Minecraft trolley stories there were actual labor camps where the Jewish population was detained. Thank you for proving my point.
>my otherworldly phenomenon uses the same standard of evidence as the """""""holocaust""""""
really makes you think
>The Paranormal Scholar
I know this channel, its based
why can't you handle the fact i figured it out?
>Yes, people exaggerate the truth but underneath the spoopy spary ghost stories there was actual wind that blew on people's hair. Thank you for proving my point.
I already said people lie here: But once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. Not every experience can be explained with science and it's foolish to ignore these experiences and write them off as delusions. I'm not saying every ghost story is true but they're at least worth considering. That's the whole point of science and logic, to understand our universe.
Yea Forumsfags have been shitting up The Boys threads for weeks and you're worried about paranormal tv shows being on topic?... kys DCfag.
Post your face when this thread is literally just Mike Stoklasa samefagging
Meant to quote this post:
>Most phenomenon is exaggerated and developed into a spooky campfire story but underneath all the impossible accounts of slime dripping down walls you can find the truth.
Okay, present your evidence then.
"A Haunting" is my fave paranormal show. But the only people who like it are boomers like me who grew up with Sightings and Unsolved Mysteries.
I used to watch ghost adventures with mine lol. She used to tell me ghost stories of the house her and her sisters grew up in
Did you rape her?
Why? Another user banged out some essays with links earlier in the thread, why don't you start with those?
In highschool we had one of the camera guys from ghost adventures come to our class. He said he didnt believe anything paranormal and has never seen anything paranormal during his time filming.
I think his name was like Hippy Jay or something.
Jay and Billy Bitchcakes make me miss Nick
Scariest Places on Earth (old show, no longer on)
The OLD versions of Unsolved Mysteries with that old creepy dude in a trench coat. All like 10+ seasons are on Prime right now.
Oh fug, but what I don't get is that if those are really aliens and supposedly much smarter than us why would they do this? Obviously not for research because we could do this better with our own "primitive" tech. Why the fuck would they cut out the asshole?
>with that old creepy dude in a trench coat.
Sometimes I seriously want to murder zoomers and have their family see their pic on a milk carton.
When a thread is dying, who ya gonna call?...
Legit creepy ghost shit youtu.be
Stop shilling your fake video here
Buzzfeed unsolved for that one dude who shits on everything paranormal
Why didnt he just get closer to the swinging chain for a closer inspection?
Paranormal Caught On Camera is entertaining
I actually got a legit YouTube vid, lemme see if I can find it
Are shadow people demons or ghosts? That's what I saw several times in one of the apartments I lived in. At that point in my life I had never heard of shadow people before or known that they were something others had experienced too
Can't believe I found it so quick (it was in my saved views from over a yr ago). This vid is basically "what if Yea Forums witnessed a haunting" - you capture it, test it, in real time.
The main reason I think it's legit is because the cameradude is a putz and his mom and neighbor are trash (aka if they're just acting, then they're Pitt/DiCaprio level).