Turns out... Little monkey fella
Turns out... Little monkey fella
Is his traveling series good or no?
not really, first series is OK but the rest isn't that good.
Gotcha. I figured they were gonna end up making him a parody of himself sooner or later.
Hell his extras in Ricky's DVDs are more kino.
Ignore that guy he sucks cocks
Its great although the 3rd season is less good
The first book is brilliant.
Sick of It series 2 when?
First series is good. Second series is more annoying with Ricky trying to be funny with just fucking with him and his itinerary. Third series is shit and literally has Warwick Davis as a sideKICK.
I couldn't finish it... Did it get better or remain the same
Pakihindu episode was kino, the midge village, the way both got cameos in some Bollywood movie, the rest of season 3, not so much.
I would very much like to stomp on his head.
I remember Warwick basically being a no fun buzzkill the entire time whereas Ricky thought and acted like it was the absolute funniest shit he ever conceived.
>be me
>get asked about the latest monkey news by a third party due to my cluing him in to bonobos
>tell the tale of the little monkey fella in Argentina who's going to trial to be a person, habeus corpus and all that, with his little suit
>get accused of stealing from Karl
>get accused of making things up
>internet is consulted
>triumphantly get told that there's also a female, and that they're chimpanzees not monkeys
Being Karl is suffering.
it was shit but episodes 3 and 6 were surprisingly kino
*Aggressive forced laughter*
People who say no aren't real fans of the XFM show but will get mad if you point this out. If they were, they'd realize that every moment of the show, even in season 3 without Steve, is calculated to draw upon and exploit Karl's deepest fears and loathings that were drawn out of him during the radio days. Even getting him up in the balloons "with a little midget to torment him" (Steve's suggestion, uncredited as writer Season 3 for some reason), and burying him alive in Season 2 (seems pointless, except if you listen to that XFM you know Karl's most feared Tales of the Unexpected were always the buried alive ones). Land that fucker in Cairo for the first episode? First night there, like Karl claimed, end of the day, he can eat a knob at night. Spans the podcast too, you see. But they cannot reference the fact that it does.
>"Scientists are planning to clone mammoths for a theme park."
When the fuck will Yea Forums post all of their scenes from CHINGARI
Lads, yank here.
I watched moaning of life online
I watched an idiot abroad
loved them for the comedy And the travel.
did he ever do any other travel show?
>there will never be a Karl Pilkington/Anthony Bourdain Crossover travel episode
He wrote books about his travels, additional travels and these travels with more details. Diaries of his travels read aloud by Steve Merchant on their podcast (available as 1½ hour compilation or so). There's a good deal of deleted material for each episode, much of it available.
It's pretty good
China episode is kino. Rest of it is forced and boring.
Thank fuck for that. Pretentious wanker is the antithesis of Karl
>hosted by Louis Thorax
>every boy's fantasy
It's kino
Ups and downs. His description of India was so spot on, it was at that point that I knew he was actually more of a clever guy than they like to let on.
>Karl, describe your time in India as if someone is asking you because they are interested in going there
>Alright. Err, India...I saw a lot, I sweat a lot, I shit a lot.
How big a kitchen did Suzanne need for him to go back TWICE
It's uncanny how you can take any panel of this and you'd have an accurate representation of what it means to be English.
Adulthood is realising gervais is a fucking miserable unfunny cunt except when hes acting
When hes just himself and laughing at what he's saying its really shite
Not a single soul exists that thinks Ricky is funnier than how funny Ricky thinks he is.
Who cares? Ricky gave us Karl so he gets a free pass on everything. Except anti-semitism.
No he sucks and ruins all the podcasts
I like how in The Ricky Gervais Show he exposes Ricky for being the ignorant reddit NPC that he is. It's astounding how dumb Ricky actually is. For example, Ricky thinks the moon spins and the dark side of the moon is just the part that's away from the sun at the time. And worse, attacks Karls for actually being right.
Other things Karl wonders about, like how he and his brain talk, Ricky shrieks how dumb he is, there's only one person, yet this has been the subject of philosophers since... forever? Also, in similar vein, when Karl wonders why he thinks in his Mancunian accent, again Ricky shrieks how nobody thinks in words, only concepts.
tl;dr Ricky Gervais is the worst kind of 100 iq pseudo intellectual.
The moon does spin so you ended up misspeaking like Gervais
It's also realising that Ricky Gervais was so good in the Office because he was playing himself.
Okay Ricky, whatever. Everything probably spins relative to everything else in the grand scheme of the universe. However, the dark side of the moon is always the same. The same side always faces the Earth. This is what Ricky thought was ludicrous. He didn't misspeak.
Is he really that dumb? you only need to look up at the night sky to realize the moon always looks the same, you're never seeing a different side of the moon it's always the same pattern displayed on the surface...
Yeah, starts at 22:15.
You are now aware that Ricky and Stephen no longer talk and Karl hasn't talked to them for ages. Because Ricky is a gigantic cunt whose "fame" completely went to his head.
The Invention of Lying was at least an enjoyable movie. He has zero (0) redeemable traits beyond that though.
Why does Ricky have no self awareness?
David Brent is a great character but it's literallly Ricky.
Does he realise or not?
yea but he loves animals
There is literally no excuse for not being an anti-semite
Who was in the wrong here?
Clearly the workers looking for any excuse to take a day off.
>Heavy blizzard here
>Still got to work 2 and a half hours later by public transport
Legit no excuse
>the xfm episode where karl tells his builder not to slack off and gets scared that he's going to rob him after
Would you have answered correctly?
I still cant understand the logic behind it.
Why the fuck does Ricky seem to think it is a bad idea to send the mirror piece by piece and assemble it on site? Would he launch it in a pre-assembled state? Is he a fucking spastic?
Both men say they're guarding heaven, so it's an obvious lie if the man says the other person would say he's guarding hell.