Anons give me your worst going solo to the movie theater stories. I need to be ready for the worst tomorrow.
Anons give me your worst going solo to the movie theater stories. I need to be ready for the worst tomorrow
>went to see black panther alone
>all black neighborhood
>only white guy in whole theatre
>couldn't hear movie a all with all the negroes hollering and hooting
>didn't dare say anything, no one would've heard me anyway
>didn't get mugged, stabbed or shot
>everything went better than expected
What stories, I go alone half the time, maybe more. I honestly don't see why you people keep making such a big deal of it, how's it any different from going alone to a museum, gallery, concert or recital? You've just been conditioned that you have to go in groups to the cinema.
true story
I work late shifts and every other wekend, so sometimes I go alone to an early day screening midweek and there's always only 4 or 5 people at most there, it's the best. also something about a falcon.
>I need to be ready for the worst tomorrow.
Where are you going?
>Go in
>Watch movie
>Before the film ther consumers within eyesight and earshot are either bantering with whoever they came with
>or much more likely staring at their phone, zombified, regardless of whether they're in a group or not
>watch shit commercials and trailers
>and film
>viewing finishes, leave cinema and go elsewhere
Just what the fuck do you expect to happen, mid-film, everything to pause, and a spotlight everyone to start shining on you, and a tannoy announcing "Excuse me Sir, crab legs are forbidden to be eaten in the Singles Area" and everyone to start pointing and laughing and screaming "have sex, incel?". Won't happen, real life is mundane, and discord tranny fantasies wouldn't happen for real.
Because a lot of anons on here secretly want to be normies.
the worst that can happen is you will not have to try to set up a meeting for half a dozen people or so who showed interest in watching the movie, each of whom works on a different schedule, has own family affairs, and sudden comeuppances
you won't have to keep pushing the seance for a week or two, and then finally watch it in a sub par conditions that weren't really your choice but a compromise for the other two people that managed to show up 15 minutes before the screening and disappear soon after because tomorrow is a workday
you don't even talk with them during the movie so what's the fucking point, only to sit next to someone you know?
fuck that
>gf at the time retaking some English very for teaching (is Spanish)
>had to drive her an hour away for test
>running on now sleep because can’t sleep
>decide to go see a movie while she does her shit
thought it was a showing of firefly movie but turned out to be horseshit Matthew mcconhaugey movie
I was a victim of NSP. Yes, I went to see BR2049 by myself. I'm sitting there watching the opening trailers when I get a tap on the shoulder. I'm escorted out by some teenage dickwad employee and then two cops are standing there looking at me derisively.
They tell me there were concerns about me and they were called because some women were afraid and no longer felt safe in the theater. So they're sitting there asking me questions in front of the entire fucking theater. Everyone is eyeing me as they pass by. I wanted to fucking die but I couldn't leave because these fucking pigs had to make sure I wasn't hiding anything on me and why was I there (to watch a movie, pigs).
I wasn't allowed back in the movie after they were done with me because even though there was no malicious intent or cause for concern they thought it was best if I leave for the night. No refund either btw.
Sometimes I cry about it. I still don't think the movies have a no singles policy, but it's clearly an unofficial rule. Fuck movies.
If I think a movie will be REALLY good I'll get drunk and go to the cinema alone.
Usually it's me disturbing the people around me. I sobbed in BR2049.
Are you black?
Have none, where I live people are actually respectful in the theatre.
I go to the theatre alone every week, every single time I have 0 problems, even when I go see a marvel movie, the audiences don't applaud during the fucking movie at the le hype moments
I like my theatre a lot
You can thank Department of Homeland Security and their 'See something, Say Something' brainwashing campaign.
>he goes alone to the museum, galleries, concerts and recitals
Iv been skiing on my own twice. Both times it was really nice. Sometimes if dined alone which was also nice.
Went to the mall cinema on a warm summer afternoon. The ac temperature of the room was a bit too low.
I felt cold during the whole movie.
just follow this and you'll have nothing to worry about
Because 75% of this board is full of antisocial anxiety weirdos
>like Christopher Nolan
>excited to see Interstellar
>go opening night after I get out from work, alone
>walk out three quarters of the way through
>don't like Nolan anymore
I haven't gone to a museum by myself, but whenever I go, I usually want to chill and read the information on the walls, and the other people want to rush through without learning anything. I can imagine going alone being the best way to get something out of it.
>Be me
>Irish potato humper
>Go to the cinema
>No line
>Nice people working there
>Cinema is nice and quiet
>Seats are clean
>Anyone there is respectful once the movie starts
>Watch the movie
>Take rubbish with me as I go
Would you like any other stories OP?
>went to see black panther alone
>all black neighborhood
>intense fighting scene between protag and antag
>slouch down my seat and yell, "YO, THIS NIGGA BOUTTA DABBED ON"
>everyone laughs
>black guy sucks his teeth and says, "You aight, white boy"
>Hear "He cute" from one of the girls
>be Irish
>Irish pre teens sitting behind me in over 18 horror flick
>they kick my seat all the way through the movie
>I tell them to stop
>they begin again at the end
>we exchange threats to kill each other
Logan Pauler kids screeching in the theater over emotional moments and running down to Fortnite dance at me after I moved to the front of the theater and shushed them and having to repress the sweat enducing urge to not sperg out on them
This wasn't a superhero movie by the way
I went to see Moonrise Kingdom on a Sunday morning, my favorite time to go to the theater when I still did. The beach scene made me mildly uncomfortable, but the rest of the audience was about 7 older couples so I'm sure those guys had it worse. The end.
Stop being a pussy.
Jesus fucking Christ. Unless there's a massive crowd of 10 year olds there to laugh specifically at you for minutes, no one would actually notice you, let alone give a flying fuck that you went to see a movie alone. Dress normal, act normal, don't be a douche. It ain't so very hard got damn it. Plus, the world is so full of snowflakes looking and acting like idiots right now that the chance of someone noticing a lone wiry autist is practically non-existent.
holy shit
I've been going alone to the cinema since I was 15 or so. I don't see the big deal.
If you want good solo movie experience, just don't live in shithole countries lmaooo
Why the fuck does this make me laugh so much wach time
Are you American?
Just go to the cinema and enjoy the movie.
Bring a gun and shoot everybody. Then clap.
fake phone call is terrible advice and will just draw attention to you
Man I was hoping this would be a Tropic Thunder thread when I saw the OP. All I wanna do is bite its hide and wear its stomach skin like a unitard man.
>I was hopping for a thread about a good movie
>on Yea Forums
LMOAing @ ur lyfe
Yeah it made me uncomfortable too.
When my dick started pressing into my zipper
youre supposed to do it as a teenager
This happened when I was a teenager
>Went to theatre alone during the day middle of the week
>Hope I don't see anyone I know because this feels so uncool
>empty as fuck
>I go sit in one of the VIP seats, didn't pay for it but there's no one there
>About six people my age come in, boys and girls
>They come right up to me
>Oh fuck no what do you want
>Shuffling past me whispering amongst themselves and looking at me, someone says "D6"
>Realise I'm sitting in a seat they booked
>They all sit right next to me in a row, kind of uncomfortably
>cinema totally fucking empty except for us
>They only whisper throughout the film
And that's how I inadvertantly mogged a bunch of popular kids while seeing Godzilla on my own.
>ask someone for cinema
>says no
>her friends lie and tell me she mistook it as a date and is angry at me
>only find out she wasnt angry too late
>no more friends
they didn't serve crablegs, was pretty disappointed
You should ask your gf to teach you some of that English.
Do people ever clap at the end of a film? I live in Scotland and I've never been part of an audience that do it. Though there have been a couple times where a single person will start clapping then quickly stop once they realize no one else is gonna partake in their retardation.
>Oh fuck no what do you want
kek. Even when I'm relaxed and in a welcoming mood it's always my default though process when a stranger gives the impression that they're walking up to me
>movie passes expiring next day
>watch Only the Brave and Jigsaw on halloween by myself
It was fucking fun and comfy. I saw Godzilla by myself too since my friends kept flaking. I know it's a meme, but going to the theatre alone is underrated as hell. No fighting for armrests, no taking turns holding popcorn, no whispering unfunny shit.
Everyone just gets up and leaves
ye on a festival screenings when a movie is good
not in a multiplex on some holywould refuse
at least here in Proland
>grab a large popcorn bag out of the trash to get a free refill
>always tear the bag so they give you a new one
>kid behind the counter didn't give a shit and filled it anyway
>had to eat popcorn out of something i took out of the garbage can
Is this how Euros feel when they read the realistic stories of Penis Inspection Day?
No one gives a shit if you're alone
t. jack the ripper
I hate when start hootering especially hollering
A falcon you say? Hurr durrr robert! Lol xD!! Get it!?!
> crowned the new king of Africa
> stabbed mercilessly for not knowing any Wu-Tang song
I clap if the movie was good.
If you genuinely have problems going to the cinema alone, the problem may be you user. Literally all you need to be able to enjoy a solo movie going experience is (a) have had sex at least once (b) showered, including using soap and washing below the neck (c) the ability to reply to any smalltalk from the usher taking your ticket stub without stuttering
>go to a 1pm screening on a work day as usual, don't even remember what movie
>normally it's only 1 or 2 loner wierdos like me seating as far away from each other as possible, sometimes a few elderly couples if it's a slice of life drama
>as the trailers are ending the lights go out, a shaven head chav in a full adidas tracksuit comes in and seats right next to me
>proceeds to text on full brightness for the first few minutes of the movie
>I want to say something but I'm too much of a pussy
>He finally stops and I thank God for having mercy on me
>he opens up his backpack
>pulls out a pack of hot dogs (pic related)
>rips it open and the stench of concentrated liquid smoke burns through my nostrils
>the only time nose was more offended in a theater was when I had to seat next to a guy who smelled like he bathed in pickle juice right before going to the movies
>he peeled and ate them all
That was the day I learned you don't actually have to cook those.
10/10 post. Plus, you learned something.
i brought vodka into the theater to see the room and completely blacked out. i don't remember the movie and vaguely remember pulling into my driveway, feeling lucky as shit that i was home and not regaining consciousness in jail.
What is this reddit
No, this is 4channel
>went to movie
>college group sat next to me
>grill bumped me once or twice
>leave when movie is over without any further incident
Fuck me lad, I almost didn’t make it.
Did you get tested for STDs user? Better safe than sorry.
Went to see The Revenant alone. Go to last showing on a Thursday. Only one in the theater. There was no one there to munch loudly on popcorn, distractingly take out their phone to text, or loudly talk during long quiet stretches. Went back the next week to see Hateful 8. Again, last showing on a Thursday. Again, only one in the theater. And again no one else to do all the things I listed above. It got so bad I had to start reacted as loudly and obnoxiously as possible to every thing that happened just to get a proper movie going experience. Absolutely terrible.
>Do people ever clap at the end of a film?
People clapped at the beginning of Phantom Menace because they were excited to see a new SW movie.
In 2019 only white people listen to wu tang clan
Pretty sure I got a case of the gay AIDS.
nebraska state patrol?
>be me
Who the hell would you be?
This usually happens when you're 5'11, kinoplex premium only allows tall people inside them