My best friend Ryan Dunn died in a car accident 4 years ago. He's dead and gone

My best friend Ryan Dunn died in a car accident 4 years ago. He's dead and gone.

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Iceland's his favourite place. I'm gonna build him a skatepark. You don't have to be a musician to be an Earth Rocker. Andrew Strandberg is an Earth Rocker. My other bestfriend, Brandon Novak, is on heroin again. He's back in rehab for his 16th time. Goodluck with that one...sick of the bullshit. Sick of all the shit. I don't go out anymore... 'cuz I hate every motherfucker, I don't care what they're up to. 4 years I wasted, sippin' on drinks at the bar, chit chattin' with fuckin' nobodies. Now I stay at home like a fuckin' hermit, not gonna take shit from anybody. I know what's goin' on. I got set up. I got jumped. Thank God Nikki wasn't there to watch me get my fuckin' ass kicked. She woulda' wound up with a black eye then probably have went to jail. She has a big mouf. I live for this shit. I love it. Bring it the fuck on. Payback's a bitch motherfucke- "WOAAAAOOOHHHAAAAAAAOOOOOOHHHHHH
Can you hear the call for the wasted and wounded?

Can Dr.Phil save him?

He should have died too.

I dunno, he's WASTED&WOUNDED

I always forget what happened before this. Did he get arrested? Was he fighting on a bar?

Bane died in a plane crash 4 years ago. he's dead and gone.

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He went to some Icelandic music festival and had some argument with some Icelandic band and he got in a fight with them

Nice Trips

Is the funny version of this gone?


I guess you could say he was Dunn for.

I'd be pissed too if some mutt came to my pristine country and started talking shit.

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he dunn goofed

funny post sighted

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Did a Kek in the car

>Mom's done with my attention seeking, better take it to the public

Allready on it...

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It was 8 years ago now... fucking 8! I get that losing your best bud is tough, but at some point you gotta take responsibility and get your shit together.

Where's that Hulk Hogan tweet where he thought Bam was dead?

Best to worst

Chris Pontius
Johnny Knoxville
Wee Man
Danger Ehren
Ryan Dunn

Power gap

Brandon DiCamillo
Preston Lacy
Dave England
Bam Margera

Attached: hulk-hogan-hulkhogan-damn-bam-i-wish-you-were-still-34123139.png (500x789, 122K)

That Heil Hitler at the end was kinda tasteless

Where's my skatepark?

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Holy fuck, what a dogshit list.

Generation x are really fucking retarded now

I guess no generation ever matures past 20 on average

Y will be miserable and Z will be ironic retards forever

God tier


High tier


Shit tier

Everyone else


What did he mean by this

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>oooooooOooooOooo wheres my skatepark bam

He'll be fine

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I walked along that exact path in Iceland while I was there simply because of this video. Pure autism at it's finest.

Who actually is Andrew Schramberg or Strandberg or whatever?

Have googled the name and got 0 results.

Who is he?


In Iceland I think?

I thought that was kid rock from the thumbnail.

>always reluctant to do the stunts
>unless it involved any gay stuff like sticking dildos up your butt

Our best friend Deagol died in a fishing accident four years ago. He's dead and gone. Gladden Fields is his favorite place. We’re gonna build him a marsh.
You don't have be precious to be an Earth Rocker. Stupid fat hobbit is an Earth Rocker.
Our other best friend Master is on precious again. He's back in the shadow world for his sixteenth time. Good luck with that one. Sick of the bullshit. Sick of all this shit. We don't go out anymore, cause we hates every motherfucker, we don't care what they're up to. Four years we wasted, sippin on nasty taters, chit-chatting with fuckin' Hobbitses. Now we stays at home, like a fucking hermit. We’re not gonna take any shit from anyone.
We knows what's going on. We gots set up. We gots jumped. Thank god Precious wasn't there to watch us get ours fucking ass kicked. She would have wound up lost and prolly went to Mount Doom. She has a big eye.
We lives for this shit. We love it. Bring it the fuck on.
Payback's a bitch motherfu

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What's wrong with him?


Won't help, he'll relapse immediately or quit out of the program

>She woulda' wound up with a black guy*

*points to beer accusingly*

Why didn't you save me Bam?

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>Hi I'm Johnny Knoxville, Welcome to Dunn's Funeral
>We're going to take Dunn's corpse, load it into Bam's Lamborghini and Fire it, using a giant catapult through Bam's bedroom wall while he's asleep
Opportunity missed

My best friend, Dr. Pavel, died in a football stadium four years ago. He's dead and gone. My aircraft's his favorite place. I'm gonna build him a runway. You don't have be a nuclear physicist to be a plane crasher. Bane is a plane crasher. My other best friend, John Blake, is a hothead again. He's back in anger management therapy for his sixteenth time. Good luck with that one. Sick of the bullshit. Sick of all this shit. I don't go out anymore, 'cause I hate every motherfucker. I don't care what they're up to. Four years I wasted, sippin' on drinks at the bar, chit-chatting with fucking unmasked men. Now I stay at home, like a fucking hermit. I'm not gonna take any shit from anyone.I know what's going on. I got set up. I got jumped. Thank God Masketta Man wasn't there to watch me get my fucking ass kicked. He would have wound up with a big guy and probably went to a wreckage. He has a big mouth.I live for this shit. I love it. Bring it the fuck on. Flight plan's a bitch motherfucker.


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