Keri Russel confirmed to have filmed scenes with Mark Hamill where they will be likely de-aged

>Keri Russel confirmed to have filmed scenes with Mark Hamill where they will be likely de-aged.
>We know that Zorii has some link to Rey's parents, as she's the one who dropped her off on Jakku.

They're going to make Rey Luke's daughter after all, aren't they? Zorri is the mother and the new version of Mara Jade.

I mean, it kind of goes back to the early speculations from before TFA, where Rey was called "the child of light" in promo materials.

In case you're not sure why these speculations were made:
>Luke comes from Latin name Lucius which literally means "The Light".

Attached: Keri-Russell-as-Korri-Bliss-in-Star-Wars-The-Rise-of-Skywalker.jpg (1400x700, 186K)

Considering shes a force prodigy, it makes sense.

But why did Luke need training?

>But why did Luke need training?
He had like 2 weeks of training.

Lux isn't first declension its irregular, the nominative is lux

It makes sense. Luke having zero kids was pretty stupid considering he seemed like a normal kid in the first movie and would probably want to keep his family going.

She kind of looks like she could be Daisy's mother desu.

Will there be ass?

Attached: keri russell shower.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

I sure hope so.

and luke's abilities are absolutely nothing compared to trained Jedi in the prequels, or compared to Mary Sue in the Sequels

I don't think it's possible to directly translate it to English desu, you could say that it's `the bright one` or something like that, but in literal translation that would be `the light (as a person)`, if I remember correctly.

>the last two episodes in the Star Wars saga are two directors going 'no, fuck YOUR ideas' at each other

Super power force genes skipped a generation?

To be fair Luke was a farm boy, Rey was a scavenger.

Is Abrams going to retcon Luke's behaviour in TLJ and say he was trying to "protect" Rey by being an asshole because she's his daughter?

Maybe he didn't know, he cut himself off the force, maybe Zorri took Rey away from Luke because he became disgruntled and dangerous.

LOL at them having that man baby fuck it all up.

It should have just been Obi Wans (secret family) granddaughter or something or Lukes daughter.

Or maybe he kinda forgot he had a daughter.


Luke is the child of the force incarnate dumbass

Child of the force incarnate farm boy vs grandchild of the force incarnate hardened scavenger.

I miss the Americans

>Having a girl kid
is the same as
>Having no kids

that's an ass I would wife

yes the entire movie will be ASS

What a clusterfuck. Star Wars never had flashbacks, it's a fucking fairytale western, JJ.

I'm so hyped about episode IX NOT now

>In case you're not sure why these speculations were made:
>Luke comes from Latin name Lucius which literally means "The Light".

Fuck off with that shit, retard. Luke was LUCas' self-insert.

We can thank Kathleen and Rian for this. They fucked up so badly they have to do this to even hope for redemption after TLJ.