Admit it, she's cute

the sooner you admit that she's cute, the sooner you'll get over your racism and become a better person, Yea Forums.

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too white

unironically the last good disney film

Cute except for the ugly nose


is this from Princess and the frog?

you know what sums up the aesthetic of that film? dirty. I felt dirty while watching it and needed to shower afterwards. like I had been polluted by its crass and degraded nature. everything about it is so low and greasy. disgusting film

she was cute as fuck and I never realized until I rewatched it a decade later

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She's cool but Dr. Facilier was based.

you mean that you'll push your racism out of mind so you can fuck and be in love until you get hit crushingly hard by it in the moment you realise your son is a fucking black kid and when you see him you feel that 'how white people smile when you pass them ona street' face

>this much projection
What exactly is your point here?

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Why are you so disgusted by the working class?

lolololol wtf

>calling other people racist when you are the one making assertions based on skin color

holy bigots batman

No one wants that cockroach pussy

>this fictional cartoon character proves that black women are attractive

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what if i just add sexism to my racism?

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indeed, thats how it works

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Too South Indian and low caste, that's a no from me

Maybe if you fix the downs eyes and ape nose.

No, you're retarded.

I also love The Princes and the Frog.