Getting married to danish qt.
Moving to Denmark in November. What sports do they play?
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I’ll make sure to call an African BBC for her to enjoy on your wedding night
They have one called 'kick the spic'. You'll enjoy it
capture the flag
Doubt it. I'm 195 + have been boxing for 8 years. Only elite fighters have a legitimate chance in beating me.
I've cucked BBC's in the US, France and South Africa.
Sounds fun
I haven't heard of any Mexicans arriving here in november. Who are you?
My last name is Betancourt.
I think el coyote is making a wrong turn, fren
Listen here essay, Denmark is one of the few relatively untouched countries, move to Sweden or something
football, handball, badminton, cycling
CS:GO, alcoholism
post hand, güero de rancho
>Tonatiuh enters the thread
you perfectly know prietos don't post in this basket weaving forum
are you the tranny killer?
Fútbol and hockey depending where you are.
>mexican manlet marrying a danish goddess
yeah, sure
I know a girl who was in a relationship with a guy from Peru for a couple of years. She dumped him eventually, but still.
Hugo my man, I hope you're doing OK ;_;7
Maybe we know the same guy. Is he a doctor that worked in Alaves?
>Danish women desiring BSC
is this a thing?
ewww. please don't. stay there with your race traitor whore. don't pollute denmark with your amerindio genes.
I know a Mexican neurosurgeon who moved here to marry a Turkish girl. He can't practise his specialty here because our royal colleges are very hostile to surgeons who trained overseas, so he's pretty much sat at home leeching off her for 3 years. She beats him up if he gets out of line. Calls him constantly if he's out with his friends and generally keeps a very tight leash on him. It's a bit of a weird relationship. Don't let your qt fiancee treat you like that Mexibro.
>larping on the internet
>latino male-turkish female
What an appalling combination, the only one worse I can think of is Arab male-latina female
>the only one worse I can think of is Arab male-latina female
Nah, they have great offspring. Shakira and Selma Hayek are products of exactly that kind of union.
Indian anything but other Indian
Badminton (for faggots but still)
Tennis and table tennis
Wtf my name is Hugo and I dated a Danish sloot.
Im from El Salvador tho
Indian male Latina female is waaaaay worse
Doesnt happen
wtf are all Hispanic Hugos fucking our women?
I know a Fingolian guy who's going to marry his Columbian gf this summer.
Danish people like:
Football, Cycling, Handball
In that order basically.
Also if you're offered this beverage you HAVE to pretend it's tasty. Danes get really offended if you don't like it.
>He doesn't like Faxe Kondi
What the fuck is wrong with you
jealous manlet burger hands typed this
so you don’t want a whiter world? i’m literally doing my part. my small indio genes will be wiped off by nordic genes. literally castizo.
don't pretend you can integrate with anyone but other expats
She’s nice to me but Ill watch out for any red flags. Thanks englishbro.
Hopefully I can. Last time I was there everyone treated me nicely but they do have a stereotype about us tho.
Why? I just want to be happy.
then stay in your country with your people?
I don’t like my people. You guys are just being mean to me for a flag.
>Everyone's happiness reflects my own sensibilities
Retarded? Bot? Autistic? Narcissist?
Congrats user.
I'm married to a Japanese girl and I've had no issues with her.
A whiter world would mean her having kids with a white dude and you not having.
You having kids with her creates more mutts.
You will be polluting the world with your mongrel indio genes.
>I don’t like my people.
Guess what? Neither do us.
>You guys are just being mean to me for a flag.
No. It's because you don't belong in denmark.
I hope she cheats on him too.
Serves him right for leaving his country and abandoning his people for materialism and on top of that entering an interracial relationship that will only create more rootless mutts.
>I hope she cheats on him too.
What a petty man, always hoping shit happens to others.
He's a frog, they're all vain and petty. Ironic that he reees about mutts as well.
post pic of your boyfriends feet
go back
>brags about getting sloppy seconds from a bbc
how did that black cock taste lmao?
leaf all of your women are either browned by pajeets or blacked, some of the easiest in the world
Don't worry. I go back every December
Probably a Le Pen bot
Yes. Pic related
I can virtually see the wall coming
Lmao shut up nigger