ITT: Actors who are also serial killers

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more like cereal killer

I would let her kill me if it meant I could mate with her just once.

More like sperm killer.

more like serial MILKERS am i right fellas

I would insert my penis into her person and ejaculate within mere minutes being inside her cellular walls

how many fetuses has this stupid whore killed

it's Ted Bundy with a wig mate

Literally killed billions of potential people

was she in that youtube thing with another blonde woman where they had 'awkward' interviews with people?


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ahah more like s

Wasn't she meant to be Squirrel Girl like two years ago?

so am i

You just know

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She drowns it in milk?

Wow youre hot

i do that just jacking off

None. She paid a "doctor" to do it.

I think that's what he was implying.

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if that's so why did she abort her black baby?

Realistically speaking, how many men do you think she’s slept with, and how many of those has she let unload bareback in the heat of the moment?

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Holy shit she did have an abortion it’s true
How will she pay the toll????

>He told me he'd already fucked me twice

>Powdered sugar coating syringe.jpg

With her life

She's a 32 year old unmarried roastie in the process of hitting the wall. She'll be paying the toll for the next 50 years or until she offs herself.

How can you tell? She always looked like that.

The show never got picked up.

The toll comes in many forms, for her? Cool wine aunt status

Said the celler-dwelling incel unpausing his jRPG.

people throwing details of their fucking abortion out in public is fucking disgusting

fucking degenerate pieces of shit

Five little cuts

Holy shit this cannot be real. Nobody is that brazenly stupi-....never mind I give up

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We're already socialised for loneliness and misery. It hits the happy people far worse

>hoping those saggy tits will make up her being disgusting in every way
>whore behavior

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wtf is this from?

>Yea Forums is full of moralfags crying about r-roasties having abortions

what the fuck happened?


hahahahaha more like 42

we are the counter-weight

I dont care about the abortions but I’ve hated her ever since I found out she came to Europe during the migrant crisis to help syrians get asylum

She really is a total wash, isn't she?

No you aren't. You're bitter ugly incels lashing out over not having sex. Grow up and get laid ffs.

>>when I cam to, the first thing I remember asking the doctor was when could I have an abortion again.

>and then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power

You guys disappoint me I saw titties and ass and all you do is talk shit are you fucking faggots or something? You have stooped low /tb/ shame shame

Abortion is unattractive kid

she looks like she fucks black heroes

How much more dangerous would she be if she were to grow?

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Great picture but can we go bigger?

She'd abort them before they grew too much.

At a certain size, those things can get problematic

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Why would you even share this? Like I don’t even get the joke, is it “Doctor when can I be a reckless whore again?” so people can go “xDDD SLAAAH QWEEEEN SO POWERFUL” or what?


i want to suck on those big tits

Grow up.

All the right problems baby.

They believe you're supposed to look at abortion as just like going to the dentist.

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>>Grow up.
Those of you who make it to birth, that is.



reminder that this stupid whore openly said she got abortions on twitter


>Chocotraitors acting cocky because they sided with the previously biggest losers and sissies when they were gaining power.
In the end you were the biggest sissies

>muh abortions
such a shame you user's weren't aborted

i feel disgusted sharing the same air with you

I don't care how haunted that womb is, I need that milk truck and I need it NOW

The ghosts just tickle ur dick anyway

guess what you little bitch nigger?

id still fucj her

not like i have an issue with the bitch using a morning after pill or whatever other shit if accidents happen

i bet you were akin to an accident too, fucking faggot

TOO be fair : the baby might have been black



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You guys know you're denying life every time you jackoff into a tissue right?

Your wasting of seed doesn't justify your admonishment of a woman having an abortion.

this is your argument for abortion? We already know we squeaked by.

She does a lot of drugs.

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what is conception, Alex?

Oh no there are less jews in the world what a tragedy

What does he kill, ants?

>murder is okay if it fulfills my racist fantasies

his two unborn children with his rotten seed

It’s an attempt to remove the stigma from the procedure, but it’s a miscalculation. Being so cavalier about it just makes her seem like a sociopath to anyone but the furthest left leaning women. The only reason she didn’t see backlash for it is that she’s a literal who.

Were did you come from nigger? Niggerddit?

aw thats cute, do you also plan on spending your paycheck on all these unwanted kiddos, too?
>inb4 implying you aren't some beta neet faggot bitch

Wil Wheaton

Bro, it’s just another used up, single, skank Jew about to hit the wall at 88mph. Her biggest claim to fame is playing the “wacky, quirky, nerdy” t-mobile salesman in a handful of nationally run commercials. Nobody gives a fuck. If you’re that upset about it, go outside and have sex before you end up shooting up a Hobby Lobby.


Tits are still good, but her face is actively crashing into the wall in slow motion. This is heartbreaking.

Are you mother fuckers gonna start advocating for going to church next, like who cares about abortion

it's better than having an unwanted child that grows up tortured by having shitty parents that don't want them or a victim of the awful adoption circus

>i don't know the difference between a zygote and a gamete

>I can't morally accept my sin so I will use subjective ideas to run from it

t. Roastie

I keep saying this is why we need to kill all those black kids in the ghetto but people keep calling me a racist monster.

repugnant and deplorable

I've never even had sex before. It's a problem way more complex than a single act. Yeah, motherfuckers should be using protection to avoid pregnancy in the first place, but if she got a baby and she don't want it the only logical next step is an abortion. Every other avenue just causes more suffering.

fake and gay.


>Something that has full genetic profile and will be a fully grown baby if left alone
>Something that has half a genetic profile and will be a stain if left alone
>The same thing

>biological differences are subjective
the absolute fucking state of this coping brainlet

>ywn die from nursing and consuming her poison milkies

what is adoption?


Abortion? Yes.
Jerking off? No.

Not great. Look into adoption agencies. That shit is privately run. So many kids don't get adopted and grow up to be fucked up.

Genesis 38:9,

That pusy is haunted bros

Yes, Yea Forums is a Christian website. All of you should attend a weekly service of your choosing.

right, death is better.

>put dick in
>feel ghost suck your tip

>>every time you stick it in, your hear a baby crying.