Is this ultimate boomer kino? Why is it so comfy? I don't even care about cars.
Top Gear
Grand tour is better, contrarians and old boomer will tell you otherwise thought
I see top gear as a forerunner to the parasocial friendship simulatore exeprience you get from red letter media and stuff. It's just a bunch of mates mucking about and having a laugh.
grand tour is by far better than nu-gear but old top gear is the best
How's nu-Gear? Is Joey the only saving grace of the show?
Boomers don't like our lads. This is more a Gen X and Y show. Boomers unironically watch Fifth Gear for "SERIOUS CAR JOURNALISM" because they hate fun.
>died right when it was getting good
feels bad
Neo-Gear - Shit
Nu Gear/Grand Tour - Half contrived bollocks, half comfy kino
Old Gear - Dadcore kino
Nobody watches Fifth Gear. Not even actual boomers.
when you are a car enthuasiast
its 10 times better
specially the road trip episodes or the specials
Top lad
It's a perfect dynamic. 3 friends, 1 older, 1 middle-aged and 1 young, each bringing their own unique personalities to the table. They're not forcing the friendship and they all share a passion for cars.
You probably won't find the likes of it again with all the forced diversity/PC crap that gets pushed in every series now.
Joey left last year mate
Now it's a cricket Chad, a dating show host and the bald dude who knows about cars.
Overall it's not as bad as it could be and their getting back into the "3 blokes dick about with cars" stuff that made old gear so good
> It's just a bunch of mates mucking about and having a laugh.
This. They holler bants at each other and do stupid shit with cool cars and hilarious crap with ugly ones, plus they've been helping out cutting down on the caravan population, one ugly blob at a time.
My boomer dad does.
The earlier specials are particularly kino.
The Bolivia one is genuinely 10/10.
>said they would do more specials only
When the Fuck? ;(
Cause clarkson hates ethnic minorities
Still my fave, though grand tour Mongolia was pretty great
>Top gear USA edition
>One nigger (male)
>One Mexican (male)
>One white woman (female)
>The white women is a lefty apologist and says how much she dislikes white people
>Nigger is "woke" and has episodes where he somehow is pulled over with the camera crew following
>Mexican does everything in a low rider, no exceptions
Because Top Gear was about 3 guys talking about guy stuff and they didn't give a shit about anything else, making it obvious that they didn't give a shit about anything else. The celebrity interview was always their least favorite part and they read from a script of questions and then spent the other half watching and laughing about their driving skills so the audience didn't have to hear a celebrity talking.
mfw the reruns are on dave but its the new people in it
>its the Africa Special episode
>vp of botswana paraglides in with his entourage
>"this will be the first time anyone has crossed these salt flats in a car"
>"yeah there are our cars"
>"oh really"
>"you were smiling you've just stopped"
I've not seen this episode. Can someone explain?
>and 1 young
I hope you're not talking about Hammond
>I don't even care about cars.
I'm often fascinated by people who are knowledgeable and interested in a subject, no matter how dumb it is (except films and television, people interested in films and television are tedious).
Everyone good left. It's just a car commercial now. Top Gear America was better then what's currently showing.
I always skip when Jeremy interviews the celebs. Its painful to watch filler.
>that Argentina special
Three old bros with genuine chemistry talking about something all three of them not only have in common, but love. It's everything modern media has forgotten, and we'll more than likely never see the likes of something this genuine and real again.
So how much of top gear was scripted and how much was genuine?
Everyone's talking about them being bros irl but they could be just acting
The Vietnam special was pure kino and my friend and I are saving up for the same trip in 2 years.
I imagine they have a plan/outline for the episode but they improvise for the most part because it's not something that requires a script. Most of their dialogue is just banter/shitposting. Anyone who isn't socially stunted and has decent sense of humor can do that much.
dying your grey hair and beard ≠ young
They're all good friends irl, hence why May and Hammond bailed immediately after Jeremy got fired despite the BBC offering them shitloads more money to stay on.
As for the show i'd agree with the other guy who replied, outlines are scripted but conversation is probably mainly off the cuff (like Curb Your Enthusiasm I guess). I remember a story of Top Gear winning Best Reality Show at some awards ceremony and Clarkson sending in a video-recorded message apologising for not being there in person because he was writing next series' script, kek.
It's ALL scripted. The only un-scripted parts that remain after editing is commentary about some un-scripted accident occurring.