2019 has seen one of the fewest tickets sold in the last 25 years.
close to the number of tickets sold in 1995 when the population was 63 million less.
The number of tickets sold per person in the United states has dropped by 40% since 2003.

FACT: Hollywood is dying
the ability of hollywood to export its culture to the rest of the USA is collapsing. the era where hollywood could dictate to the rest of the country its morality is over. The movie industry is inexorably and inevitably falling to cultural irrelevance.

And Thats A Good Thing.

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Unironically a good thing.

It's not dying fast enough

If it weren't for China and the rest of the Asian market it would be dead and buried by now.

>And Thats A Good Thing.
its been replaced by netflix which is even more pozzed than your average movie. hopefully when they lose the office they will die too

Chinks ruin everything, don't they?

>Endgame $3B
>Aladdin & Lion King $1B
>Captain Marvel $1B


>hates blacks & gays
>loves attractive women
ironically china has become the good guys

and heres the interesting part: china is becoming much more hostile to hollywood culture. in the future it is likely to ban more of it and also it will generate its own. increasing competition. just last month, they banned american actors in chinese films.
the China crutch is going to be swept out form under them.

Netflix is dying even faster, just look at their last report.
The future of entertainment is 5s "movies" on social media apps and Garbageā„¢ by Disney for the chinks.

Netflix is losing money too though.

not surprising consiserimg its all the same shit in cinemas now.

More likely for the studios to bend over backwards to accommodate the Communist Party needs.

>the era where hollywood could dictate to the rest of the country its morality is over
They just moved to Netflix. Same shit.

all it takes for a crash is 1 bad year.

Hollywood's ability to export its culture is not collapsing, its just evolving into mediums much more effective than the traditional box office.

Young people don't really watch movies anymore. It's all about Youtube and social media, at least where I live. Their attention spans are fucked and this is not some overblown boomer rant either. They really put movies in the same category as books.

Expect to see short films (way under 10 minutes) and small VR "experiences" to gain ground in the coming years. But how can they monetize those when the young people are already used to getting all their entertainment for free?

>They just moved to Netflix.
Which is also hemorrhaging money

It's August

you know there's still 1/3 of the year left right
and that winter/xmas is the biggest time for movie theaters

Netflix I dead when they lose the office and friends. What else do they have that people can endlessly binge watch and just have on as background noise? Idk why they never focused on shows like that. I mean they have their own data on their most watched shows, why not try to copy them?

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All it's doing is moving from Hollywood to Netflix

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and this is why you adjust for inflation

you're just mad all the top movies this year all from disney

basically, HAVE SEX.

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Movie theaters spend a lot of money in themselves, in my town a huge movie theatre stands with the latest comfy chairs, 6 movie rooms etc.
In another city they build 2 of these huge theatres with even more rooms. A lack of sales means these theatres might go bankrupt.

Hollywood is basically crashing the plane with no survivors. Creates movies nobody wants to see, movies that all need dolby atmos, imax etc. to lure people to the cinema and doesn't learn from mistakes.

I will be glad when it all comes crashing down.

Don't forget Aquaman that made more than Captain Marvel

And nothing of value was lost, fuck Hollywood.

It isn't

The entertainment trends seem to be dominated by ease of use by normies. They don't give a fuck about tiny screens to watch TV shows when it's easier

>And Thats A Good Thing.

no one can compete with youtube and twitch

>you're just mad all the top movies this year all from disney
who isn't. fucking dishitney. it's time to end this bullshit

yep. our culture is now being generated by actual real humans instead of vapid corporate whores.

>people don't want to see shitty movies
I knew Yea Forums was fucking retarded but I didn't know just how retarded until this thread

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Aquaman was last year you fucking dumbass

All those movies are fucking awful, I don't get your point

so you think that the success of one movie, in the international market, is relevant to the success of the entire movie industry in the USA? sounds like youre the retard here. Additionally, you sound emotionally invested in hollywood... as if you are personally offended by the idea of holly losing its throne... interesting. however, no matter what excuses you make, and no matter the gymastics you employ, there will never be another hollywood product with the cultural influence of the late 90 s and early 00s. there will never be another dawsins creek. there will never be another friends. there will never be another titanic. it is over. your power to control America is done. your Tyranny is over.

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They're also successful in the US you fucking moron

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>paying for your media

It means Americans have fewer dollars to spare for a movie ticket. If China decides to ban Hollywood movies the whole industry will collapse.

Which is a shame, because some of them have actually been kind of decent. Godzilla and Alita, at least.

those movies are not representative of the market as whole. as proven by the OP. those outlier films are holding up the numbers for the entire industry. and next year there wont be an end game to save them from total failure.

they will of course try to manufacture some IDPOL controversy next febuary, like always, but the strategy is failing. people are tired of it.

hollywood is doomed.

Yes because obnoxious e-celebs are so much different

r/marvelstudios is that way

just a slight fluctuation, literal nothingburger.
I fucking wish Hollyjew was dying, but it's not. Normies will keep eating up their schlock and liking it.

I get Endgame, because it's the culmination of 20+ movies, and Lion King, because nostalgia, but Captain Marvel legitimately puzzles me.

I tried watching that with as open a mind as possible, and even ignoring the cringey feminist pandering (the flashbacks are seriously just that Gillette commercial from a few months back), it's painfully formulaic and predictable, and the characters are all so fucking bland, even guys like Fury and Coulson.


>they banned american actors in chinese films.

Define "chinese films", because it seems like Tencent owns all of Hollywood that Disney doesn't have nailed down at this point.

Because every movie has to have a stronk bitch (bechdel forced character test). I stopped coming to Yea Forums last year because movies are dead and its time you did too. Got into anime, Yea Forums etc.There's a ton of good books out there, and some great anime too like berserk.

Yes they are.

its funny how many of you are mad at the mere idea that hollywood had lost its cultural throne. Why are you so angry? Why are you so emotionally invested in it?

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I can confirm that this year has been way slower than the past 2 years and I personally blame Disney.
Hopefully industry-wide they'll realize too

Those articles don't say what you're saying here

how can you confirm it? whats your position?

I started listening to old Howard Stern episodes and getting /fit/ myself.

Some people work at movie theaters user it isn't just that guy in the stock photo behind every counter

people are sick of Holliwood's bullshit.

True. There's a local website which shows attendance at nearby theaters. Most movies get like a pathetic amount of people (10-20 sometimes less), but schlock like disney movies and hobbs and shaw does really well.

Are you saying that a minimum wagie at a single movie theater can accurately summarize the financial state of an entire global industry?

>Animated Children's Movie Remake
>Non-Animated Children's Movie Remake
>Animated Children's Movie Remake
>Animated Children's Movie Remake
>Animated/Live-Action Children's Movie (Island Chinamen Weeaboo Edition)
>Animated Children's Movie (Island Chinamen Weeaboo Edition).

The only one of those I'd even consider downloading (let alone actually going to the cinema and paying for) would be the sci-fi epic you'd need subtitles to watch.

>hobbs and shaw
You might want to check that again

Yep around 40+ people are going for the evening show tonight while others are just pathetically empty.

Holy shit you are seriously mentally disabled aren't you

I can make educated guesses based on being able to access attendance numbers for the week straight from the POS system, receiving emails that detail week-to-week performance, plus, y'know, actually working my shifts.

>defending the biggest media conglomerate on earth for free
Mindwashed capitalist pig, slave of the big corporations.

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>implying hes not a paid viral marketer.

AT&T is bigger.

>three capeshits
>two remakes
>two animated sequels
No wonder hollywood is dying. The only ones in that list I even watched was Alita and Wandering Earth.

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HTTYD isn't a remake, it's a sequel

Boy, I can't wait to spend $10 to see remake, reboot, sequel, threequel, prequel!

I never get tired of seeing the same movies being released over and over.

Despite what Yea Forums would led you to believe, there is a female demographic audience that can be dragged into the movies. The last Twilight movie made up about 800 million, just think of it like that plus a couple of MCU fans from diehard to ones who decided to check it out once to see.

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I personally haven't set foot in a theater in at least 2 years. I cannot even remember the last movie I watched in a theater.

I used to go once every two or three months.

We know there's a female audience, the only reason Wonder Woman didn't make a billion is it was boycotted by muslims and that shit was almost as bad as captain marvel

This. Fuck kikewood. Fuck the West, too. I hope to live to see the day when basedboys suffer under Mexican and Mulsim rule.

Hollywood isn't dying. It's just that Millennials are the largest consumer market and don't have the money to go to the movies. Yes, it's that bad. Yes, the next depression is coming. Soon.

I have watched a movie in a theater in 15 years. I couldn't care less about what the commiefornians put out.
t. 32 year old dude

He's making a Robert reference. dumbanons. Learn our board culture or GTFO. We love Robert here.

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And deeper in debt