*cartoonishly long leg in sand colored cargo pants protrudes from the airplane accompanied by groovy saxophone tunes*

>*cartoonishly long leg in sand colored cargo pants protrudes from the airplane accompanied by groovy saxophone tunes*
>dontcha just LOOOOOOOVE calling it in?

Attached: 1515184760248.jpg (938x628, 114K)

Other urls found in this thread:


why does he wear the mask?


eo tim e baneposto o um mascposto

Please can someone delete this board

t. Sneedshitter

based thread just needs a sticky

"my bad"

Can someone explain why the mask isn't memed with jim careys version?

if i take off that mask, will you die?

Hello my fellow Sneedposter!

because Carrey Mask isn't unintentionally funny

based maskposters working sneeders into a diggity got dang shoot

it wasn't a bad movie like its turd of a sequel

its just written and directed by someone who doesn't know what the words "funny" and "charismatically cool" meant. Was the director not english speaking?

>implying we have anything to fear
i admire your effort maskchad

Maybe because Jim Carrey's version doesn't look like he regrets to be there at any moment you stop the movie? Or maybe because Jim's version is aesthetically pleasing and this one is a trainwreck both in shape and color?

Attached: b1564023364995.webm (1280x720, 746K)

the sequel is kino what are you taking about

Or wait...

maybe because Jim Carrey isn't panting like a 80 years old after running 100km?

or maybe because in Carrey's version the extras were part of the scenes and weren't standing there waiting with contempt in their faces?

>If you pull this off, would I die?

Attached: 1380802366258.jpg (1048x579, 71K)


it would be very painful for me

Attached: unmasque.jpg (1379x906, 157K)

"but doctor, I AM Jamie Kennedy"

You're a green guy

This is the part where you talk.

Attached: 1564111318040.jpg (281x310, 60K)

>needs to show his ID
>starts looking for his invitation

>Dr. Pavel, I'm ID

why was he breahting so heavily

that line about invitation is also added in at post. his lips do not move

Did you know that Kutler from House MD killed himself because of the Son of the Mask?

Attached: Kutner.jpg (1141x660, 83K)


Attached: 1553514343291.jpg (1456x1133, 384K)

no dubs, no flight plan.

>it's a Yea Forums forces another unfunny meme yet again episode
Jannies wake your asses up, put down the hotpockets and clean this trash thread

>They were trying to steal your prize. They work for the doorman

Attached: 1564381399348.png (1247x697, 1.06M)

prove it

fucking cameraman's shadow baka

Attached: cameraman of the mask.png (266x494, 205K)


Attached: diomaska.png (400x225, 198K)


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some jannies protect these threads, you know, since it's about a movie. Harmless fun, relax.

fucking howling at this


Pffft, like anybody would do that for free

>that glimmer of a tear in his eye
is son of the mask /our guy/?

he looks so angry tbf i would be too

>a bunch of jaded doctors have to react overemotionally to an intern's suicide for months worth of episodes
I know doctors, they would just be all "wow what a fucko" and go back to work

Wrong, they would've killed him for starring in The Son of Mask.

nooo not Kurmar from Harold & Kumar ;_;

Attached: 1548316037822.png (585x414, 47K)

Italian Mask>Jim Carey Mask>>>>>>Malibu most wanted Mask

>Italian Mask
I saw him in my nightmares last night after browsing that big thread of Mask videos

Attached: 15151847602483.jpg (1920x1080, 1.32M)



Pray to him, for he is your God

Attached: SSM.webm (889x500, 2.87M)

*transforms into this*

Attached: qfwwqf-min.jpg (801x421, 42K)

my hothead

look at me Bane, I am the mask now!

Attached: 1564121816099.jpg (569x802, 275K)

>uploaded 37 minutes ago

Attached: 1547746647507.jpg (227x227, 52K)

He uploads twice a day sometimes, he's literally unstoppable. The only explanation is that he is the mask in real life

Attached: gun.webm (889x500, 2.78M)

>here is a compilation of what you will see
god will not save us

>twice a day sometimes
maskposting confirmed unstoppable thanks to autistic italian man

Attached: mask grips.png (684x692, 495K)

conceptually that is a pretty good gag

>why do I wear the mask?

Attached: 1564983796327.jpg (341x468, 57K)

>The only explanation is that he is the mask in real life


when you think about it is innermost desires are probably to create c grade youtube content

"my bad"

Fucking 10/10

Well they are robots with huge egos. They would pretend to be upset to continue their impersonation of a human.


the gag is from the movie dumbass

think he means cleaning off the bulletholes

Why was he wearing a mask of his own mask?

it really says something about our society

This guy reminded me of something for ages and I couldn't place it, just figured it out

Attached: daughters.jpg (320x320, 20K)

We all wear masks, metaphorically speaking.

I've turned myself into the mask, Morty!

well that was pretty good but it's like two seconds of the whole thing

Attached: pickle mask.png (1000x1000, 128K)

It's beautiful

>put Kumar in a Mask movie
>don't have him become Kumask

why is this a thing now


Attached: IMG_20190806_143820.png (519x508, 206K)

Someone posted this a couple weeks ago
Sneed posters felt threatened by it so it became a huge thing

I haven't seen the movies in a long time but I don't remember the cleaning of the bulletholes so I figured it was something new. it's a small gag but it's easily good enough to be in the original movie


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The Rajah of Yea Forums

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Who thought it was a good idea to make a comedy movie with someone who has the expression of a person who is taken hostage? He looks like he's about to cry

never seen a face scream "please kill me" more than this one

Attached: 318521_292238654137200_262281797132886_1180199_190.jpg (374x500, 32K)

>Can't take my eyes off of you
>Takes his eyes off you

our nigga got featured in a magazine?

>fucking hate that this song has been stuck in my head for two weeks straight
>can't stop rewatching that stupid scene

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Attached: existential crisis.jpg (441x550, 156K)

So apparently in France Cuban Pete is known as Sancho le Cubain. Deepest fucking lore.


Attached: 7208.jpg (1920x1080, 133K)

Attached: thisthreadisembarrassing.png (1588x894, 1.38M)

>no one cared who I was till I put on The Mask

I think jim carrey has that kind of face actually, a prototypical sad clown. the difference being that he's naturally a comedian so when he goes insane with his face it actually looks like he's in his right element
I have no idea what jamie kennedy's "element" is but in the movie it looks like he's in physical pain from being tortured with a play-doh facemask that's slowly suffocating him

>Sancho le Cubain
it only gets deeper

Attached: a6hlQAD[1].jpg (1920x1080, 182K)

Wtf is this crap!?

oh my fucking god

No one:

Girls locker room: Ugh, PE sucks!

Boys locker room:

Attached: 1549981972675.png (888x890, 461K)

based chuck-chad

Attached: 1561136805480.jpg (1920x1440, 573K)

where have you been? are you new? can I see your ID?

the last 40 seconds are just great

Attached: oc.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

underrated, tho export to png next time. It's just better than jpg

>*HA HA HAWs in your path*

Attached: 13808023662583.jpg (850x584, 73K)

My two favorite memes in ONE thread??? What a time to be alive

>That slight eye twerk
Is he noticing someone doing something weird off-camera or is he holding back tears?

just needs coolsville

Attached: cools.png (1280x720, 2.06M)

Steven Wright.... how could you...


Oh no...
I'm so sorry, it's the Moops.

Attached: moops.jpg (863x644, 54K)

>italian mask pops up in my youtube recommended now
It's too late bros, nobody stopped him.

Attached: mask stranding 2.png (1280x720, 315K)

this but literally
and women wear 2

Attached: hahahaha.png (674x674, 415K)

The mask, Kennedy

Attached: Cowboy Fraser .jpg (414x612, 30K)



This can't be happening! This is the part where I'm in charge!

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Why does Baneposting elevate everything to a higher plane of existence?

If I pull that off, would you die?

had a hearty laugh, cheers

Attached: maskville.png (1199x613, 786K)

>Steven Wright
he's in the emoji movie too

I thought that too at first but on closer inspection it's a glimmer in his eye, perhaps a single tear forming. Truly the modern Pagliacci

Attached: masque.png (1098x524, 372K)

>that face of desperation and ruined dreams
Fuck now I feel bad for him

i had a dream many months ago about anons maskposting. except it was anons posting "somebody stop me!" fused with i'm gonna say it nigger posting

>When asked in a 2012 interview about whether the film's negative critical reaction had damaged Kennedy's morale in wanting do another project like this, Kennedy replied to the interviewer, "Yes. You got me right after a batch of bad interviews so I'm going to be honest with you about this. It does because I'm just being killed, absolutely killed... But honestly, doing this movie is an interesting experience because I just came off my show and Malibu's Most Wanted where I had a good amount of control. And then in this movie I didn't have any control. I just can't do that. I have to have my voice in there. If I can't, I'm just going to be like I'm doing someone else's thing. I have to have some of my voice because I have my own experiences that I lived through. All I can do is just try to make things independently. That's the only way you can do it. The only way you can do that is if you're a huge, huge, huge star. I'm not there yet. I'm just like a working actor."[15][failed verification] The poor reception of Son of the Mask, some of which attacked Kennedy personally, inspired Kennedy to co-create the documentary film Heckler, an examination of both hecklers and professional critics.

Somebody SAVE me....

Attached: son-of-the-mask-movie-poster.jpg (500x765, 115K)

Ah, the Italian Spielburg.

could anyone stop him, Yea Forums?

How long before his inevitable suicide?

>non union equivalent, senoir speilbergo

Attached: 62pnknxksml01.jpg (480x360, 6K)

why was the wife okay fucking him with that mask on

Big green cock

loving this obnoxious laughing

I saw the Italian mask in my dreams. He's watching me.

"I thank the lord I'm alive"
-Big Head Boogier 2001



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all me

heh heh
"your bad"

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why does he hold it from the magazine why does it have a drum on it

Does the race of man have the power to stop this demon?
