What kind of movies do girls like this watch?

What kind of movies do girls like this watch?

Attached: bd9fcead09d68599ac6221af0084d129-imagepng.png (1200x1200, 1.75M)

Shitty romance movies


whatever their boyfriend likes

>"let's go adventure"
>"looking for a man to take my broke ass on vacation"
don't be fooled by these thots

All girls are like that. And even the most reluctat 'special snowflake' girl would behave like that if Chad shows up.

I barely remember The Alchemist, why is it roastie-core now?


>show fiancée my favorite movies
>she calls them boring or falls asleep
>decide to watch her movies
>she falls asleep while I finish them
We are no longer together.

IIRC It's filled to the brim with a bunch of pesudo-spiritual crap and encourages their desire to travel in order to "discover thenslesves" (though in their case "discovering themselves" means fucking a lot of foreign cock)
But the book was so dull I don't really remember much about it

>haha stupid girls
>user (male) sits behind his pc all day! based!

I discovered through traveling that I don't like traveling

name one thing wrong with skydiving

Wes Anderson

Literally nothing wrong with traveling

Missing the part where they moonlight as an escort girl to pay for all the expensive vacations

What's the starter pack for a Yea Forums poster?

Based user knows

the best part about this is that, after taking miles of foreign dick, these women will marry a nice white man who will have no problem with any of their past decisions.

white men are so pathetic.

All women are the same all men are the same. Free will doesn't exsit either go outside and live people


At the end of the day all men would

Lol pajeets and chinks are the biggest cucks.

Bridget Jones Diary movies
Harry Potter
Whatever their Celeb Hearthrob stars in

image reeks of femcel cope

>nooooo stop doing things! Sit on Yea Forums all day and shitpost like me!
Aquire intercourse

itt roasties pretending they are different from op pic

>Shooting up a school
>Being an incel
Off the top of my head

Not having sex.


Should be spade tattoos, not cacti

I would rather sit behind my PC for another 15 years or even 15 thousand before stooping to be anything like the non-sentient beings in OP's image.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a male virgin.


I dislike the place I live at, so I'm curious to see if there are better alternatives. I also enjoy trying things that I'm unfamiliar with and seeing sceneres that can't be seen elsewhere.

>click on things on a machine, all day every day
>have interactions with people, see new environments

Who is non-sentient here?

dubs checked
you should probably learn english before you try that my friend

>There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a male virgin.

cope cringe and have sex

Never in the history of humanity has it been this easy to get laid, have sex

imagine the seething fat shitskin that made this

What if I don't want to?

Bend over

then you are dangerously close to thinking for yourself, and the plebs can't be having that, so they'll probably throw regurgitated insults at you.

blacked kino

As much as I hate women this picture is as stupid as the cunt who made it, might as well make another generalized one for every human being alive
>Spends too much time in front of his/her PC or looking at his/her phone.
>Likes to laugh and have fun.
>Likes binge watching TV shows and movies.
>Wants a loving partner.
>Loves the quietness of the night.
>Enjoys the company of his/her friends.
>Enjoys dressing up in good looking flattering clothes.

Nothing wrong with wanting to travel, eating right and taking care of yourself, or even wanting to show off how "adventures and different you are", what's wrong is being a vapid cunt about it.

Attached: you-are-male-age-15-25-no-gf-25045395.png (500x522, 87K)

You’re acting like I have a choice


>As much as I hate women
Yikes. Stopped reading there.

Self-delusion is dangerous

lol he hit a nerve

that's literally the opposite of truth
never in the history of humanity have there been more virgins
of both genders

have sex

how many anons have tried undercuts

Attached: wow i really hate this.jpg (900x578, 64K)

Showing off "adventures and different you are" is kind of being a vapid cunt. Social media has given a platform for them.

Pretty much anything as long as it doesn't have a boat, unless that boat is named Titanic

Seriously, that's literally it. Whenever I try to watch a movie with my girlfriend she asks if it has a boat and then rolls her eyes. In fact, once I tried to test her by making up fake movies to see if she would agree to watch them. She rejected a movie I said had 5 boats, then one I said had 7, then 10, then finally I said we're going to watch The Final Commander, a movie that has 20 aircraft carriers in the final battle scene. She literally, I shit you not, sat there completely unphazed, as if I had said nothing at all, and then asked me if it has any ''interesting relationships''.

baby elephants

>have fun and enjoy your life
>literal basement dwellers get upset
Have sex. Jesus fucking christ.

Attached: 1547757012769.gif (205x185, 47K)

I mean, I can understand that, but do you enjoy the physical act of traveling? I know very few people who do. It's a hassle if you're doing much more than a weekend trip.

I hope you started referring to your dick as a boat to get revenge
>ready your canals, here comes the boat

Sup shilly boy?
Surprised you haven't spammed any faggot shit yet.
I guess white demoralisation is on the agenda from your masters today, huh?

This post reeks of insecurity and fragility.

Lol. Get a life, you complete subhumans lmao

You forgot they often use that overused "eat pray love" quote and the marilyn monroe one about handling her at her worst

have sex

>show gf the last samurai
>she loves it
>she tells me to show her more movies like that
haha eat shit faggot

All me

Even the boat movie?

get married

wrong, two of those were mine

Pretty much the only thing I like about travelling is getting to soak in the hot tub, which is in every hotel room I book.

Lol these are all reasons why men like women in the first place

You guys are complicit in the behaviour you "hate" so much (same thing goes for women)

They dont watch movies. They live.

This post gave me cancer.

literally have sex

fucking slut

Idk probably none since they have a full schedule of winning dining and bbc

same tbh

This comic is too real. Took me longer than I'd like to admit that I'm going to die way happier having spent my time sitting in my back garden in the morning sun than having visited a load of places to say I've done it.

I do

thats just you. you dont like it, fine. a lot of people dont. then there are people like in OP pic that do it because they think they have to or it makes them cool or just to say theyve done it. then there are people that actually enjoy it.

>implying you're not an npc just because you piss away your life being miserable on 4channel

I wonder how many of the people that doo al that kinda stuff actually do it for the love of it.

>Spends too much time in front of his/her PC or looking at his/her phone.
>Likes to laugh and have fun.
Sure whatever
>Likes binge watching TV shows and movies.
>Wants a loving partner.
>Loves the quietness of the night.
>Enjoys the company of his/her friends.
>Enjoys dressing up in good looking flattering clothes.


What kind of a self-absorbed retard answers to posts like that


>Live in GF
>Middle class, played vidya but not excessively
>Probably above average intelligence but wouldn't characterize myself as particularly intelligent, plenty of others smarter than me. An underachiever definitely.
>More xenophobic than racist
basically wrong about everything you industrial cock inhaling faggot

The best way to check it would be asking "adventurers" to go for a vocation without taking pics or making post about it

Why wouldn't you take pictures?

>Age 15-25
>No GF
Sure, but it wasn't just vidya. Collecting and cape comics took up a lot of my "hobby time". Still did sports and the like.
Eh, I suppose. But until I actually achieve something of note, I'll keep considering myself perfectly average. Ego has to be won.
>Racist to some degree
Nah, I'm very, very, very racist.
Nope, go fuck yourself in Hell, nigger. I'll balance my scales nicely.

>free will doesn't exist
>now do as I say

Why would I take it just to post it on social media?

Not the same user but my visual imagination/memory is garbage so If I try to remember something specific about a certain trip I just look at older pictures and it helps a great deal compared to just going by memory alone.


Cope incel

ITT: Insecure millennial “adventures” getting called the fuck out.