Stop jerking off to celebs

Stop jerking off to celebs.
Go outside.
Talk to a girl.
Get into relationship.
Have sex.

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I won’t have some chink tell me what to do.


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Wtf is this propaganda?


shouldnt you be telling that to japs before you start replacing your population?

Wtf, who's this guy? Where's Pepe?

>without wage
>knowing your kid will shit you in the future after you treat him like a king or princess

nah, i'm good.

having kids is a sin


Says the chidless Jap

get with the times gramps

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and end up in a loveless marriage like my parents? no thanks

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Imagine being 21 years old and you've spent your entire adolescence on social media, chatrooms, forums, watching YouTube videos and browsing reddit. Perhaps you've made a few friends at school, but never very many, and now that school is over with and you're expected to actually put forth effort into human relationships, you inevitably find yourself drifting more and more into an online persona. It gets to the point where you spend most of your days online talking to strangers you've convinced yourself are your friends, yet don't even know their real names. If this is you, you do not live in reality.

The internet is full of people allowing the less socially acceptable parts of their personalities to come to the forefront. Arguing politics or religion isn't very polite in real life, but it's fair game online. This leads to large portions of the internet dedicated to political thought being overrun by passionate partisans and fanatics because the only people who care to talk about these things online are those with views the real world finds fringe to talk about. In reality, most people dont give a shit, are moderates, or just parrot whatever politics the television news station they chose to watch tells them.

What I'm trying to say is that the actual political landscape of the real world is not extreme. Most people are just living their lives and couldn't give a shit who or what you vote for.

But for those who live online, who were raised online, and who's whole view of the world was formed from the websites they visit and forums they post on, it is a very different world they live in. Due to the fanatical nature of online political content, these people disconnected from the real world are fed a fanatic's worldview.

What is the fanatical worldview? That the world is at war and great change is needed in order to stop evil from prevailing.

It's no coincidence that most mass shooters spent large amounts of time online. Where is their worldview coming from?

At this point, it should be a crime to bring a kid into this doomed world.


Way ahead of you, old man!

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>knowing your kid will shit you in the future after you treat him like a king or princess

I will drop some redpill on you, as a guy who was """treated as king""", or so my parents, namely, my mother, thinks. don't. At best, you just treat him normally, but overplay it to inflate your ego, at worst (and that's what usually happens with entitled parents), you straight up refuse your child the possibility to think for himself and his interests, make mistakes and learn from them, all for your petty ambitions.

In the end, instead of a functioning adult you have a sonbasket who is not suited not only to live independently in this harsh time, but also completely and irrevocably (unless he is as delusional as you) frustrated with his life. Probably even suicidal.

And the best part of it all? When it actually comes to real life and possibility to make something useful for your kid, to give him advice, for example, people like you straight up fail to provide ANY help, despite all the bitching about "treating like kid".

But I don't want to

damn that's crazy! big if true

you arent Varg

Ching chonh ping pong winnie the poo

japs don't have the time to have kids. they work all day until they can't take it anymore and kill themselves.

>Pigeonhole everyone into the same dull career path as a salaryman, where unpaid overtime work is the norm and being forced to drink with your boss every other night or get fired/ostracised
>People aren't fucking anymore because both men and women have to work 14 hours a day and live in studio apartments
>Addicted to escapism through anime and video games
>Act surprised when the birth rate takes a nosedive
Japan is a mess.


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