SCARED, Potter?

SCARED, Potter?

Attached: TomFelton.jpg (400x600, 85K)

Other urls found in this thread:

peak sleazecore, /fa/ as fuck


yes... i actually am

Attached: Daniel-Radcliffe.jpg (940x545, 63K)

How the fuck do I achieve this look? I'm a big fan.


scruffy cunts.

>my hairline will hear of this potter

Scarred Poretter?


Attached: 0f10bd1dbecaa2bfd33612bb04d99347.jpg (736x736, 60K)

>tfw that's close to my hairline
what can I do


Literally had the same hairline in the movies since the first

Fucking own it

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Remember when girls wanted to fuck him?

Just shave it bro women dig that shit

Lol he looks like an actual peado

I guarantee you, my sweet user, that nothing's changed on that front. He was in a Harry Potter movie, remember?

Remember when they wanted to fuck you?

>Lets see, no hair, vacant expression, tatty secondhand clothes. You must be a Malfoy.

But it doesnt look like MJ

Truly, the most powerful of hair styles. Cheers to you.


Remember when they wanted to haha just kidding nobody has ever wanted to fuck you.

izzat Devin Townsend

>Corr love, get ya knickers off and let's have a crack at that vag, alri'

Attached: TomFelton2.jpg (1000x563, 70K)


That's not how you spell Epstein

buzz it
it's also optimal economically (I pay $8 every 2-3 month for a buzz and it minimizes hair washing efforts)

fucking kek

Magic, Its a hell of a drug

Vigo the Carpathian over here

High Elf lookin ass motherfucker over here


Attached: 1545964029173.png (1591x1642, 64K)

>buy a decent durable hair clipper.
>buzz it every couple of weeks.
Nothing worse than a baldy in denial, you'll look better than you're COPING, and you'll save a ton of money.

Attached: prince-william-kate-middleton-t.jpg (1200x720, 130K)

Hats and beanies

Basically. You'd be surprised at how easy it is.

This one blonde dude at my gym who i dont see anymore was a tall lanklet and his crown was balding but was able to hid it in a pony tail.

Cum over here Potter!

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Actually not some bad gash innit? Why she taking photos with potatoes though?

Heard any news from the other provinces?

I guess this could be her? The potato quality makes me think it's a cover for photoshop

Wear more hats it works for him.

Attached: Tom Felton Grant Gustin.jpg (640x741, 137K)

he gay?

How is he still getting roles? I mean sure, not many, but he has no talent whatsover and looks like that bong pedo.

>do you know how i got this hairline?

why does he look 54

Looks so

>he has no talent whatsover
The fuck have you seen him in? He was great in Harry Potter, and dabbed all over the rest of the cast in Origin

Don't think so. And Flash is a notorious pussy hound who's apparently banged every female on the CW.

Wait what's going on here? Did he come out? Wasn't he married to a qt?

Planet of the Apes comes to mind. Fucking dreadful. He was good on HP but got worse as time went on.

incels like to believe that men age like wine, but they really don't.


Attached: go4ofust1g431.jpg (640x917, 87K)

he looks like the father

By Azura!

Looks scandinavian in the background

They should work together in a buddy cop movie for memes

Is Alliance in TI9?

That's actually a fucking good idea. It could be a good Youtube original.

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yes it is

I spat out my coffee. Fucking hell. You look like an Oblivion High Elf

Attached: To+be+fair+it+does+look+like+a+high+elf+_055114a3f0b7b92e1d7e03aef3eae5c7[1].jpg (1024x640, 56K)

yep he's a swede and married to an ape


have you heard of the high elves?

Have you heard of the high elves?

Have you heard of the high elves?

He needs to trim that neckline. Oof.


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The Thalmor will pay for what they've done!

Unironically this is a high tier look

Have you heard of the high elves?

He doesn't look Jewish to me.

Stopped reading literally right there.

Wouldn't he be better off keeping it short like how Jude Law used to have his hair

or even if he were to buzz it he could have it really short instead of going full bald

what part of sleazecore do you not understand?

Why did S2 suck so much dick? It could have been great, but then they just went and focused on the drama instead of the 1 liners. Fag shit, don't ever post that here again or i'm telling Robert.

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>WingAIDSum Leviosa

Ain't nuthin gay about getting your dick sucked by a man every now and again.

>tfw didn't watch season 2

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Based and same

>married to an ape
At least is she good looking one?

Think they broke up

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For the blood elves!

Kek i cant stop laughing mate just

You dodged a bullet.

whats it like being an Oblivion NPC?

Well, at least he has Radiant AI.

Remember Emma Watson saying she had a massive crush on him


Holy shit I remember this bitch from back in the day when SC2/GOMTV/GSL threads were on Yea Forums. Before the dark times. Before /vg/

Kelly Milkies right? She was one of those bitches that forced her way into the esports scene.

>w-will you take care of my kid user-kun?

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Scourge of Carpathia. Sorrow of Muldavia.

>doesn't do it for himself


nah, only brutes and germans shave their heads totally. even if you're balding like william, keeping it short and groomed is how normal people do it.

>True Detective season 4

cut your fucking nails at least

Only if we put him through the meat grinder.

>POTTER, ditch those nerds, we're shooting up in the secret bathroom

Bal'a dash, malanore

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Bald crown can only be hidden by a manbun. Ponytails are disgusting and it doesn't work

Malfoy as the overworked underappreciated cop
Radcliffe as the alcoholic over the hill cop on his last strike

it could work

based and embraced pilled

>Why she taking photos with potatoes though?
Don't mock her irish ancestry.

this would work in so many levels I can already see it spawning a Fast and Furious-tier franchise with a gorillion sequels

Light radiation poisoning. 3.6 Roentgen

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Shave it.
Trying to hide it shows you aren’t ready to accept reality and take the next best step
Or you can do this:
If you’re particularly brave, have self confidence and don’t really care about how others perceive you, and why should you? Most people are literally too retarded to realize how bad or stupid most acceptable things are

He’s rich and famous. He could literally become a walrus and bitchs would still be lining up for opportunities to #metoo him
Female attraction is a lot more shallow than male attraction.

Have you heard of the high elves?

How old is this guy lol, looks 40.

Have you heard of the high elves?

I want new movie in HP universe but all personages JUSTed and fucked up. You know like maybe 10 years later. God, thats will be absolutely KINO.

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About to turn 32

Seeing what JK is doing are you sure you want that new movie?

Bong genes truly are a curse

Got his autograph once. Said love and had a heart on it. In retrospect perhaps I could have seen his wand...

This would be kino but we'd have to lock Rowling in an insane asylum before doing it.

you. wish. this real?

Attached: manlet.png (662x236, 41K)

Hey there little fella

that's the neo cult leader look

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>b-but user. Do it for me pls ^_^

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chad embrace only worked when you're in your 40's though. people go bald in the 20's now

>SCARED, Potter?

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>caring what women think
never gonna make it

I see he saw the light and got rid of the hat and his stupid monkey gf. Based Loda. Hope alliance can perform decently.

Attached: EMBRACE.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

2 paths, the one of nofap and the one of relapse

Your gift is too great for me

Hairlet cope is even worse than manlet cope, because it lacks any self awareness of its own cringe

mfw 23 and haven't lost a single hair from my hairline and my hair is full of volume. Both my parents are in their late 50's and have only just started to get greys.

Literally me except my parents don't even have gray hairs yet. HAIRBROS

Enjoy your life with blessed hair genetics brother.

>Fibonacci, where is he?

Attached: Peter.jpg (580x435, 133K)

no it won't

it's out of hearing range

Looks like sun damage and probably alcohol too

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your gift is too great for me

looks like Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder

Is he gay, he was with the woman who played astoria for like 10 years, is he now living his truth?

they didn't break up

fuck you

Haha fuck you I'm greying instead


this but it's useless
how do i use good genes to my advantage

your gift is too great for me
please, I think I'm developing widow's peak, I beg of you I don't have much else

Daniel Radcliffe would be very attractive if he were not so short.
I feel bad for him.

Based Nutkins

Attached: Terry-Nutkins-008.jpg (300x180, 12K)

Grey hair is underrated as fuck

you don't. they passively improve your life by being something you don't have to worry about

gay men don't want him
it's weird that in ten years she didn't get a ring

now show us your strong hand

Yeah totally worked for me

Attached: turned 30 expectations reality.jpg (900x502, 92K)

You don't really have to. You just have to pretend to until they let you stick your dick in them.

most of the hp cast aged like shit, she's not even 30 yet

Attached: evanna-lynch-mowgli-premiere-in-hollywood-0.jpg (1280x1899, 263K)

It was a whole thing for a while, teenage girls thinking he was hot and even some troubled (read:pedophile) young women back in the late 00s and early 10s.

why is british people so repulsive? uggghhh

Literally the only hairstyle even retards can manage on their own...

Your gift is too great for me

Don't think memes are real life, my boy, or you'll be the next school shooter.


bruhhh i actually can't stop laughing


unironically based though

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Reminder that he's still taking care of his wife's daughter

That's so sad. She was kind of cute back in the day.

yes it's real, google the damn set already

You know this dude DMs.

so this is the power of natural bodybuilding....

God damn. The internet lied to me. He could do so much better

your gift is too great for me

Your gift is too great for me

This is unironically correct. Ugly people are legally discriminated against and the less ugly you are the easier life is.

Ladies, take heed. This is what makeup overdose does. Best to just stay away.

She was ugly from day one so she was never going to improve. Watson was attractive and still is. Shocking, I know.

Your gift is too great for me.

I lol'd irl desu

your gift is too great for me

He used to play on the flash on cw it's a behind the scenes photo

>mfw he doesn't take dutasteride and cure his hair loss once and for all

Attached: Pepe Smug Close Up.png (2760x2000, 58K)

>wears a cap in the majority of his photos

By the gods theres a psychopath on the lose

>The CHAD CHARM doesn't ex-

Attached: matt lewis.jpg (800x619, 90K)

He's got money. He could get replacement therapy, clear up the empty areas and accept a sort of high hairline. But he just said fuck it.
Honestly, he's probably happy with life if he gives this few shits.

Your gift is too great for me

can't call it discrimination because ugly people also prefer pretty people, it's like evey single person is an uncle tom towards their fellow uglies

yeah I'm thinking that's based

How come he went from ugly to attractive?

It's you! The hero of k'vatch!


>tfw mother went grey at 30

your gift is too great for me

He’s a fucking wizard he don’t have to explain shit.

Your gift is too great for me

Your gift is too great for me

Your gift is too great for me

>was portrayed as balding in the epilogue
>ends up balding

Oh shit.

Fuck you nigger, I’ll have long hair for my whole life. Check these dubs

Attached: 4C3445F0-5191-4A78-91DD-5610FED18620.png (888x894, 714K)

Nice try, mudblood

All the retards replying to this
This image is really old, genuinely go back to fucking reddit all the cringey screencap spammers who haven’t seen it

Your gift is too great for me

Your gift is too great for me

If dubs, this user goes bald in under 3 years

>This image is really old
No shit; we've all seen Ghostbusters 2, bro

Your gift is too great for me

your gift is too great for me

> 28 years old
>can barely pass for 18, get constantly asked for an id
>hair is grey around the temples
Not gonna lie, had a minor freakout and was thinking about dye when i first realized what's happening. I calmed out now and it doesn't look too bad, even cool in some way. At least i'm not fucking bald

This guy is unironically based.

Your gift is too great for me

I'm seeing it hinted at in this thread and I'm glad to see it but personally I always thought like being half bald kinda looks pretty dope desu. Especially certain ways of going bald look cool, like it adds character to your face or something. Tough to explain. But I never understood the whole just shave it bro meme in regards to hairloss. Being skin bald on top doesn't necessarily suit everyone like.

Your gift is too great for me

Definitely doing the custodian ascend once I get that bad.

trips u all blessed with great hairs

yea a movie where the muggle world basically conquered the magic world with their technological advantage.

a high tech spec ops team taking down a drunken weasley that can't do shit with his wand against 4 tazers

Reminder he doesn’t have to try to get laid. That is the look for this

its about embracing your baldness, THEN going for the buzz or keeping it

because if you notice your hairloss and then shave it off, girls will smell the insecurity in your newly shaved head, its all about accepting your shitty hand your dealt and giving confidence

Your gift is too great for me

put me in the screenshot

>this pic
>these replies
Thanks Yea Forums, I need this

your gift is too great for me

Hairy Potter
ChromeDome Malfoy

>Reviews art in your path

Attached: will-gompertz-arts-education_dezeen_sq[1].jpg (500x500, 96K)


Jewish tricks

I legit feel so sorry for her. As well as kind of looking like a scary tranny, she was reduced to guest appearing in a very potter musical as the same character and was a background character.
That's like if Tom Cruise was in Epic Movie 2 playing Ethan Hunt in one of the supporting roles

>can't call it discrimination because ugly people also prefer pretty people
that doesn't make it not discrimination retard

Your gift is too great for me

>Harry Potter and the Back-Alley Stabbing

Your gift is too great for me

must be a tranny

Losing my hair was unironically the worst thing to happen to me as I was literally known for my good hair. I envy the people who embrace it, and it even looks great on some, but that'll never be me.
This MPB gene has to be eradicated. It doesn't even make any sense whatsoever, it's so odd.

Not a pedo but why do adults have to look so ugly in general?

Noooo why does he have a neckbeard in this pic?


This. Humans generally look like shit after 20 or so.


He leased his soul to Lucifer for 1500 years. I think it's a good deal.

her body is legit 9/10

Same age and people usually think I'm underage. It's comfy. I'm on finasteride though because I think I noticed an unusually high amount of shedding and didn't wanna risk it.

The new Bud Spencer and Terence Hill

How long have you been on it? Notice any sides?

Yeah people here never mention depression when talking about how shit they look.
They were super stars when they were young and now they have to do conventions for a living. That means being in touch with fans (usually obese, deformed) who liked you in one shit TWENTY!! years ago. It even makes Me depressed.

Nearly 5 years or so. Can't get diamonds now except rarely. And I can't cum unless I'm jerking myself off. Them again I never did anything sexual with other people before I was on it so I have no comparison.


kinda reminds me of that dude smoking a cigarette while refilling his car

Get fit like Mr. Clean or Bruce Willis.


Your gift is too great for me

Jokes on you dark faggot, I already have one.

This shit only works with that kind of balding, balding from the back is game over

She looks prefectly fine. Her makeup is a little off. As if she is trying to still do the fay look

That doesn't sound great, but it doesn't sound terrible either.

Ugly children become pretty and pretty children become ugly.

she was the cutest, what went rong

most pretty children become pretty adults

not from my experience

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Shave your head like a nigger because the Jews told you to.


He masked his powerlevel with prosthetics in all but the last 2 movies

>I pay $8 every 2-3 month for a buzz

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into the trash and burn it

>manicure onions boys
neck beard's when it's neck only

Do average children stay average?

hairline is struggling too

>ctrl F british
>1 result

Seriously? British "genes"

ctrl f "bong"

Go Julian Sands

>tfw 22 and I'm about 2 years away from achieving pic related

Not even joking. My hairline is declining at mach-speeds and the hair on my sides have already turned gray.

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"my bad"