Fact: There will never be a Western Movie as good as the Dollars Trilogy
Fact: There will never be a Western Movie as good as the Dollars Trilogy
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what's the best one in the trilogy though? I can't decide between GBU and few dollars more
GBU is the kind of movie you take home to mom, but Few Dollars More is more fun
Leone himself proved you wrong with OUATITW
Wait what the fuck... this is a trilogy? I thought it was only the good the bad and the ugly
Unforgiven is my favorite still.
Why not both?
oh boy
Sadly you are correct
He means Once Upon a Time in the West
Read in another but he's a faggot because Once Upon a Time the Revolution is the best one out the Once Upon a Time trilogy and best Leone movie overall
Kurosawa > Ford >>>>>> Leone
>Once Upon a Time the Revolution
I didnt remember it until I saw hats of 2 main guys...kinda weird that I recognize hats in westerns. Best saturdays of my life were watching them with me dad.
That's a good memory friend
John Ford movies are fucking boring and you know it.
Two can't be the best user
>not enough explosions for zoom-zoom!
Thx, I hope I have son to watch them with too.
I might get shot for this but this for me is one of better modern westers made.
I aslo like those older ones like 3:10 to Yuma
I'm older than you, faggot.
and yet you still have the mind of a child. pathetic
The funny thing is that Eastwood himself made better westerns than Leone did. I say that as someone who enjoys the dollars trilogy a lot.
only contrarians think that there's a better western than GBU
>he forgets Bone Tomahawk