I have a spider bite on my ankle and it won’t stop itching so I can’t sleep
Movies for this feel?
I have a spider bite on my ankle and it won’t stop itching so I can’t sleep
Movies for this feel?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Passion of the Christ
marathon Spider-man movies
rub it with a sock
rubbing it with face hair stubble is the best but you might not be flexible enough
Cut your leg off you fucking idiot or the poison will spread and get in your heart. Cut it off.
Can you rub it for me with your stubble?
if you let me suck your toes a bit on my way up, just as a joke haha
Put baking soda on it then put some water on that.
Sounds hilarious kek, I definitely wouldn’t like that at all or find it sensual in any way
why does Yea Forums attract so many off topic retards?
Squeeze the shit out with a pincer.
j-just for the laughs haha
amazing spiderman 2, I fell asleep during it in the theater
Burn it off with fire.
Get a spoon,run it under hot water, apply to bite. Itch gone.
>hot water
>not open flame
I just did this and created cyanide gas, wtf don’t try this bros
Because he was trolling you. You have to freeze the spoon for about an hour and then pour really hot water over it for a minute or so.
Not what your mom said when she was sucking on my kino cock. She said im your new step dad, but dont think ill throw the ball with you. Imma just eat all the snacks and bounce.
Embrace your destiny and become a force for good. or evil
with great power, there must also come great responsibility, apoo.
I got stung by a bee once on vacation
Bite that fucker back
Does anyone else like getting high off natural euphoria? Sometimes I'll scratch my balls so much that I'll break skin. But when that happens the next few days during the healing process feels even more amazing since my brain will produce even larger amounts of dopamine since I'm scratching a wound on my balls. Double euphoria. Fuck it feels so good I'll just lay back and scratch until complete satisfaction and then enjoy my natural euphoria.
did you pee or poo poo yourself