Why does he represent France when every Algerian i talk to absolutely detests the French and says they are brutal colonizers who tried to force their people to convert to Christianity but the Algerians held tight to Islam and the French only got maybe one or two converts. There are many Algerian Salafis in London who present themselves as proud Arabs loyal to Saudi Arabia and they all hate the French for the Algerian genocide and for banning hijab in France. I didn't even know there were any Algerians who were pro-France.
Why does he represent France when every Algerian i talk to absolutely detests the French and says they are brutal...
Every algerian i've ever spoken to speaks very highly of France and thinks of them as brothers.
>Why does that Hispanic player represent the US instead of Mexico
>Why does that Black player represent the US instead of Congo
>Why does that Asian player represent the US instead of China
what french and algerians have in common are how patriotic they are desu, i was born in algeria but raised in france my whole life so I love france as much as I love algeria also benzema is kabyle
and don't forget arabs forced islam on us just like france tried to force christianism on us anyway there's no good answer
90% of Chi's end up representing mexico over the USA though, Ricardo Pepi is the odd one out, and most black people in the states don't know which countries they came from because during the Atlantic slave trade you destroyed all the documents showing their origins
But the Salafi Algerians here (and the Moroccans) say they ARE Arabs and constantly praise Saudi and Gulf Arab rulers while detesting the French. They say Macron is a shaytan and say Algerians in France should make hijra either back home or over to UK because France is becoming more difficult for Muslims to live there.
Also most black Americans don't come from a single nation or tribe. They're a mix of many. When the slaves were brought to the new world, it was common practice to mix them up and put them with other slaves from different areas who spoke different languages so that communication and co-operation for uprisings was difficult.
you've never been to france lad
they are rats
same reason this guy represents sweden, you play to win the game
>They say Macron is a shaytan and say Algerians in France should make hijra either back home or over to UK because France is becoming more difficult for Muslims to live there.
Kek, this can't be real
algerians are like the english, victims of france, hating us is part of their identity
>Algerians in France should make hijra either back home or over to UK
they really do desu
it is, they also have no reason to control the illegal calais-dover crossings anymore because we're out of the EU
>france makes laws that make life harder for extremists
>they all come here instead of going back home
well played frogs
Does this Berber even sing the national anthem? Did he not like a post by some Muslim UFC barbarian talking about violence against Macron for some allegedly anti-Muslim policy? And can anyone suppose, with any great confidence, that he would not object to a massive influx of uneducated, unassimilating, and criminally-inclined White Christians into his country of origin?
Islam makes you stupid and Charles Martel did nothing wrong. Also: Muhammed fucked a nine-year old.
whats ES estonia?
Spain (España)
thanks for the info user
Why does the UK get the most retarded braindead pisslam cultists? is it because they're closely tied to thier organisations?
IIRC he once said that he picked France because they were just the better team and he wanted to win things. After Descamps dropped him he wanted to switch to Algeria
yes the western world literally fund "moderate" rebel in syria
Its because we are perceived as better than Mexico now.
Its like when Giuseppe Rossi (born and raised in NJ) represented Italy.
Players want to play for the best national team they are eligible for
>muzzies read quran
>get radicalized
>its the west
filthy c*pt
algerians hate france, tbqh we fucked them up very badly, we managed to outdo cia atrocities during the war.
It's not about >muh west, most of you are utterly irrelevant. it's exclusively the UK, they've always been in bed with political pisslamists, particularly in Egypt. I'm not too sure about other countries in the region but I'd imagine it's similar.
>if you're not a retarded muzzie then you must be a retarded christcuck
it was just PR for his algerian hood friends, it's taboo in france for algerians to say you love france, you're considered a traitor lmao. I've never saw him hold an algerian flag to celebrate.
but you're you filthy autist
i know your kind very well
ikhwan soon to eradicate you
we are arabophiles
I just realised you're either a jew or a palestinian, not quite sure which is worse. truly disgusting
>just like france tried to force christianism on us
Not true at all they were obsessed by la laïcité
My parents were educated by the White Fathers (Pères Blancs) and they were seen as subversive to colonial authorities in Algeria because of their evangelism
>90% of Chi's end up representing mexico over the USA though
We've never had more than like 2 filthy chicanos ever
your opinion is irrelevant you filthy c*pt as you and your traitor western cock sucking family will perish
go back to /pol/
You sound dehydrated, why don't you go drink some wat- oh...
Two of Mexico's top 4 u23 players on transfermarkt are literally Chi's ( efrian Alvarez and Julian arajuao). There are way more Chi's who try to play for mexico than representing the USA
>oh man what an abhorrent post
>checks flag
>makes sense
christianism and judaism existed in north africa centuries before the arabs came
freemason france didn't try to convert algerians lmao what a fucking joke, the colonized algeria to give land to some jewsih and gave nationnality to native jews
this is a big mess and everyone is wrong except the actual french (not jewish) who pay for everyones failures
explain exactly what is wrong with what i said ?
women don't even know what to have for lunch m8
>But the Salafi Algerians here (and the Moroccans) say they ARE Arabs and constantly praise Saudi and Gulf Arab rulers while detesting the French
heh, the algerians I know hate the Saudi and Gulf arabs because they look down on them and also because they're degenerates
>they are brutal colonizers
>force their people to convert
Yeah that's what they did in Algeria.
The Arabs I mean.
Checking my own Hitlerite dubs. Send that sand-nigger back whence he came. There should be stricter rules for international eligibility.
It was you or them, you think if argelians were powerful and able to conquer France they wouldn't do the same thing?
Abdul and Mohammed are in the car, who's diving?
The police
north africa was christian before islam, although it must have been very superficial outside of the very roman regions, like where Saint Augustine lived in Tunisia
the north africans that invaded spain in 711 could speak with spaniards with no problems, because both spaniards and berbers spoke a romance language, some of the north africans sent to patrol the north defected to the christian side and intermarried with them
Benzema don't wants to play against an egyptian crowd wanting to kill him, it's simple like that. He doesn't give a damn about pride nation, much less God. He just want money and safety to fuck underage prostitutes, blackmail teammates, and insult Giroud.
When he chose France he faced backlash from he said that the French National Team was just a professional choice and he still considered himself Algerian, just that he knew he'd achieve more with the french shirt, even if he didn't care about France.
>he faced backlash from
the algerian fans,*
pick a side. don't be a faggy atheist.
>they've always been in bed with political pisslamists, particularly in Egypt
majid nawaaz comes to mind. now a "reformed" muslim but is basically just a house nigger for the libtard establishment
Isn't Zidane from a family of French settlers? He's from the region the massacres happened.
no he's a berber
what's the difference?I dont know much about history n shit
The first generation of immigrants always holds on to the homeland as an idealized nation from which they were forced out
the second gen much less, they grow up in the new country and adopt its mannerisms and culture, and is sometimes ostracized abd may feel alienated since he'll never be one of the old country and struggles with identity issues (Benzema may be like this)
the 3rd and 4th gen simply DGAF and move on, they often times don't even speak the language of the old country. Here we call then "Americanized" and they're accepted among their peers
Every diaspora goes through this. Ask our Jersey Shore Italians whose great grandparents came over broke, and now the only Italian thing about their descendants is the last name.
Because there in no money in playing for an African nation.
It's the same reason why ""English"" Ngubus prefer to play for DA RAYCIS WYPIPO instead of their ancestral homeland.
It's the very definition of "Having your cake, and eating it too"
it's quite the opposite in Europe, just look at gypsies, they've been living the same way they lived a thousand years ago when they were in India
Zidane is a berber, not a european. berbers are the natives of north africa. he comes from the kabyle tribe
Maybe in the US, but it’s the opposite in Europe. 3rd gen hate their host.