
Not gonna lie. This movie made me pretty horny at times.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 2.40.05 PM.png (487x607, 386K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 2.24.46 PM.png (686x614, 643K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 2.24.57 PM.png (720x605, 698K)

Biggest failure of Yea Forums yet. I don't know if only retards shilled it or one sperg or paid shills.

It was uncanny valley galore + shitty story + shitty cliffhanger ending.

BRAAAAAP on your face

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 2.25.08 PM.png (733x607, 704K)


The movie did have great butt shots

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 2.37.42 PM.png (272x478, 173K)

Attached: alita skate.png (1920x1080, 2.22M)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 2.32.28 PM.png (527x527, 387K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 2.32.36 PM.png (434x532, 303K)

Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.

She was pretty thicc in those tight leather pants!

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 2.32.48 PM.png (485x611, 400K)

But she has no puss or even an ass.

I almost did too!

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 2.40.41 PM.png (561x609, 460K)

Then how come she got a phat ass??

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 2.41.56 PM.png (535x606, 425K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 2.29.54 PM.png (299x255, 157K)


Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 2.40.16 PM.png (491x608, 379K)

These camera angles were only there for the male gaze but I am not complaining :p

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 2.40.31 PM.png (633x607, 538K)

This thread got me pretty worked up now I gotta go bust a big Nut

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 2.40.49 PM.png (468x609, 383K)

grow up kid

They left a good 45 mins to an hour on the cutting room floor, it's janky as hell at times, still an ok adaptation, can see why it tanked though.

you can walk down the street and see better asses on random females, but alita posters probably don't go outside.

is the leather suit real of is it cg and can you buy it? Asking for a friend

>all png
>all low quality camrip tier pics

Attached: Alita Battle Angel 2019 (1080p x265 q22 FS85 Joy).mkv_snapshot_01.35.31_[2019.07.15_21.58.04].jpg (1920x808, 145K)

Battle Angel Alita functions as a terrifying insight into the mind of a incel screenwriter and the incel audience he is connecting with. Alita is a barely disguised sexual fantasy with the innocence of a child and yet is an entirely disposable sex robot without the annoying emotional complexity of a real woman.

Watching this movie was like listening to a two hour manifesto written by the creepy kid who keeps himself to himself and is occasionally seen to be drawing comics featuring puberty-straddling girls with uncanny resemblances to actual girls in his classes, except in crudely drawn S&M gear fighting amorous tentacles. If you watched Alita and felt anything except disgust at any point, then congratulations, your genetic story ends with you.

Attached: 1548846073518.jpg (3110x2073, 731K)

Everyday we have the same pasta. Why don't you mix it up a bit, Jerry?

Best Alita related thread on Yea Forums so far. Took you long enough to notice too... the girl has buns.

> 733x607

what is this, a thread for ants!

Attached: tumblr_inline_nnfkc6NI3C1r00c4o_250.jpg (206x307, 19K)

aSHITa threads are basically pasta at this point, it's always the same.

don't get why this movie received much attention. I didn't even finish it. Complete drivel.

You need a certain level of intelligence to vibe with Alita. But don't worry, IQ is just a big meme anyway so don't worry about it, user.

bad casting the girl should have been young not some dried up old hag.

Attached: 1565010217242.jpg (2048x1366, 416K)

It's one of those movies that's so bad a cult forms around it.

Nah, but thanks for your input.

Like The Thing?

Those Alita general posters never made any claim that the movie was any good, you were misreading them if you thought this.
They only ever claimed that the cgi girl was very cute, which I think is correct.

some neckbeard is going to fap to this probably

Haha yeah, it would be so bizarre and abnormal for someone to do something like that lol. Can you imagine?

After watching the film I've determined I'm powerful than Alita. I'm also pure and not for lewd, unlike Alita.


This is really pathetic. I feel sorry for you retards.

Attached: alita flop angel.jpg (773x405, 37K)


Well, they're wrong in either case.

>Trump supporters want to shoot this

Attached: 1551324423289.webm (974x1080, 2.99M)

I'd like to shoot this too (with web)

Attached: 1558063566421.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

shes literally perfect

Balanced opinion. Probably accurate.

Nano machines, son.

comic with bad writing gets movie with bad writing and flops what a surprise


user with bad genes has a bad life experience and never breeds what a surprise.

she's 15 you pedos

She's LITERALLY 300+ years old and ends up with a 20+ yo looking body. Nice try, incel.

Attached: 1505383180170.png (1067x800, 651K)

>the mental gymnastics it takes to convince yourself of this
hang, faggot

> 69

It's mental gymnastics to add shit to the canon that doesn't actually exist just to push your weird agenda. Like I said, you're not fooling anyone, incel.

dumb phoneposter

have sex and stop worrying about things like "canon"

>girl lying on her belly in tight leather pants
Is there a word for this fetish?

Attached: 1094875494617.png (300x318, 180K)

Yes, Alita has a cute brapper

Not true. Many of them were unironically saying the film was good and "criminally underrated".


t. triggered Flopita: Flop Angel fanboy

She got more thicc when they upgraded her into the berserker body

From Daughterfu to Waifu

Making this shitheap any longer wouldn't have helped it, similar to BvS.

Alitaposters are literally the only people on 4chung that have PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOF that they go outside.

How do you guys know she even had a functional brapper?
who made it? for what purpose?

>alita canonically has a digestive system

Attached: 1561929684509.jpg (1159x994, 165K)

exhaust, and her body molds to what she wants

She can eat and digest food and yes, in the comics she can even shit. Alita braps.


The main screenwriter was a woman.

But it is criminally underrated.

but what of the smell? what do cyborg braps even smell like

Attached: apupaper.jpg (655x527, 59K)

>in the comics she can even shit
what high quality material

pictures of cosplayers downloaded from t*mblr don't count

boil some mercury, smells like that, toasty metal

she had the body of a 12 year for hald the movie. And the other half she looked 15

You're literally retarded.

>what could you do to my ass with such a little thing user?

Attached: 1564256062436.jpg (656x996, 335K)

bollocks , another 30 mins could have rounded of numerous aspects and smoothed the scene transitions, given a more satisfying final fight etc

Attached: 1564458802352.jpg (366x366, 22K)

Why haven't you gotten the blu-ray yet?

James Cameron isn't a woman, sweetie

my penis may be small but my balls are full and i will to empty them inside you

Removing the romance plotline would have saved 30 minutes while improving the movie


but we'd miss the cute alita scenes

I already bought the bluray, dvd and a digital version.

you guys are fucking desparate

lmao tourist

>Don't be silly user. Your penis is too small to reach inside me.

Attached: 1550432116560.png (1006x742, 1.24M)

>that last bit

Attached: 0KhvwHl.png (516x440, 157K)

Attached: 43912779-8A87-4753-9D9A-2CFE80FE7401.jpg (970x542, 84K)

Reminder: Alita is for hugs, cuddles, holding hands, walking arm in arm, kisses on the cheek, and all things otherwise pure and wholesome.


tell that to my dick and her sexy ass

rub my willy against it until it spurts

Tell that to Figure Four.

>ok... i guess

Attached: 1552268437888.png (944x532, 440K)

>Jesus fucking christ user. Watch that mouth of yours.

Attached: 1552967027993 (1).png (630x472, 311K)

God she's cute. Which ethnicity has girls that look like this or similar?

very well, assume the position. If you make me spurt quickly I might give you oral pleasure. Unless I get sleepy after

>it's a glorified blast furnace so she dumps huge logs of barbeque charcoal

Attached: 01.jpg (360x450, 30K)

Even though this is pasta, I would like to note that "emotional complexity" when said by a woman is code for "I have BPD and have had 50 dicks in me".

Attached: 3839920.png (1024x778, 724K)

>mfw this thread

Attached: 1564437298066.webm (854x480, 1.63M)

I'll never understand the appeal of this kind of pants.
It looks like she's wearing a diaper or something.
I NEED to see the butt crack.

>Here you go user. Try not to get cum in my hair this time.

Attached: here you go.png (572x572, 210K)

You're mentally ill.


Attached: 1557433528411.jpg (1000x1500, 1016K)


Thanks, Alita. You're the best. Have a treat

Attached: chocolateorange.jpg (618x416, 100K)

God this board is full of pathetic horny incels. Have sex fgts

Attached: 1564005432927.jpg (1024x882, 93K)

No, user.

yes yes yes daddy likes

>shitty cliffhanger ending.
It wasn’t a cliffhanger

>amphibian poster

Attached: 1557412738184.png (671x609, 82K)

This thread just made me pic related. Have to go take a shower now.

Attached: 1558546978255.png (193x261, 79K)

if I had a pure-hearted robot/cyborg gf I would

>no webms

Attached: 1551606573999.jpg (2397x1386, 593K)


>Pants that hide the shape of the ass.
>Anyhow attractive.

It's called the beauty of the female body.

Why don' you get lazy fat asses to work and post fresh OC instead of crying like bitches on their period?

Attached: 1551584227037.jpg (500x383, 33K)

Yoga pants were a mistake.

Attached: alita will save tv.webm (960x402, 2.68M)

Alita's ending made me cry more than Band of Brothers.

I unironically thought it was a fun flick, shame it bombed so there will never be a sequel

2022 maybe?

>A healthy wholesome discussion about a film.

Attached: 1552428222380.png (607x1188, 493K)


>How does the ice cream stay up? MAGIC?

Attached: 1551649243506.jpg (500x447, 68K)

Imagine burying your face in THIS

Attached: Alita 1.mkv_snapshot_01.35.30_[2019.08.05_20.40.29]_1.jpg (664x967, 76K)

Extremely cringe. Ew

>t. cope posting summerfag
Don't you have school starting soon to get ready for?

>its called balance, fatty

Attached: alita slut.webm (966x804, 899K)

Is there a webm of this?

>Alita threads have devolved into lewd posting
Which one of you incels wants to have their ass kicked first?

Attached: 1550453919900.jpg (987x716, 159K)



>yfw it's realistic and warm just like real life

Attached: 1559040591232.jpg (700x700, 114K)

from what movie is this?

I had a dream that an evil cyborg was chasing me. I turned around to fight him but it was no contest. He stabbed me and I crumpled to the cold street. Just then, Alita showed up. She cradled my head and told me it would be okay. I asked her, "Did I for as a warrior?" With tears in her eyes, she nodded. Then she stood up and wiped my blood under her eyes. As my vision faded, I saw her leap in the air at the evil cyborg. Everything went white just as she was about to land a devastating blow to the cyborg.

Holy fuck Rosa is a hottie. I know she is CGI there but still. Having that kind of flexibility is sexy as fuck.

Attached: rosa.jpg (320x480, 35K)

This wouldn't have happened if you faggots knew anything about the technical ins and outs of filmmaking.

I'm pretty sure it's a stunt double, that said, Rosa really is cute.


Attached: 1555392700839.png (750x766, 404K)

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Attached: 1554757106838.png (1466x2071, 2.86M)

Attached: 30b.png (680x512, 192K)

>she will never ride you like a stolen horse
>being efficiently milked by a machine with infinite stamina
Why even etc etc


Attached: 1558106642540.jpg (936x922, 143K)

Shitty Yea Forums meme made by virgins

>I haven't been fucked like that since grade school.

Attached: 1552809.jpg (1920x792, 201K)

Good moobie

Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out* AROOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach* WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr *tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... *heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum *milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets* BABY WANTS TO FUCK *inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka *defecates out in the middle of the street* baby i show pretty pusy please *regains composure* Ahem. You look quite lovely today, my dear. New haircut? *masturabtes furiously* ohhhh my gooooodd~

Attached: My cock.gif (360x204, 3.34M)










Attached: Ryusoul sniff.gif (854x480, 2.19M)

Do you guys think it is physically possible to balance on 1 finger like that?


This and only this.

Attached: asuka_ass.webm (800x450, 761K)

Too skinny. Damn, I just realized that Alita is actually pretty thicc, all things considered.

yes probably not on the actual tip but on a knuckle you can, monks do it

who dat, and why is go purple. should stay red. purple is misato color

Attached: 1512798835588.jpg (400x450, 64K)

Thanks user!

You're jerking off to a mannequin

cringe-based redditor


post it

Lol this

>posting in a chinese cartoon chatroom
>not jacking off to chinese cartoons
Where exactly do you think you are?

She's just a bunch of 1s and 0s on some server. So you're wrongo bongo

Is the script even available to read anywhere? I remember an user back in the general threads talking about a bunch of scenes that were in the script that didn't show up in the movie that filled in a ton of gaps.

>Imagine not watching the film then coming onto fucking Yea Forums (the place where faggots would unironically fuck an anthropomorphized fightet jet if it crashed through their roof and asked for a place to stay) and spouting some projective redditor cringe incel about the fact that people want to fuck fictional character that most definitely isn't just a manneqin because your tranny gf left you for chad tyrone biggus dickus and you need to vent your eternal seethe somewhere

>her figure is a total black blurry blob even if you watch it in 3D4KIMAX
>it's not a body under a swimming suit or latex suit . It's that her body is a shapeless blob
>and there won't ever be any skin because she only has skin on her face


Attached: giphy (5).gif (400x305, 1.06M)


>He doesn't know.

Attached: Alita preorder.png (270x310, 14K)



You first


Chuck Norris can do it.

>the sex scene with Alita and Hugo
I'll never forgive Cameron for cutting it out.

Imagine writing all that.

I'll make sure to put all your sanic posts in the screencap that will make Yea Forums look stupid as hell.

Attached: alitayeahsure.png (462x428, 254K)

Ahahahahahaha okay user

martian ethnicity

Attached: 1562633099527.webm (1718x720, 2.97M)


Attached: 1561748851138.jpg (244x206, 8K)

Do think Alita has the special part for lewd things?


>What the hell is that? You will never be able to destroy my ass with such a little thing. Don't even bother trying user. You disgust me now.

Attached: vlcsnap-00001.png (1718x720, 1.01M)

Please mature past the mental age of a child.

Cast him

Attached: boomer vs zoomer.jpg (1919x1303, 511K)

says the cumbrain

the bubble booty is nice but then she turns around and my dick goes back down. someone should do an ass-only supercut, i'd beat the fuck out of my dick to that

Grow up.

Attached: Asuka_cosplay.webm (1156x650, 2.89M)

>monks do it

no, they don't. monks balance on the end of a begging bowl while doing absolutely nothing else of worth. you need to stop confusing television with the real world.

>and nothing of value was added to the conversation
you need to stop confusing Yea Forums with high school user. your worthless opinion carries no weight around here.

I'm going to lewd her and there's nothing you can do about it.

Attached: lewd.png (488x428, 224K)

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Attached: Psycho goose.jpg (1024x663, 139K)

its true though but keep seething
jerk off now so you'll feel like you accomplished something today :)

I want to smooch her

Attached: images.jpg (300x168, 7K)

Where can I find a girlfriend who looks exactly like this. Identical. No exceptions.

>ass-only supercut

Attached: dat ass.gif (723x720, 1.45M)

Attached: Lonely_and_alita.jpg (665x464, 27K)

>complains about lack of creativity
>makes another generic wojak variant
>makes another unsubstantiated /pol/ tier info comic

She should be called Smoochlita

Attached: rosa-salazar-alita.jpg (859x423, 155K)

i miss nikita's asuka but she ripped the suit a while back, no idea if she'll ever do that again. :( her harlock cosplay is 10/10 boner material.

Have sex

This from a virgin.

Stop promoting fascist propaganda.

Attached: dobbo.png (508x516, 222K)

Would you giver her you last chocolate tablet?

Attached: 1561852086627.webm (1200x670, 2.92M)

I want to fuck the robutt

The most powerful characters ever created.

Attached: BR2049 and Alita.jpg (1000x714, 325K)


based, pathetic degenerates have it coming

Attached: mannequin.jpg (675x518, 79K)


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

>not being a whore and being honest and good as a woman is fascist propaganda



K and Alita were made for eachother


I created an Insta account just to follow this cosplayer

Attached: alita-battle-angel.jpg (555x832, 53K)

She looks like an android but I guess that is a good thing

dude, shes a cyborg, u cant have sex with her even if she was real.

guess i have to watch this film now...

Doesn't mean she can't jack me off with those thighs

Budget $170 million[5]
Box office $404.9 million[5]

I know it's mostly shitposting but these kind of posts are so retarded because they assume that looking good for the part means that it'll turn into good acting.

Alita looks cute because the 3D model is cute, and the acting sells it because the actress in talented.

Attached: 1561849871884.webm (1000x558, 2.94M)


I hate this faggot as it is, but to see he attacked Alita too?

The fact that Disney can take complete unknowns and make them the stars of one of the biggest franchises ever and NOT have every review utterly flooded with complaints about the acting proves that acting talent is completely irrelevant outside of the very best of the best. Editing and directing can get an at least average performance out of almost anyone, all the actors talent changes is how many takes they have to do before they can move on.

Reading Last Order manga right now and she is even hotter there.

Attached: edc88337de90e31c8be081c757f80a54ca4071f1_76995_728_1087.jpg (728x1087, 75K)

Attached: 1e65b0b94b48bff2cdc2458b839c7b440d0f65ee_99754_728_1097.jpg (728x1097, 97K)

You don't understand how acting works, you can take a nobody and get good performance with just some good direction, being a nobody doesn't mean you have no talent, there are PLENTY of excellent unknown actors out there, some mediocre actors that you might think are talented because they're huge are only there because of networking, (((connections))) and luck.

I guarantee you that not everybody can simply "act" and "fuck it we'll fix it in post", it's simply not how it works. I've been fortunate enough to be on pretty big sets and when the actor sucks ass, no one cares we have millions of budget, the director simply wants to die.

Sorry but your point is laughable at best for anyone with minimal experience in the industry.

Attached: captain-marvel-brie-larson-pelicula-mcu.jpg (1080x600, 116K)

I didn't say shit about fixing it in post. I said it doesn't matter for the final project if the actor is garbage because is never going to see the 50 shit takes it took to get to the one good one. You just reiterated my point, it makes work harder behind the scenes, but fun fact, nobody in the audience gives a flying fuck what it was like behind the scenes.

Attached: a6715395cbc7b6fe86fa1af9073fe117fb6a9578_60960_728_1108.jpg (728x1108, 59K)

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Reminder that Rosa is a cunt and so is Alita. It's like she THINKS like Alita.

Attached: Rosa-Salazar-Tattoo.jpg (524x800, 98K)

Rosa's hot, shut ya mouth incel.

Attached: 24_0.jpg (612x612, 75K)

she is one of those type of latinas that is pretty ugly and trashy looking but you would rub one out to her sucking a bbc on pornhub


Reminder that this shit flick is never ever getting a sequwl.


>zipper on crotch

Attached: bueno excelente.jpg (621x399, 113K)


nigga, rosa is pretty hot

Attached: rosa1552416304317.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

they got a cirque du soleil artist to do that

Attached: 1551825726541.png (726x529, 179K)

Alita was disappointing. I went in expecting these threads had massively overhyped it, but I expected it to at least be fun. But it wasn't. The whole thing was just meh.

stop replying to me with this ugly goblina, tranny

you're mom is meh

Attached: 1551190355615.jpg (486x482, 45K)

She is legitmately unattractive

Has anyone ever told (you) you post like a 12 twelve year old kid? Because you do (you) know.

Attached: 111186316.png (651x501, 409K)

For you

have sex incel

No problem. It's okay to be gay, user.

Attached: Sixtwo2 face.jpg (640x640, 60K)


Attached: 1556627529665.webm (640x360, 1005K)

>It's you! I wanted to take you home, but they wouldn't let me. You know you are the first thing I've created in a really long time that made me feel like an artist.

>You inspire me. I feel like I could do anything.

>No one takes the time to build things out of character and dignity. People need that. We could give it to them.

Attached: mannequin.jpg (1571x1036, 150K)

>no tits
what's up with alita faggots shit taste, ass is for niggers

I just prefer women who don't look like their faces are made of plastic

Attached: 1552765926427.png (392x366, 133K)

Attached: 1552419392338.jpg (1514x2000, 1.24M)

Her teeth are so cute


Your movie is garbage and so is your waifu, deal with it.

Alta has flu and needs to sneeze

Attached: sneeze.jpg (400x557, 138K)

Holding off on watching this because I know I'll fall in love with Alita. I can't be hurt again after Cameron. ;_;

can't believe i'm on this thread and that some grown up took so much ass shot on a anime movie
didnt we usedto have dreams , how did we come so low

Attached: Bro Hug.png (500x461, 80K)

more like alita brapper angel

Attached: Naamloos-2.jpg (600x600, 35K)

I'm glad you agree

Attached: oh you.jpg (600x500, 20K)

Yup. In last order she eats some chocolate, full cyborg body is mostly self-sufficient, recycles water and doesn't need calories but does need a little bit of organic nutrients to keep the brain alive.

thats a man right

Shut the fuck up you asshat



It really is. A masterpiece

Attached: 1551935348197.png (436x360, 87K)

>le deal with it

Attached: 72478424.png (668x446, 540K)

you got a link user, I've been trying to read this for months

Attached: 1564965231156.png (540x480, 204K)

Alita fags seethe whenever someone points out how the movie is bad, it's fun to look at.


Attached: datrosabutt.png (592x496, 235K)

Attached: titalita.png (540x550, 200K)

dielate discord tranny

Laeta Kalogridis is though

Attached: 1551325179085.jpg (1160x795, 45K)


>le dilate
I'm not the one with issues tranny.

Attached: 1552784974712.png (830x802, 800K)


Attached: laughing at (you).jpg (291x286, 14K)

have sex


with alitty!

Attached: 1553689069167.jpg (1920x1052, 249K)

>constantly posts this ugly creatura and feels the need to say 'fuck you' to anyone that doesn't like your movie
>doesn't have issues
like i said, discord tranny

Stop, mate

>titalita: battle boobies

Attached: 1551268462856.jpg (884x977, 76K)

keep going, fren


We all know you are the Discord tranny here. Its not like your fooling anyone. Why are you here anyway? Hoping to shitpost a final snotty comment or two before the thread archives? What pathetic life you live tranny.

Attached: 15504099388492.jpg (414x366, 42K)

why are cumbrain posts getting deleted?

low quality posts deserve to get deleted

Attached: 1552845851867.jpg (384x309, 46K)

have sex


Attached: 1483350262343.jpg (2560x1920, 1.98M)

Because the janny is on /our girl/'s side.

Attached: 1550638178136.jpg (750x792, 479K)

Bump limit reached. Who is gonna bake next bread?

i'd like to bake a bun in alita's oven if you know what i meme

Attached: 1551173107529.jpg (850x850, 213K)

>n-no u
typical discord tranny

that Alita doesn't exist anymore

Attached: 4564.png (1920x1080, 1.55M)

You must really love discord trannies if you know about them so well.

Reminder: flipped, sequel whenever

Attached: confirmed HD.png (880x1469, 2.49M)

>Reminder: flopped, sequel never

>he doesn't know

Attached: 1557107835023.png (1600x1600, 2.37M)