>wypipo think this guy could beat up Bruce Lee
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He would kick his ass back to the start of the century of humiliation.
bruce was an egotistical manlet. brad pitt could kick his ass any day of the week
Dubs of truth
I honestly wonder what Chuck Norris thought about the depiction of Bruce Lee.
pretty sure chuck doesn't watch c-uck
daniel cormier is 5'10 at best would beat brad pitt up
Bruce Lee was a 5’7” manlet.
brad is only 5'10
brad pitt is wearing stilts in Fightclub, 6ft Edward Norton has 2 inches on him.
Yep so it’s a midget fight, so what? Tired of people acting like Bruce Lee was a badass when he was a short faggot.
is there a torrent yet?
Black twitter slang cringe
Suck it, Pitt, Bruce Lee can create shadow clones.
Bruce Lee danced around like a Kansas City faggot.
So like you?
You don't get it. It's not about Brad Pitt vs Bruce Lee. It's about Traditional White Male Cowboy Masculinity vs Usurper Exotic Minority Masculinity, in a universe where the end of traditional america was stopped via the prevention of Sharon Tate's murder
I don't understand the meaning of what you said to me. I just know they were both accomplished martial artists in their time and Chuck Norris has always been respectful of Bruce Lee's legacy. I heard about this fight scene but I haven't watched it myself yet. I heard about his daughter being upset about it. If I were her, I'd be more upset about him dying in his mistress' apartment after ingesting a massive amount of drugs. "Death by misadventure"
Bruce was a fraudulent homosexual with a colossal ego and no skill to back it up.
He could beat you even though he is dead, you suck that much. also your mom is gay.
I'm a 6''2 amateur boxer. You honestly picked the wrong user.
more like amateur cocksucker
I haven't seen the movie, couldn't give less of a fuck, but I don't really get why they'd do this? Why fight and beat up someone who's literally dead? like why? Is it really that relevant and amazing to the plot? It seems really, really shitty honestly. and I don't even like Bruce Lee or anything, just in principle
Reality is Bruce would have taken his head off in a real fight. Skill always trumps physical advantages. I don't know why lanklets keep coping about this.
>"amateur cocksucker"
>irrational butthurt
I know weak shitskin bantz when I see it.
>Skill always trump physical advantage
Of the century
Take the cock out of your mouth before you speak.
bruce lee was a tiny guy, most guys could beat him up
>he is taller so he would win xD
I've never seen height determine anything. GSP, the greatest MMA artist was a manlet that fought guys regularly larger than him. Cormier was the light heavyweight and current heavyweight champ. Tyson knocked giants with a single punch. Height is an advantage, no doubt, but it never trumps skill.
Most guys don't even know how to swing a punch. Regardless if whether Bruce Lee was a simple showboat man or not, he'd definitely know how to take Pitt's head clean off with just the basic amount of fighting skills.
Since the ricelets are loose, let me bless you all with some wisdom of the west: Eastern Martial arts are a meme and will never ever serve you in an actual street fight
>Skill always trumps physical advantages
Lee himself didn't think that, considering that he admitted a guy like Muhammed Ali would have killed in a fight because of the physical differences.
>Think height is synonymous with being a lanklet
I get nothing out of entertaining someone with such a profoundly low IQ such as yourself. Now hush.
What's really funny is that when martial arts "masters" are being pressed on their bullshit, they always come up with the gayest excuses for why a supposed karate master can't throw a punch if his life depended on it
>Lee himself didn't think that, considering that he admitted a guy like Muhammed Ali would have killed in a fight because of the physical differences.
Muhammad Ali was the greatest boxer ever. No shit he'd kill him in a fight. We're specifically talking about guys that do know how to fight against guys that don't but have physical advantages. Ali had a physical advantage and he knew how to fight. In such a scenario it's reasonable to assume he would have won.
Is this year of the Cope, Chang?
muhammed ali is 6'3 and the greatest boxer of all time
untrained brad pitt is 5'11 in shoes
Hes dead user
Don't breathe moths, people.
What are weightclasses
uh...fight club? beating up angelina in front of the model UN she adopted?
the thing weightcl's sit on
Weight classes are for professional fighters that know how to fight. And even then they're not perfect. People usually cut for those and when they pass the weight they quickly jump to their natural weight.
Muhammed ali is not the greatest boxer of all time
In all of your gay examples the fighters are fighting people in their own weightclass. So while youre saying nyuhhh GSP is smaller! Hes actually roughly the same size as the people hes fighting regardless of height. So shut the fuck up trying to profess when you clearly dont know shit
No u
it's not just professional fighters, if you're dumb enough to get in a fight with a guy who has 50+ pounds on you and isn't a tub of lard, you're going to get your ass beat
He did beat him up. I saw it.
I doubt you've ever watched MMA in your life. GSP is 5'10 and he regularly fought guys over 6 ft. Same as Fedor, btw, who was also a manlet and up there in contention for the GOAT status. Weight classes in MMA are not perfect, not even close. They somewhat level the playing field, but as I said, and I guess you're too stupid to get it, if a 6'3 guy cuts to welterweight, manages to pass the weight, almost immediately he'd recover most of his weight back on afterwards.
That's stupid as fuck and never the case. Most guys on the street don't even know how to land a single punch. Scratch that, they don't even know how to punch. I'd be willing to bet money on a 5'7 manlet who knows how to fight than a 6'0 bodybuilder that has never fought in his life. 9 times out of 10 the manlet is gonna win.
As opposed to a New Orleans faggot?
>throwing a punch in a street fight
you've never been in a physical confrontation in your goddamn life, shut the fuck up and stop thinking kung fu movies are real
>throwing a punch in a street fight
What do you fags do in a street fight, then? Kiss and hug?
Reminder that Brue Lee was a performer, not a fighter. There is no record of Lee ever fighting competitively, even when attending martial arts competitions; he never once stepped into the ring, sparred or demonstrated any sort of practical fighting ability to anyone. Furthermore, his formal martial arts training was in wing chun, a "martial art" notorious for being non-contact, as well as generally very impractical and ineffective both as a self defense style and in the ring. As such, the only evidence anyone has of his alleged "fighting" ability is:
>Circus acts like the one inch punch.
>Choreographed action scenes in films.
>Having big lats.
Don't be a sucker user.
>I'd be willing to bet money on a 5'7 manlet who knows how to fight than a 6'0 bodybuilder that has never fought in his life
when you decide to use your karate on a guy that much bigger than you outside of some faggy sport be sure and film it so the rest of us can get a laugh out of watching actual footage of you getting knocked into a coma
Have you ever seen Cormier? He is built like a fucking truck.
Stop seething
There's plenty of footage of manlets knocking the heads off people much larger than them on youtube. And those manlets don't even know how to fight well either. I don't need to shoot something to prove my point, autist.
So fucking what? He's a manlet. Retards in this thread keep projecting that height>skill, but that's proven to be wrong time and time again. If anyone legitimately thinks that Ptit can beat Bruce Lee, then he's a braindead vegetable.
formely sneed
>Most guys on the street don't even know how to land a single punch.
You don't have to land a single punch to win a street fight. You just have to pick up the other guy and slam him into the ground. Which would be extremely easy for a 6'0 bodybuilder to do to a 5'7 manlet.
That's not how that quote goes.
>There's plenty of footage of manlets knocking the heads off people much larger than them on youtube
I bet there's a lot more footage of a bigger person clobbering a smaller person because it's just fucking obvious to anyone that doesn't think movies are real
do you think women can kick guys across the room too
You are so fucking stupid i dont care enough to engage. Kill yourself
>So fucking what?
Cormier might be a manlet, but he is a manlet with 11/10 frame.
> If anyone legitimately thinks that Ptit can beat Bruce Lee
You do know that Bruce Lee never actually entered a competitive fight in his life, right?
>Retards in this thread keep projecting that height>skill
it's not the height, it's the weight
this is how I know you've never been in a fight in your life
>brad pitt couldn't beat bruce lee
This argument reeks of pure autism. The character who fights Lee in the movie is not Brad Pitt the actor, but a trained stuntman who allegedly was a war vet. This is like saying LotR is bullshit because Ian Mackellen doesn't have magical powers.
anyone have a torrent/stream link?
Not a professional fighter, but he was a great martial artist. And he did have plenty of street fights and sparring matches with multiple witnesses. Obviously that's a different thing than sanctioned fights, but what you're saying is provably wrong besides him not fighting competitively. Also for trivia's sake he did win an inter-high school boxing tournament back in Hong Kong.
Yeah, because every guy on the street knows how to shoot for a perfect takedown. Are you fucking retarded? In a street fight between two shitters, they'll just flail around and see who hits first. The guy who hits first almost always knocks the other guy out because they don't know how to keep their head and chin so they can sustain even a small punch. Furthermore, going for a slam would almost immediately result in a couple of shots or a knee to your face, or just moving out of the way. Unless your whole plan is to charge at the other guy like an idiot and get knocked out. See how well that worked out for Ben Askren recently.
>I bet there's a lot more footage of a bigger person
Meh, can't say that's the case, really.
>do you think women can kick guys across the room too
The biological difference in men and women is a lot larger than simply height and weight.
>Cormier might be a manlet,
Doesn't mean anything really. Bruce Lee is also a thousand times more jacked than Pitt. What's the point here?
>You do know that Bruce Lee
There was no MMA back then, numbnuts.
Height is inevitably linked to weight, moron. A person with a larger frame carries more weight.
A stuntman and a war vet know how to fight. Fucking kek
Wasn't Bruce Lee heavier during the Green Hornet when this scene took place? At his largest he was around 165 pounds or something. They made him look more like he did around the time of Enter the Dragon.
Based Tarantino pissing off both nazis AND insectoids
>Yeah, because every guy on the street knows how to shoot for a perfect takedown.
lmao, you think it is hard to pick up someone half your size? Have you ever wrestled with your little cousins or some shit like that? You are going to get hurt one day user.
Are you the guy who makes the asian masculinity threads?
>lmao, you think it is hard to pick up someone half your size?
Street fight is not a wrestling match, you idiot. You try to pick a guy up and see if you won't take a few elbows to the face. You should think about inveintg a new style of fighting and open a school for kids, man. You obviously have some great ideas there. An absolute genius.
Just fucked and creampied some Chinese boys young wife ask me anything
Just livestream the next time you test your theories, user.
>all these butthurt ricelets
>want to watch this bad boy at the local drive in cinema with the convertible top down and some beers/weed
>its currently winter and cold as fuck in my hemisphere
Never been to one, but it seems like a good movie for a drive-in. Sucks you can't go.
Youve never been in a fight in your life.
I would spark you senseless
i always go to the drive in with my convertible for tarantino and scorcese kinos.
this one looks perfect for it..
maybe it will still be screening when the weather starts to warm up.
>I would spark you senseless
kek, cringe. That keyboard warrior shit impresses no-one. I seriously hope you're not older than 10
he's starting to look like robert redford
Pitt versus Bruce Lee? Bruce.
Bruce versus rando stuntman/hardass/war vet? Anybody’s fight.
Looks like some retard manchild wearing his dads old clothing
wow I can't believe some actor would be able to beat up another actor who is vastly smaller!
>no recorded fights
>not a fraud
Silly Ching Chong. I’m going to fuck a lot of Asian girls as retaliation for your retardation.
Well said.
I first noticed this resemblance in “Spy Game,” and thought, “Holy shit! Pitt’s character is Redford’s character’s son!” Then I graduated to “Holy shit! Brad Pitt might actually be Robert Redford’s bastard son!”
Yeah, lots of zoomers remember “Spy Game.”
only zoomers can only now notice the resemblance between Pitt and Redford, it was already a thing in the 90s
>street fight
>"hol' up user wants proof in 2019 lemme set this camera up!"
That’s when I noticed it - in a movie I rented in 2001. It was seeing them in the same movie that made me notice.
>tfw a lightweight boxer
>have to read retardation all thread
I’m an amateur boxer, but my preferred method of training is surprising random people on the street. I’ve been arrested six times for sparring.
you are delusional
>where the end of traditional america was stopped via the prevention of Sharon Tate's murder
Oh you boomers
>muh john lennon died
>muh jerry garcia died
>muh sharon tate and... other people
You retards could've been nuked by the soviets at any moment but choose to fixate on entertainers with absolutely no appeal to any other generation.
>have extensive formal boxing experience
>every real fight i've ever been in i just go for a rear naked chokehold
I thought Asians were smart, that they would know difference between movies and real life
I doubt Tyson could do much to an actual lanklet, the Russian brothers or fury have enough wing span in their arms to stop him from ever getting close. Jab to test and then when the guy gets tired of getting poked like a dog and drops his guard pop them hard. Rinse, repeat.
If you want to win you close and put them on their ass.
Checks out
>still butthurt
Skill doesn't trump being Samoan
>Muh Bruce Lee would kick Brad Pitt's ass
Relax bud, Pitt was PLAYING a fictitious character that could kick Bruce Lee's ass. It's not a matter of whether Brad Pitt himself could kick Bruce Lee's ass at all.
Quit taking movies so seriously lol
I concur, comrade.
He went against Vic Moore and lost.
We never saw Bruce Lee in a real fight.
>ITT lanklet COPE
I could kick her ass too, doesn’t mean I could take prime Bruce Lee.
after watching this video, yeah i'm think bruce could beat brad.
Chuck Norris does not watch movies rated PG, PG-13, or R. He is a devout christian trumpcuck..
It’s the heavy thing they talk about. Getting old the older hero becomes fodder for the new hero to show the audience how tough the new hero is, but we are warned taking too many roles like that and it causes the audience to stop seeing you as the hero anymore. Bruce Lee dies young and has a legendary never beaten status (I’m talking actor wise, on screen stuff not that he was an unbeatable fighter), so here we see him beaten, Bruce is “the heavy”, and suddenly cliff seems real tough. The side effect is people no longer thinking Bruce Lee is so great (just look at how many threads there are now about this) and so it’s a very neat way for the audience to literally experience what happens when an actor (Bruce Lee) who we once respected plays “the heavy” (just there to lose to the new hero), this is exactly why rick dalton is so upset and worried through out the movie his career is ending and he’s having to play the heavy and he knows this will lose him the audience who once respected him.
New fast and furious has da rock in it!