Full forced.
2019. I am forgotten
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mike was the best part of the whole thing. also ian was increidbly rude to fatty's friends considering he knew they were literally autistic and they were just excited fans
He's 22. I thought he was 16 or something
>also ian was increidbly rude to fatty's friends considering he knew they were literally autistic and they were just excited fans
I was going to say that you've never been around autistic people and don't understand how annoying they are, but then I realise you're that autistic person
Name ONE(1) thing the autists did wrong
You're issue is you expected Idubzz to act like Louis Theroux, when he's most famous for eating pubepukecakes and saying the N word to Tana.
I guess you have never interacted with real life autists
mike is just the dealer
He wasn't there to have his dick sucked by sooner white trash. He had a job to do.
>all the self-hating autists in this thread
>Louis Theroux
That's the thing tho. Idubzz is a somebody. Louis isn't.
being autistic
Yes Louis is a real G while Idubzz is a wannabe.
How long until Robert shoots up a Meijer's?
When is the next fucking Content Cop? I've tried to be patient but it's been like 2 years. Did he cancel the series?
This dude is about to stroke out
he got too big and didn't wanna start attacking other "big" names. I could also see him being booted from youtube for harassment, since it does edge around it.
also who and what
i'm sure all the underage pussy he gets is keeping him busy. guy's a textbook pedo
>incredibly rude
>spent the whole day driving around those nobodies answering their dumbfuck gamer questions
Like other anons says you either have autism or have never dealt with autism. It's the most annoying shit in the entire god damn world. Take every courtesy that you offer to and expect from others and throw it out the god damn window, what you're left with is autism.
is that his actual face or is he wearing all that?
This. Low functioning autists are almost easier to put up with than high functioning autists. I've lived with a kid who would just humm to himself constantly while building lego, and the noise was loud but jesus fuck it is nowhere near annoying as the spergs who ask bajillions of invasive questions then go on a 30 minute story about buying a micro usb cable instead of a mini usb cable.
I would hang out with Fatty. I'm only about 2 steps above him and his friends but only because I'm a high functioning autist that has mastered body language and blessed with the ability of being hyper aware of my surroundings, facial expressions, and deep introspection which allows me to reflect and improve upon myself but most of the time I just don't think it's worth the effort and enjoy being by myself so much that it's incredibly rare for me to actually want to hang out with my friends. In fact it's been 19 months since I've seen them in person. Damn actually typing this out made me realize that they might not even be my friends anymore. NEET life strikes again.
Just search "full force" on idubbbz channel
*tips ten gallon fedorero*
Imagine being Idubbz babysitting autists asking you if you play fortnite while longing for the glory days of collabing with filthy frank who has ditched him to become a successful pop musician, all while counting down the days until he's 40 years old and the increasingly tame videos stop being worth the ever present risk of demonitization in a changed landscape. Must get depressing.
looks like he's stuck half transformed into the hulk
still better than maxmoefoe whos only mark left is cohosting that one fat fucks shitty podcast channel
>spergs who ask bajillions of invasive questions then go on a 30 minute story about buying a micro usb cable instead of a mini usb cable.
Jesus fucking chirst my man. You really have been there. You know what it's like. They'll just grill you non stop about things that don't matter to anyone. They'll talk on and on for an hour and say nothing at all worth listening to.
My god. Makes me angry thinking about it.
>huuuuh I cant do filthy Frank it hurts my voice when I sing shitty meme rap
what a faggot.
everyone agrees joji sucks at music and isn't creative at all
So what? What am I fucking jesus? If they're annoying they're annoying, the fact that they were born that way don't make them any less so
Still, a footnote in the death of old YouTube. iDubbbz is a holdout.
autist people like that NEVER let up unless you tell them to fuck off
act too familiar around strangers
talk too loud
don't respect personal space
if you are what you say then maybe you aren't even autist. maybe just socially awkward
>he doesn't watch the best card pack openings on Youtube that is Maxmoefoepokemon
Even though that isn't really a high bar at all since most of them are low effort kiddiebait
how do these users like idubbbz and maxmoefoe make ends meet? both of them rarely make videos and the ones they do must get demonistised because of the content. they seem to both live in homes of their own too. i don't think they have real jobs
Ian seems pretty allergic to pussy to me...
His girlfriend is a titty streamer on twitch. I think he gets as much as pussy as he needs.
I watched 15 mins of it and I have zero idea why this took off. What am I missing? It's just an incredibly boring look into the life of an average American.
>Textbook pedo
How so?
Ian please. Your beard proves nothing.
Ian is a faggot. All faggots are pedos.
Textbook pedo
Imagine believing fat incel meme spouters when they say they're autistic.
commit suicide
>Of course I'm straight! I date an ugly stripper!
>as much pussy as he needs
So he pimps his ugly gook roommate an that's supposed to make me think he's straight?
brainlet retard 'lol look the poor rural retard says funni thing and the camera will pan to my face looking really weirded out XD O_O': full force
deep film about the decrepit state of small town america and those who occupy it: gothic king cobra
>t. autist
For me the most "cringe" and excruciating part was when fatty was doing impersonations
why dont they just shut up instead of talking
Fucking based
I really need subtitles for this movie though, Cobra talks too fast too much and I'm not a native.
>the camera will pan to my face looking really weirded out XD O_O': full force
Absolute most cringe part of the video.
Ian was the worst aspect of the entire thing. He's some sort of YouTube geek? Does he fuck dogs and eat shit on his channel or something?
He isn't funny or talented. I just automatically assume that he does something low effort.
the last great thing he did was the tana content cop, he really dropped in quality since then
How long until Robert kills all of them?
die fat
Fuck i do all these
Skip to the last twenty minutes with Robert. I promise you will not be disappointed.
Robert is a menace and he must be stopped
i dont get this thread. am i to old to be around here?
It's pre-internet era, but check out the Dancing Outlaw movies about Jesco White.
Hillbilly meth head tap dancing at its finest.
>sloppy slimey eggs
his other documentary on the two brothers was pretty good too
What a bunch of assholes, are they mentally ill or something?
>Dancing Outlaw
>Dancing Outlaw II: Jesco Goes to Hollywood
>The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia
All kino
Is this Zoomer: The Thread?
I have no idea who the guy in the OP is and I see names like idubbbz getting thrown around like I'm supposed to know who that is. The fuck is going on?
Jesco was also in GTA:V as the radio dj and had a cameo Easter egg
>7 888 386 views
yeah I think not
Naw. It's a Dancing Outlaw Thread now.
>Idubzz is a somebody
>shit yoga minigame
>but no tap dancing minigame
im outrage
>Anyone will say anything at the endpoints of madness
Absolutely based.
Huey. That is cringe. Take him away on the cringe boat.
boomer detected
yeah nobody cares you won't score any karma points from ranting about zoomers
Oh my god, it all makes sense now. My co worker is an Autist. He has 3 children though but holy fuck is he annoying with his constant questions about personal life and if you dont respond he'll just talk you to death while following you and almost pressing himself against you while doing so. I fucking hate him.
I'd love to see idubz try to interview Jesco. He wouldn't get too far with his "hot takes" to the camera.
Idubz would be in over his head pretty fast
Jesco would skin idubbz and turn him nto furniture that matched his elvis decor.
>"I tewk tha butcher knaife an' put it ta Idubbz throat en' ah tol' him I wuz sick uf theese stewpid shiddy memes!"
Yeah most autists aren't these profound quiet types ignoring the world like in movies such as Drive, instead their these nasally loudmouths with a monotone voice and a complete lack of cadence who just bombard you with a stream of consciousness. To be fair it probably is a side effect of not knowing how society works and confusing conversation with thinking out loud.
early or late Elvis, which does he prefer more?
She cheated on her boyfriend with Idubbz, a guy she never met before. Boy, I'd really be glad to be dating someone like that.
Don't you know how beards work?
He's getting dick from his cameraman on the regular
I remember an interview he did somewhere he said that he didn't like the power Content Cop held. He's not actually trying to destroy careers but people will bandwagon against anyone he makes a video on. I don't know if he plans on canceling it all together.
>he gets lots of underahe pussy
>but he's also a faggot
you should go hang out with them then you self righteous fag
You don't need to be Jesus to be a nice person.
go to bed Joji
sounds like you guys could borrow each other's clothes
there is no god
fuck off back to tumblr
>”why do I need to have have empathy??”
And people are surprised mass shooters come from this place lol
Except they don't
Go back to resetera you tranny
Fuck off.
thats a southern thing not a retardera thing retard
This is your average prequelfag. This guy and his autistic friends are the kind of people sitting behind their keyboards defending Revenge of the Sith as a masterpiece of cinema on this board
The Maddox and Chis Chan lectures from those guys are kino.
The guy probably suffers from Cushing's disease.
Most people agree ROTS is a solid movie even though the other two aren’t.
>i just like the fights
Pretty solid defense there. Better than pretending the originals are some high art
I don’t think it’s self-righteous to think he didn’t have to go in on them being autistic and imply they weren’t really his friends just because they were asking him about pewdiepie and whatnot. It just seemed overtly shitty.