What's this new tendency of male celebrities dating little girls? How do we stop this exploitative type of relationship...

What's this new tendency of male celebrities dating little girls? How do we stop this exploitative type of relationship?

I don't understand why these men are so intimidated by women over 25.

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We all know what awaits most women past the age of 25, user.

What's the point of dating women under 25 if they still look like they're in their 30s?

Will Maggie disapprove of her brother dating a young woman, do you guys think?

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Good breeding age.

Makeup really makes young women look older, and I don't mean the skin worsening, I just mean when they have it one. There's this girl at the coffee shop I go to who looks mid-late 20s and she's really pretty but apparently she's only 20 which was younger than me and I was shocked but tried to hide it.

Why do they seethe so much

Leo telling the 8 year old actress she'll understand his feeling of being over the hill in 15 years was pretty funny in OUATIH

This is confusing me too. I know a few 21 year olds and they don't look like they are in their late 20's like these girls...

you just envy the youth


lmao the replies are delicious

>men are trash and gross lol!

No man wants other mens sloppy seconds.

Its embarrassing

>love is love, never discriminate
>why do you care what two consenting adults do?

i think the concern is that milennials in general feel that they are in such arrested development even into their 20s. its not just aimless 4channers but rather the generation as a whole feels like they are not quite into adulthood yet, like they haven't got all the boxes for "ready to enter a relationship" checked yet. so when they see someone in their generation or younger doing this, it feels wrong because there is no way in their minds this person has the life maturity to enter this contract with older people. and from that perspective it feels like an exploitation of youth even if they are legal.

>Jake, I need to talk to you about your new girlfriend, what you're doing is wrong

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>women EVER maturing

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Seinfeld was smashing a high schooler.

>how dare men want young, fertile women and not old hags!

Because they hit the wall and know they have no chance

>it feels wrong because there is no way in their minds this person has the life maturity to enter this contract with older people

What exactly is life maturity? So if Im 35 but spent most of my life sheltered it's fine to be in a relationship with a 20 year old because I lack life maturity, but if Im 35 and have built up a successful career and want to date a pretty 20 year old I shouldnt because I have too much life maturity?

It seems like concepts are literally being made up out of thin air to try and justify the disdain for older successful men wanting to date younger prettier girls.

You also need to address how the girl is in full capacity of knowing exactly what she is doing is somehow being exploited.

>tfw uninstalled twitter today

I just couldn't take it anymore bros, especially after the most recent shootings. Liberal feedbacking looping is unironically worse than conservative circle jerks

Also lol@these women saying how they're glad their now past their prime so that these "old creepers" won't hit on them. The fucking cope of it all.

I just stare into the abyss.

you got my hopes up for a minute there but these are all adult women

mind you i don't agree with the criticism twitter is levying towards these men. im putting into words the way i think these twitter people reason in their minds that this isnt ok.
and your example is pretty right on. i think it very much is tied to having a successful career and the independence that comes with that. however, if you are 35 and have the life experience a just out of college 20 something has, then you need to be hot for these young inexperienced girls to pick you over your 20 something life experience equivalents.
and yes, these girls have full agency and there is no real exploitation going on outside of a "they don't know any better, this relationship is obv bad" angle.

Women who whine about this are literally no different than incels whining about Chad

>there are people in this thread who have never had 20 year old pussy, let alone any sex at all

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millennials were a mistake
what an absolute trash of a generation and that's saying something when we have clueless idiot boomers, millennials managed to become an even greater shitshow

my best sex was with a 30 year old

they want it more, and actually know what they are doing

young girls are the worst, best bodies, no brains

t. incel/roastie

>Look up Benoit
>She retweeted a thread where a bunch of self hating white mom's talk about how their male children are always in danger of becoming mass shooters.
I find the whining about white guilt funny generally but holy fucking shit.

a lot of the results of any given generation are out of the hands of that generation i think. the eternal stunted feel for young modern people is largely caused by economic forces that are out of their control and a political system which they are largely kept away from.

not him but this

How to spot the virgin: the post. Everyone knows mature women are infinitely better in bed. Its okay when you start having sex you'll realize it.

They're all legally adults, what's the problem?

>intimidated by women over 25
Wrong word.
Annoyed. Exhausted. Irritated. Drained.
More like this.


Based Leo knows what's up

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The ugliest sin.

human history is calling, they want you to read a book

Didn’t Aaron Taylor Johnson meets his wife when he was 18 and she was like 45

>They never get older, even when you do.

He's a fuck for not following the rules of how young your main girl should be, but these girls are consenting to it.

Why has this become such a media hubbub.


The amount of cope. Just because they used to be a minor when the actor doesn't really mean anything. The idea that it's "gross" is so hotly contested anyways that it shows you the level of arbitration needed to argue "against" this. It's legal, that's the end of it, there is nothing exploitative about it because these girls are (of course) more than consenting, and get a lot out of these relationships. Think what you will, but this will never be a scandal, just a divisive topic.

They want to censor everything. They're leftists.

Banging a 19 year old is fine, but dating one? Weird shit

What about a 17 year old?

>weird to date a girl with energy that wants to have fun and doesn't want her or your life tied down anytime soon
I'd say they're doing it right.

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>so intimidated by women over 25.
they're not intimidated, they're disgusted.

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Maybe the older women had bad personalities?

This actually true.

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Based and chadpilled

I don't get having a relationship with a 20 year old if you're in your 30s. I understand fucking a 20 year old in your 30s, but not dating one. The experience gap would be too large, it would make conversations a real strain. Particularly since successful already tend to be higher IQ and probably have a lot of experiences. I am 26, I recently met some college students who were like 21 and even talking to them felt tedious.

The jealous ones do. I'd rather date 30-40 before

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You're an idiot if you think women ever get any more valuable in any way as they get older.

They're not dating average retards like you and those 21-year-olds.

You can't have a decent conversation with a woman regardless of their age. Where a man might become wiser with age a woman will plateau as an uninteresting, vapid and petty waste of oxygen. Women are for fucking and cleaning.

Depends. We get a few younger interns where I work and there's a definite difference among them. Typically I find they can be broken down into 2 groups: Party girls and non party girls. The party girls are impossible to actually date and have conversations with without wanting to kill yourself. The non party girls don't have much experience in life, true, but the difference is that they usually have hobbies that are atleast somewhat closer to what you do. I'm 34 and I still go bouldering. One of the 20 year old interns also boulders. She also loves 90's movies, which is what I grew up with. We have great convo's and I genuinely enjoy talking to her and I would absolutely go out with her If I was actually able to date interns (not allowed where I work).

This whole age gap = maturity gap thing is true in a sense as much as blacks committing majority of crime is true in a sense, but that doesn't mean you treat every black like a criminal, you still have to treat people individually while being consciously aware of the trends. Which is why in order to find out if they are compatible...you talk to them.

Honestly I talk to a lot of women at my work at the only conversations I have with women where I feel like they are on my level are 60+ year old women. So yeah it doesn't make sense when girls bitch about some kind of "power imbalance". There's always going to be a power imbalance with men and women, even at the same age. So you may as well go for a woman that you can actually somewhat talk to, is pretty, young, and eventually wants a family.

How is dating a more experienced older person (while being a 20 years old ADULT WOMAN) a bad thing?

Everyone knows women date older men only for money and material wealth. Might as well tattoo "whore" on your forehead, toots.

>Everyone knows mature women are infinitely better in bed.

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Yeah they should go for broke unattractive losers like us instead.

ok incel

>has never dated sub-25 before
You'll do better next time, I'm sure of it.

>this new tendency
nigga, you dumb?

I just wanna break down your mental before I have one:
"Little girls" - user's brainwashed by the matrix into thinking there's right and wrong relationships, and is probably willing to follow this in hopes of getting his own, why else would you be this triggered by a collage like this? Again, not a diss, you probably don't have much experience from the real life dating scene, which explains your inability to understand anything about this situation.
You're also willing to waste his time plotting "how do we stop (XDD) this exploitative type of relationship?"

And why tf should you stop it? Who tf gives you the authority? And why tf do you even follow this line of thought? Like why you gotta take your time and go into somebody elses life and decide what they can and can't do?? It's insane.

I don't understand why people are so intimidated by living their own lives. Fix it, instead of escaping through media etc. You all deserve what's coming.



Maybe girls should date for love and not status.

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>tfw 28 and thinking of making my soon 21yo fwb a serious gf
Should I?

I’ve had 19 year olds who try hard and 40 year olds who lay there.

Why don’t you go suck a fuck Maggie?

She had massive tits at 17.

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A/2+7 goes out the window if you’re a celebrity.

I call this tweet Seething Spoiled Milk

I beleive I may have sex soon what does it feel like what can I expect.

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>that millenial circlejerk at the end
That is why I will always prefer this place.

grow up

>not even teenagers in the literal sense of the word
>"little girls"
Don't be patronizing user.

she looks 30

hoes mad

Hello beautiful

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Because millennials created a culture of forever teenagism because they grew up in an echo chamber of nostalgia and media. Flicks like Endgame should be fun movies for teenagers to take their dates to, not a cultural revolution leading it to be a best selling movie.
Boomers and Millennials where a 1-2 punch to society that fucking knocked half its teeth out and they're blaming your bad oral hygiene for it.

>what does it feel like
It's one of the most physically fulfilling experiences on direct proportion to how emotionally invested you are in the girl you're with. Emotionless fucking is barely better than jerking off once the novelty wears off
>what can I expect.
Being surprised at where the hole is actually located and probably cumming either way too soon or not at all if you're very nervous. Don't lie about being a virgin, it'll only make things weird.

Imagine he being this fucking delusional

blood transfusion

>Being surprised at where the hole is actually located and probably cumming either way too soon or not at all if you're very nervous.
Thanks for the advice. Friend.

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>clueless idiot boomers control all the levers of power and influence and refuse to relinquish any sense of control
>lol but why are all their children so unwilling to grow up and take responsibility for things they can't achieve or afford???
Really makes you think.

Some of the best sex I ever got was with a 40 year old milf from a broken marriage. She knew all the tricks and just wanted to please me in order to keep the dick flowing. Soooooooo good.

This is the biological reality.

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Protip: use two fingers and aim "up" when she's laying on her back.

Just remember sex is supposed to be fun and nobody is perfect, especially the inexperienced (which is why you shouldn't lie about your virginity). If it feels good, do it. If it doesn't, try something else. Laugh off the failures and try not to doubt yourself too much. Nobody anywhere has ever learned a skill without practice, so get in as much as you can and you'll be fucking like a champ in no time.

I'm honestly horrified. Thanks guys.

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What do these women have to say about Madonna dating guys young enough to be her sons?

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Women are incapable of love though.

The best thing about this thread is now Yea Forums pretends they don't have a "this actor is gay" thread everyday

Hilarious shit. SO NOW they are straight, when they make old women mad?


Love isn't even a real emotion. It's a fictional plot device that (((shakesberg))) convinced everyone was a truth. Marriage is an contract. We used to know this.

That's the worst mindset though. It's self-defeating. There's literally nothing to be scared of if the girl genuinely likes you and her expectations aren't overinflated for some reason. They're genuinely pretty forgiving of sexual missteps, and if they know you don't really know what you're doing they tend to take a little control to show you what they like and how and where to do it. Unless she's sexually repressed or generally averse to her own sexuality, but that's on her and you shouldn't bang chicks like that, it's always a bad time.

>You can't date a 20 year old they are not mentally mature enough!
Implying a 40 year old hag offers sparking conversation either and isn't an overgrown child

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by supporting it, OP. everything you guys touch turns to shit after all

>SO NOW they are straight, when they make old women mad?
No, when they fuck 20 something year old supermodels

Good post thank you.

Can I still visit Yea Forums when I am no longer a virgin? I'LL MISS YOU GUYS.

yaaas girl slay

>. They're genuinely pretty forgiving of sexual missteps, and if they know you don't really know what you're doing they tend to take a little control to show you what they like and how and where to do it.
women expect you to fuck better than the last guy she fucked and if you don't she moves on to the next guy

Ban the hojab.

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As you get older, you want to fuck younger girls because you already are expreienced and don't need the girl to be experienced to have a good time.
The problem starts when you want to talk to them. Talking to young girls is torture but that is what your friends are for. Talk to them.

>Bradley Cooper
Isn't this 2013 news.

>and if they know you don't really know what you're doing they tend to take a little control to show you what they like and how and where to do it.
This. They know from all the other guys they fucked what works and what doesn't. You have nothing to be afraid of.

Spinsters seething

>I don’t like talking to anyone SIX years younger than me for any reason. These dudes are pedophiles
>dating people in their 20s now makes you a pedo
I fucking hate these retards.

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>uhh there is nothing wrong with an adult relationship, you virgin. what a man and a woman do together is between them. stop discriminating, love doesn't care about those things.
it's just envy and inability to cope with the coming of the wall, nothing to see here

Women are hypocritical cunts

maybe you should love someone not for appearance but for personality?

This man is a fan of toxic relationships or a virgin incel.

Wrong, ideally they know what works because they have a passing familiarity with their own erogenous zones. A woman who only knows what she likes men to do to her doesn't really know what she likes. Please refer back to sexually repressed, it is possible to be both sexually active and sexually repressed.

personality doesn't exist for a romantic relationship unless you meet the physical requirements the other person has

I sincirely think women are going to make it illegal to date any women bellow 5 years minus your age. Unironically they will try push laws to stop this "predatory action".

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if that were the case ugly men would never find love so your theory is invalid

Having a cultural reasoning (non-white) will make you exempt though

When women will stop caring about money, men will stop caring about looks and youth.

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>Leo cucked Brady
Ywn be this Chad.

Based DCchads.

Also Bradley Cooper and JakeGyllenhaal are both gay / those are their beards.

what does a non toxic relationship feel like?

based virtue signaling user

>new tendency

>the relationship between O'Neill and Chaplin soon developed from professional to romantic.[26] On 16 June 1943, a month after O'Neill had turned 18, they eloped and married in a civil service in Carpinteria.[27]
>The elopement received a large amount of media attention due to the 36-year age gap between O'Neill and Chaplin
>Following the marriage, O'Neill gave up her career plans and settled into the role of housewife. She rarely spoke in public, but in 1952 commented that she was "happy to stay in the background", and help Chaplin where needed.[30] They spent the first nine years of their marriage living in Beverly Hills and had the first four of their eight children, Geraldine Leigh (b. July 1944), Michael John (b. March 1946), Josephine Hannah (b. March 1949) and Victoria (b. May 1951), during this time.[31]

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proof that they care more about size and personnlity than money

took you long enough. I feel like I will eventually end up living alone in a farm, away from everything. I don't like people, I hate women most of all. I feel so attracted to them, but I hate their personalities, and deep down they are all so similar.

So 18 years old is not enough for them? What the fuck. Lets make age of consent 40 years old then.

>Jake is gay


Best sex ever with a 19 year old, I'm 27

not enough if you are 10 years older
just don't be a creep

There aren't rules. You're as dumb as the Twitter cunts.

Are hos mad?

Promise. Cross my heart. Pinky swear. 100%.
Honestly thinking the only motivation he had for playing Mysterio in the latest soulless installation of the MCU Spiderman movie was to see Tom Holland desu. You can pretty much see in his interviews that he's literally suffering.

my sister does makeup for artists. and if you're into scoops rumors he has alot of scoops in 1001 arabian nights/agcwebpages


And they say females can't be incels...

>some butthurt roastie actually made this chart

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A heap of barren wombs and college-debt harpies telling successful men they should be dating their busted asses instead of a Young Woman in her prime.

Is it finally sinking in for these Roasties?

age is irrelevant in that aspect. if they talk like retards in their 20s they are still going to talk that way in their 30s. if they are cool and interesting in their 30s, they most likely were also that way back in their 20s.

>I don't understand why these men are so intimidated by women over 25.
The fact that roasties are going to this much trouble would suggest it's not the men that are intimidated. I doubt they raise any kind of shit over old women dating young men, so I don't see why the reverse is suddenly a problem.

Are you a fucking feminist basedboy?

We need an actual civil war. I want to see some PUNISHMENT

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>millennials seething because they are getting old and nobody likes old people while they still behave like kids

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>he unironicalled had Twitter installed
>not only he doesn't use his PC, but his phone to browse
The absolute STATE of nu4chan.
Anyone who has ever been on twitter deserves a rangeban.

In high school most girls dated older guys. In university they dated mostly seniors/ or men in the working life.

Women date older until they hit the wall. Then they start bitching about men dating younger women.

The best sex I had was with a 13 year old.
We were both young, no idea what we were doing, but we were both horny as fuck and spent an entire night fucking like rabbits.
Awkward and sloppy, but it was heaven.

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Fucking A+ post

It's hilarious going to Twitter and seeing all the millennials circlejerking, and then coming to Yea Forums and seeing the wierdos do the same.
People who live in bubbles instead of real life deserve a bullet.

they do find love, with ugly women, whose physical requirements are low enough.

Yeah, that was a powerful statement, right, millennial?

>tfw 32 and last gf had been 18 for a month when we got together

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None of this would have ever been a concern to these Women if they hadn't done everything in their power to dismantle the Family Unit.

Who the fuck wants to start a Family with a woman deep in college debt on a useless degree, is 30 and who's had the express pass for the cock carousel for 15 years? Young Women are natural for Men, Roasties are not.

>Is it finally sinking in for these Roasties?

as they don't appear to be availing themselves of the leftovers ie you guys it appears not

well thanks but I just see myself as a guy trying to do the right thing

>It's hilarious going to Twitter and seeing all the millennials circlejerking, and then coming to Yea Forums and seeing the wierdos do the same

It's not, although perhaps it should be.

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pretty much
when i was 15, my oneitis, same age as me, dated a college freshman. and every girl i knew thought it was normal, they all liked older guys. the only guys my age that had same-age GFs were the guys who looked older..
now i'm 22, finally got a cute GF that's about to finish high school and move in with me, and every single women i know gives me shit for dating a 17 (nearly 18) year old, as if it is 'creepy' or 'predatory', forgetting that they'd drool over guys my age when they were 17.

>everything in their power to dismantle the Family Unit
>deep in college debt on a useless degree
>express pass for the cock carousel for 15 years

Christ Jesus the shit you poor left-out bastards encourage each other to believe.

I know a lot of poor lankies that are very charming that can only fuck ugly bar sluts, yet uggo millionaires fuck supermodels on the regular.

i bet all the girls complaining dated older guys when they were young

>move in with me
Lol idiot

Nooooo why won't they fuck my disease ridden crusted 30 year old vagina

>all the cringe comments and rage are made by trannies/faggots

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>best bodies, no brain
>the worst
pick one

Wouldn't be the first time that women raised the age of consent.

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Like having a best friend you also fuck on the regular. You're able to talk about anything and you care about each other enough to not let fights and disagreements ruin the relationship so you work through your differences like adults.

based af

You either will finish too fast or not finish at all, but they key is: don’t worry about that. Just focus on having a good time, and make sure she feels good too. It can be a great first experience without a “correct” orgasm.

How does she rationalize saying they are the worst people?

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>little girl
spotted the angry hambeast

23 is the absolute peak, if you can afford to have standards, let's be honest.

Girls are trouble.
Patricians stay away from them.
They will blow through money like crazy then move on if it runs out.

it allows people to stalk porn stars or something I dunno+ her past doesn't belong to you

seething old feminists already made the age of consent 18
are they going to raise it to 25 now
and then 10 years later it's going to be 35

>Bradley Cooper Reads Lolita In A Park With His 21-Year-Old Girlfriend

i don't mean live with me, i mean live in the same city

He's right, though.

Sounds about right

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do you know what childbirth is?

Reminder that the only ones complaining are seething hambeasts and millennials in denial over getting old.

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hahaha, when will dumb whores understand the brain of playboy?

Sex partners will be doled out to holders of a sex license by a committee of prestigious doctors of gender studies, adhering to the principles of the progressive stack.

Are the people complaining about this always older roasties?

Tighter bodies tighter puss you virgin monks

my mom is 60 and she aint that much better

her tactics with dealing with men who dont want to be her slaves involve:

this is gonna be his next teen gf

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Because Amerimutts have entered a new age of pathetic puritanism.
It's all stupid burgerclaps.

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I'd pay a dollar to watch

she looks innocent and naive. i wonder if her hymen is still intact

And she is beautiful.

>watch movie
>he is just proud and not lusting after her

you lied to me

They do that because teenage girls are very cute.

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not anymore

If she was innocent and naive, those 5 seconds were her sexual awakening.

It's also creepy.


You mean disgusted.

imagine being so promiscuous to think this is a bad thing

I'll never understand this, what's with America, the most degenerate country in the world, being so puritan in certain aspects?
Do they do it out of shame?

normalfags are retarded and jealous. they're treating women in 20s as if celebrities force them into a relationship. but literally ANY woman would want to date e.g. dicaprio, at any age. why the fuck should he choose old hags when he can just get the best pussy possible?
let's not pretend that they're dating celebrities for their personalities, women are whores and want money. settling for a 40yo and marrying one is a financial suicide, especially when you consider divorce rates among famous people. when you're worth 250 million you'll NEVER find true love, because women will literally fake it for 10+ years just so they can get some cash.

fucking prime 20s pussy is the smartest and best thing a celebrity can do and anyone who disagrees is a low test cuck or a jealous roastie. you cannot refute this.

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>women being overly choosing when selecting a suitable man
>men literally just want women with no baggage & fertile eggs

this actually sounds plausible

Based victimcomplexpilled user

It's not normalfags, it's American millennials who can't accept they are getting old despite the fact that mentally they are still kids.

it's funny how the libs and conservs have flipped on all this puritanical thinking. now the libs are the uptight cunts everybody hates

men are seething because they know they would never be able to pull off dating 20s and a 40yo. women are seething because it makes them realize they're already past their expiration date.

user here gets it. 40 year old has what ?

More experience when it comes to talking about food,travel, shoes. Wow, so interesting, tell me more...

>women chosing a man based on their personality is the same as poweful men doing borderline pedophilia

And they’re not dating little girls, they’re dating adult women.

>old busted ass woman divorces old ass husband
>becomes cougar
You go grrrl!

Jake is fucking Tom Holland though, there’s no way he’s straight.

please describe the entire scene in detail. I've yet to see it, it comes out in a week where I lvie

Wtf, Is 18 not an adult anymore in 2019?


Clare's Law for slags.

>adult women is borderline pedo
I'm dead I'm literally fucking dying.

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They’ll still get hit on, just at 4am in the club when everyone decent has paired up and the drunken guys who’d fuck a pig if it wore lipstick are looking for something.

the posters saying a woman should be "good in bed" are so mentally cucked that its unreal. First of all, the sex is best when you dont even come but take it slow and your time, and clench your kegels a lot. Second of all, the feeling of being the one to deflower a woman> fucking some 40yo whore

my current gf is a virgin and I cannot wait

There are no adults left in America.

Sexual attraction is necessary in a relationship, otherwise you are just friends.

Leo's character is a washed up western actor. He is on set for a bit part and is reading a dime store western novel. He talks to an extremely professional-acting little girl who is also in the production while they are waiting for the next scene. She asks what he's reading, and he tells her it's about a bronco-buster who is getting old and injured and is starting to become more and more useless, and Leo starts to cry. The girl asks what's wrong and he tells her she'll understand in about 15 years

This, also women in shitloads of relationships become as jaded as incels + they have a busted up stink hole

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do you live under a rock?
>A Star Is Born (2018)

I don't get it, are these women upset they now have to compete with other women?

no pics so it didn't happen

No, it's just millennials in denial over them getting old.
They are still mentally 5, so they are incapable of understanding why they are getting replaced.

You never be able to declare which aspect is more important.
The importance of money is grater than zero, the importance of height is grater than zero, the importance of dick size is greater than zero, etc.

I'm 26 and literally only go for 19-24. That's the only age range I could see myself dating. The girls my age and older who didn't want me then who want me now... I just fucking laugh at cuz i get better looking and better opportunities and they get uglier and sadder LOL

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roasties really can't form a good bait.

all of this drivel stems from the simple fact that women age much more poorly

If they take care of themselves they can age fine, this applies to everyone.
These complaints come from aging millennials because millennials are still having sugar-ridden colorful cereal for breakfast and having fast food for launch, which is why they are all aging badly, and now they are jealous.
And lets not even mention most of them are americans, one of the most unhealthy countries in the planet.

>We need an actual civil war. I want to see some PUNISHMENT
You first, pumpkin.

>implying the men are not succubi victims

What rules?

>22yo kid dating 18yo kid is creepy and predatory
America is doomed.

It is, attractive girls are only allowed to date me

And that's a good thing.




Based chinks

In this case it is just jealousy and entitlement. I'm sure many of the older women who wine about men their age dating young women have done degenerate things in their lives like being promiscuous and maybe even screwing a much younger male, yet they feel they should still be deserving of attractive, rich, and popular men, so they get all high and mighty about these supposedly perverse men who date women who they arbitrarily deem to be too young.

If these same men were dating hot women their own age, the bitter older women mob would be bitching about how ugly the women were.

>he seemed like such a nice boy
Wait, so dating a 22-year-old is now morally reprehensible? What the fuck?

Lots of these women would literally like the age of consent to be their own current age, minus maybe 3 years just so they don't seem like they want laws to be entirely self-serving.

>new tendency

Well, hello beautiful...

Your denial of reality doesn't work without upvotes and social shaming.

Look up muslim child marriage in Nordic countries and the UK. Courts are making exceptions TODAY.


when you're a millionaire women offer -literally nothing- you cannot get for money. "dating" a 20yo as a rich man is basically having an exclusive hooker that follows you around.

women my age
>tons of baggage
>usually bitter and too focused on past experiences
>extensive relationship history or even kids
>high sexual standards
>they need you to be financially well-off,, have a car and a home
>face hit the wall, saggy skin
younger women
>usually no baggage
>open to new things, generally fun to be around
>still beautiful
>only expect you to be their sexual partner
>standards are usually low-medium since they haven't been riding the cock carousel for long

explain to me in small words why i would EVER EVER want to date a woman in her mid thirties instead of women in their 20s?

I had thought the same and Im 27. Dated a 30yo who was insatiable. She'd lick my taint and suck my balls for fun. Then one day after we broke up I took home a 20yo bartender and absolutely fucked the life out of her. The experience of sexually dominating a fresh young girl who would have been way out of your league at equal age is great.

>Whatever consenting adults do in the bedroom is their business!
>Execpt for those consenting adults, I don't like it

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It feels like the inside of your cheek

I call this collage Hoes Mad

I just did. Find me any super rich dude that has any issues getting women. Even if he's short, ugly, etc.

what do you see?

there's nothing to analyze, OP. in life, you just can't compete against youth. women are used to having their sexual lives on easy mode in our culture, so they want a band-aid fix to stop younger, prettier women from showing them up.

Would it also be "creepy" if I dated a 40 year old Italian Milf?

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I'd argue that if you don't want to marry and have kids in the next few years (which is very much everyone's prerogative), it's often quite mean to date women in the 27+ age range. Women above that age commonly start pushing for marriage/kids once the relationship matures, even if they said they didn't want that shit at the outset of the relationship. They will very often feel bitter and resentful if you don't give them that kind of commitment - they interpret it as a humiliation of sorts (>I'm good enough to fuck but not good enough to marry/have kids with). The fights, the manipulations, the emotional blackmail can be very distressing - and if you do give in you face financial ruin in some messy Hollywood divorce if shit doesn't work out.

These actors are actually being quite kind by dating younger women with low expectations regarding long-term commitments. The stakes are lower, the breakups are less painful. This isn't just about youth and beauty and sex; it's about emotional peace as much as anything else.

If by creepy you mean extremely based then yeah

Unironically this. Thanks Henry !

If you have power and money, you can date who you want. If you can date who you want, you will obviously choose the best option. Which option is the best? 18 to 25yo models.

It is easy math, my dear roastie.

>don't understand why these men are so intimidated by women over 25
Not intimidated, the point is that a woman past that age have less value. If you can get whatever you want, why would get a woman past 25?

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then women should be stripped of their rights and go back to being sold off by their fathers like the useless cattle they are

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Then you'd have mommy issues! Men aren't allowed to win

when i can't get a girlfriend in high school because they all want college or older guys
>uhhh love is love user, don't be such a bitter person. older guys are hot and so mature!
when i'm in my 20s and get an 18 year old gf
>user what the fuck is wrong with you she's just a kid, you're not supposed to have sex with her!

it's just envy, hoes mad, move on

I'm actually conflicted about this issue. When I was high school/college age I was upset girls only want me for my pretty face. It felt shallow and I was angry that they didn't even care about my personality. But then I got older and had young girls dating me for money. And it felt pretty shitty too. I dunno maybe I'm just an ungrateful cunt but in my opinion relationships with women are unfulfilling

I still find it funny that these are the same faggots who say shit like

>labels are for soup cans :p

but then have a fucking paragraph of them to describe themselves

toastie roasties

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What's the point of sleeping with so many people that you lose track of the number?
Both for men and women
Why go to bed with a stranger when you can go to bed with someone that you know and you both can teach eachother over time about what you like and don't like sexually?
That's so much better than rolling the dice that the sexual parther is compatible with your needs and wants

That's irrelevant and not at all what was being discussed.

I love you too

>What's the point of sleeping with so many people that you lose track of the number?
There is no point. These people can't think for themselves. They have no concept of the future. No concept of consequences. They are NPCs. They just do things.

Attached: its not who I am, everyone does it, it wasnt who i was, i was conforming, i didnt enjoy it, its the (920x558, 187K)

It feels like you're disappointing someone you care about.

Henry's stare literally broke it at that moment, notice how her legs start to shake.

That chart is still wrong, if it wasn’t taboo all men would admit to prime age being 16

oh no they are dating prime ADULT women in their 18-22s

they must be pedophiles for not wanting a middle age single mother of Tyrone

Who are they supposed to date? Old women their age who can't provide them with potential children? Give me a break.

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Seething femcel

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I had no idea this was such a sore spot for old roasties

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How is he dating a 22 year old if that was over 1 year ago

nah Jake is a notorious playboy, he literally yoinked Taylor Swift's virginity and then never called her again and she wrote that song after

Not that one

Mark is based

Did they get mad when Sandra Bullock dated Ryan Gosling, or when Demi Moore married Ashton Kutcher, or when Robin Wright dated Ben Foster?

Is this Jake holland a fat bald beard guy?

>He told me that I didn't even leave the party scene, I was kicked out because I got replaced by prettier and younger girls.
Christ how brutal

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Disgregard this post I misread.

I could read these screencaps all day, they make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

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Why would someone their age date retarded zoomers?

Regressive liberals on an 18-22 girl dating or sugar-babying for older men in order to acuire money/fame/status from him
>Omg yas queen slayy sexual freeedom to date whoever you want regardless of the reason you go girl power fuck the patriarchy his money is basically yours KWEEN

These people on the same men dating the girl in question
>Omg fucking creep pedophile wtf is wrong with you stop being predatory

I don't fucking get it it's such a double standard. How are you gonna enable/celebrate one side for being a fucking whore golddigger whilst shitting on the other side?


>what I freely did many times over an extended period wasn't who I was

Underated comment. They're just seething cos Chad wants a younger lady and not a used up "mature" woman

women dont get any smarter as they get older, they just get uglier
they wont suddenly develop a personality either, they are the same boring mindless animals, just older, uglier and unfit to give birth

god I wish this were true

legal here in texas. I just banged a 17 y/o last week.

>lets pretend like women don't date younger guys

Probably worth noting that she doesn't even really deny it after mentioning that he said it. She probably thinks there was some truth to it.

Several people made this argument in the reply section, but they just wave this away and claim that it's not necessarily the age difference, it's the fact that it's basically the norm for these older dudes to ONLY date younger women.

They're coping pretty hard with their double standard.

the clit is like the primer button on a lawnmower

there's nothing wrong with being in love with a 16yo!

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she probably has a dozen other "fwb" boyfriends

women are valued on their youth/appearance
men are valued for their appearance too, but also their material wealth
women lose their value far faster than men because of this. an actress who was on top of the world will wake up tomorrow and be worthless because she's yesterday's news
they can't handle waking up to a world that doesn't fawn over them anymore
and I don't really blame them, a fall like that for seemingly no reason would break me too

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>dating 19 year old
Why not just date a 14 year old