ITT: creepy historical incidents that you want to see in a TV show based on

ITT: creepy historical incidents that you want to see in a TV show based on

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Other urls found in this thread:ópez_(stalker)

Based oblivious poster.

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It's obvious what happened if you do an inkling of research and you aren't retarded. Same with dyatlov pass, tired of these dumbass stories being posted ad nauseum

missed you op

>american horror story

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Hinterkaifeck movie when?

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I don't have any of those, BUT I've always wanted to see a bonkers over-the-top comedy about Disco Demolition Night or the Ten Cent Beer riots. There's more documentation on the DDN, but Ten Cent Beer would be just icing on the cake.

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Already been don in a German tv movie
Heard about this in a documentary on youtube. Nobody really know what happened, pretty creepy stuff.

Is it kino?

Based ackchually autist with no sense of wonder

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What about this event intrigues you

Not exactly creepy but I’d love to see a one season tv show on the Hindenburg airship. Think “Band of Brothers/The Pacific” but following the Hindenburgs exploits.
Follow the ship/crew around from Rio, Cairo, NYC, Europe etc over the course of a year or two.
Get to know the crew, famous passengers, company culture and political drama involving the company, Germany in the 1930’s etc.

Could be interesting af especially as they’re not sure what causes the disaster. Lightning strike? Pilot error? Sabotage? Terrorist attack?

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I would like to see a movie about the Korean axe incident. But I know they would shove in wimmins just like in that goose space flick

fucking when
feel like it's been in """""pre production""""" for a decade

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But who was phone?

>psychological thriller with the family growing increasingly paranoid as the odd occurrences around the farm multiply
>interactions with all the possible killers over the course of the week before the murder
>Murderer is left ambiguous and the final shot of the film is the fitter waving at the murderer from a long distance while repairing the families food chopper

hopefully a ten hour blank check doc about rippen

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Makes you wonder about parallel universes nearly identical to this one and people sometimes drifting in between..
Most likely answer is he was a govt spook that went mad/bought into his own cover and lost touch with reality
Would explain the legit documentation merged with mythical content

>our dimension
conspiracy brainlets are the worst

aviation is scary as fuck

The sheer amount of ego and commitment to a gag that went into planning an event like this, setting off a bomb filled with disco records in the middle of a baseball game. That in and of itself would be great, but then there's the riots that happened after. The entire audience apparently just lost their whole fucking minds, rushing the field all at once. Apparently the ball players had to defend themselves with bats, apparently Michael Clarke Duncan was there.

There's so many interesting and fucking weird tidbits about it that it baffles me how no one's tried to turn it into a comedy about things just going off the fucking rails.

I'd write it myself if I had more talent.

here's a classic one, could see it being a fincher film a la Zodiac

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what actually happened at Dyatlov Pass then?

Kowloon City

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they got fucked up in a storm, got lost, died. If you are going to claim some fantastical elements like ALIENS, or YETI or what ever, provide some proof. its a weird story but its not that weird, its just hard to get an exact picture due to the nature of the event happening in the middle of nowhere and it only being investigated ages after it happened.

This sounds genuinely interesting. Why wasn't this the setting for The Terror season 2

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>but it's a walled city

would watch

because they are dumb and had to set it in a fucking internment camp rather than any number of exploration/colony setting throughout history

no way to milk it for the current political climate

Nothing great, nothing terrible.

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The men were delusional, irradiated, would not listen and go to the infirmary. Hence, they died.

That island the soviets sent a bunch of prisoners to to build a settlement and they just ate each other

This scared me so much, I hid your post. NOPE

Any stuff like this but in Africa? It seems like its the only continent without such occurrences.

That is so stupid.

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actually they were attacked or scared by a bear

>the Croatan tribe was based
says it right in the wiki article you linked

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>and they were never seen again
Every single time

The Donner Party, I'm currently reading a book about it. A bunch of American emigrants traveled out west to California, took an unproven shortcut, and got stuck in a blizzard in the mountains and ate each other. Here are some highlights in no particular order

>rich guy in the party murders someone else, gets exiled which was an almost certain death
>somehow he SURVIVES, makes it to California, fights in the fucking Mexican-American War, comes back to find his family is missing and is a big reason why any of them lived

>one man's dying wish was for his daughters to eat him

>the native american guides they hired got spooked at their cannibalism, and ran off
>the party caught up with them and ate them
>a few days later they made it to a native american camp with the bones still in their fucking sack

>they boiled leather and ate the collagen

So much more shit happened it's fucking insane. I'd love to see a faithful recreation of it

hee hee

what evidence there is there of this?

Season 2 is golden.

not creepy but I would like to see another conquistador kino

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>historical incidents
>posts made up irrelevant creepypastas
Fuck off newfags, OP said historical events, not /x/ larp posts.

This, it's the perfect backdrop for a lot of genres. I'm surprised there isn't more fiction based on it.

>During the night, something caused them to tear their way out of their tents and flee the campsite, all while inadequately dressed for the heavy snowfall and sub-zero temperatures.

they don't write stuff down

One of my favorite missions in Black Ops

That's a shit creepy story honestly

Cant read or write

The Roman conquest of Anglesey, and really their whole invasion of Britain in general, but with a horror angle.
Paulinus invaded the isle of Anglesey with a legion of dudes, and when they arrived on the shore there were a bunch of women in black garb running around with torches in between a bunch of Druids standing around shouting chants and singing on top of a hill. This scared the shit out of a lot of roman troops, and Paulinus had to order them to press on anyway and cut down everyone. So they were killing all these hundreds of women and priests, until one of the surviving women threw her torch down and set the hill on fire. They were fighting on top of a giant sacrificial pyre, the druids were sacrificing themselves. The Romans believed they had helped them in a real magical spell, and there were all sorts of nonsensical reports from across Britain of soldiers seeing shit like a river turning into blood, and horses going missing.
It'd all make a pretty cool horror movie, really. Kind of how The 13th Warrior (Eaters of the Dead,) was pretty creepy, even though it was just a bunch of iron age jerkoffs fighting over land.

so its the evidence for everything else then? again, complete speculation. plus, there is no evidence of a bear, nor of anything attempting to break into the tent, nor would a bear randomly attack a tent in the middle of a heavy snow storm and nor would they randomly try and break out of a tent because a bear it outside. the most logical theory is that a fire started inside the tent from the stove they had

>I am god
That is the cringiest shit you can ever put in a spooky story. Get the fuck outta here

it didnt. It only scared them. Also it prevented them from returning. One of them tried to climb a tree to see if its safe and fell. No one abandons comfi camp to die from exposure.

>nor would a bear randomly attack a tent in the middle of a heavy snow storm
Not him but if that bear smelled food it's going to try and get in there. They also dont give a fuck about a storm


>man stands up in fairground ride

how hard is this to understand? have you never been outside?

pure kino

>he doesn't know

forced /x/ meme

>Severe blunt force trauma
>Eyes, Tongues missing
>burned skin/hair
If it was a bear or wolves or some shit why did they have no soft tissue damage? why only the eyes and tongues? and what the fuck is the explanation for the high levels of radiation and burns?

why are bears so alpha

So the soviet government covered up a nuclear testing. The end

>To help determine who would die, Huerta had 159 white beans and 17 black beans placed in a pot. In what came to be known as the Black Bean Episode or the Bean Lottery, the Texans were blindfolded and ordered to draw beans. Officers and enlisted men, in alphabetical order, were ordered to draw. The seventeen men who drew black beans were allowed to write letters home before being executed by firing squad. On the evening of March 25, 1843, the Texians were shot in two groups, one of nine men and one of eight. According to legend, Huerta placed the black beans in the jar last and had the officers pick first, so that they would make up the majority of those killed.

They’re an endangered species lol.

That does sounds pretty dope.

t. disinfo agent

several of them worked for nuclear testing plants
>severe blunt force trauma
they fell down a small frozen ravine
>eyes tongue missing
these are the first things to be consumed by frostbite and such
>burns hair/skin
fire inside the tent

the low level details are fantastical and require fantastical reasons when you read a wiki page but when you look into it and the actual details of each person, everything has an explanation.

This is retarded.

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Voynich manuscript. The sole reason why I find this interesting is the fact that so many important people in history had it in possession at one time and yet nobody could decipher it.

It was avalanche you retard

This is fake. Any reliable sources for this?
This one is still the strangest happening I've ever read about.


None, it's just an old urban legend.

What do you want. Aliens? The yeti?

You dont need aliens to explain Chernobyl. The commies are scummy enough

Reminds me of this

This one always gets me.

I've always headcanoned him into being a cross-dimensional Taured operative.

How come Mel Brooks hasn't made a film out of this yet?

Nice but ruined by the note implying they're just people who are afraid of the police.

Oh hell yes....thats terrifying.

LOL pussies, you dont have your night light on tonight?

> authorities encouraged more dancing, in part by opening two guildhalls and a grain market, and even constructing a wooden stage.

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theres a whole recent swedish doc that explores it and their explanations honestly are the only ones that make sense to me but are relatively simple. heres an alright video that sums it up

All those Wikipedia links shared on/x/

pic related for me

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Fucking kek.

>The Kursk
>Reactor 4
>The Pass

No one could stop this madman but time itself.

Not to mention their appalling lack of feedwater.

Actually, they were attacked by a delusional bear that had escaped the infirmary. It left a trail of graphite so it could find its way back.

fucking this, it's time to make mainstream hollywood movie about how the usa gov fucked you all in the eye, the ass and the mouth

>>rich guy in the party murders someone else, gets exiled which was an almost certain death

His daughter gave him a horse and supplies in secret, right? Because of this his entire family lived because he lived. Based as fuck, he was a good dad and a badass motherfucker.

Gef the Talking Mongoose:
>I know who I am but I shan't tell you. I am a freak. I have hands and I have feet, and if you saw me you'd faint, you'd be petrified, mummified, turned into stone or a pillar of salt."
>"I am not evil. I could be if I wanted. You don't know what damage or harm I could do if I were roused. I could kill you all, but I won't."

One of my favorite mysterios events.

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this user knows too much

sounds like hc conman/agent to me

Oops broken link

Wish we had more threads like these. It's the same recycled memes from 2017 24/7 now

I know it's fake, but I love the concept of people accidentally slipping to other dimensions that are slightly different from our own.

I would watch the shit outta this, just don't let netflix do it

>On the afternoon of August 20, 1966, a young man was flying a kite on the Morro do Vintém (Vintém Hill) in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, when he came upon the bodies of two deceased males and reported them to the authorities. The Morro do Vintém had difficult terrain, and the police were unable to reach the bodies until the next day. When a small team of police and firefighters arrived, they encountered an odd scene: the bodies rested next to each other, partly covered by grass.
>Each one wore a formal suit, a lead eye mask, and a waterproof coat. There were no signs of trauma or any evidence of a struggle. Next to the corpses, police found an empty water bottle and a packet containing two wet towels. A small notebook was also identified, on which were written the cryptic instructions, "16:30 estar no local determinado. 18:30 ingerir cápsulas, após efeito proteger metais aguardar sinal mascara" ('16:30 be at the specified location. 18:30 ingest capsules, after the effect protect metals await signal mask').

based 14 year old creepypasta poster

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>the native american guides they hired got spooked at their cannibalism, and ran off
>the party caught up with them and ate them

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"Beans, motherfucker."

fucking kek

>In late June 1836, a group of boys headed out to the north-east slopes of Edinburgh’s Arthur’s Seat to hunt for rabbits. What they found there has remained a baffling mystery ever since.

>In a secluded spot on the north-east side of the hill, the boys discovered a small cave in the rock, hidden behind three pointed slabs of slate. Concealed within were 17 miniature coffins.

>Eight of these coffins survive to the present day, and are on display in the National Museum of Scotland. Few objects in our collection excite as much intrigue. Who made the intricate carved figures? Who did they represent? Who placed them in their secret sepulchre… and why?

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Well *that's* fucking sinister.
(Also best in thread so far.)

Post the list.

>Each one wore a formal suit, a lead eye mask, and a waterproof coat. There were no signs of trauma or any evidence of a struggle.
Dem Death Eaters got Avada Kedavra'd, is all.

That part's actually news to me. I'm more used to people trying to astroturf lines of deliberate bullshit about the Donner Party.

>I am god
Who finds this scary, seriously ?

That is seriously fucked up. You could approach it from an X-Files investigation angle.

>I am god
That's not even the worst part
>as the life faded from his eyes
>his last ever sight would be...
Jeez, talk about being overly dramatic.

maybe they had tom delonge's alien metals

Was there any concrete proof the bermuda triangle being a giant magnetic field or is it something spookier?

That's a spell.

Yeah, the two native americans were Miwoks named/called Luis and Salvador. They started guiding them around the time the party was already stuck in the mountains, so they were already fucked.

After they'd been stuck in the mountains and ran out of food, they staged a breakout attempt later dubbed, "The Forlorn Hope." I believe there were like 14-15 of them that went and only 6 or 7 survived.

Worst part is, is that the Miwoks most likely knew what the fuck was going on, as one of the guys in The Forlorn Hope suggested eating them. One of the whites most likely told them what was going on, or they could see them staring at them with hunger in their eyes. They got the fuck out of there, and The Forlorn Hope just fucking stumbled across them days/weeks later, they weren't even looking for them. so they just shot them and ate them. P fucked imo

It reads like a 15 year old wrote it

>On the night of February 24, 1978, a group of five young men from Yuba City, California, United States, all with mild mental or psychiatric issues, attended a college basketball game played at California State University, Chico. Afterwards, they stopped at a local market for snacks and drinks. Four of them - Bill Sterling, 29; Jack Huett, 24; Ted Weiher, 32; and Jack Madruga, 30 - were later found dead; the fifth one, Gary Mathias, 25,[1] has never been seen again.[2]

>Several days later their Mercury Montego was found, abandoned, in a remote area of Plumas National Forest on a high mountain dirt road that was far out of their way back to Yuba City. Investigators could not, however, determine why it was abandoned as it could easily have been pushed out of the snowpack it was in, and was in good working order. At that time, no trace of the men was found.

>After the snow melted, in June, four of the men's bodies were found, in and near a trailer camp used by backpackers as shelter deep in the forest, 20 miles (32 km) from the car.[2] Only bones were left of the three bodies in the woods, a result of scavenging animals, but the one in the trailer, Ted Weiher, had apparently lived for as long as almost three months after the men were last seen, starving to death despite an ample supply of food and heating materials available in it. He was missing his shoes, and investigators found Mathias' own shoes in the nearby woods, suggesting Mathias, too, survived for some time beyond the last night they were seen alive.

lol @ everyone looking so happy in that pic, it was a real hell on earth

Clearly a daemon


What the fuck happened there

>when the rippen hits

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>Most likely answer is he was a govt spook that went mad/bought into his own cover and lost touch with reality
there's a liam neeson movie about that

could be real, them being human traffickers and such, the body being used up prostitute/sex slave

yeah and if the dr was dying who cares what he saw?

this story cant exist irl, so it's pretty bad amateur mistake there

Seriously, what the fuck?

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seems comfy to me

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gimme some ww2ish spooks like operation highjump

fucking women, always being creepy together

>got lost
>car breaks down
>assume it is really broken and they can't fix it
>walk away from the car and find some shelter
>still don't have the mental capacity to survive there
? It's weird.

theres a lot more weird details if you look into it

Who believes this shit

one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.

They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.

>Giza Autism Array

Every fucking time.

local pedo niggerman's waifu dolls of the local kids

imagine the smell

Fucking beaners

Abhorrent taste.

maybe if you are homeless hoarder

Chekked and kekked, based rippenposter.

>car breaks down
but it was in working order?

actual fucking yikes! at that attempt to write a creepy story
>muh bodies
>muh blood
>muh newspaper
>never seen agian

is that where they hold the kumite?

hahaha, is this a comedy pasta?

why are /his/ memes so lame?

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Maybe they just thought it had broken down? It overheated or made a noise they didn't recognised and they were confused?


please spoonfeed

If it was discovered today, we would all be calling it fake and gay, but why would anyone put so much effort into an irl shitpost like that in the 15th century? Stuff like this keeps me up at night.

Are you new here?
yall aint seen shit

I love these because they read more like little short stories.

to the /x/ threads, yes

i think this is just the classic case of stupidity, most of them were dumb, they died of being too dumb to get car out of snow

Please tell me there's more of these

what's it called?

saw this once on /his/

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why? It's cringeworthy as fuck

reading the wiki the men were literally described as "learning disabled" and were preparing for a basketball game in the special olympics. so they probably were just retarded and didn't think to push the car out of the dirt.

Imagine how cheap you could buy daughterfus there.

>car was unscathed and 5 dudes could have easily pushed it out, it even had gas in it still
>they all get out and walk 20 miles in the snow

they were just retarded. the last dudes bones are sitting at the bottom of a lake somewhere.

They are not exactly mysteries, but stories of people who get lost in deserts or national parks and die or kill each other always fascinate me. Maybe it's the stupid decisions they make, or the despair. Gives me chills.Shit likes this.

it's just an old biology book written in ancient romance

i can see some parallels to north by northwest

made to be infernal affairs cos CIA niggas were in on it

wow, there we have it folks. mystery solved!

also probably thought the hut was closer than it actually was, dumb people dont really understand distances

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>happy to murder
>scared of cops
i bet vatican has shit ton of these old books that has knowledge they dont want commoners to have, also they probably are written in old languages so it's even harder to say what they are about

>Approximately 3 inches of average penis length

>why would anyone put so much effort into an irl shitpost like that in the 15th century?
Don't misjudge the autists of history, user. People really aren't that different.

I kind of want to read this one but that typewriter shit hurts my eyes.

>why would anyone put so much effort into an irl shitpost like that in the 15th century
Consider that until 60 years ago, you didn't really have anything to do at home except stare at a wall

harsh but fair

this, i couldnt read it either and it's just the old clinton child pedophile ring that has worked since 1800s in the western world, probably earlier

What a homo.


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I can already hear that slow spooky X-Files cold open music with the boy flying the kite running over the hill and the camera slowly panning to catch up as he stands there and stares


Yup, and there really was an underground temple in the middle of the superstructure.

i dont put much stock in an article that uses the term "promo-romance language."

its not creepy but I want a war movie revolving around The White Death Simo Häyhä aka deadliest sniper in the history of forever

Most of the plants and stuff in the book are either completely made up or do not exist on earth.

it's mostly made up propaganda

you sure? you sure they are not extinct? europe used to be green and not some factory land

God, I can picture the scene as the priestess lights up the pyre while the romans try to purge everyone.
It must have been spooky as fuck to be a just a roman grunt and seeing all this

no it isnt, just the shooting conditions were ideal, 30 dumb soviet men marching down the open field, shoot one and they all panic and then it's just easy pickings, repeat this 6 times a week and you get good numbers

you're so stupid lmao

Boorger king foot letes


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>That low, droning synth note
My nigga
Now it's in my head too

fucking campers

Tranny bathwater of ye olde times

>belle delphine bath water ca. 1438

bathing women, they probably got some herbs going on there, so what is the weird part?

shit Yea Forums says

nope, they were stupid stupid soldiers marching to enemy in a line

you are supposed to go thru forest and not in line if you are approaching enemy lands

also häyhä was on pervitin so he could really ski

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based celts. fund it

I’ve seen it! Comfy movie
Diane Kruger is my ultimate waifu


Did karl pilkington write this?


Oh sweet child of summer...

what's the title of the book?


"I'm going to crossbow whip the next nun to meow"

turns out...

>this thread again
Holy shit fuck off.

Do you guys know why vampires can't have babies?

It's because they can't come inside without an invitation

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Faggot, kys

what's your problem pal? gtfo

Am I not allowed to find something funny? Fuck off

how was there never a fire


>a lot of times the whole household goes out to see movies together

shut up idiot

>Third Neanderthal Genocide
>The War on Autism, Finnic Theater, Ongoing
makes me kek every time

That could be kino

It took me way longer than it should have to realize "disco records" meant record albums and not like, papers listing disco dancing competition scores or something. And I'm not even a zoomer.

Literally an autistic Germegian's notebook

the fucks a germegian

I wouldn't worry about it

>are you familiar with the phrase "there's no time like the present?"

Fucking hell these are bad and totally unbelievable. Was creepy pasta ever good, or have I just gotten old?

>there are no supernatural elements in this world
>too late to explore the world
>too soon to explore the stars
>born right in time to wageslave and die alone on Yea Forums

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The latter.

I remember reading about this in grade school in the early 90s. Some UFO book in the library.

So that's what it is? thanks for saving me the time bros. No left wing propaganda for this guy!

Lol retard wasn't scanning his instruments properly, trying to pitch up when he wasn't even wings level.

No excuse for a pilot with vacuum pressure to be that sloppy.

we had an entire book on mysteries in our libary as well, scared the shit out of my 5th grader self

Name of the book? Sounds like a good read

>no history for this guy!

I'd love a Coen Brothers about Rusty Torres, a player who was at both those riots (and another with the Yankees at the Senators final game). Also he was arrested for being a pedo recentlyish. Prime Coen material.

There's an indie game in development where you play a Cat in the walled city called HK project, looks fucking baller.

It's for when his career needs rehabbed. He just keeps winning though

For me it was a detective sent from the future to solve a mystery of the dead body only for the detective themselves to be the one who died. One giant parodox.

Dyatlov's Pass must get ternobyl-tier TV-show

He didn't speak spanish or french though.

What about seedwater?

>there are no supernatural elements in this world
That's where you're wrong.

Read the wikipedia article; they were literally just a bunch of retards. It's kind of morbidly funny.
"This behavior, however, was consistent with what Weiher's family members described as a lack of common sense arising from his mental disability; he often questioned why he should stop at a stop sign, and one night he needed to be dragged out of bed while his bedroom ceiling was burning in a house fire since he was worried about missing his job the next day if he left his bed."

Like, they literally interviewed the man's family and they were all, "yeah, that sounds about right."

>he needed to be dragged out of bed while his bedroom ceiling was burning in a house fire since he was worried about missing his job the next day if he left his bed
how would leaving his bed make him leave his job? he'd have to do that to go to work

I'm sure there's a Sneed thread that you can be posting in

Fucking kek. Based retard

the poisoned themselves

>Croatan tribe
>the natives somehow forgot to pack up guns,farm tools or any valuables during the raid leaving everything behind for no fucking reason!
based retard

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It's all about good healthy sleep.

I dunno, but they tried to force that one for a while and it never took off.

But the Anna Frank/Confederate meme that they hated did take off.

that basically happened with the viking settlement in Newfoundland too.

You mean when the Americans tried to chop down the tree and the North Koreans attacked them?

>A witness recalled that Cocke held up the bean between his forefinger and thumb, and with a smile of contempt, said, "Boys, I told you so; I never failed in my life to draw a prize." He later told a fellow Texan, "They only rob me of forty years." Fearing that the Mexicans would strip his body after he was dead, he removed his pants and gave them to a companion whose clothing was in worse shape.

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Trump would call him a failure for letting himself be captured.

Nah, he wasn't a traitor and a war criminal like McCain.

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McCain was a war hero

>McCain was a war hero

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Basically the middle age equivalent of fursuiters.
Watch the foam video and count how many animal sounds they make.
>ordered a large group of soldiers to beat them up.
Based. That's why they'll make it and we won't.

He was literally an incompetent nepotistic jackass who crashed three planes but got his ass saved each time by Admiral Daddy and when he finally got captured immediately sang like a songbird and recorded propaganda for the enemy in exchange for a cushy hotel room while his men got the bamboo fingernail treatment.

>McCain was a war hero

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Horrible writing. You're fired.

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>previous maid complained that the house was haunted, of a ghostly presence and the unshakable feeling of being watched
>quits the next day
>that night, everybody - including the new maid, gets murdered

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You're the homo here retard.

wow bro epic dude

Totally looks like a Resident Evil 2 (videogame) scenario
This, especially considering how prone to fatal accidents asians are

>implying you have all the facts on these incidents

It's like a miniature 40k Hive city
It's a massive longshot but holy shit if they were the same person

You know what happened

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Sounds like 12 monkeys desu
bit edgy but I love this SCP nonetheless

but they did find a monkey in a suit in the room eating nuts innit'



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yeah, and then the jaguar bleached the bones

The Indifferent Stars Above by Daniel James Brown

>Among those taking to the field was 21-year-old aspiring actor Michael Clarke Duncan; during the melee, Duncan slid into third base, had a silver belt buckle stolen,[29] and went home with a bat from the dugout

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sounds like horseshit to me

I live right down the mountain from Donner Pass. The snow hits stupid fucking hard there. I can imagine getting trapped and desperate up there.

which historical event is this from?

what is it with yanks and their acronyms and numbers
it's like half the story is pointless esoteric detail about the guns to them

>bleached the bones
is there any explanation as to how that would have happened other than foul play?

I believe bones can bleach after being out in the sun for a long time.

>According to noted criminologist Sr. Octavio Calderón, it’s “strange” for a foot to be broken off at the ankle, remaining in its boot. It’s also peculiar that most of Lisanne’s bones had tissue attached, while none of Kris’ did. And perhaps the biggest oddity of all – Kris’ bones – but not Lisanne’s — were hyper-bleached by phosphorus, a substance missing from the local non-volcanic soil.

Something like that would follow you to your grave. Goddamn that's legit terrifying.

It's memes by this point man don't take it so serious these guys are afraid of spiders for fuck sakes

I couldn't even imagine. I live within walking distance of the base of the Rockies, and trying to cross that shit, especially an unproven path, seems like pure suicide. From what I recall, about 5% of emigrants died on their journey.

People definitely had more grit back then.

>Jackie Chan [Disputed]
Absolute kek

>it’s “strange” for a foot to be broken off at the ankle, remaining in its boot
well it cant be that rare:

make it a musical

I'd attend that if it was made into some sort of opera

Jukebox musical with Safety Dance as the main song.

>Based. That's why they'll make it and we won't.
They were our ancestors.

That's what you get for helping whiteoids

I'm gonna be "that guy" and point out Donner Pass is actually in the Sierra Nevadas in California, but your point still stands for sure. You definitely don't want to get caught in rugged mountains when the weather goes to complete shit.

Finno Korean hyperwar is funny because it's satirizing the insecurity of Fins/Koreans in being B-tier countries that never really made that big of a splash on the global stage despite their long history

Pregnant confederate anne frank is just le randum reddit shit

I thought the joke was that people call Finns and Finno-Ugrics East Asian instead of White so it is depicted in ancient times as a Mongol type empire.

Not gonna lie, I'd pay cash money to see some of the better /k/ green texts made into kino. Not necessarily skinwalkers and wendigos, I've read some absolute fistbiters and sphincter black holes without "and then user was the skinwalkers" type shit.

Roanoke was solved. The later settlers met a bunch of blue eyed anglo indians in that same area. The settlers just joined the natives

Willingly, or what? Did they butcher all the males and just rape the female settlers?

nazis already proofed with their eugenics that finns are literally mongols

I live just up the road from where all that took place.

It was fun exploring this in Shenmue 2

Nogunz neverserved detected. Also consider the board of origin, these details help with authenticity.

Which ones threw you? SR? Senior. SWAT? Special Weapons And Tactics. WASR? Type of rifle. Really basic bitch stuff, pal.

But was it redpilled?

grow up

Is the herpes itching, Jamal?

I'd like to see an Aguirre type movie about a Roman legion going crazy as they march inland to fight Picts.

If you can't stand critique of your brainlet complaints, consider refraining from making them.

if you can't grow up, consider grow up

lol, how's that israel servitude working out for you?
must be nice being born a double-digit IQ and knowing the only path for you in life is to die a disposable grunt with a rifle.

not just any rifle, mate
a 69 abc 420 9mm kyjelly 200

Some ancient druid religious thing probably.

Kek’d. He literally committed treason as per US military code when he allowed himself to be broadcast over radio while spouting off anti-American propaganda.

And according to the Americans who were there with him, as well as former North Vietnamese guards (who admitted that they did torture American soldiers) said that McCain was never tortured because they realized the propaganda value he had, being the son of an Admiral. He broke an arm when he crashlanded with his parachute, which is what he claimed constituted "Vietnamese torture". This was all over the media when he ran against Obama in 2008, but seems most people have forgotten simply because he and mr. Cheeto hated eachother.