Will this movie break my soul?
Unlikely. At most the relationship stuff will make you uncomfortable if you relate to that kind of stuff. It is not nearly as gutwrenching as hereditary.
Still pretty good.
It's a boring chick flick relationship drama.
I assumed the movie was about breaking a person's individuality and collectivizing them, am I wrong?
So is it a movie about swedish cucks being slaughered by muslims?
well, sorta
does the movie feature any swedish girls nude. i heard mention the word "orgy" associated with the film.
Kinda, although there is no cohercion
One of the big moments, the one that's kind of the catalyst for the ending, is the boyfriend fucking a redheaded big tiddy swedish girl while multiple nude swedish women (some of them very old) moan in song form.
yes, although it is a redhead, not a blonde as you would expect.
and it is part of a strange ritual, so it is not really that hot. it's kind of funny actually
too lewd, sweden! youll offend the refugees.
It's actually, in a lot of ways, about the pain of loss and how you need a strong support system, and how the wrong support can lead to shitty relationships with people
>although it is a redhead, not a blonde as you would expect.
i was imagining blondes but theres nothing wrong with redheaded girls.
>covered in flowers and making a grumpy face
are there actually many pagans in sweden or is it a complete fantasy scenario?
She cute
Don't see many fat American drug addicts in Sweden so probably not.
She's like Hayden Pannettiere, but not dumpy.
You are on the "never to have loved at all" side of the issue, so no, you'll probably be too focused on braps or some shit, you probable brainlet
Yeah you're very wrong. At best it's a break up movie. Great aesthetics, its most American faux pas' coating them.
Most people are barely religious. But there is no such thing that resembles the cult in this movie
t. swedefag
I really related to their stance on the aging process.
i remember seeing in a documentary a large group of pagan/new age cultists who have large meetings in grassy fields dressed in white but i cant remember if they were scandinavian or eastern european. i havnt seen midsommar but maybe thats what its based on.
Pagans? No, not at all. But midsommar, wreaths and all, is arguably the most important swedish holiday of the year, and is still celebrated out in the country-side and dates back to pre-christian days.
I'm sure a more graceful solution can be found though
The world's been looking for one for ages. Present one and I'll go along with it but until then I'm on the side that gets results.
>Pagans? No, not at all.
im aware that modern pagans are 100% larpers and theres no continuation from pre-christians to modern pagans worshiping even if some folk elements survived in the culture. modern "pagans" are more new age hippies.
The movie was ruined by the impregnation scene.
Totally made to shock American audiences.
The entire cinema burst out in laughter during that scene at the screening(including me) I was at.
The movie was a horror-comedy-slasher-fairytale though, if you laughed the scene had its intended effect. When the one bitch starts singing right in his face it couldn't be more obvious that it was all a huge punchline to what Christian thought was going to be an intimate moment alone with Maya.
It was played for laughs with Christian's reactions. I'm not sure why. I wish it was played completely straight without cutting away to make it more uncomfortable.
Breed me, user.
sure. what could possibly go wrong.
My whole theater was full ofl laughing teenage girls at this part
Same although it was quite gruesome. The old guy really fucked up the fall too, like why jump off with your legs pointing straight down moron? Jesus Christ. Those two annoying brown Americans who wouldn't stop screaming about ITS FUCKED ITS FUCKED made me have no sympathy for them for later events.
The actual customs and religious beliefs of Harga were cobbled together from a bunch of Euro-pagan influences and exaggerated so in that sense it is fantasy. I think Sweden does still celebrate Midsummer though but it sounds like its just a lighthearted good time and not a solemn custom.
there's a reason why asap rocky got arrested for defending himself against the mudslimes. the only thing swedes worship there are arabs. they treat them like gods. this movie, where all swedes are white, is a complete american fantasy.
>going to a theater crowded with teenagers
>not going mid day as a lone autist with an arm full or snacks to support your local kinoplex
It's their biggest festivity with it's own customs that let's them take a break from their daily lives for a weekend.
you can start with not throwing your elderly down a cliff and maul them with a giant cartoony hammer when that doesn't work
Relationships are for commoners.
inget sätt fag
Have sex
>I think Sweden does still celebrate Midsummer though but it sounds like its just a lighthearted good time and not a solemn custom.
is it similar to slavic kupala celebrations? the floral headdresses look the same.
they made a whole point of those two not being Americans. you should tell by their accents easily. FOCKED
No, only a couple of hippies and /pol/-tier neo pagan autists
>Those two annoying brown Americans who wouldn't stop screaming
They had the most rational reaction tho, the strange part was the americans who saw that and then decided to stay
Its like, eating pickled fish and potatoes, singing silly songs, sometimes dancing around the midsummer pole if there is one, and if youre an adult, getting fucking hammered
It subverted my expectations, for sure. They seem more concerned with explaining their ritual to people calling them psychos then trying to get them away. The whities and black dude were all trapped by their "tolerance" and it made them seem the big idiots of the film when the conspiracy began to reveal itself.
The brown people were from London.
Yeah one of the things that confused me most was that the group are just okay with it. I'm sure IRL if you saw that shit with your friends you'd just leave or sneak off at the first opportunity.
Didnt mean to do the last quote
Oh yeah, that's right.
Rational? They were screaming like children as if that would change anything about the situation. You could tell what was going to happen when the old people started to climb the cliff. At that point it was obvious it was a cultural custom. How is it rational to freak out and start screaming? The rational thing to do would be to quietly leave
It's rational because they're the only ones who don't attempt to mitigate their reactions with any "cultural respect." The truth is that this doesn't happen, and it wasn't what they were sold on. The black guy purposefully kept his mouth shut about what they were doing that day. They weren't tryhard, idiot Americans going on a balls tripper, not in the same way, they were travelers who got lured there.
I think you're pretty disconnected from reality or at least how other people respond to traumatic things. It's absolutely understandable that they'd shout at the guy not to jump and plead with the crowd to stop it. Maybe logically they obviously weren't gonna stop it but they're obviously not thinking much when a lady just bursts her face open on a rock.
The old lady even implies that the lads who brought them there should have explained to them already that they were gonna see some shocking stuff so they were underprepared.
>the pain of loss
Fuck off back to where you came from mongoloid.
Understandable =/= rational. They had one of many plausible reactions but that doesn't make it a rational reaction
Rational,reasonable, understandable, what is the actual difference. I'll tell you: autism
except in this case it is. A rational reaction doesn't automatical equal logical and aloof.
A rational reaction to having a loved one die is to be upset.
A rational reaction to emotional trauma is to cry or be upset.
Their reaction isn't logical from an outside perspective but is a rational emotionally healthy response in the face of the stimuli presented in the movie, you'd unironically have to be autistic to think just watching and not saying anything is the rational response. 9/10 people would vocalise their displeasure and leave, it's more jarring that the americans other than Dani don't seem bothered by it
To be upset internally isn't the same as throwing a tantrum or expressing that emotion externally to the detriment of yourself and others. Also are you suggesting that to not be upset at death is irrational somehow? Emotions are not rational experiences, neither are they irrational.
Dude, you're autistic. Try having this conversation in real life and it will become very clear to you. Most of my audience were gasping, moaning, cringing, etc. Were they all just animals, then?
>losing the argument
>"better call him autistic and make a strawman"
I never said people who had overt reactions were "animals" you retard, I'm saying that the response of the two in the movie was irrational given what they knew at that point. I also said it was a plausible (read: understandable) reaction.
Dani was shocked and her reaction was also completely understandable. Not turning into a howling monkey at something displeasing isn't an inhuman or odd reaction you overly sentimental ape.
I guess I would rather be autistic than retarded lmao
It's a bear.
>Emotions are neither rational nor irrational
>But those two Londoners were being irrational
Pick one
They literally knew nothing, though. Midsommar is traditionally not an evil cult which sacrifices their old
I said that their RESPONSE was irrational, not the emotion that they were experiencing. You are retarded. Learn how to parse an argument.
Anyway halfway intelligent person would realize that it was a suicide ritual based on all prior information. Pele even made a joke at an earlier point that once you hit 72 you die. Turns out it wasn't a joke.
I can't unsee Marion Cotillard on this poster
It's not a controllable response in that moment. Is it irrational for me to scream if I see someone die and I didn't expect or want to see that?
The whole minute long segment of them screaming and bringing up verbal statements was uncontrollable? Lmfao
Yes, autist, urges can be uncontrollable. Ask anyone with anger problems. It's a highly stressful situation they're in. It's not strawman if your entire perspective is informed by your autism, btw
>"Oh boy I cant wait to go see "Le evil wypipo horror #5" this year!"
Kek not for that fucking long and with that much cohesion you idiot sophist. Your own examples disprove your point as people with anger issues can develop strategies and mental techniques to control them. You come off like a dumb manchild who projects his own desire to avoid responsibility for his actions and emotions onto others.
Also, I wasn't referring to you calling me an autist as a strawman. That would be "ad hominem", but I can't say that I'm surprised you don't understand the difference.
I'm sure we could all learn from your nerves of steel, Data
jesus christ you're autistic
Concession accepted, better luck next time.
Yeah, better luck next time
>he took the bait
Not interested in men.
>eating pickled fish and potatoes
tfw no cute scandinavian wife who can make you midsummer delicacies.
>Haha b-bro I was just t-trolling
What have the swedes done to offend the kikes so much they had to make a projection in a movie form to slander them?
they were anthropologists though
what the fuck are you talking about
No slander towards swedes whatsoever.
It's just that you can't make a cannibal movie nowadays because that's offensive, while you can make up pagan murder cults for your movie because no one irl is pagan so nobody is offended.
Also it is not anything new (the wickeer man).
Pretend that it is a pro-christianity movie if that makes you feel better, but this kind of fragility is kind of pathetic.
Ritual goes on for too goddamn long and hard to take seriously.
it's okay
Americans living in your head rent free mate, those niggers weren’t Americans.
jesus man, what isn't reddit at this point? you're just as bad as they are.
Bear (christian, lit.): Marduk: Satan
Ishtar flower slug: Tiamat:
(Enuma Elish inversion[s])
It's your typical Babylonian occult hodgepodge, probably with some 'lesser magic' to involve the viewers' complicity in some respects.
Neon Demon was more interesting as a Los Angeles Eyes Wide Shut, and The VVitch a more immersive drama/supernatural horror -- MS' existential take is more Argento-Meets-Gentleman Broncos; uncomfortable, unnerving laughter was the best part of theater viewing.
Hell is other people as manipulative lying cultists/networks; Hell is other people, as the useless eating mundanes ritually culled by the Christian placeholder.
More interesting than good in its own terms; picks up where Tusk left off in the funnier than scary/cringe more than horrendous
Good thriller, but hardly a horror.
It really toed the line between brilliant and garbage. Subplots not explored, too many side-characters. They could have made this like Apocalypse Now.
I dont understand what you said and I dont like things I dont understand
what was the point of heredetary ?
to glamorize occultist sacrifice in a sneaky way ?
Cut. Print. It's a meme.
what? no. why would you think that?
It's shit
I left the theatre with my gf laughing saying how it was kind of a weird horror comedy mixture, and that I thought it was ok, but was hoping for something more spooky. We get in the car and she legit starts crying and telling me the movie was giving her borderline panic attacks. So shoutout to Aster for disturbing normie fucks like my gf with his epik filmmaking technique, cause the content was pretty funny
she told me before that she hates horror movies but I made her go, and now I believe her and feel bad
She was excellent
lol no, she have only a pretty face