/edg/ - Evil Dead General

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which one to start with

Why not?
Does anyone else prefer the original to the sequels/shit remake?

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8/10 movies (the first 2, i haven't seen the 3rd one). Braindead is the best horror comedy.

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The remake is good too.

First one.
I don't want to ever watch the remake. I like the original but I think other 2 are superior. But I understand the appeal.
The third one is probably the funniest and it is great. I think it is slightly worse that Evil Dead 2 thou.

What do you guys think about news that Raimi plans new movie. Possibly either ED4 (sequel to tv show), ED2 Remake and he also has other plan.


I actually thought the remake was OK, but yes, I think the original is the best one. It might be my favourite horror movie of all time.

Somewhat related. I know people will disagree with me, but out of the 3 ACTUAL Evil Dead games, pic related is the best. Save for the cabin level in Regeneration, it's the only one that feels like Evil Dead/Army of Darkness.

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Ash vs Evil Dead, is it kino?

Hell yeah

nice acronym
how about /EDGe/? or /EdGe/?

Some flanderization and a chance you won't like the new characters, but I think the only bad thing about it was the cancelation.


the remake is on par with ED2 for the best of the franchise

Fuck yeah buddy, Evil Dead is kino as fuck. To anyone that hasn't watched the TV series - do it. I kept delaying it but now that I've watched it, damn it's fucking good. Evil Dead II still the greatest of all time though.

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isn't there a new game incoming soon?

what are your honest opinions about the reboot?
i thought it was ok but rather generic reimagining of Evil Dead

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just saw the alternate ending a few days ago
it's kino just like the thing (2011)

A masterpiece when compared to other remakes. Still a solid movie when compared to the original.

for me, its evil dead 1

Evil Dead 2 re:view when

Raimi and Bruce have gotta give us Evil Dead 4. If not, Netflix has to pick up Ash vs Evil Dead and go for new seasons.

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>alternate ending
tell me more
also check'd

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Third movie is overrated and onions core. The second movie works perfectly as a continuation of the first and this shit it's a remake is also normie core.

2 is a remake of 1 but everyone just pretends like its a part of the trilogy, why doesn't anyone ever bring this up? why does raimi get a free pass for remaking his own movie but people get pissed when some else remakes his movie?

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The gore the marrier is a fun watch.

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>2011 the thing is "kino"

gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8

Very uneven. Some episodes were great and some were pretty bad. I think Bruce going back to his hometown was the best part. Didn't care for the CGI creatures or the whole bitchwitch subplot.

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Only absolute plebians think Evil Dead 2 is better than 1

2 only has the beginning part because they didn't have the rights to 1 (Hollywood's old jewish tricks). To counter this, they quickly re-did the "going to the cabin with friends" premise before moving on. The 2nd officially starts with Ash getting thrown by Evil, flying across the trees and falling into the water puddle - a direct continuation of the first one's ending (evil launching itself at Ash before cutting to black). Bruce talks about this himself in a movie extra and explains it all.

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Because the second movie isn't a remake. It's a requel, you couldn't continue with the series if you didn't retcon Ash dying in the end of the first movie. Part 2 was made as a cashgrab after Sams others movies tanked and Evil dead was a very well known name at that point.

well that was dissapointing

It was well done, but without the B-movie cheese Evil Dead is a pretty generic horror movie.

it was cool when the tree raped that chick. don't think we talk about that enough

that was stupid, they couldve easily started with ash flying in

>tfw blueballed with future Ash twice

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Yes but that wouldn't explain the premise to the vast new audience that didn't watch the first one. They wanted to make as much money as possible so they had to briefly explain what had happened or else only fans of the first one would really enjoy or get it.

yes they had the old archeologist couple and the daughter trying to finding them
the only unexplained thing wouldve been the beheaded girlfriend

i liked it a lot, i had to catch the train all the way into the city just to see it because only two cinemas in western australia were playing it. I've still got the ticket

It was pretty decent, not gonna lie.

I dont like the second that much it was very rushed, the cable flying beast in the ending is awful and the door creature has some weird lense effect.
Also is it true they used colored blood to avoid an R rating?

Only the first ~8 minutes are a remake, because they wanted to do a recap of ED1 for viewers who hadn't seen the first, but they didn't have the film rights.

ED1 ends with Ash running outside and being attacked by the camera monster. ED2 picks up at that very second, when Ash is attacked by the camera monster and proceeds to go flying through the trees.


Literally all 4 movies, including the remake are rated R, what are you talking about?

then why did they use green and purple blood?

worst part of the show
even Ash's daughter was better

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because its so much fun jan

Sadly correct. The spic Pablo was a surprisingly fantastic character/actor but this jewish slut was such a stereotypical "female that doesn't give a fuck badass" it hurt. Poor choice, very generic.

The actress is smoking hot though.

Bruce Campbell has retired from playing the character.

I only wanted to see a shit-scared guy deal with demons in a cabin.

Ah well that makes sense now

Do you have any idea how insanely expensive period pieces are? You have to make 90% of all outfits, can't buy anything off the shelf and just use it. Same with weapons and gear, environments/sets. There are thousands of companies offering sets of present day cities/towns for rent. Post Apo means you have to either build the set from scratch, shoot in warehouses or spend a fortune on CG if you want it to look ok.

Let's not make any movies or tv series because it's too hard.

I'd be more than happy with a future Ash vidya too.

The problem is that AvE was already tanking at the beginning of s3. The series would have need a massive fucking influx of subscribers for starz to even get another season, let alone a bump in budget to afford scrapping everything and introducing a new world.

You got 9 figures burning a hole in your pocket?

>this is a 21 year old male

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