Why did they never get a movie?

Why did they never get a movie?

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Why the fuck do you think?

Whole show took place on one space station. There was also nowhere to go from the end of the series since sisko was absorbed into the speed force or whatever. Also nemesis probably underperformed.

They didn't need one. The story was wrapped up neatly in the series. What would a DS9 movie even be about?

Ferengi of course

They got a movie, but it was retooled to be a TNG one. Watch some Plinkett, will ya.

which movie was that?


Sisko was black.

just do the adventures of cadet nog

I’ve watched the Nemesis review like 10 times I don’t remember him mentioning that it was written for DS9 cast.


I haven't watched it in a long time, so I guess there's a small chance that I misremember.

However the argument is that everything Picard says and does fits a lot better into Sisko's mouth. Picard is totally out of character, while Sisko wouldn't be.

>Avery Brooks' face
What's going through his mind in this picture?

A movie would have ruined the perfect ending of the series. Bringing everyone back when the final episode was about parting ways and moving on would have sullied the series.

Sisko would have been completely out of character considering it would have been post-ascension Sisko.

Quarks: The Movie

It wasn't popular enough to warrant one

because the main character is an unbelievably bad actor


Future Starfleet academy students are studying ds9 history via the holosuite, meet all the ds9 gang, holosuite shenangans means it becomes real or some shit and some problem happens meaning the ds9 crew has to work with Starfleet kids to fix it. Maybe holo-sim of dominion war makes some of dominion baddies real and they start posing a threat. Maybe you could have a future ferengii cadet who really admires nog and gets to meet him and is disappointed because hes not yet the huge mega chad nog becomes as an adult

that sounds terrible. I hope they never do anything like that.

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But they did

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Guess you never saw the Waltz episode. Or In the Pale Moonlight. Or the 50’s one


Franchise Fatigue. Paramount killed star trek with nemesis and enterprise.

Fucking hate this goddamn meme fucking fuck

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As much as I love ds9 I fuckin hate Ira Steven behr because of his jew blue hair and how he deliberately destroyed Dukat

Keiko you a bitch

that would be adequate reason to hate him

As far as I'm concerned, Dukat's story ends after he hands the baseball back to Sisko.

It's true. He's not even pretending or acting really he's just being himself the character you see in the show is great because he's well-written and the personality fits but irl he just seems like a self-adulating ass trying to be some spiritual man.

Keiko is the most best wife a man could ever get. Despite anything that's happened, she stood with her husband.

The Search for Sisko

Because that poster is retarded.
Its fiction we made it up

>space station next to wormhole
>leads to relatively unexplored quadrant
>lots of ferengi

Sisko's corporeal form was incinerated and his consciousness absorbed into the prophet's reality plus they already scanned the planet and he contacted Kassidy there's no story there without jumping the shark like going centuries into the future.