Why are women just better film critics than men?
Do women just understand movies better and have amazing taste?
She’s right you know
Why are women just better film critics than men?
Do women just understand movies better and have amazing taste?
She’s right you know
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Worse then what?
Someone post the picture displaying the disparity between favorite movies of women and men so we can /thread this dumbass post.
All I care about is her nudes not her faulty opinions
All critics that remotely matter are on youtube.
>Cassandra Fairbanks
>author for right wing news site The Gateway Pundit
She hated it cause she's a Manson autistic not because she's a woman.
>thought i was going to see a movie about manson
i havent bought into the hype at all and know almost nothing about the movie but even i know better wtf
I don't know who this person is but I can sure tell they're American. Colour me shocked if they're not.
literally who
Fuck me is it really not so incredibly obvious?
You mean than, moran
This except brown eyes jaundice skin a cleft lip and cat ears
I feel like Tarantino made it fairly obvious that the Manson murders played a very small role in the grand scheme of things. She's just stupid.
This the literal state of this board
t. 30 year old boomer
When she can't properly utilize comparative/superlative grammar, it further invalidates her opinion beyond the fact that the opinion is stated with no support. You can die in peace, now, OP.
gay furry AIDSed up joaquin?
I've only ever seen BR2049 from that list.. What am I missing?
Between both lists the only good movie is Lawrence of Arabia.
What year is this from?
I really doubt millennial pussies are watching any of those.
There are films from 2017 on it, so at the most two years ago.
No James bond movies for men's side?
probably because both men and women like bond films
nothing really, it's all trash
Why do women hate men so much yet crave our dicks?
What makes you think everyone is in this stupid, millennial boy vs girl slapfight?
You realise this doesn't prove that men have good taste, just that women are even worse
Most of the great films on the men's chart are still rated outside the top 100 by men
fuck up
You have to admit the girls got Edward scissorhands right and most of the male films are trash
It's moron you ape, your just as dumb as the other guy
get a brain
> megaphone twitter ho doesnt like movie
Get a brain
Nice image. How about you upload the one that shows the top men and women films?
probably because they're too similar so it's not as interesting