Has Yea Forums watched this movie?

Has Yea Forums watched this movie?

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wrong board faggot, is that way

I watched it for the first time on shrooms last weekend and I had what could only be described as a religious experience.

Yeah it’s a masterpiece

Overrated garbage people like so they feel smart and superior


absolute retard

i like it i'm probably not going to watch it or the anime ever again i listen to Komm Süsser Tod fairly often i also get really frustrated because there is nowhere for me to have a legitimate discussion in real life about this movie

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Is rebuild a time loop/sequel or what

I need to know

No it's pee pee poo poo

Time is a flat circle.

Its good, but just like Lain retarded fanboys have to claim its the best thing ever and now people either hate it or love it


it's (not) worth watching ... if you are a fanboy of the original


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Rebuild is retarded

Why does their planet orbit a giant celestial face?

That's the head of the Angel that's the source of all human life, humanity found a way to return to that one singular original being, to solve the issue of human physical and psychic separation. Her body decays and falls into the ocean of primordial ooze when the main character rejects this out a desire to meet others.

Anime website, newfag

There's no good answer to this yet until the credits of 3+1 roll.


There's a reason non anime content isn't allowed on Yea Forums dipshit