I'm scared to go see this movie on opening night now

I'm scared to go see this movie on opening night now.

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Disney will most likely plant an mk ultra Marvelcuck in the cinemas

imagine living in burgerland and not getting to watch kino because some aspie with a glock wearing a joker mask can shoot you and your mom in the theatre

I still am. Probably gonna bring a girl too.

What would the code phrase be?

Ok Disney mom

You're more likely to just die in a car accident on the way to the theater shooting.

Imagine living in Eurostan and not being able to set foot outside your domicile without all of your relations and you having your assholes filled up with a steaming pile of camel jockey jizz.

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I think I've raised my life expectancy by swearing off movie theaters and just watching cam rips

How do I not die while watching Joker?

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Go alone and wear Joker face paint and autism jeans

The difference between what you posted and what the other user posted is that we actually have to strain to imagine something like that.

Meanwhile you're living a shitpost.

>imagine thinking that entire Europe is just a few prominent cities in western Europe like London

>could you rise up please I lost my smartphone under my seat
>gets shot
Bros what did I do wrong?

You should be, GAMERS RISE UP!

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The question is more, will it be kino?

>imagine thinking all of America is like the fucking Eurotrash memes.


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t. Katie Hopkins

Obviously by stealing the shooter's gimmick & shooting it up yourself before they get the chance to.

How do we stop this shit? We're the only advanced country in the world where this happens on a regular basis.

By ending the assault on American values and the mental abuse that is the propaganda machine.

We better ban all guns, my go-uy. Only criminals need those. You're not a criminal, right?

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Please don't be a cuck by throwing yourself in front of her to block the bullets. Be alpha and use her as a shield

Then use her as an onahole

>the mental abuse that is the propaganda machine
This is really the key to it, it's not like these weapons are anything "new" or "advanced" enough to cause this, the access is stricter now than it's ever been.
Clearly there's something psychological going on whose roots need to be fairly & justly evaluated. It's not as simple as "muh white nationalism", you can't take that on its own without also evaluating the decade of "white mens bad" bullshit that directly lead to it.

The people assaulting American values are white nationalists and their enabler in the White House. America was founded on the principle that "all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights"

There's also a huge element of pharmaceutical fuckery going on, especially with youth, that nobody wants to even fucking touch because the medical & pharma lobbies are enormous.

Don't see it opening weekend
See it during a matinee Monday-Thursday.
It's not out until October, the Killer will probably be some college kid, high schooler or wage cuck.
So he won't have the chance until Post-Matinee.
Also Matinee times have the lowest amount of people because of work and school, so the shooter wouldn't bother with so few people.
The shooter would want to catch the 7pm to 10pm crowd, especially opening weekend.

You're on Yea Forums, so you're probably a neet that can go to a matinee show, you've got nothing better to do, and you can't afford regular ticket prices.
You're an anti-social faggot, so it's better for you to go to a matinee, especially one after the buzz has died down.

If you're none of these things, but still a gigantic pussy, tell your boss/teacher you have a doctor appointment and go to a matinee show.

But if you have balls, buy a gun. Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun.
And if you see something say something.

And if you're truly pathetic, just torrent a camrip.
Did you know that phones have dynamic IPs?
That means if your torrent it from your phone, it won't lead back to you.

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>white nationalists and their enabler in the White House
Don't be disingenuous fuckwad, seems like everyone who disagree with any part of leftism gets grouped in as a "white nationalist". It's a fucking boogeyman fearmongering term as much as it is any actual reality.

I'm not being facetious. Stephen Miller, one of the President's closest advisers, is literally a white nationalist.

>mental health issues don't exist in the rest of the developed world
>depressed or angry young men are an entirely american thing

Don't worry, sweety. Incels will torrent it at their mom's basement so you won't have the displeasure of them showing up at your kiniplex.

Stephen Miller isn't committing mass shootings. That's the topic here.

Then why is he doing backflips for Israel?

Reminder the media pushes a narrative

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We're also not the only place these have happened in.

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>Stephen Miller isn't committing mass shootings
White nationalists are.

The gun crime rate is higher in South America and they have more gun control.

>>mental health issues don't exist in the rest of the developed world
They don't.
>>depressed or angry young men are an entirely american thing
They are.
Overdomestication combined with culture death without the preexisting support of any sense of ethnic pride is a purely American phenomenon.

Because a Latino/Jew is the epitome of white supremacy. Kys.

A "self identified" "white nationalist" is as valid as a "self identified" "jihadist".
You're also totally sidestepping the fucking decade of "white mens bad" rhetoric that caused this bullshit to spring back up in the first place.

why'd she do it?

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Thanks Kurt Russell

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Nobody bought her bathwater.

For the lulz

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Here you go

how many innocent vans did she explode?

this way you will have the whole theater to yourself

>All this is according to my own research of googling

South America is almost only gang related violence + robberies. Shooting sprees never happen in that part of the world

edited so its not retarded
Obviously some are white and fixed the horrible spelling.

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Lmao dude, dynamic your ip or not depends on your network hardware configuration (like router or whatever you use) and isp contract, not whether you use phone or pc, both of them by default leave assigning ip to the higher network link so both of them will have different ip when you join the network usually... Except that it will be an internal ip, and your networking hardware will still have the same one for all the outside world, sessions usually refresh once a day or so (depending how your isp configured their hardware that your router connects to), or with a reboot, then you will be assigned a new ip.
Not to say that nothing of this matters because isp logs everything you do for quite some time, including of course what ip was assigned to which client at which time.
Not to say that even that matters because its fucking torrents and no one fucking cares. They will send you a letter which you can laugh off. Chances of you getting fined let alone prosecuted are so miniscule you shouldn't bother with it, and if you think you should then you should use vpns, proxies, tor, tails/kodachi, public wifis, all that jazz, also consider tinfoil hat.
Dynamic ip doesnt exist to hide you. Its only there to make networking a bit smoother, so that every device can assign to its subsidiaries whatever it is makes more sense at the time, and so that there won't be a conflict when two devices want the same ip at the same time.
You're kinda cute though.

I fucking LOVE how desperate some are for this kind of narrative control to not actually be going on, to not actually exist in reality.

Nice wall faggot
Also, you probably won't get sued, but your internet provider can indeed shut off your internet.

I don't live personally in a third world country where it's illegal to use internet to it's full capabilities so i won't get shit for my tbs of torrents yearly. Some of my friends who do though are just as fine. Get your contract cancelled? Use another isp who is not a gigantic faggot. They do it too? Educate yourself and mask your activities. Or praise america, whatever floats your boat.

>lol i googled to fit my narrative lol so unbiased and woke!
kys unironically

>missing out on kino to shoot a few normies
I'll shoot up a later showing


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>don't trust government statistics
>don't trust anything you can find on your own
>don't trust news agencies
So, where the fuck?

Why don't they just take away their guns when they go to rip their tickets?

MSM failed to validate the manifesto they're all reporting on. Turns out the 8ch post which included the manifesto was accompanied by instructions to release ONLY if successful. Fortunately the FBI isn't very good at...well anything really, because it was posted 6 hours AFTER the shooting took place. The timestamps are UTC, so we can be certain that there hasn't been any oversight with regard to time zones.

While cloudfare may have stopped hosting 8ch this morning at 2am in an attempt to cover the FBI's tracks, someone had already archived the post. See it for yourself here:


Additionally, the FBI inadvertently disclosed that they themselves had been posting on 8ch. While the boards are anonymous, the word (You) is displayed on your screen any time someone responds to one of your posts. Turns out the FBI used an 8ch post to secure a search warrant, link here:


Problem is that they forgot to delete their (You)'s. Curious what the FBI was saying on 8ch? No problem, we used the post ID from the court documents to backtrace all of their comments, which can be found here:


All this is outside of the fact that witnesses confirmed 3-4 shooters involved.

This is the same FBI that took over the Smollett case to bury it, the same ones who took over the investigation into the school shooter training camp in New Mexico that everyone walked away from scott-free...despite dead children, weapons and overwhelming evidence.

It's beginning to feel like the FBI is a domestic terror organization...and they're coming for our guns. We all know our government is a wildly corrupt, over-funded group of war-mongers...regardless of political affiliation. Yet in the very same breath many talk about giving them our weapons. As if the thought itself isn't utterly retarded.

Some amendment thing innit

>falseflagging this hard
Nobody's buying your shit racist.

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>Turns out the 8ch post which included the manifesto was accompanied by instructions to release ONLY if successful
>it was posted 6 hours AFTER the shooting took place
Fucking hell.

There's a fucking archive link to the thread there with the time clearly visible you fucking retard.

Fuck ive known someone just like this, utterly pathetic
>be 18yo asshole kid
>dropout, drugs and drink, parents are the same. dad hangs out with biker gangs
>date some girl with single mother
>mum is hopeless, gf and me live together basically
>gf gets new ''stepdad'' guy in the pic
>first thing he tells me is if I fuck around with him, or dont bring her home by 6 etc... then he will take away her phone and computer rights so we cant talk
>1 week later bring her home at midnight
>he demands her phone, she gives it to him
>go give her my phone, and tell her ill call her when im home
>he wants my phone, tell him he isnt touching my phone
>he tries to grab it gf holds it until he overpowers her and drops my phone on the floor
>breaks it
>throw a brick through his window, and demand he pays for my phone
>yelling contest
>drive home with gf
>cuck comes to my street the next day
>starts yelling cause he cant tell what house is mine
>live in a street with other losers like me
>everyone goes out in the street and watches him and abuses him
>half of them have rottweilers and other dogs going mental
>I finally go out
>starts talking about how dangerous he is and how he will kill me and everyone else in the street unless i say sorry and pay for his window and bring girl back home.
>tell him to fuck off and that my gf had told me he tried to touch her.
>he blurts out ''yea and she would've liked it, cause shes a slut''
>some guy lets his rottweiler off and this guy shits bricks and runs to his car.
>everyone else drops their dogs leashes
>car wont start
>idiot dropped his keys
>everyone goes back to their own houses or sits out the front drinking or whatever
>let the dogs just roam around the street and his car.
>people throw food at his car to keep the dogs there
>moron is sitting there for 5 hours crying until dogs finally get bored and he gets his keys

another movie pushing cuck garbage

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