Not even memeing when I say I unironically prefer Dark Knight Rises to Dark Knight...

Not even memeing when I say I unironically prefer Dark Knight Rises to Dark Knight. Something about it just makes it more enjoyable and fun to watch. I know this thread is going to be filled with baneposting and hotheads but can we actually talk about this movie?

Attached: thedarkknightrises.jpg (2800x1750, 558K)

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Viewing this post, and evaluating your gallant announcement, I must bestow to you, Anonymous that you are a man of impressive Build.

I can see what you mean. It has a sorta camp popcorn-fantasy movie vibe at least compared to the others. Bane is Cobra Commander levels of cartoon villain.

is it true that the original villain was supposed to be the Riddler and that there was supposed to be a 4th and final Dark Knight movie which brought back Joker for a final battle?
I want sauces if possible please

Absolutely. The only shit thing is the batplane design. There are a lot of great scene in TDKR, Batman crawling out of the pit is kino

Unrelated, but my aunt and uncle both worked on that movie as set painters.

Man Riddler would've been great too. I'm glad we got a decent Bane though. I hope they're done with the Joker for a long time, it's the same problems the Arkham games had where there's too much focus on him, and that every other Batman villain is just a b tier villain or something.

Many thanks user. I try to make my posts as charming and likable as possible.
That probably is the reason. Also, Bane being Cobra Commander is an amazing comparision.

Attached: MAFEX-Batman-V3-Dark-Knight-Rises-003.jpg (800x800, 196K)

>a decent Bane

That's kind of a big deal

For him.

I agree with this.

I honestly feel like all 3 movies are about consistent in quality. But if I had to pick a "best" it'd be Batman Begins.

Personal favourite? TDKR. It feels the closest to me to a classic movie. And I appreciate how fucking balls to the wall Nolan got.

Bane lacks the characterization of Joker and Two-Face, but his screen presence basically outmatches both. He's fantastic.

yes a decent bane. He wasn't an idiot like in Batman and Robin, he was actually a competent villain that easily took on Batman and kicked his ass.


the structure of dark knight is a bit uneven, but im old fashioned and prefer the old fashioned three-act structure and everything with harvey coming after joker feels not quite as tense

rises is the rebirth of bruce, an unstoppable villain it's a good old fashioned "good vs evil" story and it just keeps building up and going through a bunch of comfy tropes
my favorite part is actually "no, i came back to stop you" it's deliciously cheesy and the movie just has a much stronger sense of "hope", moreso that dark knights "hope in the people" but hope in overcoming great evil

cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesy goodness you can call me a dumbass or whatever im having a good time

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It has problems but overall it's good. Wouldn't say it's better than Dark Knight but it's arguably on par.
Only part that pissed me off was the ending, completely out of character for Bruce, but that's also arguable.

>a man of impressive Build

For thou.

They did Jack Reacher too and Tom Cruise complimented their work.

I can quote Bane lines verbatim. It annoys my roommates whenever this movie is on TV or something. They said "I'm ruining Bane"

My favorite was doing the stadium speech with all the inflections and accent ticks

Attached: Bane_Tom_Hardy5.jpg (250x376, 23K)

>It annoys my roommates whenever this movie is on TV or something
>My favorite was doing the stadium speech with all the inflections and accent ticks
>whenever this movie is on TV or something
Come on now, you don't get to do the stadium speech with all the proper inflections & shit just from "whenever this movie is on TV or something". You fucking looped that shit until you nailed it & that's what they had to suffer through, you beautiful autist.

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>the structure of dark knight is a bit uneven
The editing as a whole is fucking weird. Several scenes have abrupt cuts into dialog that sounds like it'd been going on since before you see them, like there are entire establishing shots missing. A lot of instances where the editor seemed like they were trying really hard to get done by 5 o clock and just slapping stuff wherever it'd fit as-is.

I don't feel much tension when a crisis is stretched to a year long.

I looped it whenever I'm in the shower and stuff. I can also do his whole monologue in the sewer fight scene.

I prefer it much more
I will tell you why
Dark knight is like a horror movie. The joker makes everything stressful and intense.
Dark knight is a great, wonderful movie, but the joker makes you tense up and feel suspense and stress out. You feel bad for Batman. You feel bad for gotham, you feel bad for the citizens, and the worst part is that joker is right at the end.
The movie stresses your mind. Joker is a real terrorist. What he does to harvey is horrific. Serial killer, horror movie horrific. Joket isnt fun or cool, hes legitimately uncomfortable to watch.

Dark knight rises goes back to just being a good fun batman movie. Bane is evil but hes military evil. He doesnt want to decapitate someone in a dark alley corner like the joker, he just wants to end gotham.
And tom hardy made him sound ridiculous. So you enjoy bane as a crazy dictator.
Catwoman is incredibly sexy and incredibly beautiful which is a giant change from ugly rachel from dark knight.

And the end of rises is a lot of action fun. Feels like a fun action movie. Everyone is fighting along side batman so if everyone dies they die together. Bane is not torturing anyone or burning people alive,
Its just one bomb thats gonna go off. The end feels like a revolution.

In a just world this would get a man laid.

Attached: 0243257423051.jpg (870x1390, 129K)

>And I appreciate how fucking balls to the wall Nolan got.


why is this flat angle, hamfisted dialogue piece of shit movie even remotely liked?

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The bane meme is about making fun of it. Same with sneed.

Imagine if you learned tjis fucking Bane rap song
I learned this song and i sing it whenever friends ask me to hold on the phone and makes them laugh.

You've made a serious mistake.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-06-15-30-52.png (800x480, 280K)

Because it will always be better than Endgame and most recent Marvel shit

it's kino

>I'm enough of an autist to know you misquoted it
Not even mad desu...

>haha im an old fag
>gets wordfiltered
Get a grip.

I watched the dark knight maybe twice, 3 times (once in theaters). I watch Rises 3 times in theaters, and 8 times at home so far.

>gets wordfiltered
>not learning to love the desu senpai & intentionally typing it instead

I wasn't saying I'm an oldfag, I was saying I'm autistic enough to know the exact line of dialogue that he misquoted in a movie I last saw a year ago. From your lack of comprehension, you sound more like a newfag than me.

I want a Riddler who at least starts off morally grey. You could make him a Snowden type whose riddles and crimes are intended to draw Bruce's attention to a bigger government conspiracy concerning metahumans without compromising Nigma's identity. You could even have it end with the Batman letting the Riddler off with a warning, but hint that Nigma enjoyed "the game" just a little too much and now feels the system "owes" him for his good work.

Next time, hold an empty glass near your mouth. It's a perfect substitute for the vocal effect.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Well said. Before Rises came out, I almost felt like they were using the Joker as a gateway character to the metaphysical/supernatural side of DC, and all because of one exchange between the Joker Dent:

On one level, that's just the Joker working Dent, but on another, it works as a not-so-veiled reference to the Lords of Order and the Lords of Chaos.