Did he deserve it?

Did he deserve it?

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Considering Bane and and his puddies are literal agents of chaos I’m going to go with no

I just watched the scene again and realized the "for you" wasn't in response to "You're a big guy", but rather was a continuation of "It'll be very painful..." when Bane was asked what would happen if Carcetti took off his mask. Fuck that stupid fucking meme.

I never did forgive him for his faggy little gun wave when he said Juan Aveyu's name

How does he actually get killed in this scene?

he gets shot before being thrown out of the plane

Why would someone shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?

By them crashing the plane with no survivors

Easy clean up.

that doesn’t make any sense, idiot

holy shit


Hardy confirmed he meant it for the big guy part.


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i cried during this scene

You saw how low the plane was flying, Bane's wars were covered so he didn't know how high they were.


>"for you" wasn't in response to "You're a big guy", but rather was a continuation of "It'll be very painful..."
no way...

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Stop making shit up

Tom Hardy isn't that big tho

That's the joke.

>he thinks the for you isn’t in response to the big guy
lmao at this pleb

Stop exposing the business.

for you

>there are people who have memed this without even knowing why it was a meme in the first place

>there are people who banepost without ever having seen the script

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Is CIA guy canon in DC comics?

>there are people who banepost who have never crashed planes

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