The only genuinely funny channel on YouTube has uploaded a new kino
The only genuinely funny channel on YouTube has uploaded a new kino
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Black people aren't funny.
this x1000
That is one ugly negroid
youtube comedy stinks
black people are funny and they dont even have to try
The word you're looking for is goofy.
when why did the yotube video not funny?
They have turned funny internet jokes into
>When you [insert shitty reaction face]
Its awful
t. Redditor with one million reddit points
Well yes. Niggers are basically a parody of a human, so they're naturally hilarious. Watching them try and fail at being sentient, cultured beings is comedy gold.
Black people are far more violent than whites.
What a fucking joke this video is.
Why would you upvote this?
its called upvotes not points newfag
>55k upvotes for literally untrue leftist propaganda
Black people are targeted by police LESS than whites.
I understand you faggots lost your platform but can you not come here, please.
You’re already fucking up /pol. Why not make a private Facebook group and just post all your boring shit there?
holy FUCK you are a racist piece of shit.
just kill yourself already
>>it’s called up votes
Who’s the new fag?
LBG is /ourguy/
You’re fucking lost, do not bring this shit to /tv.
Did /pol already get bored of your shit?
what's wrong with his teeth?
Despite being 30% of the population, white incel men represent 60% of all mass shootings
to bad gang violence doesn't count
You mean violence caused by white politicians? I suppose that would reflect poorly on a certain race...
like monkeys
What is it about griffy that makes him funny compared to other youtubers like him?
the one who doesnt know how its called lmao lurk more
Adjust for population and blacks commit the most. Drive bys in chiraq are much more common than school shootings.
Blacks turned to crime gangs because they got greedy. It's no ones fault but their own.
Sounds about white.
Damn, thought I accidentally clicked on /pol/ for a second.
You guys are REALLY gonna have to decide if gang shootings count or not. Counting them gives you nice big numbers but it also makes mass shooting an overwhelmingly black problem. Not counting them makes the numbers much smaller but white people are the majority.
Your image claims there's been only around 100 mass shootings since 1982 yet your narrative is saying there's been over 250 mass shootings this year alone. Which one is it?
>repeats the same joke over and over
>"Any questions? sit yo ass down" x 10000
I thought there was like 240 mass shootings this year alone? Why does your image not even have half of that in an almost four decade period?
>everything is whiteys fault
sounds black to me
>black people
You have to go back.
Its true. Income inequality between blacks and whites was decreasing up until the 1950s. Then gangs started to arrive and welfare programs began over subsidizing single mothers.
How is that black people's fault?
Riddle me this: if whypipo are so evil, why not let us segregate?
Because the over subsidization of single mothers effected every race by increasing single parenthood overall, but blacks were the only ones to turn to a life of crime - despite the fact that income inequality was decreasing and their unemployment were at record lows. They got greedy.
I know it's hard to grasp that niggers are barely human, but once you live next to a niggerhood, you will ask yourself: Was I really too retarded to understand what a nigger is?
Fuck off, Ben Shapiro.
>facts are racist
>le facts don't care about your feelings
Be more of a stereotype.
>caring what leddit internet points are called
You have to go back.
Why dont you fuck offf to reddit you gay bashing homo.
Tell that to the niggers lol
>black or white libby pushing all the blame back on the white man
>calls me a stereotype
The irony is palpable.