Haven't heard anything about series 12. I haven't seen a single nerd complaining that the show is "pandering to SJWs" on my Youtube recommended even though I have watched some videos on earlier stories. I was wondering how is it? Did it finally get better? I bet it's just the same as it's been for a whie now.
What's up with Doctor Who?
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the opposite. there is 0 enthusiasm for anything new from doctor who. most people are rediscovering the classic series now. i miss capaldi, he was the best. this new stuff just isn't very good
People realised they were getting worked up about a kids tv show and moved on to evil brie larson or some other evil woman.
It's dead.
When did it stop being a family show and start being a children's show?
They effectively killed nuWho with this season while also introducing alot of nuWho fans to the classic series with the twitch stream last year
>dude how could you get worked up about a kid's TV show? XD
>t. person that gets worked up over people criticizing kids' TV shows
It's so completely fucked up that it won't be back until next year maybe
>I haven't seen a single nerd complaining that the show is "pandering to SJWs" on my Youtube recommended
That just means the show is dead. It's a bit like what happened with the newer Star Trek series, people could see with the first few episodes that it was going to be SJW shit, pointed it out, and didn't see a point in watching further.
With the fem Doctor it was a steady stream of hyper SJW writing so it inevitably bored viewers. It even destroyed the SJW fanbase because their women couldn't fantasize about dating the Doctor any longer while the woman on the show also isn't hot enough to be attractive for the guys.
>the woman on the show also isn't hot enough to be attractive for the guys
Really? Jodie Whittaker?
I didn't know it was on this season.
The show has always been "SJW" though. What could they do? Add some genderfluid muslims to it?
Seriously did they?
Honestly I think she's pretty hot. Her tits are small but really nice from the nude I saw.
Zero enthusiasm for it. It could actually die again, which is not what I was expecting.
Jodi is hot but she doesn't have a shred of sexuality in the show. Its a fucking waste.
>Doctor Who as a horny slut only travelling to have sex with increasingly exotic aliens
It would have been kino
It's not even that she has a bad body or face, but she's dressed just sorta frumpy. You can look at some of the other recent doctors like Tennant or Matt Smith to see how they were dressed in dramatically slimmer clothes which helped to make them look a bit childish but also fairly attractive.
I remember they had a guy give birth in this SJW series. And while you could say the show had been ludicrously progressive in the past, it wasn't SJW even when it had every other character showing up on screen as being gay.
tsuranga conundrum was such a piece of shit episode
It isn't coming out until 2020
BBC Decied that the Lead Writer should be a guy who wrote 3 Terribly and shit Doctor Who Episode in his life.
I honestly feel bad for Jodie, She's a good Actor and she could been a kino Doctor if it wasnt for fucking Chinball afwul fucking ideas
I can't find someone who is pretending to have been old men in the past hot. I can find the actress attractive, but while she is in this role. fuck no. Imagine Capaldi's face leering down at you. The stuff of nightmares.
Honestly accurate though, as the Doctor (outside 11) has largely moved beyond that sort of shit due to everything they have seen and their trauma/priorites, even if Timelords as a whole weren't largely stoic fucks.
The worst thing happened. They were banking on outrage but what they got was indifference. Its the death of any show
It's better if the show gets canceled for now and then it comes back in 10 years, then the cgi could be better and cheaper and also I hope to god the sjw trend is over by then.
it has always been shit, zero sci-fi, just a weirdo with a magic screwdriver that can solve any problem
only some anglos watch it
Brazzers has pretty much already done this
Doctor who???
It's because no one is watching it
They killed the show themselves. They ignored everything that made it insanely popular halfway through nu-Who, and kept shooting themselves in the foot and pushing the diehard fans further away.
Then they shunned even more fans by going against their own tradition of keeping the new doctor actor a secret, and revealed it was a female way beforehand for the sole purpose for free PR from the "controversy" that would eventually ensue. But this backfired, the season was shit and the series is now effectively dead.
I never watched the latest season, as an old fan it didn't interest me for the above reasons. I'm sure Jodie Whittaker is a great actor, and likely did her best as The Doctor, I have nothing against her. It's everything leading up to the season, and the direction the showrunners decided to take I am against.
Honestly, I would have accepted a female Doctor just fine, but it's the circumstances that ruined it for me.
Doctor poo and the Turdis
>lonely British women watch our show to swoon and write fanfics over adventures with the dashing male doctor
>well fuck all that let's turn the doctor into a female
SJWs are some of the dumbest Motherfuckers going no wonder they are still crying about 2016
It's boring. The writer can't write or direct for shit. No endearing characters, no looming threat, no interesting plots. The most amazing thing this season was meeting a interdimensional God frog.
I'm one of the 'normies' who loved Eccleston and especially Tennant and their runs. Smith's run began a downwards spiral for me, and I stopped being a regular viewer before his second season, watched a few episodes with the Master in (including that last Capaldi one where they made the bewildering decision to seemingly perma-kill him), some of Capaldi's run because he is a decent actor (him punching his way through a crystal wall for millenia, skulls of his rebirths making up the sea floor, was metal as fuck and chilling in the way only Doctor Who has been), but by the time we got anywhere near Witticker I had lost any interst at all.
I only even entered the thread from academic interest. How was the show actually recieved, ratings wise? I mean, not that it matters, because all that will happen is they will double down and cry that people are mean, but still.
I have been bored with the show since season 7. Despite few nice concepts in season 8, I was never convinced to continue further.
Oh. I really should look at thumbs more carefully.
>'m one of the 'normies' who loved Eccleston and especially Tennant and their runs.
Those were pretty fucking comfy. I think Capaldi was a fucking brilliant doctor, but held back by shitty episodes.
>Danny D as the Doctor
So is she good or not?
No she can't act. Plays the Doctor like one of those raising awareness about issues drama groups that go to primary schools
episode 1.
>6.65 MILLION viewers
November 23rd, 1963
This. That's six times the average viewers the 'popular' networks get once they have been running a while with potentially all of the US as a view base to draw from.
Those are inflated numbers that include people who watched it on demand the days after it was originally aired too. Take about 2-3 million off each one to get the more accurate result. You also see a loss of viewers every week that it doesn't get back. The New Years special proved this by having even lower ratings than the worst of series 11
Resolution has the lowest ratings of any Doctor Who holiday special.
Doctor Who is shown at peak viewing hours on Saturday on the biggest channel in the country
lots of people on Yea Forums are retarded, are you just noticing now?
>0 results
what a bunch of faggots in this thread
Nobody watches it any more.
This show was always a big event in nerd culture, it was talked about constantly for 55 years.
There absolutely no hype for Season 12. Chibnel literally killed the biggest sci-fi TV show of all time.
Bradley was crap in series 11. Should have played a more outlandish character like he did in Sarah Jane adventures (which ChibWho feels more like)
This. Star Trek Discovery still has it's fans because it has always been an ensemble show with progressive themes but Doctor Who tried to pander to the Tumblr audience... the same Tumblr audience who only watched the show because they wanted to fuck the doctor.
It was literally a lose/lose for tgmhe BBC.
>Eccleston: good series to re-introduce things
>Tennant: kino episodes dotted between fairly boring ones
>Smith: a couple of good episodes but mostly shit
>Capaldi: maybe one good episode but wasted the actor on bad writing
>Whittaker: "I'M A GIRL!!!!"
You are stupid. Capaldi was the worst doctor of all new Who hands down.
It's mainly the fault of the later writers. The gay was clearly the best.
You are stupid. Alone as a character she is probably the best new doctor after Eccleston.
The main problem is the gay writer was replaced by a boring asshole, and you grew up too.
Sorry I upset you, sweetie.
Shoehorned politics ruined these shows and killed them off.
It has terrible ratings. I think it had a user rating of like 24% on Rotten Tomatoes, a huge drop from the previous season.
Watch 9 and 10 they are the best series
Don't be stupid /pol/acks. As a doctor she is the best after Eccleston.
The main problem is the writing that go boring.
Alternatively we grew out of it.
This. Compare the interactions between Twelve and Bill in TLotL with those of Thirteen and her companions, she talks like a primary school teacher
No, YOU are stupid. Capaldi did great even with awful scripts. You can't blame him for the God awful writing.
>40% viewership drop
Series 12 with have abysmal numbers.
She isn't ugly or anything, she's a perfectly presentable 35 year old, but what pot are you smoking to think she's hot enough for eye candy? Compare her to Rose, Clara, Amy and Martha. She's too old and too plain for that role.
Alright gang, who is the most kino companion? Not who's the hottest, not who you'd like to do unchristian things to, but who's the best written / has the best relationship with the Doctor?
>Rose Tyler
>Donna Noble
>Sarah Jane Smith
>Martha Jones
>Amy Pond
>Clara Oswald
I suppose you can include minor companions like Mickey Smith, Captain Jack Harkness, River Song etc. but eh? Also if I forgot any then it shows how forgettable they are
every new doctor has a huge spike for their first episode and then a steady decline in viewers, only on Yea Forums and screechign youtube channels is this a sign that the show is 'suddenly' finished because it's a woman and sjws etc.
solo bill was shit but her paired up with nardole was genuinely good in capaldi's last season.
I just watch old episodes now. Capaldi, Baker, Pertwee etc.
It's now a mediocre, boring and dull af version of a once great show. My friends and I don't even talk about it anymore.
The Girl Who Waited was kino as fuck.
All the liberals love David Tennant and she is just trying to be a female DT which is not going down well with the low Test cucks
>35 year old wall splatter
You sound like someone with Tessa Thompson posters.
It's bad.
And it's not bad in an interesting or fun way, like the majority of Who, it's bad in a boring, generic, aimless, waste of time way.
It's honestly so bad it's difficult to even get riled up about. It's more...deflating than anything.
I liked Donna, Amy and Clara the most.
Tried to watch the new series. Couldn't even get excited, annoyed, angry, anything about it ~~~ it's just really meh
Amy Pond. I thought the Series 5 arc was really well done and her death was the most emotional imo. Donna is a close second.
this is the real problem, not all the sperg crying about women and sjws, the writing for almost every episode was just really fucking dull, it would almost be better if it got so bad we can laugh at it like retarded farting aliens or love and monsters, but it was just piss boring.
yes. so sad and boring that the fake outrage they wanted didnt even happen.
There is only one right answer: both of these
Donna, followed closely by Jack, then Rose somewhere further down the line. The rest were shit.
I think his run was the worst one until Whittaker. He's a great actor and could've been the best Doctor if he had a team of competent writers.
>Star Trek Discovery still has it's fans
Are they really fans of the show or are they just pretending to like the show?
>ywn be a show where a totally-not-The-Doctor literally fucks around and sometimes saves the universe between sexual antics
I'd watch it. Netflix or Amazon should make it, since nudity isn't allowed on TV. Maybe cast pic related for more DW references.
Hot take: Eccleston's best episode is Boom Town
I like Capaldi, but I gave up not long after he took over. The stories were crap. He didn't feel right. I don't blame him.
>punching his way through a crystal wall for millenia, skulls of his rebirths making up the sea floor, was metal as fuck and chilling in the way only Doctor Who has been
Oh yeah. That was an amazing ep.
The first episode of S11 was allegedly a record high (they count more streaming platforms now than they did in the past), but the final episodes were already back down to the same levels as S10 which people were calling alarming record lows.
Just a fan of the show buddy.
>The first episode of S11 was allegedly a record high (they count more streaming platforms now than they did in the past)
I don't really have any issues with this desu, the way people watch tv has changed massively in the last 10-20 years, I can't remember the last time I actually made a point of watching any show live as it aired, but I would have watched eccleston/tennant era live because I didn't really have other options.
Jodie's a shit Doctor, the writing is even worse, and even the people who held out through the end of the Capaldi era don't care anymore. What is there to say?
People always tune in to see the new Doctor, and the "first female Doctor" hyped to hell and back. The fact that it got good ratings doesn't prove much. The fact that those ratings didn't hold proves a lot.
Either way, the main takeaway is that the show failed to retain the audience that gathered for the premiere
the same as every new doctor.
But if the women were truly progressive, wouldn’t they awaken their latent lesbianism to still fantasize about dating the Doctor?
I'm generally of the opinion that there was no need for a female Doctor. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
That said, if you have to do it, there were ways they could have made it work, but Jodie Whitaker isn't that actress. She's too ordinary. You can talk all day about what a good actress she is, and I don't doubt it, but the role of the Doctor of a strange one. Raw acting ability almost doesn't matter. It's more about whether the actor exudes that feeling of alien eccentricity. A lot of the best Doctors were pretty poor actors. Tom Baker, Sylvester McCoy.
An actually good pick for a female Doctor would have been Michelle Gomez. I'm a crusty, sexist old piece of shit, and I even I think she was great as the Master.
>Tom Baker
>bad actor
Disgusting opinion
He says himself that he “isn’t much of an actor”
Source but I think I know what you're on about. He was saying that didn't need to act to be the Doctor. He was just playing himself.
No that it's fucked and nobody cares, the question is what do the BBC do once they get rid of Jodie (probably end of next series)?
The should be alpha and just cast a white male again, because if they go woman or black, it just looks like more pandering
STD is shockingly a better show than Doctor Who is right now. STD is a fascinating case study in how to do almost everything wrong, and even then it has some redeeming features. Decent makeup and costumes, the beginnings of some interesting ideas here and there. The idea of the Captain being this morally ambiguous figure who you later find out is a refugee from the mirror universe is an interesting idea, that was just very poorly executed. Saru, in theory could be a very compelling Star Trek character.
You can't say these kinds of things about Doctor Who in it's current state. It all just ranges from bad to boring.
Great take, Boom Town is great and showed how good an actor Eccleston is. A better character piece than that overblown tripe of Heaven Sent
>A lot of the best Doctors were pretty poor actors. Tom Baker,
Tom Baker is a great actor. Watch him in Nicholas and Alexandra (1971). He's still the best Rasputin ever.
Well Sylvester McCoy is a children's entertainer who can barely act, and he might be my favourite Doctor.
noones watched it
Jodie's a shit Doctor b/c the writing is shit. She's a good enough actor to make the character interesting if the writers were willing to make her more than a bland retard.
The show is shit made worse by a hack who thinks changing a main character gender is single most creative and genius thing that anybody can come up with. I'm sorry but It's not. It's boring. It's pointless. It's serves no purpose other than showing people just how limited you are with your imagination and talent. You're not being clever doing this, subverting viewers expections. You're just being cunt and fans know this that why they're turning off.
The worse thing about female doctor is that we should of seen this crap coming in Chibnall written "Power Of The Three" where he made long time character Brigadeer a woman. I give this show one more season before being officaly retired due to fallen ratings and budget constraints as media partners pull their financial support. Fuck doctor who.
donna noble and the 10th doctor had the best chemistry, even though i personally can't stand her. strange, that.
Season ranking for Nu Who:
5 > 1 >>> 3 > 8 = 10 > 4 = 6 > 9 > 2 > 7
Tennant's era has aged pretty fucking bad on a few episodes, and season 2 would be the worst one if 7 wasn't a clusterfuck.
Matt Smith, and it wasn't actually pandering to younger children, it was pandering to 30 year old americans, a much stupider demographic.
Lmao Capaldi is the “new stuff” and the reason the franchise died
>She's a good enough actor to make the character interesting if the writers were willing to make her more than a bland retard
When has she ever played anything other than a bland retard? Have you heard any of the shocking dialogue other Doctors have been given yet still put it off effortlessly? Jodie is shit and can't play the Doctor.
I don't think so. I think she's just plain the wrong pick. With the best writing in the world, she would still look like a 35 year old mother of two, and I think that's a problem. Two me, there are two main forms the Doctor should take. Strong and authoritative, or strange and impish.
the 6th Doctor's 2nd season is one of the darkest seasons I've seen, especially The Two Doctors. it definitely wasn't a family or kids' show then.
I really liked the first 3/4 of the emily pond arc. Maybe it's not really what dr. who fans like, but i enjoyed it.
Donna and Amy were both entertaining, had great chemistry with their Doctors and their departures were absolutely kino. I honestly couldn't stand Rose and the forced as fuck love story with the Doctor.
I love Colin Baker's Doctor, and Colin Baker had basically nothing but refined trash to work with.
The tweed Matt Smith seasons were absolute peak NuWho. Best comps, best monsters and the fucking Van Gogh episode.
matt smith was ok but he was held back by the amy pond/rory companions. only his last season was ok
Doctor Who used to be fun but it's shit now there's a female doctor. It COULD work but there was no need for it desu.
Yeah. Pretty much.
Watch classic Who
Start with Hartnell.
>he was the best.
yes. too bad the subjects he had to work with were one of the shittiest television I've ever watched. Capaldi needed better.
>The worse thing about female doctor is that we should of seen this crap coming in Chibnall written "Power Of The Three" where he made long time character Brigadeer a woman
"Brigadier" is a rank, retard. The old character was old as fuck and long since retired.
>that robin hood episode
They were taking the piss honestly. I felt like my intelligence had been insulted
The actor Nicholas Courtney had died by then. Still the daughter character was fucking atrocious and they kept bringing her back like anyone liked her
They introduced a new Brigadier in McCoy's last season who was played by the woman who played Lister's female double in Red Dwarf. That one didn't take.
It's dead. Nobody cares anymore. Doctor Who hasn't even approached what could be called "good" since about halfway through Matt Smith's run, apart from a few one offs like Heaven Sent
>Alone as a character she is probably the best new doctor after Eccleston.
I don't believe someone can have an opinion this shit
Some likes Norfeners
When SJWs wanted to complain about people who were annoyed that it went to shit
Clara killed the entire series
(I don't know about Sarah)
power gap
The BBC killed the series with their demands and agendas that stifle creativity, and finally by just giving the show to a gutless yes man. It's small brained to pin it on a particular character or actor.
I miss Capaldi but mostly I miss Clara
Ok, I'll rephrase that
Moffat's obsession with Clara killed the entire series
Pretty good order desu, I'm inclined to agree. Donna was great, and not only that, but the majority of her episodes were peak doctor who kino- other than the bride one and the walking fat one
>I didn't really have other options.
Torrent was a thing.
The Agatha Christie one is underrated imo
I don't mind goofy episodes like that but I know they trigger all the autists who think DW is supposed to be a super serious show
I don't think it was even Moffat so much as the BBC demanding more and more of a focus on strong women. You get Moffat in his purest form early on in his run, where he was all about trying to bring back the DW of his childhood, where the Doctor is an eccentric old man partnered with pretty women in short skirts. This all changed very abruptly when Clara stopped being cute and became domineering. I can't say for sure, but it seems to me this was because of BBC interference.
For anons that want some of the good old Doctor, i recommend The Librarians. It started with 3 tv movies that were an Indiana Jones ripoff but fun, then it became a tv show that was like Doctor Who but only about magic. WARNING, first season is kinda cheap shit, but the rest of it is way better than the last seasons of nuWho.
Nah user it was all Moff trying to create his legacy character.
That's dumb. The entire Moffat era is his legacy. He created two Doctors, and at least one villain that will be regarded as an all time classic. What does he need with Clala: the bitchy school teacher?
>seemingly perma kill him
>The Master
Mate, he literally always died this way, she's 100% alive. That's sort of the characters thing.
It's got fuck all to do with having a woman doctor.
Missy was entertaining as fuck.
Its just that chibnall is fucking awful at writing doctor who.
I also get the impression that unlike missy, jodie was probably pressured to being a "good rolemodel" for little girls which means that her gender or sexuality can't be part of the character.
The doctor has never been the most extreme example of masculinity, but a lot of classicaly maculine traits are in there.
Oh also having like 3 main characters, none of whom were the doctor, made it boring to watch.
Donna, Amy, Clara
A lot of the Hartnell era had a four man cast. You can do it, as long as all of the characters are likable and have a defined roll.
Doctor - crotechety intellectual authority figure
Susan - young girl, innocent and vulnerable, audience analogue
Ian - adult male, a bit rougher than the Doctor, can handle a fight, has a stronger sense of justice than the Doctor who could be quite cold at this point in the franchise
Barbara - adult woman, Kind, nurturing, she's yer mam
>(I don't know about Sarah)
Cringe and worthless opinion
I'd say this is pretty much spot on but I'd put 9 above 6
Always thought Sarah was an overrated companion. Leela and Romana were better T.Baker companions.
>Oh also having like 3 main characters, none of whom were the doctor, made it boring to watch.
Watch Ian, Barbara, and Vicki era Hartnell. That's how you do three companions. The Romans is kino
Season 5 was the best written the show's ever been
1 >>> everything else. Series 1 is the only series of new Who with more good episodes than bad ones
>Legz Akimbo
That's all I was thinking when I posted it
An important component of the Hartnell era is that the Doctor was not a perfect arbiter of morality, and an action hero all in one. You can have a much more interesting dynamic between an ensemble cast when one of them doesn't just do everything, while the others look on gawking and applauding. Imagine that.
>reminder Capaldi fags think this is what the best Doctor looks like
>mean Capaldi > cool Capadli
>Frequently talks about things like eugenics and genocide
>I-it was always for kids, bro!
>it makes shallow allusions to how bad the Nazis were
So, it's for kids.
I only watched 9th and 10th's runs
Lol wtf is she 5?
Do the BBC cancel shows with poor ratings? I’ve never wanted a show to be cancelled before.
kids shows in the uk touch on vaguely mature/scary subjects sometimes, which is much healthier than sheltering them all the time like burger tv. that's how you end up with zoomers having mental breakdowns because their favourite character died on GoT and they don't know how to handle it.
It actually doesn't matter. They don't earn money through views.
Knowingly camp fun? In MY Doctor Who?!
I shan't stand for this! Mavis, where is my pen? I'm going to bloody well give that blasted BBC a piece of my mind!
It's deader than tank tops
as much as there's always threads here going OH NO NO NO about it failing, the truth is it's still one of the most watched shows in the uk, it's unlikely to get cancelled, but if/when it does it'll probably get another reboot 5-10 years later.
It was sufficiently bad that nobody's even bothered bitching about it. It's not like it was just bad in a "sacrificing good storylines in favour of heavy-handed SJW commentary" way that the odd episodes of previous seasons have been bad. It was just dull bullshit and a whole gang of character none of whom anyone gave a shit about. It was the first season of a new Doctor and she was barely even in it, it was all centered on the companions, who are not likeably written, they're just uninteresting. It's a pity because I think Jodie could be good in the role, it's Chibnall who's the problem.
That's mid-life crisis Twelve. Kind Professor Twelve is the best version.
Oh boy, this time Chibs has really done it again! And with a heavy does of woke politics! Thank you for listening.
Nimon is campy fun. Capaldi with a guitar in shades on a tank is embarrassing humour that only teenage girls find funny
That's one of the big reasons why I didn't like the series very much. Jodie when she's being the Doctor is great, like in the Rosa Parks episode where she confronts the bad guy in the warehouse or in the Witch episode where she's tied up with the king, but the episodes overwhelmingly focused on the companions, which is an extra problem because we have
>Ryan, the Black Guy with coordination issues that come up two or three times in the whole series and he magically gets over as the plot demands
>Yaz, who the writers forgot is actually a trained police officer, so she acts like a generic student along for the ride, even in situations where she would have experience or training to deal with
>Graham who acts more like a real companion than the other two but is hamstrung by needing to babysit Ryan and Yaz
Then the doctor spends most of her spotlight acting as an anti-bully ranger. There's like, 5 minutes of good shit in the whole series and the plots themselves aren't even any good.
Gonna make it my life mission to get a job at the BBC and reboot the show. The only caveat is being that the Doctor will be like Eccleston and full on bald.
>like in the Rosa Parks episode where she confronts the bad guy in the warehouse
That's an oof from me
No doubt the shills on YT like Freedom, Trilbe and Creeper will use the current consolidated ratings system to spin it as a success again while pretending there's no problem with the show.
Did anyone catch the Big Finish stream? I was able to snatch both parts of it off Youtube, even uploaded a couple of MP3s of full stories to my Youtube channel for about a week before I took them down to avoid getting banhammered.
I loved Peter and liked 80% of his stories but they gave the younger audience way too much credit thinking they could get away with switching this memeworthy twenty something guy with swishy hair with a guy in his 50s and expecting them to stick around.
Most people ITT can fuck offerino, Capaldi was fucking kino, deal with it
Just 13 and Graham together would be comfy as hell. The younger female Doctor and older male companion (the opposite of the Capaldi era). But no, they had to have two other diversity hires that literally do absolutely nothing.
It was her birthday, she was having a laugh.
Bowlestrek legit lost his shit over this and tried to paint it like the world coming to an end, he got tons of backlash even from people who like his content because he was taking his issues with Jodie too far and making it too personal
Isn't even the SJW stuff. I actually found the India and Rosa Parks episodes to be be the best written of the lot, in spite of all the preaching. It wa the CBBC tier dialogue. Google image search thirteenth doctor quote gifs for a selection of the worst ones.
I bet you'd defend Tennant wearing the 3D glasses - now THAT is something teenage girls get wet over
so what am I supposed to do here, cum in her mouth or something?
Demons of the Punjab was great. Compelling story a little more sophisticated than "Something bad happen! -> We have saved the day from the bad thing!". It was bizarrely refreshing to see a story about hatred and intolerance where the bad guys weren't white dudes, too.
Lol exactly the same shit, makes rewatching a load of nuWho unbearable
I like Bradley Walsh but the only reason people hyped up Graeme is because everyone else last year was so fucking bad.
Seska is a sweetheart, but she's such a shill for the new stuff and her Matt Smith obsession convinced me she was mentally ill
I miss watching her reactions for DW stuff. Shame there's FUCK ALL ON THIS YEAR.
She reacts to Classic Who now, doesn't like Susan (but tries to be polite about it) and 'ships Ian and Barbra. She's on to series two now and close to The Chase. She'll freak.
Classic Who is too dry for me. I respect it all the same though.
My favorite Classic Doctors are 2 and 7
>the bad guys weren't white dudes,
No they were Hindu Indian nationalists breaking up a multicultural wedding. Don't find it easy to read into things do you?
>Classic Who is too dry for me
Christ. Vomit-inducing opinion. Season 18 is as close to dry as classic Who gets
All adults are old men as far as kids are concerned. It was really the young adult female demographic that dropped off with Capaldi.
People just kind of gave up on it. Honestly, most people gave up on it at least one Doctor ago. So people don't make such a fuss over it.
>abloobloo British Empire meanie poos. Here's an incredibly simplified version of why they felt the need to establish Pakistan
>also there's an alien, or something
Were they white dudes?
If you look closely I think you'll find that they're not white dudes.
What are you on about?
S1 Rose > Donna > Clara > Martha > S2 Rose > Amy > Bill > S12's Scooby Gang who's names I don't even remember
why was series 2 rose so fucking unbearable
why was series 2 so unbearable in the first place
is that why eccleston bailed
When was it ever a family show?
Were the racist bigots in the episode white dudes?
No they were multiculturalism hating Hindu nationalists
baka. I bet the British did this. Hindu's and Muslims are natural allies.
This is when I dropped it. I was okay with a female doctor up to that point.
S12-S16 T. Baker > Pertwee > McCoy > Troughton > McGann > Hartnell > C. Baker > S17-S18 T. Baker > Davison
Eccleston = Capaldi > Smith > Tennant > Whittaker
You literally can't refute this.
He doesn't need to be a good actor. He's basically playing himself. Tom Baker is the Doctor personified.
Victory of The Daleks is worse than anything in series 12.
hey you whitehouse
ha ha charade you are
So not white dudes then.
Don't really like Pertwee. He was the original Mary Sue Doctor.
Moffat just wanted to pork Jenna. He cited missing her when she quit as the reason he left.
>British Empire aren't white
Well, this is Doctor Who.
It's a fact that the best Doctors are the ones who are grumpy old men who insult everyone and generally act like humans are a burden.
The worst ones are the ones who are too nice all the time.
I think it had something to with boffing the Doctor in front of her ex, but I could be wrong.
I don't know. Troughton wasn't so much a grumpy old man as a bumbling clown.
I... honestly can't. Your new who ordering is dead on.
I hope one day they discover more lost Troughton episodes. Definitely my favourite classic Doctor, along with Tom Baker.
He was still based though
Grumpy old man with a heart of gold, you mean. It's what made Hartnell so liked in the end.
I can see why people were turned off by Series 8 because you had Matt Smith, one of the nicest Doctors ever, suddenly become Peter Capaldi, who was pretty nasty and unpleasant. It was kino as hell (and done a lot better than Colin Baker) but could've made people very unsure of what was going on, since they were so used to Tennant/Smith.
>inb4 and then they changed his personality in Series 9 to suit those people
Fuck off with that shit, those scripts were written over a year ahead before there was any real feedback for S8. Over the course of S8 12 starts to soften up, especially after the xmas special.
Hartnell was much better than McGann
Jodie Whittaker is cute and I have seen her act well before, but the direction of her chaaracter is simultaneosly bland and incredible annoying. I really think Jodie under Moffat could've been something really cool, but the new showrunner is just incredibly boring.
Danny D/Madison Ivy best couple.
that's because this new shit is so poorly written it's like going from expensive high end ice cream to the cheapest store brand shit.
the female companion on series 12 is fuckable at least. thank god she's only a two season doctor.
>Jodie Whittaker is a great actor
>did her best as The Doctor
not at all, either she was half assing it, or more likely, the writers/directors gave her absolutely nothing to work with. 13 is, on paper, incredibly bland.
The first female Doctor should've been an older woman with the same kind of attitude as Capaldi
saying she's super feminist is giving the character too much credit, since that would be characterization. Any of her lines couldve been said by 10 or 11, nothing about her feels unique at all.
I just don't buy it. She was a bad pick for the character. A lot of Doctors had bad material to work with, but the good ones shone through it. Paul McGann was a shining gem in an otherwise poorly written pile of crap. Half of Colin Baker's episodes are like a horrible cocaine nightmare.
This. A mummy Doctor. Someone like Cate Blanchett.
everything after 11 is grade A trash.
>not like Capaldi
opinion discarded
She's now the most important companion ever having met and saved each version of the Doctor countless times, and is now effectively immortal with her own Tardis. She could still be out there now and stories can be written about her along with the oldest immortal who's experienced trillions of years and probably us more knowledgeable than anyone and who can pilot a Tardis
She coincided with the 50's anniversary, where Moffat wanted to include every Doctor, and she had to become a better Doctor than the Doctor becuase "muh strong woman" demands from the BBC.
Look at the character who first appeared alongside Matt Smith. She was cute, she was charming, she was motherly and had an affinity with children, she was more of a meek and submissive character than Amy had previously been. She went off the rails around the time everything about the show went off the rails. It was BBC pressure.
its dead. she killed it. Even the hardcore have given up on it.
>becuase "muh strong woman" demands from the BBC
Nah, all Moffat, see what he did to River Song too. A fucking Dalek begging for mercy, fuck that hack
Well that's different. Moffat likes mature women to slap his balls around.
Not different. Moffat makes Mary Sues and impossible women, see the lizard lady and her lesbian lover
River Song is a dominatrix fetish. Late game Clara is a feminist fantasy, and Bill was a poz load. One of these things is not like the others.
>BBC finally gives me a Doctor that I get to sexually objectify about after 10 years of making Doctors for women to sexually objectify
>She is literally blank slate that has no interesting qualities to her so I can't fucking fap to this
>It's a food analogy
Or any older woman who can command authority and be cantankerous and dismissive.
Would be kino.
Wasn't it moved to Sunday for the last series so it had no competition at all?
The actor had died, yes. The character had died too, Eleven called him up and only reached the retirement home he spent his last years at, telling him he had died peacefully. After this call, Eleven was ready to go to his death at Lake Silencio.
Well there was the interspecies lesbian couple who inexplicably lived in a time period where they'd have been persecuted endlessly
link or it didn't happen
Hello Russell
Did reddit tell you food analogies were bad, little one
At the point people would know they were lesbians, they would have had to have been ok with one of them being a lizard person in the first place, so they'd most likely be ok with it. For everyone else, both lesbians are trained warriors. Jenny studied the blade while Vastra honed her wits.
If the second half of a6 had been good I would agree
Matt Smith also said he wished he stayed longer as he wished he had more time working with her. Seems Moffat wasn't the only one.
>November 23rd, 1963
I remember that date. That's the day the first episode aired.
>Haven't heard anything about series 12.
New series next year. Possibly Christmas special this year.
Holy fuck this man is based
She was completely one-dimensional in S7. She got much better in S8/9
best character arc in all of doctor who history
Old companions, only Jamie McCrimmon stands out in my memory. I don't even know why I liked him so much. There's also the Brigadier though he
Newer series, I only really cared for Rose Tyler and Amy Pond. Rory Williams was really cool too.