Controversial sentence of a Mexican soccer figure about Argentina: "The only dangerous one is Messi"

>Although there are still 232 days to go before the start of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, Without a doubt, the most anticipated match in group C will be Argentina-Mexico due to the modern rivalry that was forged as a result of the clashes in the 2006 and 2010 World Cups.

>The superiority of the Argentine National Team over Mexico is historic but it has deepened in recent years as the Mexican team only has TWO victories in 19 games against Argentina since 1990. The Albiceleste won a Copa América final and eliminated it in two World Cups, so he became a black beast for the Tri.

>According to Cuauhtémoc Blanco, a benchmark for Aztec soccer: “You have to have pants and show character. Facing the (rival) that touches us, if you pass, maybe we will find him, then how the hell… are we going to be afraid of him?” Said the former soccer player.


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Great, its another México hate thread

they do try tho

At least it's not the same reused DBZ meme this time

Cuauhtémoc is pretty based if you ask me, sadly Tata will park the bus and they're gonna get raped.

We literally beat them 4-0 without Messi.


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they should unleash Julian Alvarez on them he always scores against shitters that are patronato tier

Stop, I don't want the memories back

Of course he’s going to say that you fucking autist, you think he’s going to not be biased? How is this news when it was from a show last week? Did your antenna held together by tape and your sister’s panties barely get the signal today?

How do you pronounce "Cuauhtémoc" ?

Renta gratis

After Mexico lose 4-0 (again) with goals from di maria,dybala,de paul and lautaro he is going to hide under a bridge

>be argie
>out of nowhere some meximonkey starts saying their football everything is better
yeah, sure

You are clearly autistic and care way too much about a former player supporting their country.

One thing is supporting your country and the other is shit talking the one who beat you always and underestimate his player like that nobody blanco said do you understand chicano?

The last time the argeniggers were this obsessed with Mexico they went out in the group stage in 02.

They overdose in delusion 24/7 to believe their lies

You are such a retard. As if argentina doesn’t have shows like futbol picante where some(read, SOME) guests are biased. And Blanco can talk all he wants since when he played with Mexico, they actually did beat Argentina. You just sound like a fag, literally you sound like a woman getting upset over something everyone else sees as a non-issue. Learn better English before embarrassing yourself further. Faggot.


Based boomer living in the past

Argentinos have actually fallen so low that now they have mexicanos as rivals. Sad!

>replying that fast
I accept your concession.

>Remembers shit from 20 years ago

This is not rivalry, this is harassment

Lmao why are you so defensive? If they speak retarded shit, they better don't cry when they get btfo like last time, a few years ago just because mejico was invictus playing against teams in the concaca they said because Messi wans't playing they would win easy and they lost 4-0

>defeated two times
>now they have a rivalry

>make 30th thread about Mexico today
>get BTFOd
>”b-but why are you so defensive?”
Do I need to speak to you in spanish for you to understand? The show he was on is called futbol picante, cuathemoc is probably the most passionate player in Mexico’s history. Of course he’s going to say something you, an Argentine would disagree with.
>”don’t support your country”
This is literally what you’re saying.


Blanco is retarded desu

>make 30th thread about Mexico today
I just entered Yea Forums an hour ago calm down paco
And again if you have the guts to say stupid thing be prepared for what's coming

It never ceases to amaze me how these threads always have zero seething mexican flags and all seething American flags

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I only see chicanos crying

What if the argies lose to House Saudi?

qua(like quad)-uh- teh-moh

>Mexico? Poland? Sounds easy, 3-0 to both of them.
>Saudi Arabia? Never heard of them, let's say 6.

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Their manager was an argie in 2006, and he was 40 in 2010.

I saw a mexican once caling him "espalda de aguacate"

only CHIs think mexico is worth defending

Just leave us alone.

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lol chi jannies seething

We can't, our paths cross once more

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Don Ramón = us
Señor barriga = argensimios

Pay the rent, chud

Cuauhtémoc is a meme hyped by televisa because he was the most beloved players despite only winning one title, he career ended when the trinitario fucked his leg

america latina = amigos. we must unite against the great gringo menace, divided people are easier to conquer but unite people are harder to defeat

Who's Noño?

My favorite is "vochito (Volkswagen) parado" lmao

Based, it's another Mexico hate thread!

You lel

After reading this, i dont think its something new

Mexicans will tryhard against us and win. It will be a good thing though, will wake us up before future matches and get us ready.

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Tbf if that does happen it either might be your downfall or the kick that gets you guys to win the world cup. So a 50/50 chance. "If" they beat you of course.

Brazil is not Latin America brah.

Cuito Carnivale is Vodacom Park

Brazil is Europe. Evrope even if you go into the nitty gritty of it.

You dont

Don't even joke about that Argiebro. If we somehow win in this shit state it'll only hurt more when we eventually lose to France or Denmark.

Mexico and Argentina have a cultural rivalry, it isnt just football. Mexico is the Latin American nexus and Argentina is the South American nexus.

based af norf n souf rivalry

Because Mexicunts are the biggest shit-talkers in the Americas. Not even the Argieniggers talk this much shit.

Now common is it in Mexico to have based indigenous names like Cuauhtémoc?

>not using the base word "alquilar"
retard Tijuana drug roach

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