Explain to me what this movie does that makes it apparently SO much better than the Holland films

Explain to me what this movie does that makes it apparently SO much better than the Holland films.

Attached: spiderman2.jpg (817x978, 316K)

Other urls found in this thread:


it was better

Your mom


It makes Peter a crybaby with Daddy (Unka Ben) abandonment issues who can't let go of his old Mommy-substitute's apron strings, and can't into relationships with girls.

Basically its Incel-kino at its finest.

they keep the white characters white

if you need it explained it'll just go over your head anyways.

It had better parts in it and was a better movie.

>better suit design
>more convincing cgi
>better actors
>alfred molina
>tobey maguires voice feels right
>kirsten dunst being hot
>cool action scenes
>the score is memorable and recognizable
>the emotional angle where peter feels guilt about uncle ben
>j jonah jaimeson is hilarious
>one villain, so not cluttered to all hell
>good resolution to the conflict

It's well paced, thematically consistent, tonally pitch perfect, doesn't bog its story down with ties to a shared universe, beautiful cinematography, amazing practical effects, has CGI from 2004 that still holds up, it doesn't undercut its serious moments with lazy humor. It's everything MCU movies wish they could be. It was made with care and soul and 75% of it isn't CGI garbage. It's actually good.

>better suit design
just no
>more convincing cgi
I can't argue this one, as SM2 uses it sparingly and less fantastically, using more practical
>better actors
>alfred molina
MCU spidey villains stand up to Molina's Ock easiy
>tobey maguires voice feels right
Gay for Tobey
>kirsten dunst being hot
In the first movie, I'll grant. Shit was on a rapid downhill slide in the second movie
>cool action scenes
doesn't set it apart from MCU spidey
>the score is memorable and recognizable
I feel you are confusing this for another movie...
>the emotional angle where peter feels guilt about uncle ben
"Muh Unka Ben!" Surprise you held out this long for your real complaint
>j jonah jaimeson is hilarious
He is undeniably great
>one villain, so not cluttered to all hell
So like the MCU Spidey
>good resolution to the conflict
So like the MCU Spidey

wow you are a tasteless imbecile

I expected a rebuttal of this quality, and you did not disappoint.

well when one of your retorts was "just no" i saw that youre really not worth any time taking to you fucking dumb donkey

Not a good reply

>MCU spidey villains stand up to Molina's Ock easiy

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This Peter is actually a really fucking competent Spider-man and puts others first


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Have sex

Heh. You spent all that time to type that out, but where did it get you? Despite your masterful wit and impeccable taste, you remain a nigger.

The train scene

>t. not vindicated

The Holland films are garbage. Spider-Man 3 is better than the Holland films.

Ok, the raised silver webbing suit is objectively shit, badly ruining an iconic, if not THE most iconic superhero suit that isn't Superman.
I bet you like the Man of Shit costume too.


Marvel movies lack character and are brought down by being a greater part of the MCU. Nothing about the Holland films stand out while Spider-man 2 has a very clear and evident director. The scene where doc ocks arms come alive and kill all those doctors screams Raimi and evil dead and in a single scene it had more character than either Holland film. I love holland as peter! I also like Gyllenhal. I dont think any part of either of those movies is nearly as memorable as what Spider-Man 2 delivered. Loved the doc a lot. Spider-Man 2 is a good movie that happens to be about Spider-Man. The holland movies are ubiquitous marvel movies that happen to be about Spider-Man. The only marvel movies with any character or vision are the ones with more distance from the over arching plot where they gave the director handle to someone new. The creators of far from home also stated they had to make guesses about end game because they weren't allowed to see the script while writing far from home and if that isn't the biggest weakness I've ever heard of Idk what is.

>MCU spidey villains stand up to Molina's Ock easiy
Vulture was comparable but still not as good. Mysterio wasn't very good at all because the way his story was told wasn't very good. His heel turn feels too quick and convenient with all of his chronies, most of which never appear or matter ever again, his plan to have Peter give him EDITH and the fact that it actually worked was by all measures fuckung ludicrous, and his origin with the BARF technology would have been ok but it was handled laughably.

>Spider-Man is better when its like my cult horror film.

the design of the raimi spidey is comic book accurate to his most recognizable look. mcu has hideous mechanical eyes, unnecessary black linings that are present just to separate itself from previous works

>His heel turn feels too quick and convenient with all of his chronies, most of which never appear or matter ever again
He's a heel from the very start. And his cronies make off with the EDITH control, setting up Mysterio's return (you don't seriously think he's dead, right?).

>Explain to me what this movie does that makes it apparently SO much better than the Holland films.
The suit

Actually it is objectively good
t. knower

dude, i really dont give a fuck about nit picking some costume in a super hero movie. spiderman 1 and 2 are just great and well made memorable films. no one cares about the the 47th disney industrial complex gaytwink installment of this ponzi scheme series

have sex

They're unmemorable. Nothing sticks out in my mind from these movies but I can name tons of scenes from Raimis. In 30 years, will anything from the Holland movies be remembered as fondly as the train scene from 2?

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>MCU spidey villains stand up to Molina's Ock easiy


Areyou black
Why are black insults so fucking childish and retarded

>just no
(lol. Felt more like a homemade piece tailored by an amateur. Looked textured and like an actual piece of clothing rather than a sleeker aerodynamic outfit with actual functionality (which Peter didn't give a shit about)
>using more practical
I too sometimes have difficulty remembering to put nouns in my sentences.
>MCU spidey villains stand up to Molina's Ock easiy[sic]
None of the villains in the MCU have an actual arc. Their motivations are paper thin and the performances don't try to have any real nuance to them.
>Gay for Tobey
Projecting a bit huh?
>doesn't set it apart from MCU spidey
It does. No MCU scene is as memorable as the train sequence in Spider-Man 2.
>I feel you are confusing this for another movie...
He isn't. The main theme for Raimi's Spider-man films has a solid buildup to a satisfying climax. I don't even remember if the MCU films have a unifying theme or if it's the same bland ambient background crap the MCU has been using for the past decade.
>Surprise you held out this long for your real complaint
He didn't. All his prior complaints were valid.
>So like the MCU Spidey
Yeah, the Vulture was working all by himself. No other villains like the Shocker or other henchmen or nothing. Just him.
>So like the MCU Spidey
None of the MCU films have good resolution because they're all trying to lead in to the next bullshit storyline.

As soon as you stop being retarded, I'll consider replying to you again. If you don't hear back from me just assume your response was trash and take your time then try again.

>the design of the raimi spidey is comic book accurate
It fucking is not. It neither resembles the classic original, the 70's-80's suits, nor the Todd McFarlane shit everyone masturbates to.


>Spiderman isn't better when it's director by someone with an actual style and aesthetic that makes it distinct

i really hope the single guy in this thread desperately trying to defend this bullshit is getting paid for his services by some marketing company.

if not, yikes

It's got soul

It wasn't an insult. OP's mom was actually the costume designer for Spider-Man 2.
>These suit designs are the ONLY ones that have ever appeared in the comics.
Have you considered that you might be somewhat deficient? Mentally I mean.

Raised webbing?? Ree!

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looks like spiderman to me you insufferable fucking moron

jesus christ man get some fucking tact

>He's a heel from the very start.
Yes this is true. The revelation of it is bad though, is what I mean to say, and the fact that this ridiculous plan worked is really dumb IMO. It all just required such a perfect storm. I understand that was the whole point of the elementals and getting on Nick Fury's good side and all, but still. Just banking on Peter handing it the fuck over was silly to me.

You're right. It's not comic accurate, it's superior to them

>Felt more like a homemade piece tailored by an amateur.
It's like we didn't even watch the same movie.

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Better cinematography for starters.

Because they aren't trying to be John Hughes movies

Are you retarded? Some of Raimi’s Spider-man scenes have been made canon in the comics, recent video game, and other films like Into the Spider-verse. The upside down kiss with MJ is now a permanent fixture in the character’s story that can be found across all mediums.

Wasn't the upside kiss already in the comics before the movies?

>Just banking on Peter handing it the fuck over was silly to me.
He and all of his cohorts were Stark scientists. They'd have likely been involved in the first tech Spidey-suit, and aware of Peter's reluctance to use Stark tech and his outright refusal to become Iron Spider the Avenger initially.

you can just say you don't know

It was not.

Because the people dressed nicer back then and not like zoomer freaks

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dont bother. hes just a bitter incel still riding the dwindling fade of these marvel movies which is the only thing that gives him a sense of being a part of a community

Basically, it looks and feels like a comic.

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They look cute

>riding the dwindling fade of these marvel movies

Can I buy a ticket to your alternate reality funverse?

Yeah, he's wrong. The suit is great but to rhe question of how Parker made it can only really be answered with "it doesn't matter because the Raimi films are camp"

it also shows how the characters have grown and matured into young adults from the first film

Dunst looks like his Aunt here.
Yeah no, that shot doesn't look a think like a scene from a Spider-Man comic.

It had the most kino sequences such as below youtu.be/K_gQmzRFtYk

do hormone injections really alter your preception of reality or something?

Yeah, the solo movies are now starting to break a billion without RDjr, but sure, its fading fast.
>I'll imply he's a tranny! that always wins arguments!

Are there any scenes in the MCU spiderman as iconic as raimis?

>Dunst looks like his Aunt here.

what a fucking weak argument you just pulled out of your gaping asshole

the average intellect of these marvel movie acolytes, everyone

Peter’s like an autist so it makes sense he could pull off really amazing things in some areas and be completely retarded at basic stuff. In a cut scene from Spider-man 2 he figures out that Octavius’ fusion project would fail. It seems they left a lot of things like this on the cutting room floor for time and pacing.

The rubble scene, "Dad talk" in the car are both powerful scenes, "iconic" is just your nostalgia flaring up tho.

wow dude looks like youre part of the winning team!

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Yet I don't hear you saying "no she doesn't".
Just throwing a hissy fit.


powerful and convincing.

He's actually spiderman and not iron boy. What's the point of webs stickyness and super strength when you have an iron man suit? At least he finally used spidey sense a bit finally. Amazing 2 is best though

you need to see a therapist


>"iconic" is just your nostalgia flaring up tho.
Not really, the train scene has 50 million views on youtube. Nothing from the MCU spiderman even matches

>Hollandfans getting BTFO

It's a beautiful thing.

MCUcks: Can't quote a single line of dialogue from their "beloved" films

Chad Raimisters: IMPRESSIVE! CAN SPIDERMAN COME OUT TO PLAY?! IM SOMETHING OF A SCIENTIST MYSELF! BETER-DON'T TELL HARRY! IT'S YOU WHO'S OUT GOBBIE! I SURRENDAH! YOU REALLY PISS ME OFF! MJ AND I WE'RE GONNA HAVE A HELLUVA TIME! With great power comes great responsibility. Did your husband make you that suit? I missed the part where that's my problem. You mess with one of us you mess with all of us! We have a page one problem shaddup! We can get a picture of Julia Roberts in a thong we can get a picture of this weirdo. Meat! I'll send you a nice box of christmas meat! I did? What's that smell? Peter Parker-brilliant but lazy. Peter Parker...? Brilliant but lazy... Something...in my head? Something talking... Looks like you got a train to catch! I will not die a monster! Hi...this is really heavy...
Sometimes to do what's right we have to be steady, and give up the things we want the most, even our dreams... So here I am standing in your doorway-I've always been standing in your doorway. Isn't it about time somebody saved your life?

I'm sorry, I thought we were going to discuss Spider-Man movies, not sputter at Disney Studios like a victim.
I'll leave you to your hug-thread.

I don’t like a child Spider-man that rides Tony Stark’s dick. Sorry.

>im not ackchully hugging you XD
fukn cringe

yes please leave and kill yourself on the way out

I can quote a dozen lines from TDK Rises verbatim, that doesn't make it a classic, sorry.

>full frame shot
>action scene dead center
>MJs scream trails off
>subsequent shots are of Peter's face
>doesn't look like a comic


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I always found this iteration of Pete and MJ endearing which lead me to read the comics.

That's a pretty big stretch. This plan was nonsensical and the fact that it worked was even worse.

nigga u dumb

See ya, chump.

That's not the point. Raimis spidernan is memorable, MCU spiderman isnt

Spiderman homecoming gets ruined by the presence of iron man and gets ruined by the shitty high school drama shit.
Yes sure, the vulture is really cool and amazing, sure. His scenes are great
But the high school scenes feel like a different movie altogether and is boring

Spiderman far from home has the same problem.

Raimi movies also have high school scenes but they are very small in comparison and they dont take too much of the run time.

I fucking hate Ned

Why isn't he friends with Harry?

I would argue that the first one did even more so, the color palette was spot on right out of the Silver Age of comics

i dont remember mary jane being mullato in the comic either

Based and redpilled. MCU Spidey is best Spidey to date.

Because we’re stuck watching the shit universe where The Avengers sucked at beating Thanos the first time.

Nope, he's gay as fuck and he got exposed, something raimi's Spiderman didn't have happen to him because he wasn't a shit Spiderman

and its not just spiderman all of MCU doesn't have anything memorable

Give me a reason why


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>better suit design
>just no

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Real talk though. Did he single handedly beat Thanos and save his universe?

For one, it core of the character right. A man struggling to do the right thing despite never getting rewarded for it and his normal life suffering because of it. Holland never has to suffer like Tobey does. Tobey Peter loses his only friend, he can’t make time for the girl he likes, he’s failing at college, he lives from paycheck to paycheck in a shitty apartment, and his aunt is all alone because of a mistake he made. Holland Peter has a fat, loyal sidekick who already knows his identity so he doesn’t need to worry about keep it secret from him, he has a girlfriend who knows his identity, his aunt also knows his identity and never has to worry about being lonely because she gets on constantly (she also doesn’t seem to care about the well being of her adoptive son either), his “bully” is some non threatening pahjeet, and he goes to a special science school so no he never gets bullied for his hobbies. The worst that happens to him is that he gets his gadgets taken away by Daddy Stark. Holland is literally nothing like Peter. He should be an entirely different character in fact

I'm gonna put some dirt in your eye.


check out the comments, first thing people think of is Raimi's green goblin:

2's train scene is iconic and is arguably the single greatest scene in any capeshit. MCU Spiderman is good but Spiderman 2 is the arguable peak of the genre.

Spider-Man isn’t played by an awkward 30 year old lesbian who doesn’t crack jokes

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>the Raimi suit looks better than the homecoming suit in the meme
I hope that was intentional

High school scenes in Spider-Man should really only amount to Peter coming to the conclusion of "fuck these people, they're shitty to me, they can go to hell." It should serve to set up the idea that Peter has to learn to be more selfless as the movie continues. His high school life should reinforce with great power comes great responsibility instead of being put on the back burner or treated as 90210. He should begin the story as a selfish dick because he's bullied all the time and fuck everyone else. This allows room for growth and illustrates his character more than shirking a few responsibilities for his aunt and uncle would. None of the Spider-Man movies seem to understand this when it was spelled out pretty clearly in the comics. The Amazing Spider-Man unironically seemed to understand this aspect the most because at the very least he had clear animosity toward Flash and got over it to be a less shitty person by the movie's end.


peter parker being an off putting annoying homsexual, an obese Hawaiian kid, flash thompson being a 5'5 indian kid and mary jane being black would be memorable aspects of the film i guess, not spoken of fondly however

>Who dosen't crack jokes
That's what we need more of in capeshit, quips!
Besides, Spiderman in the Raimi series does quip. Watch the bank heist scene in 2

>t. Incel /pol/tard who should try having sex

you forgoet
>harrased tranny devs to get the Raimi suit in the spiderman game

ok but the film came out like 20 years ago and turned out just fine. thanks for your schizophrenic ramblings though

Peter carrying the rubble? I enjoyed the Holland movies but they're not gonna be rewatched like Spiderman 1 and 2 were

You’re right, instead he’s played by a flaming homosexual who can’t stop thinking Uncle Stark

Spider-Man is known for cracking jokes during fights, the Raimi series as a whole makes Peter boring as fuck. One scene isn’t worth slogging through 8 hours of shit.

The devs came out and said the suit was always planned. Nice try though

Is there anything in the MCU like this?

It really boils down to this; Raimis Peter dosen't want to be spiderman because it literally ruins his life. MCU Peter dosen't want to be spiderman because he wants to fuck some chick

I think you should have sex incel

I love the first Raimi movie. I think it's great but it's not perfect. There's nothing wrong with criticizing what you enjoy. Sorry, didn't mean to hurt your feelings or shatter your fragile ego that's inexplicably tied to a fucking superhero movie that came out 20 years ago.

Considering there are like what, two main fight scenes in Spider-man 2. Does it really matter that Raimi dosen't have Peter quip every fucking minute?

When all else fails call them an incel

I think you should bend over and spread your ass cheeks

Can we all agree at the very least that Rami Spiderman and MCU Spiderman are both far better than Garfield Spiderman?

no one likes gay people. sorry. no one wants to see spiderman be characterized by a gay guy.

changing flash tompson to a short indian guy is fucking stupid

changing a redhead to the polar opposite of a black girl is stupid

fat Hawaii kids who make stupid jokes is not interesting

why this equates to a random board on Yea Forums makes 0 sense

for the love of god see a therapist

Go to bed Tom

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might have to rewatch this:


This Peter wouldn’t be Tony Stark’s bitch. Also wouldn’t accept an invite into the Avengers club. Would most likely survive Thanos’ dusting.

think of one that isnt baneposting without googling it. dont bother replying we know you cant

just compare the fucking soundtracks and it's obvious how shit the nufilms are compared to Raimi's masterpieces.


Over 3 minutes Raimi's theme goes through various ORIGINAL character leitmotifs with each portion having a distinct tone and style, utilizing a variety of instruments and notes that are easily recognized by people who last saw the movies years ago.


MCU's theme is a bland and boring all LE EBIC violin/choir generic mess that all terrible MCU movies have now, with random cringe spurts of the cartoon theme song thrown in because they can't compose anything original. The whole song sounds like something that a 19 year old youtube composer with some pirated software would make, which meanders along for an excruciating 4 minutes and is forgotten the moment you stop listening to it

also vindicated>blitzkrieg bop

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garfield spidey had a superior suit to holland shit

Imagine being this buttmad about a children’s super hero on a Chinese image board

First is better

I just finished rewatching the first film. Still a masterpiece to this day

actually if you read into your retarded complaint here you can see that you probably have ADHD or a related mental abnormality, the fight scenes are just fine.

people more grounded and enganged in the story and fight sequence understand that men typically dont make a reference joke about some 80s movie when theyre trying to kill each other

It's not.

>All of these zoomers hating on Raimi's Spider-man
The fact that his movies are still being referenced in Spider-man lore almost twenty (20) years later BTFO out of most arguments. Tell me a moment in MCU's or even Sony's Spider-man more iconic than the upside-down kiss scene or the train scene or the "Pizza Time" scene Or Symbiote influenced Peter dancing around NYC in a black suit scene . Don't worry I'll wait.

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Agreed. More thought and artistry was put into the first two Raimi Spider-man soundtracks. It carries emotional weight when you hear it. I really hate the MCU spider-kid theme.

Putting aside how much better the cinematography, characters, fight scenes, effects, and music are in the Raimi films, the MCU movies are utterly devoid of any humanity. Raimi movies have great, memorable, effective but simple human moments such as Jameson not giving Peter up to the Goblin in 1, Uncle Ben, the motivational speech Aunt May gives Peter in 2 where she totally knows he's Spider-Man but doesn't say it, etc. whereas everything in MCU is artificial and played as a fucking joke. No humanity, no meaningful character moments, nothing. May learns Peter is Spider-Man in a tiny post credits joke after Homecoming, and then isn't even worried about him or anything because we wouldn't want to scare anyone with human interaction or tension.
>MCU circlejerking
Every single thing in a fucking SPIDER-MAN movie revolves around IRON MAN. Homecoming is him sucking Iron Man's dick the whole time, Iron Man makes his suit complete with faggoty little gadgets and everything. Far From Home is him trying to be Iron Man Jr. the whole film and hanging out with Iron Man's assistant with the big triumphant moment being Peter using the fucking Iron Man suit builder thing and looking like Tony. Mysterio and Vulture both revolve their entire motivation around being pissed off at IRON MAN.

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The first two Raimi films are the epitome of a comic book medium, name one series that has come close

fucking based

It is.

They even gave Pete organic webbing in the comics for a while thanks to the films in one of the most retarded spidey comics of all time.

tbf Nolan probably got the closest to based Raimi

We’re stuck watching this shitty universe that revolves around Iron Man.

It’s not that it’s so much better it’s that the Tom Holland films are so much worse.

Lol fuck no

agreed and amplified. a lot of it boils down to that these disney spiderman movies just aren't interesting to watch

All 3 of those movies (even the garfield ones) make use of the MAN part of his name and he's not sucking from the tip of a rich guy with a lot of tech.

No it isn't.

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Actual direction and vision that didn't have to adhere to muh formula and muh cinematic universe

Ang Lee's Hulk. I unironically love the cheesy comic panel cut ins

If the story and pacing weren't such garbage you'd be onto something here.

You said it best. The MCU spidey movies really are just Avenger epilogue

i like how we're all in here having a good time talking about these great Raimi movies we all enjoy while the only guy in here poorly defending the new ones is absolutely seething and probably inserting his dilation wand at this very moment

I can see her nipples

One of the best childhood moments was watching Hulk choke out a Hulk poodle and then when he was jumping football fields in the deserts while the military was chasing after him

In 50 years time, do you think The Raimi trilogy will get a Criterion release?

umm no sweetie
the duology yes

The rubble scene was ripped right from the comics but they didn’t even do it right. It’s supposed a moment where Spidey remembers why he became a hero in the first place and what’s at stake if he dies now and uses that as his strength to get himself out, but instead he just remembers something Irondaddy told him and uses the power of his erection for Tony instead

Yes, it is.

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I loved that movie and the game based on it as a kid

I don't even like MCU Spidey but if that's what you took away from that scene then you sincerely didn't comprehend what it is you were supposed to.

How does a 15 year old movie have better cgi fight scenes then Endgame?

name 1 memorable line from mcu spidey
i fukn dare you

No, it really isn't.

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>MCU does Spidey stories worse than a fucking video game

>One of the best childhood moments was watching Hulk choke out a Hulk poodle
One of the very few childhood memories I have is watching the movie in theaters and that scene being too dark to understand what the fuck was going on.

>That feel when Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland will never have a Spider-man reaction pic like this

what it "does" is that millenial brainlets in this board saw it when they were kids which automatically makes it better than movies that come out now that they are sadbrained incels living in "clown world" unable to enjoy anything

look at these disneyfags endlessly nit pick and argue about this trash they cant let go of
true seal of quality and enjoyment

meanwhile the rest of us make jokes and have a good time taking about the superior films

have sex you fucking nerd


This was the only part good of the story though, the rest was trash and the characters sucked

ps4 spidey was pure kino

Meant to reply to

Tobey does not reveal his secret identity to everyone he meets

Not an argument. Raimis Spiderman is just better movies

Spiderman isnt completely made out of bad CGI

Donner’s Superman. Both Raimi and Nolan (especially Nolan) acknowledge it.

>he missed the part where that was his problem

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This is the most confusing post on Yea Forums

Spot on.

Kirsten dunst's big fucking titties

>most critically successful spider-man movie since SM2 references exclusively the Raimi films instead of the currently running series

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no ones expecting your comprehension level to be very high


It's only remotely "successful" because of SJW jewery.

Raimi trilogy and Into Spiderverse are the only worth watching Spider-man movies, everything else is generic crap

>Can't even come up with a reason why the MCU movies are better
>Have to resort to calling those who like them incels
Yikes and Cringe, also dilate

i actually forgot this movie happened

>b-but it made 8 gorillian dollars!

have sex

God I can’t wait for the MCU to kill off Holland Peter and replace him with Spider-nigger

You called someone who critiques Disneys Spiderman a Disneyfag. It's indeed confusing

Not really.
It was pretty good. Better than MCU shit anyway.
Highly overrated though.
Venom is actually the best Spider-Man movie. And Spider-Man isn't even in it.

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>I don't have an argument but demand one from you anyway
Cope harder, incel.

Doesn’t matter, point is they butchered the scene

Considering your intellect. I doubt you remember alot

And the great animation style and best Peter Parker to date
Also Doc Ock was hot

you are one dumb motherfucker lmao

>muh jooz and es jay doubleyous!!!
someone forgot to take their schizo meds again

>big greasy shnoz jewess
Yeah ok, I won't shame that fetish.

Nolan rips every comic booky thing out of batman and just made James Bond movies.

"Here's your change"
"Nice outfit, did your husband make it for you"
"Guess you haven't heard, I'm the sheriff around these parts"

I guess you're brain is too contaminated by forced MCU quips that happen every five minutes, to understand developed and meaningful humor.

You didn't demand an argument, and considering this entire thread is people making arguments about the superiority of Raimis, it would be redundant

Pretty fuckin hot if I do say so myself

hey youre really stupid so i can see why you cant comprehend things

>I don't have my own opinion
"it's better because I samefagged in an anonymous shitposting board" is not an argument.

Here's my opinion, Raimi made the better movies, and nothing in the MCU can top it

>Venom is actually the best Spider-Man movie

Attached: If this nigga don't shut the fuck up.....webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

>things a CGI female version of a spiderman villain is sexually attractive

yikes dont shoot up a school bro

IMO Iron Man 1 and both Guardians movies are the few movies that come close to that Raimi feel. Also not MCU but 2003 Hulk and 2004 Punisher are also pretty comfy comicbook movies.

Genderbend villains are always hot. God I love the concept of alternate reality.

Your opinion is wrong and based on nostalgia.

have sex

>Your opinion is wrong
kek. and why's that?

I do. Ock is still hot, reminds me of a old teacher I had.

your opinion is wrong and based on a monetary basis as well as what is new. what do you gain from lying and saying the new movies are superior? or are you just that deluded to genuinely believe the bs you say

The first Iron Man was a really good movie and a bit of a risk. Then the character became the center of the MCU despite there being zero (0) good sequels under the Iron Man name

shit taste detected

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fpbp this desu

>Peter's reluctance to use Stark tech

The 2000s was a great decade for comicbook movies, see Hellboy and American Splendor.

his brain functions like a goldfish trapped in a tiny fishbowl. hes used the word "nostalgia" as some sort of argument a few times here already. he cant be any more descriptive than that. its just to just let him sit here and dilate

>will anything from the Holland movies be remembered as fondly as the train scene from 2?
I doubt any capeshits have a scene as iconic as the 2's train fight

it's not just box office which objective proof that one movie is better than another very similar movie about the same thing
it's also that everyone agrees that MCU movies are better.
everyone, of course, except you contrarian retards stuck in the past

I can only think of this one

>it's not just box office which objective proof that one movie is better than another very similar movie about the same thing

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just cringe at your whole post

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christ no wonder youre transitioning into being a woman. id hate myself too if i were you


>Appealing to popularity
You really are fucking retarded

>I disagree so you must be a tranny
totally legit point of view my dude, definitely not indicative of your underlying issues such as schizophrenia and gender dysphoria :^)

>The rubble scene
I get why people call this a "good" scene put it really does feels so shallow and out of place when he hears Tony Stark's voice when trpped under the rubble. For one it diminshes the importance of uncle ben when in his trying moments he remembers Tony Stark instead.
It also feels like it has no weight. Peter wasn't going to die there, his friends and family weren't in danger, the city wasn't even in danger. In the source material he lifts up the "rubble" after remembering that if he doesn't get out his Aunt will die. In hc some of Starks gear will be stolen?

Yes the box office and the opinions of your hopped up on tik tok memes buddies are the metric by which I measure quality
I got the horses in the back lmao

>popular bad
not an argument

Stop replying to the Disney chill

You haven't given any reason to why the MCU movies are better besides box offices. Can you articulate why there better?


youre not even making sense anymore. that doesnt even make sense.

now coping is you wearing a wig and inserting a metal dilation wand into your ruined gentiles in a twisted attempt to become anything else besides who you are


>Popular good
Not an argument

>popularity good
not an argument. logical fallacy

occam's razor says popular works of entertainment are better than unpopular ones.
cope harder.

This. Just yesterday I was doing a comparison of various Spider-Man themes and the Holland one seems so bland and generic. ALthough i think that's more of symptom of the modern capeshit machine

it's a character driven, self-contained story that doesn't tie in with any other properties.

>i only believe what other people tell me to believe

did your therapist tell you you could be a woman if you wanted to?

Good thing that Raimis spiderman is popular!

occam's razor says popular works of entertainment are better than unpopular ones.

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Better than comic designs

>appeal to popular consensus

here’s your reply

I'm tired of everything being part of the same universe, they all feel like the same shit, and because of Marvel this shit contaminated the DC movies too.


stop projecting your gender dysphoria, incel
i'm not a tranny like you.

occam razor state if me like thing it better because if no good me no like

better than appeal to anonymous shitposting contrarianism

It's amazing that none of these MCU fags haven't given any good reasons why there abortion of a spiderman is better

>the design of the raimi spidey is comic book accurate
>t. has never even looked at a comic book cover

It made more money. Same reason Twilight is better than Mason & Dixon.

Not if you adjust for inflation but you won’t so it doesn’t matter

I have to agree. Twilight is better than anything Pynchon has shitted out

the difference is these are both spider-man movies so one being more successful is a legitimate, objective measure of quality

I like this movie but I'm pissed it has the only "right" portrayal of Spider-Man in a feature film, and it kills him off in the first ten damn minutes. And killed by being SQUASHED. Like if you're going to contrive the roots of his powers to be like a spider, then his imperviousness should come from how he's HARD TO SQUASH.

Not a fucking argument

No, it isn't.
That more people watched this Spidey is in no way an adequate measure of quality.

>created offscreen with no reveal

The suit looks way better and makes Spider-Man look more like a man than a boy. Tobey Maguire was in his late 20s and 30s and had a stockier build and more mature face, which I prefer. I don't give a fuck if Peter Parker starts off as a high schooler, in many of the comics and animated series he looks like a 30 year old guy in high school, and he looks better that way. He's a manlet and the same height as Tom Holland yet he looks much more formidable. But most importantly, the Raimi movies took themselves far more seriously while having just the right amount of humor, every Marvel movie nowadays tries to be a semi-comedy and it's so tiresome. And let's not forget the great and memorable soundtrack.

>two nearly identical works with the same target audience, same themes, same main character etc.
>one is more succesful financialy and critically, than the other
these are the facts. cope harder raimi cock suckers

M&D is brilliant

It makes me FEEL

>Two nearly identical works
Besides them being spidermen. How is FFH and Spiderman 2 comparable and identical?

I know Im late but I want to say the TObey's spiderman with Raimi directing is my favorite interpretation of the character ever. >The movies are superb and not part of some bullshit universe
>uncle Ben is actually important as he should be
>Peter only has himself to rely on, not some bullshit CGI nanotech pulled out of starks ass
>with great power comes great responsibility
> recognizable characters like MJ and Flash are not just comic relief
> the humor does not consist of throwaway quips only
> effortlessly bends together horror, drama, action and comedy along with scenes like Peter dancing or walking down the street while whacky music plays
>shows Peter dealing with everyday stuff like paying rent and balancing being spiderman with his personal life suffering because of it
> villains who get the proper screen time and arcs to feel fleshed out and even a redemption arc
> Harry Osborn is in the movie
>aunt May is a kind old woman dealing with the death of her beloved husband and actually being a pillar of emotional support

MCU spidey got rid of all characters and left only spiderman. But he is not really spider man, everything is missing that makes him spidey. He is iron man junior.

OH and
>Raimi man features the absolute best spidey suit ever made

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alright even if for whatever stupid reason you prefer these disney movies, why are you hating on the raimi ones so much? theyre well made enjoyable films. whats your problem man?

they are both a coming of age story about peter parker dressing up in a spider suit and punching bad guys while struggling to balance superheroics with personal life? just like every spider-man story ever? stop being purposefully dense

>Well hello beautiful

2 was ok I guess and I actually am a fan of raimi as a film maker.
I do however hate tobey maguire's portrayal of peter parker with a passion.
he's supposed to be a smart, likable and witty loser, not a bumbling retard stumbling through his own movie and failing at even the most basic aspects of civilian life. fuck tobey peter. what an embarassing faggot.

That's it? Change some of the wording and you can say Taxi Driver is identical to spiderman


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One is about a younger boy with different origins, loyalties,
and even different powers dealing with very different conflicts and drives.
MCU pete and Raimi pete are "the same character" solely nominally

If You had taste you would not say such things.

i like how posters here actually give an in depth explanation of what makes the original films great and enjoyable while the disneyfag only regurgitates:

>it made 9 trillion dollars

what a fucking idiot. no wonder why this trash appeals to him so much

Fucking based

The comedy is also better. It's not just quips and sarcasm

>he missed the part where that's his problem

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For starters, it's an actual film about the comic book character Spider-Man, not a glorified made-for-tv movie about a Disney character that can best be described as "Iron Boy."

Nailed it. Better villain origin, too. Having the arms' AI be psychopathic was a stroke of genius.

Has a better story and more likeable Peter Parker. Better action scenes and resolution to the film than both Holland films combined.
Far from Home was a clusterfuck and it felt rushed

>triumphant moment being Peter using the fucking Iron Man suit builder thing and looking like Tony.
that scene sucked so much. it was just after "be yourself kid you dont have to be the next tony stark" just to follow up with him doing EXACTLY what tony does. fucking tone deaf whoever wrote that, filmed t, and edited it that way. all it did was remind me how go iron man one is seeing the suit progress, listening to suicidal tendencies, and tony talking to pepper. somehow rdj and paltrows ad libbed dialoge is better than any line uttered in and mcu spidey film.
holland is going to fucking waste with this mcu shit

i like how they went with the playstation 3 font

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Agreed. The funny bits are natural, organically worked into the story, not born out of cynicism about the genre or the source material. Also, it gets that characters can be involved in funny moments without themselves trying to be funny. The creators understand which characters are naturally funny and where and when to let them be so. They also get how to use moments of self-awareness effectively instead of the whole story being steeped in it. Almost twenty years later, JJJ still has the funniest moments of any cape character.

Dick Tracy 1990

Other way around user. Nips can’t into originality

Raimi's Spider-Man was more character driven and emotional. It has a good sense of humour with a clear identity motivated by Raimi. It had the DNA of something people used to call a film, especially a blockbuster one. I'd say Spider-Man 2 was the peak of such a thing. In addition to that, Parker is a down to earth kid with real life issues with zero retarded gadgets.

The other way around kid.

Raimi's Films were shot on Film. Makes them ultimately better.

Give me a line in the Holland films that's as good as "go get 'em tiger"

I used to think TDK was the greatest cape shit ever, but good god SM2 has aged like fine wine. In retrospect, it the quintessential comic book movie, it's absolutely flawless.


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not an argument

Great post.

First one is better.

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>no avenge me

Spider Man 2 feels organic and sincere. It’s a first kiss versus the five hundredth time you roll off of your dog of a wife.

based francesaposter

Poorly paced and boring. CGI did not hold up well. It was good at the time when it was one of the first capeshit to do it right but the sequel did it righter. The first one is irrelevant, it should only be acknowledged as the hurdle that need to be overcome so the second could be made.

You know calling people who disagree with you incels will not help you lose your virginity, right?

I’d throw Tim Burton’s Batmans in there too.

Do you raimifags just jerk off to the 2nd one and forget the other two exist?

No. We acknowledge the first one for setting the path and allowing the second one to exist. We commend the 3rd one for trying yet failing to follow up an already perfect film due to studio interference and what not. The second one can be enjoyed without even knowing of the other 2 honestly.

i like 1 and 2 equally desu
3 is good but too many villains, poor venom portrayal

didn't anyone tell dunst to wear a bra

I like the first one a lot.
It’s a rougher movie, doesn’t stick the landings quite as well, but it’s really charming and has a lot of sentimental value for me personally.


Nah, I guess she just didn't want to and they can't really make her unless it's integral for a scene. She has pokies in every one except 3; she has them in some of the set photos during the parade scene but I guess when they were actually filming she warmed up or whatever.

>she has them in some of the set photos during the parade scene but I guess when they were actually filming she warmed up or whatever.

pics or it didn't happen

also, it's just funny on account of the movies being pg-13. When was the last time you saw pokies in a family superhero movie?

>she has them in some of the set photos during the parade scene
link nao