apu is having night terrors again, what films would you suggest to lull him back to sleep?
Apu is having night terrors again, what films would you suggest to lull him back to sleep?
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I smother him with the pillow and put him to sleep for good.
evil dead
No country for old men
my fav comfy kino, eyes wide shut
Alita: Battle Angel
mothman prophecies
the office US
Rat Race (2001)
Post rare apus
I hate apuposting so fucking much
He died of toxoplasmosis shortly after the photo was taken
based and trollpilled
I don’t know why, if I put on a silent movie and I’m not quite in the right mood it’ll lull me to sleep. Otherwise I’m riveted.
Try Phantom of the Opera or Metropolis. The descending scene from the former and the story scene from the latter are where I tend to drift off. Otherwise, good kino to watch when you’re in the mood.
thanks user, i’ll try. goodnight
ah-bloo-bloosh hed ish a shkayt-bord pork
apu hate is posted by non humans. you can ignore those posts because they're like bots. there's no consciousness behind them
>hating an image
peak autisim desu
ah-bloo-bloo hash a pay-purr
I would suggest taking the opportunity to think long and hard about your shitty existence.
>sleeping with the curtains open
I hope you don't really do that
Reminder apu is the mascot for homosexual zoomers.
The Red Violin
stop peeping
Kill yourself you little faggot
Tropic Thunder
Hey frens come here....
Reminder you’ve never had sex
I mean don't the lights outside distract you?
Have white children.
Just watch some nature documentaries
close your eyes, silly
>watch nature documentary
>reminded that all of the natural world is quickly dying off
>the remainder is actually pretty evil, as not even animals are safe from nature's cruelty
Why is there no such thing as a straight zoomer male any more?
Fuck you
For the same reason heterosexual 4channel posters died out.
It's always you feminised little queers making tranny/aidskike and supernatural threads. Fucking poofters.
>For the same reason heterosexual 4channel posters died out.
I blame cute traps.
>cute traps
kill yourself zoomer faggot
watch this
What the fuck is an aidskike
Those jew poofs you homos spam.
Not familiar sorry
too busy sucking off your 'frens'