/trek/ - her edition


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inb4 the cringe posters arrive


Why can't we have real women in here?

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She's so ugly

Do post someone better.

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You just did. Thanks

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Do I seriously have to make a chart of the hottest Star Trek women?

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Please stop

Do whatever you want, but I won't read it.

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Everyone hates you.

>Why yes, I do make charts rating various Star Trek relating things, how could you tell?

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Fuck, Riker is an absolute unit.

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Excellent execution.

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Shut up, you fucking retard. You're worse than the drunk bitch posting selfies larping as her stalker who just killed the last thread.

Showing that guy from the last thread how it's done

What kind of person has thousands of pictures taken of them?

Definitely a vain one.

I just started TNG the other night. Finished season one today. Really pissed at myself for writing off Trek all my life in favor of Star Wars.


Nanight lads and BF.
>tfw going to cuddle with my gf but she aint vulcan

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You're in for a ride. TNG s1 is one of the weakest seasons of Trek in existence.


Fuck off, retard

I've said this before, but while the first two seasons have some of the most atrocious dialogue and acting of all of TNG, the plots and aliens were more imaginative than just "Picard plays diplomat for bumpy foreheads of the week" like the rest of the show.

Yet I still really enjoyed it. It was so weird how TOS-like it was compared to all the sparse episodes I'd caught over the year.

s1 and 2 definitely have a unique merit. I've always argued that people are too hard on them. Some of the greatest episodes in TNG are featured in those seasons. But at the same time, quite a few episodes feel half baked or outright bad. I think they tend to hold up better on rewatches, since it's really interesting and refreshing to see TNG with such a different style and to see how the characters began their initial development.

Jolene's outtie navel always weirded me out.

Be smart and save DS9 for the end.

Best to worst goes;


Outies are gross

I get what you're saying. I can't remember anything explicitly shit as I marathoned the first 17 episodes during an overnight shift at work, but there were some real hum-dingers, like the one with Riker's hologram waifu.
I really liked the one with Data's evil brother. Is that one typically regarded well or nah?

I wanna stick my finger into it and twist it until it pops inside.

Why the fuck are you asking incels on 4can to validate your opinions? Make a chart and don't bend to anyone's faggotry. Be a man.

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>I really liked the one with Data's evil brother. Is that one typically regarded well or nah?
I think it's pretty trash because every character becomes retarded and Wesley the boy genius has to save everyone.

Just to clarify, no one above shit tier is actually ugly. I wouldn't kick Burnham out of bed for example. Star Trek has been good about having consistently attractive women.
Uhura isn't TERRIBLE looking but good god I hate her giraffe neck.

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Yeah, the Lore episodes are well liked AFAIK.


Inb4 people get baited into responding to tardcharts

Just to clarify, none of these cakes are bad or untasty. Their ranking comes from the degree of which they were replicated.

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it's not fair bros

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What's wrong with Worf's cake? Looks tasty desu

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Why didn't the EMH Mark-2 get to be a main cast member on a Star Trek? He was genuinely great.

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Is the following the most accurate schema? What corrections/improvements would you suggest?

(white) Humans: White protestant Americans, core audience of TOS, cultural core audience of property
Federation: NATO
Andorians: Northern Europeans esp. Norway/Scandinavia
Vulcans: benevolent/lucky "first contact" species, true Other (Israel?) No direct racial comparison, but the stuff about logic and education suggests the higher aspirations of jews
Ferengi: jews (their more animal/base characteristics)
Klingon: arabs/muslims generally
Romulans: USSR Other (?)
Borg: communists writ large as opposed to above (a dated metaphor at the time of its introduction, but still)
Species 8472: ???

They're both shit characters

for two reasons

its not a cellular peptide cake, worfs favorite
and two he blows out the candles too eagerly

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Ferengi clothe their women? Savages

theres coffee in that nebula

I don't feel like making a chart about it because I'm not a faggot but here's sexiest to least sexy men.


Not rating Wesley or Jake because I'm not a pedo.

The best three races in Star Trek are Cardassians, Klingons and Ferengi. if you disagree you're just a contrarian.

>Chakotay sexier than anyone on that list
>Spock that low

>he'd rather fuck janeway, lwaxana, the std bitch, and goddamn PULASKI over Seven or Uhura

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Why was DS9 so lewd.

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It's not fair that the two characters who were destined for one another finally got together despite jadzia's stupid decisions?
Okay, pal.

Seven looks like an abomination stitched together and made up of 30% male corpses. Uhura is a giraffe.
Both aged very well but I'm talking about during their time as their characters.

It's low quality bait, just like all his other charts

TOS - Romantic
TAS - Pure
TNG - Romantic
DS9 - Racy
VOY - Wholesome
ENT - Lewd
DSC - Millennial

It was forced and cringey from the very beginning. Bashir was a waste of time

I love how my opinion counts as bait. I don't even have to try. I just have to be honest. Works for my game opinions too.

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>tardchart plays vidya

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Just admit that it's bait. It would be less embarrassing than if you actually believed those rankings.

Oh I believe them 100%.

The only time I lie on my charts is on April Fools.

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>Who's most fun to watch;
Lorca (mirror)
Georgiou (prime)

>Who I'd most want to serve under
Lorca (mirror)
Georgiou (prime)

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He kind of looks like Harvey Korman in that pic.

That's too many chops for a startrek show. They would want actual scripts not the campy bullshit we love.

Sisko, probably either Picard or Archer.

Archer got like a third of his ship killed though. And he makes people have breakfast with him and his dog.

Anybody would have gotten a third of their ship killed on the xindi mission. Also, he's a good commander and tries to get to know his staff.

Yeah but Picard is going to make people have breakfast with his dog that will attack them

Kirk wouldn't had.
Picard is luckily anti-social so no one has to get killed by his pibble. Well, except Riker's kid since I'm pretty sure the only reason Troi and Riker are in Picard is so Picard can dump his dog on them so he can go into space.

>the dude who relies on deus ex machina to get him out of trouble and once got BTFOd for not putting his shields up when being approached by a hostile ship wouldn't had
Also, it's have.

>Archer doesn't rely on deus ex machina
If he was in a real situation his ship would had been destroyed at first contact

root beer isnt that bad


Captain ranking

Which one is the smartest?

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How is that even a question?

It ends in the little lightbulb

T'Pol is the mental midget in the room
Jadzia has lived for centuries and mastered many disciplines
Seven has the knowledge of countless species
Data has the most raw processing power, basically a really good calculator
But Spock is still the most intelligent and ingenious.

WoK or TMP Kirk was meant to be out of shape though. Peak TOS Kirk is a different story.

>Kirk wouldn't had.
Archer had to take a single, primitive ship on a year long gauntlet through a completely unknown region of space, filled with undetectable gravity distortions that tore vessels apart, while also fighting against Xindi and time travelers. No support. No repair stations. No maps. Rushing as fast as he could because they were building an Earth destroying doomsday weapon. He did damn well.

Where my gurrl Bash at?

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Are the ferengi jews?

No, Jews have big noses. Not big ears.

Anyway, the Bajorans are Jewish.

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I can't stand seeing Troi in these threads. She reminds me too much of an Italian girl I dated.

I am Hugh. Hugh Mungus. Of Borg.

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