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Webm Thread
that it is
Fuck man I forgot how bad this movie looks. Why is there no damage to the ramming ship but the other one blows apart like cardboard? This movie was worse than Last Jedi IMO. just seemed unfocused and cheap.
I bet that yify guy would be pissed if he knew you guys were making gifs out of his movies
>webm thread
>on a Yea Forums that hilariously doesn't allow webms with sound
Because it's like totally rad and gritty and I can finally take Star Wars serious.
t. every fucker who likes Rogue One
It showed potential for the "whole" after the bland vanilla mixtape shit TFA was. Not perfect at all but by far the best Yidsney has done.
Is that even possible?
Not with the ramming ship surviving.
>16 years old
What is this from???
These are those most bloodless zombie movies. Why are they even rated R?
Oh, right. Because we're subjected to Milla's gross nips.
why do nips even bother drawing and zooming in on that non-existent ass?
Such an original concept
dumbest shit ever in a movie
I've always thought that did the miniature makers forgot to paint those star destroyers? They look like someone dipped them in bleach
So the ramming ship is exerting enough force to move the first Destroyer into the second one and destroy it (but not deal any damage to the first Destroyer), but why wouldn't the ramming ship push through the hull of the first Destroyer? Was the whole ship made out of Unobtanium and that's why it isn't damaged by either ship?
I want to know too.
it was dumb, but it was also cool as shit
why is jabba a jedi
Exactly this. Get it addressed, start hounding gook-moot, or just pet these die. I don't get why people participate.
brainlet here, wouldn't the cruisers just bounce off each other since they have no mass?
why didn't they see his footprints?
what the fuck?
So matter isn't affected by the shields?
Yet they use lasers, which are?
Shouldn't they be using railguns or nukes or something?
anyone got that star wars park rey manchild autism video?
Have you never seen a starwars movie user?
Shields only work when the plot requires it
Point defense cannot hit small targets
Star destroyers just crash into things like clown cars because empire bad, rebel good.
Season one made the climactic rape a bit too ambiguous, so they had to go back in and jazz it up. Plus Chad there was a bit too charismatic in season one, so they have to make him more a fucking weirdo.
My favorite was the Mon Calamari cruiser being used as some kind of hyperspace missile in TLJ. As though this universe of constant warfare just now figured out this can be used as an offensive tactic not that there haven't been countless large "targets" that could've been destroyed the same way.
>murders half a dozen people without explanation and no one does anything
girls still love him though
they only made him hotter
Is this from Vikings or something else?
that's davy jones tier cgi
reminder crabbe turned black
this look retarded. i haven't seen the movie, but why wouldn't there be a fleet of fighter and smaller battle ships surrounding a ship that large to fuck anything attempting to get that close. Why would a ship that large not even be completely covered in turrets? why would they fly that close to each other?
Eh, I'm not a woman, so I can't speak to that. I just know that that scene in the first season where he and Clay fight, and then Bryce gives him a drink and talks to him is peak young male bonding.
The same applies to the original films user.
>Biggest most expensive star destroyer
>Crashes because plot requires it to crash into deathstar
>Shields work on deathstar so rebels stay because plot requires it
>Could just hyperspace away till han finishes his mission but the plot don't require that