ITT: Funkino
ITT: Funkino
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mothra fucking sucks and has never been cool.
Jet Jagga is truest nigger G ever had.
Godzilla is a trash franchise.
You fucking suck and you'll never be cool
Both of you are extremely mentally ill (i.e homosexuals) and need to get the fuck off my board
kill yourselves, Yea Forums is a godzilla board
And did you actually see any of these movies or did you just see some E-celeb show a clip of vs Megalon and decided that's all the franchise was?
fuck you faggot. I was watching godzilla vs megalon before most of you were even born. there is literally no incarnation of mothra, especially the gay and incredibly boring 90s movies that is near as good as that movie.
Godzilla '64 had the best Showa design, possibly the best Godzilla design in general. Fuzzy, furry Mothra is comfy. This movie also features impressive effects from 1964, coming from the director of the original Godzilla.
Pic related is funkino
Faggot, I saw the movie in the theater when it was known as "Godzilla vs The Thing"
Jet Jaguar is fucking gay and you're most likely a millenial faggot who saw these kinos with a butchered TV cut on VHS
>coming from the director of the original Godzilla.
Wait wha-
>He directed all of the Showa movies
The fuck, I always assumed he backed out after 54 and Toho just got some other directors to do it which was the reason for the change in tone.
So if that wasn't the reason for the tonal change, what the fuck was?
lol what a shame for a kino such as Godzilla vs megalon to be ruined by tv cuts. so much nuance lost.
Is the entire movie like this or is it just this one scene?
The whole movie man.
>Not wanting to see every second of your favorite kinos
Go back
Second half of this movie is good but the first half is a more boring rehash of the original solo Mothra movie.
Writers. The writer was only on the first 2 and Rodan. Also Honda did like half of Showa, Fukuda did the rest barring Raids again and Hedorah
I didn't know either, so I found these tidbits from the King Kong vs. Godzilla wiki article (the second movie to feature Godzilla under Ishiro Honda's directing belt)
"Eiji Tsuburaya had a stated intention to move the Godzilla series in a lighter direction. This approach was not favoured by most of the effects crew, who "couldn't believe" some of the things Tsuburaya asked them to do, such as Kong and Godzilla volleying a giant boulder back and forth. But Tsuburaya wanted to appeal to children's sensibilities and broaden the genre's audience."
"Ishirō Honda was not a fan of the dumbing down of the monsters. Years later, Honda stated in an interview. "I don't think a monster should ever be a comical character." "The public is more entertained when the great King Kong strikes fear into the hearts of the little characters.""
So I guess lots of other people's decisions impacted how Godzilla would morph, and he was just along for the ride, so it seems.
The evolution of the character. Godzilla represents the duality of nature and man, who is part of nature. The original movie was so cynical of mankind's tendencies bordering on outright condemnation, but by the time we get to Ghidorah Godzilla and Rodan are convinced by Mothra's bravery that there is good in humanity worth fighting for, and humanity convinced there is good in Godzilla and Rodan. Even Godzilla's theme has two parts, one heroic and uplifting, the other menacing and almost judgemental. I don't think the franchise sold out or lost it's way, I think it was on purpose as a development. Even outside the Showa Era with the exception of GMK and Shin, Godzilla is never really a bad guy, nor is he a straight up superhero like in the later Showa movies, he's a balance. Godzilla 2000 represents this the best if you ask me. "We scientists created this monster, and ever since have been trying to destroy him. So why does he keep saving us?" and then he proceeds to toast the city
Lets be honest, there’s really only one true funkino Godzilla movie that can rule above all.
I wanna get vored by that mouth
kys faggot