
Watching this show for the first time now. What am I in for?

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the first three seasons are good, the fourth is bad, the fifth is fine, and i never got to the sixth season

Very funny and clever, kind of eats its own tail after a while. Just signed up for a Hulu trial to see the exclusive 6th season which I never got around to before.

This post sums it up. I'd like to add that the sixth is about the same tier of funny as the fifth though

I unironically ship them lads.

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The show goes downhill fast when that old boomer leaves the show and they give that asian guy a bigger part.

A cunny and faggots.

Who are the faggots? Who is the cunny?

Third season has more bad episodes than good.

Live action Rick & Morty


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Cunny is the cunny. The black and the arab are gay bros. The asian is a non human. The black woman tries hard not to act black. The old dude is a typical evil white man. And then there are a boring white couple.

Cringe but not as cringe as Rick and Morty

Some kino but it weaker as the season goes

2>1>>>>>>>>>who fucking cares


I kind of liked this show, but the humor is ultimately too feminine for my taste.

Not sure where you got that from.

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First season is great, but weighed down in some ways by the realization that Dan Harmon wants to be Jeff aka have multiple women throwing themselves at him for being so clever.

Second and third season are good too, and have less of Jeff being a chad and instead Dan sees the praise from season one and tries to pander to fans with wacky episodes.

Season four you realize that without Dan the show becomes shit, because at least he knows how the characters are supposed to act and that stories need a point.

Season five and six are better but get back to some wacky pandering and suffer because of actors leaving the show.

I started rewatching recently and I just started season two and after watching so many shows these days that only have 5-12 episodes a season, it's crazy how fast community gets good and stays good for so many episodes in its first season.

I started watching it last week. I just finished season 2. It’s great so far. Alison Brie and Gillian Jacobs are also really hot it in and Chevy’s character is based.

I don't know why, but I can't stand Alison Brie

yes but annie is adorable

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This was the show that actually got me to go out and put more effort into making friends.

I like season 4 more than season 6. Atleast the main cast was still there. Season 6 just didn’t feel like Community. I blame the lack of Pierce/Troy/Shirley and removal of comfy background music/chimes. Also dislike Frankie

it's not just feminine, it's corny as fuck 90% of the time

Somebody else pointed this out and I agree. She has the same type of autism that Tom Cruise has, but to a lesser degree.

fuck off rick and morty is miles better than this. Ignore the fanbase for a minute and actually watch the show, at least the first season

Chevy Chase being quite racist.

I'm still made Jeff and Annie did not get together or at least have sex.

Look at her, how do you not want to mount that neat smart little nerd.


The only thing I remember from this show is they made fun of Troy’s height. He was standing next to jeff winger and they made a jab at it. I laughed too, haha what a manlet, jeff must be around 6 foot so troy must be 5’4 or some shit?

mfw look him
mfw jeff is 6’4 and troy is same height as me

You're in for stopping at the end of Season 3.

Don't worry about your height, you type as if you have a brain disorder


>it's corny as fuck 90% of the time
So it's excellent.

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lol what do you mean disorder you some sorta therapist or what hahah

I am hust saying it is not all that it seems

I do not have a disorder

>This was the show that actually got me to go out and put more effort into making friends.
well now thats just pathetic

Like over half of the people involved with R&M worked on Community. It certainly shows a little bit.

First season is the best one and is great, second one falls a bit off and is good, then it completely goes to shit and hits a new low with each following season until it finally ends.

best episode was the one with the multiverse, prove me wrong

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To be fair, you have to be quite intelligent to "get" that episode. It hits particularly hard now because this clown world reality is literally the darkest timeline.

>me so christmas
Britta is cute

Speaking of Christmas, would you help this Jewess to understand it?

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Was Annie more autistic than Abed?

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>S1 - GOAT
>S2 - Very good but the beginning of a le wacky cartoon Community show
>S3 - Full pants on head retarded cartoon show, sure its funny sometimes but its nothing near what S1 originally was... a few awesome episodes here and there
>S4 - Watch at your own peril. If you'd like to watch what an imitation of Community getting gassed would be like then this is the season for you
>S5 - Hit and miss. Probably on par with S3
>S6 - Better than S5 marginally but not as good as S2, at least it had some continuity and decent arcs/payoffs

>Movie - TBD

so spooky

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nah, the best episode is the pen one

>types even worse

Broadly it suffers from not knowing what to do with its characters. The show is self aware enough to point it out but that doesn't actually fix the problem. Anyway that's why the silly bottle episodes are usually better than the more normal ones

>tfw no skeleton jewess gf

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why even live

Stop before they turn Britta into a wacky retard

Objective fact tier list

2>1>3>5=6>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Anyone that puts 4 above any others is an outright troll you can debate the others whatever but 4 is dogshit.

Finally someone gets it. S6 is great though, but in its own ultra meta right

Season 6 was just depressing to be honest, after Pierce/Troy left it really went downhill.

>implying garretts wedding isnt kino

Season 1 is interesting, Season 2 you realize nothing changes so you stop watching.