What's Yea Forumss opinion?
What's Yea Forumss opinion?
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I didn't watch it.
Zoomer's Nightmare before Christmas.
Very good but the book was better.
NBC sucks though
It's actually way better. Nightmare Before Christmas is hot topic core
It's my second favourite movie of all time, no shame
What's your favorite?
>released in 2009
You realize this is not a kids film, right?
Same director so what does it matter? It's better than NBC anyway and doesn't have the cancerous trashy fat girl fandom behind it.
Harold and Maude
this guy gets it
great movie. was actually worth seeing in 3D.
Her mom is very attractive.
And yes, I'm specifically talking about normal mom. Button-eyed mom can go fuck herself
wrong opinion
i live in socal and its even a favorite for the paisa culture. lots of lowered cars and trucks adorned with their NBC swap meet stickers.
that being said it was a pretty cool movie. just found out they might be giants did the other fathers piano song which explains why its so catchy and comfy
normal mom wears the nice sweater and is pudgier so she's cuter
What are some other good kid-horror films?
the animation didn't age well but its a fun movie
i will never watch it because some boy used to bully me in grade school by calling me this bitch's name
If it's not a kids movie then why did I get ads for it when I had to watch Madagascar 2 in a cinema with the family. I was not prepared for an ad for this creepy as shit movie where the main conflict is that some evil doppelganger wants to sew buttons on a little girl's eyeballs.
Hot. you should watch it, it might resolve your childhood truma
It's a kids film
I know because I watched it as a kid
god DAMN is this movie comfy
I love the name Coraline desu
Sounds like he liked you. It's a cute name desu. My wife and I already agreed to name our first daughter Coraline. Partly because I wanted to name her after my grandmother (Caroline) and it's one of our favorite films.
Cringe as hell. Coraline isn't a real name you dweeb and everyone will think you're an idiot that mis-spelled the name on the birth certificate.
Please don't name your kid after a movie
If every single nigger can their their kid friedchickeneesha then there is absolutely nothing wrong with a girl named Coraline. Cora is a good nickname too.
I actually like The Boxtrolls better.
>he likes the boxtrolls
I think this and Missing Link are the only Laika films I haven't seen. Is it good or does it fall into the usual Laika trap of 'a few amazing scenes spread out among mediocrity' trope they keep falling into?
>if niggers crash cars all the time it's okay for me to drive drunk
I sincerely hope you never end up having kids because you'd make a horrible parent.
>Cora is a good nickname too
No. Just stop embarrassing yourself.
Boxtrolls is... bad.
Completely skippable.
How's Kubo? Is that any good good
I sure do.
Except TNBC is shit
Plenty of girls name Coraline, boyo
actual stop motion kino coming thru
>zika virus foreheads everywhere
oof cannot forget
Kino, give it a try
There are plenty of awful parents that name their kids after dumb shit like movies and tv shows. What's your point? Are you a braindead idiot too?
I was about to post something similar.
Coraline became much more popular as a name after the movie but its use can be found since the 18th century. It is a mix of the name Cora and Caroline, duh. And it means heart or maiden.
Of course he is, he made an appeal to popularity to justify naming his kid after a movie
Incredibly, incredibly based and patrician-pilled
>wants to name his kid after a movie
>calling anyone else a faggot
The Ben Kingsley performance is great, but other then that, it's just kinda okay.
I'm not even that guy.
And the name is from at LEAST the 18th century.
and lastly, stop motion tv kino
horrible adaptation
okay movie
Did someone say stop-motion kino?
see That guy literally only wants to name his kid that because of a movie he liked. That's an extremely embarrassing reason to make a life-defining decision.
Pure kino.
Also 2d Verson>3D
she cute
Magical and beautiful, also meaningful why not
It’s a gay children’s movie. But I thought it was pretty good and creepy.
probably the only movie I enjoyed watching in 3d
it gave it this neat diorama feel
I loved this form of the beldam, I'd stay with her.
I like the incest rule 34 coraline anal mom
>rule 34 coraline anal mom
>not posting it
shig dig
It is a blue board
She hot.
coraline is THE cutest michigander in fiction
I broke a two year dry spell to this movie
You used to look more or less like this, don't you?
best ITT
I wish they made stop motion porn of her
I prefer the porn star coralline.
the best spooky kids stop motion film
>ctrl f
>mike tyson
>0 results
The book was better but I appreciated some of the changes they made, like the part where Other Mother chases her up the spider web
The dumb kid on the bike however was completely unnecessary
Back when Tim Burton still had kino in him
Am I the only one who like pic related?
Yeah I know this one was digitally animated
Flushed Away is a great movie.
this was a good one though
I've seen people saying it is the weakest Aardman movie but I don't know what's wrong with it.
my man, tell me more.
>Back when Tim Burton still had kino in him
he was working on Corpse Bride simultaneously as Charlie & the Chocolate Factory hence the nearly identical cast, weird how Corpse Bride turned out well and Charlie turned out fucking terribly
girl was cute
never even heard of this one.
They're dumb.
Flushed Away is hilarious. Proper britbongkino.
Heck Chocolate Factory was okay - Johnny Depp just sucked balls as Willy Wonka. I did not buy his interpretation of the character. The rest of the cast and set pieces and music were great
haha, imagine if he made her take off her clothes, as a joke of course, wouldn't that be funny, haha
>stop motion is supposed to be a dying art
>there are movie stop motion movies than 2D animated movies nowadays
The faggots at Disney should bring 2D back, they've got the money to do it. Call them old animators to teach the new generation.
Any claymation/stop motion movie is automatically kino.
Watched it as 11 year olds at school. It's a kids film. A very good one, but still for kids.
you sure about that?
is the whole point of stop motion to save rendering time for lighting?
Shad did her justice
Can confirm
no cuz it looks cool and you make miniatures move and shit
I thought it was fucking terrible. Nightmare before Christmas is way better. They need to make a sequel to NBC where Jack Skellington or whoever jumps back and forth between those holiday portals in the forest.
stop right this instance
Coraline is kind of a bitch in this movie but then I realize that her mom doesn't seem like a very friendly person either.
Must run in the family.
Yeah stop right now you damn bastard, but first tell me where did you find ur pic
This had a really fucking great second half.
I wish they'd bring this back
>he doesn't know
How pure you are
>The dumb kid on the bike however was completely unnecessary
No they needed that because otherwise how would Coraline's character develop in the first act, through fucking monlogues?
making up a song about coraline
Nvm I see it now.
wew lad
The family seems to be going through a rough patch. The dad seems to be killing himself trying to get a book done or something. He looks half dead in a lot his scenes. Coraline is a kid acting out for attention. She's moved to a new place that's weird and her friends are gone. The only person that isn't and old weirdo is a strange kid with back problems. Also her parents are seemingly distant. Her mother is probably dealing with all the stress of moving to a new place having to get everything set and making sure the family doesn't starve. There's also the fact that she's wearing a neck brace and they mention some type of accident. Coraline mentions that the accident wasn't her fault and her mother says that she didn't say it was. I imagine Coraline distracted her mother while driving and they crashed messing up her neck. Coraline probably feels guilty and is thinking some of her mother's distance is anger towards her.
she's a qt she's a doll she's a pal of mine
Holy christ look at the ass on the mom. Coraline is going to grow up too wide to fit through doors.
>explosions, flames burning things
>demolition expert
>where did you find ur pic
Oh no no no
damn i want to fuck the other mother's 2nd form
With hips like that, she should be creating lots of siblings for her daughter.
i like stop motion film with good story telling
>he apologizes after every attempt to nab her at the end
Feels bad man
You guys dig Buddy Thunderstruck? It's innocent fun made by the Robot Chicken guys
This fucking sucked
Love all Laika movies, Coraline is fantastic.
Did anyone see Laikas new movie Missing Link? I didn't even know it came out until literally an hour ago, the marketing was nonexistent. It only grossed just over 16 mil which is fucking depressing
>all this kinos I've seen in theatres are 10-15 years old
only 100% agreed, non-debatable opinion Yea Forums has is that you OP are a massive homosexual
I didn't get the chance. It seemed like they tried to focus more on digital marketing but it didn't pan out. It had the lowest debut of a Laika movie ever. I wanted to go see it about two and a half weeks after its release and it was already out of theaters. I imagine it was decent though. It was a dream story by the same writer/director of ParaNorman and he said it had a lot of adventure in it. I feel bad it had such a poor box office but at least when it comes to Laika, that doesn't matter thanks to Nike money.
the commercials I saw for it made it seem really lame
Wrong, cringe, and also gay
Every Laika movie after this continued to decline in quality
The last message from dead kids to Coraline was weird
Paranorman was equally great, didn't see the others
...is the dream world dad reflecting the reality that the real dad is a human shell manipulated by the real mom?
Yes. Paranorman is not as good IMO for...
1. It's a boy
2. It's capeshit
3. The final showdown seemed preachy. In comparison Coraline didn't spell out the moral of the story.
Now Kubo is bad by concensus. You shouldn't touch Japanese stuff it only weakens you.
I liked it a bunch. The pussyboy could have been removed.
not sure why but other than Coraline Ive found Laikas other movies to be really forgettable. Decent movies with great art, but forgettable for some reason.
I beg you
For the love of God
just go to shadbase dude
Am I the only one who finds stop motion and claymation creepy?
looks pretty good
Its a labor of love by this point due to it being more expensive for 2d or stop-motion. Disney is too cheap to fund it even of they have plenty of people dying to get something made. Thats why we have endless sequels and live action remakes with the occasional oc film peppered in there once a decade
>the people animated outside the store
Its the little things like this that I wish more movies would do
Dr. Pavel, I'm Other CIA.
I like Shad's take on it
It's better than Nightmare before Christmas though.
>wants to be like a nigger
bahahah, true american.
It sucks
Dr Coraline, I’m Button Lee
These tunnel scenes were amazing in 3D. Coraline's the only movie I can think of right now where I'm genuinely thankful I watched the 3D version.
I've never seen it but I want to fuck the other mother.
The cat was meant to be God right?
>tfw no Aggie gf
Nigga what?
>The part at the beggining with the doll eyes sewing making it look like the needles were coming out the screen and into your eyes.
Blew my 6th grade ass away back then
Personally thought it was kinda forgetable
Excellent animation, dull story.
It's middling in terms of writing, but the style and the atmosphere make up for it
>judging people based on their name alone
Children need to be exterminated. Or at least, parents need to be more responsible consumers and vet their baby films.
why is this movie never mentioned
'Tis for the eyes, but not the mind.
Absolute kino material
Paranorman was better
how does he do it bros?
doing these seems to be very hard and a lot of work. big respect to the creators for doing this way to have that special visual look and feel.
Armond White said it best
>It's the kids film that sometimes feels too good to be a kids film
he loved it
I'm one of the few that actually loved the story. It was fun, ends on a good cover of While My Guitar Gently Weeps.
its only alive because Aardman has a fuck ton of money and Laika is backed by the son of Nike's CEO and he's worth at least $4 billion
it was just meh
Good effort though
Certain films were my favorites, and a lot of people liked them, they are popular. Coraline was one, what they all had in common was that I found articles about them talking about how they are MKUltra trips and stories about mental disassociation, and now I can't unrelate the film and that conspiracy. It's too form fitting. Dunno if anyone else read it, but it's scary. The articles.
2009 was peak stopmotion kino
>Mary and Max
>Fantastic Mr Fox
>A Town Called Panic
I liked it a lot, dare I say I loved it. But the small scope prevented it from becoming a classic for the masses.
Based Armond "Honorary" White
Great movie
Monster House should had won the Oscar.
I fucking distinctly recall this movie being entirely black and white for some reason, am I going crazy?
Idk I think Coraline is a nice name.
Man I loved 9 when I was younger
It was the first movie I saw that was that dark, that bleak.
First movie I saw that had a more melancholic ending than just a straight up happy ending.
I know it's got flaws but I love it a lot
Im gonna spam some screengrabs I took
>this is not a kids film
t. Yea Forumsmblr manchild
Absolute pure KINO
>How can you walk in a straight line and end up right where you started?
>It's simple. You walk around the world.
best laika film
one of the best animated films period
>no spider gf
H-he's fast!
My childhood
>wipes tears
My sister loved the movie, I thought it was fun.
it's my third favourite movie of all time
Based future mass shooter
that movie was fucking great. smart humour and great characters.
i've been into monstergirls or anything but the spider in that had this undeniable sensuality
dunno if this was really a kids film