>Zero profanity
>Zero sex/nudity
>Two violent deaths in the whole film, the gruesome one is entirely offscreen
Does the MPAA just have it out for P.T. Anderson?
>Zero profanity
>Zero sex/nudity
>Two violent deaths in the whole film, the gruesome one is entirely offscreen
Does the MPAA just have it out for P.T. Anderson?
Other urls found in this thread:
I drink your milkshake.
I love this movie.
There will be blood.
>Rated R for some violence
Thanks MPAA
Should’ve been rated D for Dishonest Filmmaking.
Do you think a PG-13 rating would have helped the film? He probably could have appealed it and got a lighter rating, but what’s the point?
more like K for kys
best american film of the 2000s
Maybe but The Assassination Of Jesse James and American Psycho are also pretty great
>not wanting your teenage daughter to go to the movie theater unattended to watch Daniel Day Lewis bully a wacky preacher
Fucking pleb.
"adult themes"
I know this is a bait thread but I think this is actually a good example of the MPAA getting it right. Ratings shouldn't be based on arbitrary mathematical criteria like 1 fuck = instant R, it should be based on the theme and tonal content of the film.
There Will be Blood on paper doesn't have much to give it an R rating in the technical sense, but it is a disturbing film with many scenes that would freak children the fuck out. It's an adult film with heavy adult themes and children have no business watching it. It deserves an R.
On the other hand you have something like The Matrix, which totally could have been pg-13 as thematically and tonally it's perfect for teenagers. The only reason it got an R is because Neo shoots the government cop in the lobby, which of course killing public officials on screen = instant R. But it's really not a disturbing film and many older kids and teenagers can and do enjoy it just fine. In fact as violence goes it's incredibly tame, almost no blood and zero gore.
Shut the fuck up reddit nigger
basically this
Just imagine a 10 year old watching this movie with their parents. It'd probably have the same psychological effect on them as a horror film.
american psycho is from the 90s
you must be a pathetic, retarded faggot user.
Yeah and the stuff that freaked me out the most as a kid was implied horror, so DDL shooting his fake brother in the head while muffling his screams or brutally bludgeoning Paul Dano to death would have been way more traumatizing that shit like the Terminator
Year of release: 2000
It's okay user, I was once an edgy teenager too. You'll grow out of it when you get older.
2007 was the last good year in film.
R stands for Classic
Comparing twbb to a horror movie is just fucking retarded, most kids would be fucking bored, not scared, you're a fucking faggot.
umm, hello????
That was the other user, not me, but if you sat a kid down in front of TWBB who had the intellectual capacity to understand it I guarantee you it would disturb them to some degree.
There Will Be Blood only got a PG rating in Canada and a U rating in Malaysia, though, and it's seen as a family picture in those countries.
And you also have Room, which despite the heavy themes of abduction, it's still handled pretty lightly and some of the criticism was that it was too tame.
It got an R rating only because they said fuck too many times.
There is also Amelie which was made as a family film despite the sexual content (explicit sex is more accepted in Europe than America) and it got an R rating in the US due to said sexual content.
In most of Europe, however, it only got the equivalent of a G rating in it's uncut version.
Japan and the Philippines also consider it a family film, getting a G and a PG rating, respectively, all uncut.
I guarantee you're a faggot.