Did Mike (from RLM) fulfill his potential? Could he have been a proper filmmaker? He might not have matched Jay’s enthusiasm, but he is/was more of an alpha male which would have translated well to commanding a film set.
Did Mike (from RLM) fulfill his potential? Could he have been a proper filmmaker...
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He’s rich and can do whatever he wants. He’s living his dream of drinking and shitting on bad movies.
Mike was exposed as the spiritual and economic fraud he is when Space Cop was released.
he should cut the dead weight and just make plinkett reviews, but I guess he's probably too lazy
>can do whatever he wants
Except make a good film.
Mike is the only one I could see working as a director. Jay seems to have a hipster surface level understanding of "arthouse" but Mike is passionate and set in his ways, for better and for worse.
Jay would immediately give in to anyone on set questioning him, Mike would tell them to fuck off.
So he makes youtube kino instead. It evens out.
hes a pretty good editor but being a pro editor would pay less than what he makes now
Mike is working on a remake of Africa Addio. This will be his masterpiece.
No talent though
No, but he got pretty close. I'd say his ceiling is having a relevant production position on a Star Trek show. I doubt he's a technical auteur but he does have a good sense for what makes nerd shit nerd shit. Making widely viewed youtube videos about that isn't very far removed.
>say that Leslie Jones was amazing in Ghostbusters like 20 times during the review
>Could he have been a proper filmmaker?
No, being a good filmmaker requires sincerity and dedication, not "ironically" fucking it up because you're scared of trying your hardest and failing.
Except he never says she’s amazing ever.
he's at full potential now, in all reality
Is there a word for this type of behavior? RLM does it a lot, where they overpraise one aspect of something they are being critical of, because they are embarassed of the other people being critical of the same product. They make sure
their half in the bag skits are decent, but the movie sucked for some reason, i wonder why
The Half in the Bag skits are so stilted and awkward, it works in that format but not as a full movie
hes a talented man with intelligence and genuine perception. too bad good qualities like that dont land you a career in the movie business.
in a more sane world he could have done something magnificent with his talent. unfortunately we live in the current year and everything sucks and is retarded so RLM is the best he'll ever do, which in all actuality is a great show and im glad it pays his bills.
it's called being afraid of being called sexist
Mike doesn’t seem very intelligent to me at all. He’ll recommend a movie like Jurassic World but struggle to articulate why. Maybe I’m just mistaking his jadedness for stupidity.
The problem with Space Cop is that it took them like five years to make. If they make a film again, they need to quit youtube for a year, but then they'd lose revenue.
People have associated not liking any aspect of something with those mean old internet trolls. So now people that want to portray themselves as intelligent need to spend 3/5ths of their tangent on disclaimers about how they're not one of those big meanie heads before making basically all the same points. People also identify with this shit way more personally now so if you just bluntly call something garbage you have to deal with a rabid mass that takes it as a personal attack.
>He’ll recommend a movie like Jurassic World but struggle to articulate why.
>he still doesn't know RLM takes studio money for them to make content about their latest retarded fucking movie
>being this emotionally invested in something you "hate"
I genuinely enjoyed Feeding Frenzy
>capeshitter in charge of real filmmaking
he went to film school, of course his dream was to be a filmmaker, the thing is that he lacks self-awareness (and humbleness), that´s why he thinks he´s better than nostalgia critic or avgn even though their movies are on the same quality of garbage
jay´s the same, they only exist to consume and to criticized, because that´s what bug people do, they don´t have the ambition, nor the talent, they wish they have of course but sadly they´re representative of your typical slob american
Dude makes $80k per anum MAX
AVGN Movie > Space Cop >>>>>> Kickassia
Which means Kickassia is actually the most fun one right
Mike’s worth 15 milllion.
Gonna need a citation on that one.
Genuinely yes. It is so fucking stupid it is great for drinking parties. The other two just don't have the same charm.
Fucking Ashens, a guy who eats expired food and reviews dollar store trash and old computers in front of a brown sofa made a better film for a quarter of the budget.
But arguably Mike and RLM are more successful financially, but for film heads they sure fucked it up bigtime with Spacecop.
Anyone who says Mike would make a good filmmaker has never seen Space Cop.
Seriously go fucking pirate it right now, it's so fucking bad.
They are more miss than hit. In fact most of those skits are terrible. Though, the evil dead one was kino.
Him and Jay didn't want to suck Hollywood cock, they thought they could be like Romero and be successfully independent and low budget.
>they thought they could be like Romero and be successfully independent and low budget.
>implying they have the talent to do something on par of Romero´s
Rare and pure Mike
Mike is a fucking jew. Why do people like him?
They're not exactly doing badly for themselves. If they're smart, they're putting away the overwhelming majority of the money they're bringing in and have purchased adequately-sized affordable homes.
Which is like $4 billion in Wisconsin
I heard Rich once say on stream that his biggest dream is to be a home owner
Decades from now he and the RLM crew will be memorized as some of the best artists to spring out of the web video boom. They're beloved and referenced to by loads of industry professionals who see RLM as masters of their particular craft. Just because Mike isn't a famous director doesn't mean he isn't a famous personality.
When are e-celeb threads going to be banned from Yea Forums?
Median home value in Milwaukee is about $125K. There's no reason why all 3 couldn't have their own homes inside the city right now. If they're still renting apartments, then they're being foolish.
Who are these “loads” of industry professionals?
Hopefully soon, it's the biggest cancer on this board
>implying they have the talent to do something on par of Romero´s
I was saying they thought they had that kind of talent, at least in the past.
>alpha male
imagine still applying this phrase to humans
Rich says a lot of stupid shit
If given a proper budget and tech and time (not having to put out content constantly to make ends meet while also filming a movie) then yes. He could do something great. Never gonna happen given the pressures they are currently under. Could be a decent editor and maybe even scriptwriter
Also never reviews foreign films. Tried once with the Spanish clown/circus film and the Bollywood terminator and haven’t done it since
foeign films are garbage, literally no country matters except the US, so you fucking weeaboos with your bugman korean dramas can go fuck off
he probably could have been a decent porn director
the only foreign films worth critiquing are korean films. every other "industry" has directors who direct purely based on emotions. There are no interesting shots unless the cameraman is bored, there are no decent location unless Disney hires a foreigner to scout locations for them.
How do you critique something like that? Honestly? Even the scripts are rote garbage and the less said about acting the better.
Even though RLM made fun of James, he is unironically a better filmmaker, than Mike.
Spoony Movie will be even better. You'll see.
Snuff films aren't movies, user.
If people are on a screen moving I'm calling it a movie, unless the rape is audible. Then it is a talkie
>tried their hardest not to actually say the last jedi was shit cause they knew Rian watches them
>said the hyper space ramming was cool
>said Black Panther was actually a good film and it was only marvel fatigue that stopped them from enjoying it more
Why did Mike retcon Max out of his life?
They knew eachother?
How do these compare? I've only seen Kickassia.
max got me too'd
>Dirk Gently season 3 NEVER FUCKING EVER
I won't ever not be mad.
Is he even alive?
If you can call what he's doing "living," then yes.
You could just watch Utopia instead, it's obvious that's what he ripped off.