Damn, I didn’t realize Thomas Jefferson was racist

Damn, I didn’t realize Thomas Jefferson was racist...

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All white people are racist, even the “”””good”””” ones. Go to college. Sit down. Listen. You might learn something.

blacks seething because he banged their great-great-great-great-great-etc grandmothers

You mean all the good white people are racists.

owning slaves doesn't make you a racist

He disliked slavery but believed blacks were inferior to whites. He thought that all slaves should be freed and sent back to Africa rather than integrated.

Name literally a single thing wrong with this idea.

the part about blacks being inferior for one

hating niggers doesn't make you racist

How did you not "realize" that an 18th century white plantation owner was racist?

Republicans built up a hero cult around Jefferson so zoomers think it's brilliant political commentary to own Jefferson in a rap battle by pointing out that he hated niggers

But they are.

>I didn’t realize Thomas Jefferson was racist
His dick wasn't.

The Declaration of Independence is mine to write. All who oppose me are my foe.

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Yep, super racist. Also one of the handful of people responsible for the world being the most free and prosperous its ever been.

People are multidimensional.

how can he be racist if he had sex with black women?

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It's all pink.

>Phoneposter attempting to outragebait
How is this not a bannable offense

It smacks of the pulpit...

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I learnt CS at college, maybe you should rethink your degree.

He hasn't graduated highschool yet.

kek, he literally wrote that all men should be free and all men under God are equal to the eyes of the Lord himself.

You're a /pol/nigger retard who doesn't even do basic research. He only kept his plantation because the Revolution happened and he needed the money.

God this series was so good

it barely matters, there aren't that many descendants from the people who founded America anymore. most whites these days come from germans and polish who fled from europe during the world wars. the only real anglos are old boomers from new england and their mutt kids.

That really doesn’t make sense if you consider the fact that Thomas Jefferson decided that the best candidate to make into a fine, French trained chef was a black man, whom he freed on the only condition that he trained a successor, another black man.

If he truly believed they were inferior, then he’d believe teaching a black man such complicated tasks would be either not possible, or not worth the effort in results. Especially trusting a black man with the food you and your guests eat... while owning slaves... that sounds dangerous.

Not to mention, he thought this black man’s knowledge was so intricate that only the same black man could teach another.

To be fair, he probably had to say blacks were the lesser, if that is a real quote, much like if you said “hey, maybe buggery shouldn’t be a crime,” in England in the 60’s people would think less of you.

Fun fact of today: Thomas Jefferson’s macaroni recipe has survived, so if you want to make it, look it up.
