Write a better ending for game of thrones

Write a better ending for game of thrones

Attached: Jon Snow.jpg (552x457, 28K)

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How about I write the entire show out of existence isntead

>Write a better ending for game of thrones

are you Thanos?

I hate this image. Why are they mean to the dog?

Sean Bean wakes up and realizes it was all just a dream

I marry Dany and we snuggle and smooch

Been hanging out for years, but he never offers to grab a check or drive. Mooch pooch.

Aliens come at the last second and destroy and rape everything. The show ends with a scene of an ayy dabbing.

Ice King wins. Loss for everyone is the only outcome for those continue to fight amongst themselves

Attached: ice king.jpg (700x700, 79K)

Jon sacrifices Dany because she's his Nissa Nissa, get's a flaming sword and 1v1 Night King on the throne room

I would literally rub his belly and feed him little balls of peanut butter

I'd need to rewrite seasons five through eight to make it happen.

No. It was great. Don't be mean to the dog.

Attached: doge.jpg (899x592, 57K)

>White walkers make it to kings landing, hunting bran
>the reason the mad king goes mad is because Bran has a time rape again when he tells Jaime to burn them all. All being the white walkers
>mad king saw the army of the dead in the capital and goes batshit, by the end he thinks everyone is a walker in disguise or helping them so he’s obsessed with fire
>all the wights get annihilated by wildfire caches throughout the city.

cersei wins and gives dany and her dragons to qyburn for his morbid experiments, imprisons jon and harvests his semen to impregnate herself while keeping euron as her zombie sex slave
arya ends up dying of an infection from the stab wounds she received in braavos
peter successfully undermines the starks, marries and has a son with sansa before killing ber and becoming sole leader of the north. also opens westeros first gay brothel with brann as his main whore who has to warg into nearby animals to make the pain go away

Sansa nurses FROM thanos and becomes pregnant of the king

that would actually have been hugely satisfying and would offer payoff to the fucking retarded hodor nonsense

Same twist as The Village. Fighter jets come in and lay waste to Westeros.


Too high IQ desu

I win the throne.

Really though, I wonder when you came up with this. Was it in anticipation of Season 8 or upon reflection?

>Stannis comes back
>Declares himself the one true king by right to everyone
>All bend the knee except for Dany
>Davos slits her throat
>Stannis becomes king

I thought that was the reason they showed the mad king in the flashbacks from bran in I believe s6?, and the throneroom in ashes from Danys vision in s2 I assumed was because they’d destroy kingslanding before she ever got to sit on the throne

Episode 3 ends with more characters dead, the White Walkers have sword fights with the Valyrian sword characters, as they fall one by one, their wights fall as well, victory at Winterfell. Night King flies to King's Landing and takes it. Millions of wights rise. He destroys the Iron Throne with his cold touch. We see a montage of other White Walkers gathering at many different, familiar locations throughout Westeros and raising their arms to raise the dead throughout the land. Main characters now have to rush to King's Landing before the wight numbers become too much instead of just because plot. Tyrion blows the city up, buying them some time in the true Battle for the Dawn. Jon dies at the Night King's hand. Daenerys lands the final blow on the Night King. She has everything she ever wanted, so she thought, but is now alone on the throne. Final shot is a lingering view of her on a newly built throne. 'Long may she reign.' Uncomfortably long linger on her as the audience begins to wonder 'now what?', echoing her own sentiments. Cut to black.

incel shooter teleports in from 2019
kills everyone

It was fine until Dany got involved. clearly from the start she was meant to die at the foot of the throne before getting to sit

stannis wins

Attached: 1429305776623.jpg (617x662, 27K)

Dany orders to cut off the dwarfs head at the very moment he betrays her.
Nobody else left to poison John snow mind, so he just becomes Dany's fucktoy.
Dany becomes paranoid and kills every single one of the nobles, and replace them with her own men.
Rule as a queen-god and unify the seven kingdoms under her rule

taking Fageon out of the show was the biggest mistake. he's clearly crucial to dany's development

Tyrion gives his speech about Bran having the best story to tell.
Camera focuses on the council thinking about what he just finished saying.
Hard cut to Tyrion getting his head cut off.

>Dany still goes apeshit but it's played out differently
>doesn't lose her second dragon to retarded plot armor wearing longboats with scorpions
>battle for King's Landing is much shorter
>Littlefinger wasn't killed, it was a Faceless man who owed LF a debt, Littlefinger is behind the Golden Company since it was Cersei who continues to not pay the full debt to Braavos.
>The Night King doesn't die at Winterfell, they lose the battle, flee South (you can have the second dragon die at the battle of winterfell, that would make more sense). Dany becomes increasingly paranoid and unsettled as the war with the Night King drags on for years
>Winter covers the entire 7 Kingdoms
>Bran sacrifices himself in order to warg into the Night King and they both die
>Jon still fucks off North by choice, to become king of the Wildlings
>Sansa and Arya die
>Littlefinger is the Lord of both the Vale and the North by proxy, is himself killed by a Faceless man or something. Who cares, as long as he survives the Long Night
>Tyrion just does what he should have and fucks off to Essos, maybe to finally find Shae
>Westerlands and Stormlands fall under a naturalized Gendry
>Dany is still betrayed and killed for going insane

*I should have said Tysha and Tysha should have been a reveal in S8 where you learn (like you do in the books) that she wasn't paid to pretend to love Tyrion

And he’s always borrowing smokes. “Butts for mutts brah!” But when YOU need a smoke....well...he’s only got one left.

The Dragon Danny's ride but both kill thousands of the undead army and some White Walkers, than while Danny is powerless doing nothing, Jon kills the remaning white walkers and than the Ice King, due to a blow Jon becomes new Ice King and just fucks off to the North Beyond the wall. Danny then lose the rest of her army in the King's landing battle (Greyworm Dies). Sansa an Tyrion become King and Queen. , Sam becomes the Hand. Brienne writes Jaime's story as the first anti-hero (and everybody kind loves it), she also becomes Sansa personal guard (forgot the name). Arya goes West to find a cure to Jon (and adventure). Gendry guest his due land. So does Bronn. Both sit at the small concil with Varys (who paid a no-face man to die in his stead) and Sir Davos. Bran is the Protector of the North, still independent. We then know that the last know of Danny is that she was semi catatonic on a ship heading to Volantis. The final scene we see little finger putting on a fake face and heading towards King's Landing.

Oh, Danny also burns the city, and lose her Dragon to Euron, falling into the burning city ( Missandei is not captured and she's the one taking care of Danny when she's catatonic). Cersei (and her little warlock) and Jamie die the same way (Euron too because his death was awesome). Clegane kills the Mountain with a sword on fire and dies to the destruction.

>in the end, bran is the one who killed the night king. He extend his forearm for the night king to hold unto.
>showing the flashback of all history into the night king.
>the night king explode into ice.
>bran is the night king now.
>danny became the new hitler. First she cooked her newborn babies and force her to eat it. Then She surgically removed cercei's arms and legs. Removed her teeth. Chain her in a cage in the middle of kings landing as a sex slave.
>hitler won with jon snow by her side.
>night king vs nazi
>they battle for years until jon made peace with him. By extending his hand and becoming the new night king.
>tye song of ice and fire.

Gendry becomes king

Lord Commander doesn't die (he with Tormund are the last ones to see Jon); the wildlings now being citizens of Westeros. Podrick and becomes a Royal Guard and keeps being Brienne's friend.

everyone important, and with any real claim to the throne dies defending against the white walkers. Almost immediately afterwards, the realm falls back into a civil war over the throne.

No one ever wins the game of thrones, the game goes on forever.