Why didn't you faggots tell me this was so fucking comfy?
Why didn't you faggots tell me this was so fucking comfy?
Because it's shit and you're a faggot.
We're not responsible for you, dipshit.
Because it's not comfy it's lupus
It's extremely comfy
Because Yea Forums hates anything that feels even slightly "made-for-television"
Some say it's repetitive, but House manages to put a fresh spin on the same underlying narrative structure each episode while developing and maintaining an overarching plot with numerous interesting characters who each fulfill a satisfying arch
>episode where girl has X symptom and in the last couple minutes of the episode they perform surgery with no anesthesia to pull out like a 10 foot long tapeworm while she screams in horror
How the fuck is that comfy?
It's not our fault you're slow.
god damn it i want some fucking vicodin
Are you 16?
That girl had a chronic condition where she was literally incapable of feeling pain, she was only screaming about being cut open to be a cheeky cunt and spook the surgery staff that had no idea what was going on.
I don't give a shit about the drama, if I did I'd watch grey's anatomy (which is exclusively for women). It's fucking funny, the guy's cracking racist jokes at the black doctor and popping vicodin every twenty minutes. KINO
imagine being this much of a faggot
I don't mind the drama, but this dude is right, if you're not watching House as a comedy first you're watching it wrong.
Regardless, I'm terrified of parasites AND hospitals, that did it for me. Not comfy.
Because it's the same fucking garbage every ep.
>patient comes in with some insane sickness
>House doesn't want the case
>then he does
>House wants to try treatment
>everyone tells him he's a loose cannon and they won't let him risk the patients life
>House sends Doctors to check patients home
>they agree to Houses treatment
>he was right all along
Every. Fucking. Episode.
because it drops off hard and youll be upset
no, Grey's is cool and comfy for 5 years or so then it starts getting totally ridiculous but it's good for a while if youve ever had sex
Fair, but if you're not squicked out by medicine and diseases, turbo comfy.
What you're describing is called a procedural. That's like saying CSI is bad because they spend every episode solving crime. It's fine if you don't like procedurals, but "existing as a genre" is not really a valid critique.
Stop watching once you finish Season 6.
Trust me.
lost a lot of SOUL when the original doctor team was replaced
Is it because they make him gay? Because I already know about that.
Wut? no, the wrtting quality just drops HARD.
You can be procedural and not have the exact same plot points every fucking ep.
For example, Cuddy and all the other Doctors say House is the best person at making diagnoses that they've ever seen. Yet they disagree with his diagnosis and treatment EVERY EPISODE. And he's right EVERY EPISODE. It's literally the same boring conflict all the time.
If by lost a lot of soul you mean literally became unwatchable minus a few gems here and there.
my penis didn't mind Olivia Wilde and Odette Annable
This show was pretty comfy the first time through in my first year of alcoholism, but I tried rewatching it around year three and idk maybe it struck too close to home.
Because it stops being comfy half way in
Because we all watched it years ago
>Patient is 25 and suffering from a priapism, differential?
Skip the final season. Seriously. Also expect no pay off for anything, the showrunners were quite adamant about it being episodic and not wanting anything to go anywhere ever.
Was there a reason for cutting the chase/Cameron/foreman trio out? Felt weird, like it was a salary issue or something, because everything else remained formulaic.
I don't mind because it resulted in that kino Survivor arc where he selected a new group from a whole class but still it was weird when they wrote out all 3
>Cameron is wearing that low cut top around the patient again