Greetings 4channers

Greetings 4channers
t. 8ch refugee

Attached: UXyrRFP.jpg (250x250, 8K)

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Go back.

hello friend. are you redpilled enough to stay here?

Welcome back friends
please get the reddit, facebook, and twitter cancer that replaced you to leave at any cost

What happened in 8ch?

Hi :)

Why? It got shut down?

>ywn post on /hebe/ again
Hurts bro.
Fuck those dead spics.

Am I allowed to post cuckime here?

Don't shoot up a kinoplex you maniac

cr*pplechan faggots were a mistake

Actually it’s 4channel now

will the zach thread from /cow/ be moved to kiwi?

what's the magic word?

tranny or schizo?


Only capeshit, blacked and sneed, unfortunately

pls dont radicalize me

Go back.


cloudflare has officially pulled the plug on 8ch :/

Attached: C42350B4-C379-4598-93F9-8A3331FD01F0.jpg (1242x1851, 414K)

I was looking for sneed but I'll also accept that

I'll welcome you faggots with open arms on the condition that you don't get this site deleted.

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Fuck niggers

fuck me, MORE refugees?
i know you guys were originally from here, but why does this place have to keep collecting everyone's trash?

get the fuck out of here you tiny-dicked white incel

white chicks love big black dicks


Does anyone have the screencaps?

please don’t let this site get taken down. it’s all i have aside from my shitty retail job

Get off my soil, incel freak.

Attached: My Bad.jpg (668x498, 303K)

so? can't you still use the website?

t. zach

No punctuation, no capitalization, and a soiboi?
Are you a phoneposter, by chance? Or black?