Is this good or just a try hard drama?
Is this good or just a try hard drama?
it's ok
Kino with amazing performances. I doubt anyone on this board will give you a positive opinion or in-depth discussion on this movie though as it doesn't involve superheroes, jedi or weeb shit.
I loved it. My GF gave up about 20 minutes in but she is a fucking retard. It's brainlet repellent
Great acting and drama. The comedy bits are cringe though.
That was their reason for a few of the delays (among the production problems). But the reason they straight up sold my bitch on it was because the film was way overbudget due to all the issues in utero. WB believed it would've been a huge bomb, like a baby surprise in the toilet. So they cut their losses, like an umbilical cord. I personally think it was a smart move. Very few people would've paid money to see that movie in the theaters, all grown up.
this. i loved it. i still listen to the soundtrack occasionally
good movie,
Casey was amazing
I like it so far. The characters are great. They remind me of my fellow midwesterners but with Boston accents.
Whoah. You're going to marathon it, aren't you?
The heck ya mean? I’ll probably watch it all the way through if that’s what you’re saying
>so far
are you posting while watching it?
>in-depth discussion
I love this movie but you can't really have an ""in depth discussion"" about it
>dude he's sad lol
dude middle class white straight men fromt he first world also have problems lmao: the movie
Shit Oscar bait
The storyline with the nephew drags it a bit. But it's good depression core and the acting is pretty great.
watch the movie fag
>middle class
He's working class retard.
I wanted him to punch the nephew in the face during almost all of it
>manchester by the sea is fucking kino man, the main character is just like me
>this is the person that uses the mobile while being at the cinema
>middle class people don't work
stop with your gay ass metaphors, you are either rich, middle class or poor, and he ain't poor (he's white and doesn't live in a trailer park)
Very cringeworthy. The over-the-top dramatic music with that awful bawwston accent was fucking awful and it went on for the entire film
Are you literally retarded my man?
>because there are Africans starving that means no one can have troubles in their life
Spotted the Bernie voter
it is top tier soulful kino, in contrast to the soulless mess that was Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Anyone who is a functioning alcoholic can relate to the character. What’s your point?
How could I vote for him when I'm not an American? All Americans are spoiled cunts, included Bernie
All white Americans*
Blacks and Hispanics know the struggle
Cant disagree with you there. We are spoiled. Thank god I am American
>All Anericans are spoiled cunts
Says the fag who wishes every day that he was American.