Jesus Christ, Favreau. It's just a grilled cheese

Jesus Christ, Favreau. It's just a grilled cheese.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>all that butter

Do Americans really do this?

I recently tried a grilled cheese with mayo. It was pretty based 2bh.

>not guzzeling fucking mayonaise

Grilled cheese is a waste of good cheese, tbqh famalam.

what autistic movie is this?

Butter is good for you

nothing wrong with it. Its not like it took too much time to make, and hes supossed to be a fucking chef hes gonna try t make everything tastier if he can. Only brainlets that dont cook get upset at this

Chef, and i dont see why it triggers autists here so much

Yes, Americans can afford butter.

/ck/ and Yea Forums crosspost a lot. It's a meme, no one is actually outraged by Chef. The movie is cozy, fine 6/10.

Chefs do this.

wish i had a fat friend that would cook up some hot meals

I don't think about you at all

>Butters the bread
>Oils the flat top
Why? The bread already has butter so it isn't going to stick.

Most fatties can't even cook though. All the Walmart scooter jockies cannot cook; they just eat mcdonald's burgers, wings and frozen pizzas. Most good chefs are slender.

Keeps the bread from burning. Also, I don't like how he didn't toast the side he put the cheese on. That's wrong. You toast both sides then add cheese and cover to let the cheese melt.

Mixing butter and olive oil generally produces the best result. Butter has a low burn temperature so the olive oil buffers it.

you dont cook do you?

wait until you see how much butter and cream is in french frog food, you mong.

You don't have too. If you cook it low and slow, the cheese will melt. Or melt it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds before you put it in the pan.

I'm pretty sure olive oil also has a low smoke point as well.

Why does he fry it? Why not just put it in the oven?

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I do. It's just that using oil for a grilled cheese seems unnecessary. Also the butter having a low burn temperature isn't a bad thing. It just turns into brown butter which altogether gives the butter a nutty flavor.

Who in the good fuck would watch a fictional movie about cooking when there's ten thousand real life kinos dealing with cheffery.

Do you losers really have that much free time? Fuckin normies man.

I dont cook user either my mom or gf cooks for me.

I made a few of these with cheddar a few times and it tasted gross, thought Americans didn't know good food.

Tried one with actual American cheese yesterday and it was ok actually, although I definitely felt how plastic the cheese tasted.

that's easily a 2000 calorie sandwich and he gave it to a fucking child.

why do you call your mom your gf?

>europoor proceeds to sniff his celery stalk to optain the required energy to make this post

Your "friends" and family thinks your a joke tbqh.

>Cholesterol good for you

How many heart attacks have you had?

Compared to other oils, yes. But it's still about 100 degrees F higher than butter.

No I live in my own so my mom or gf come and cook for me. They take turns like monday to Thursday-my mom cooks for me, Friday to Sunday-my gf cooks for me. Their not the same person user, this isnt a hentai

>thinks your

oh hey lil zoom

why touch it like 400 times when you have a spatula, someone else needs to eat it

>put on plate
>slide off plate to cut it
>put back on plate

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>no tomato, no ham, no anything
>just cheese
Do Americans really do this? Oh no no no no no...


It's pretty gay what hipsters did to cooking

That's why it's called a Grilled Cheese. What you're talking about is a Ham and Cheese, dumb dumb yuromutt.

If you're gonna use cheddar you gotta mix cheeses.

That's actually pretty a good idea if you're dealing with messy ingredients.

Some chefs might not want to mess up their presentation by having lots of crumbs or just parts of the sandwhich all over the place when cutting it.

This is fucking pathetic.

>typo checks


only if you eat this 4 times a day, don't lift and do daily cardio

>scratching up your plates

Look at how concentrated he is. You can tell he's a master at work. Like a panther stalking its prey, waiting for just the right moment to flip the sandwich. The calculations in his mind - "should I add more butter"? - always ending in a resounding "Yes!". In his mind he's much better than those snooty French and Italian chefs getting Michelin stars but because he's a red-blooded American he'll never be recognized as such. He ate at an Olive Garden and he's from New York so he knows Italian culture much better than any Joe Schmo from Palermo.

There are different forms of cholesterol.

shut your bitch ass up faggot

Butter is a healthy fat. Get out of the 90s faggot.

why do you think they are so obese and poor?

What that I don't want to fuck my mom?

based and juliapilled

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How come American food sucks so much?

All their famous dishes are either Italian or Mexican. Pathetic peoples.

>cheese and sourdough bread
>"""""""2000 cals"""""""
What fantasy world do you live in?

That's mayo.

That you can't cook as an adult. Does your mommy change your diapey and give you goodboy points too?

>all their famous dishes are x or y
>the entire world serves burgers , pizza and bbq now

And yes pizza is American, Italian pizza is very different

The entire world eats American food from American restaurants lmao suck shit turd worlder.

unlike euro cucks who banned real butter, we have the real thing

>the entire world serves burgers , pizza and bbq now

Have you ever actually left America you total hillbilly?

>And yes pizza is American, Italian pizza is very different

yes, it's well known that Italian style pizza is superior in every way, and thankfully American "pizza" is ignored everywhere outside America.

i miss these kinds of posts

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>The entire world eats American food from American restaurants

McDonald's, the pride of America worldwide.

Lmoa what? American pizza is by far the more recognized form of pizza.
I dont see why I need to if my gf or mom will do it for me

cus melting pot

American Italian, American Chinese, American Mexican e.t.c. are all much different than those countries home cooking.

This has already been explained to you, but your mum is not your gf.

>Lmoa what? American pizza is by far the more recognized form of pizza.

Where exactly? I'd love to see you visit a restaurant in Sweden and be presented with an Italian style pizza, same as every single European country.

>most representative food of your country is some meme meat sandwich among other junk food

Pretty sad desu

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Christ you’re a loser

What I never understood is when she was making beef burgundy why did she specify it was Julia child's recipe?

no wonder why you inbred cunts are so fucking OBESE

exactly what i was thinking
youre a fucking moron and it shows

jesus christ, how embarrassing.

As a European yes, I have set food outside of the U.S, and no Italian pizza isn’t the one that’s widespread, American pizza is, you literally find American pizza in every country that has pizza, it’s probably easier to find American pizza than Italian in Italy.


150 calories per slice of bread, 150+ calories for each big spread of butter/margarine, 150+ calories for the olive oil he cooks it in, and the 7+ slices of cheese.

>it’s probably easier to find American pizza than Italian in Italy.

Confirmed for never having been there.

If you think that sandwich adds to 2000 cals you're the fucking moron mate.

where are the grilled cheese buns

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>using that much cheese

Seethe more. You’re just upset that Asians make better pasta than you, Americans make better pizza and Australians make better wine

The fact remains, yuromutts. I don't even eat fast food myself, but you faggots across the Earth eat our fried pink slime, ground up cow dicks and processed cheese every day. Stay mad, stay seethe.

>more cheese than bread
>clearly cheap store bought and sliced white bread
you're a moron

Chef aka favreau likes to eat.
Apparently he wrote this script in 2 weeks. It shows. That ex-wife character is the most bland i’ve ever seen.
The movie did make me go out and buy a cuban sandwich. So as a very long ad , it works!

You have such poor taste that it is actually offensive.

>can't tell the difference between sourdough and white bread

Go eat some olive oil.

yes, sourdough got more calories, imbecile

idk man, I actually make my own bread every 2 days and that just looks like sliced white bread to me.



>sourdough has more calories
What shithole do you live in?

This is a compliment. Olive oil is one of the greatest things ever invented.

Americans do every food better.
NY/Chicago pizza is better than any italian
American sushi has more variety than jap sushi
American ice cream, Ben and Jerrys/Hagendaiz are more popular than any euro crap


Holy fuck that looks tasty


i eat plenty of butter on my sammiches. I don't cardio, i don't life and i have no issues with my heart of cholesterol and i'm a spooky skeleton

Oops looks like in your search to find olive oil you stepped past one of the 50thousand kebabstands you have in Italy and got that instead

Popular in your own country, mutty.

If you ever saw what goes on in a typical kitchen, you'd be horrified. Touching a grilled cheese with your washed hands is no issue.

Based and Freedompilled.

Meanwhile we have dozens of different regional pizza variants all unique. I invite you to come here and try some fried pizza.

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This would be a fair point if you're talking about Germany/France/UK, but Italy? Why do you keep pretending to know about Italy when you clearly have never been there?

what ice cream are they selling in your market eurocuck?

Italy is literally going to be the first European country to become more than 50% shitskin

>no tomato soup

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I have been to America, and was incredibly underwhelmed. The best meal I had was at a French restaurant in New Orleans, a very disappointing experience.

Doubt that, it's incredibly racist. Rome is filled with Swastikas.

For the 5th time, stop pretending to know what Italy is like.

>I dont see why I need to if my gf or mom will do it for me
this is your weak faggotry limpwristed mind on soý


Google it dope

>no garnish

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Americans overdo their pizza toppins as a way of coping to the fact that they cannot have the quality of the italian crust since their gmo wheat is inferior.

>Butter is good for you
Scientists are always changing their minds about shit
A long time ago someone determined fat and grease were causing heart attacks.
Nowadays they think that bread and sugar are what's fucking killing people.
Some nutritionists are de-demonizing butters and animal fats.
I mean, for fuck's sake, how long have we been saying that butter is terrible and you should eat margarine and vegetable oil, and people haven't fucking slimmed down. Obviously something is being done wrong.
Yes portion sizes have a lot to do with it, as does exercise. But we're learning more about how our body works and as we do we're going to realize truths about certain misconceptions.

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Disgusting fucking Eurotrash, always wondering what Americans do. You know what we do? Pretty much what we want. Like this motherfucker over here talking shit, why are Brits so obese and poor? Why are Saudi Arabians so obese and poor? Eurotrash garbage, choke on bile. Everything bad in the world comes through Europe.

it tastes better grilled
I figure if you're going to take in that much fat it might as well taste good

>leaving town for a week
>have half a pound of cheese left in the fridge
>remember this scene
It was pretty good.

Too bad Eurotrash forgot what good food is. The best chefs of your cuisine aren't even from the countries the food "comes" from.

Attention to detail and presentation you pleb
You want crumbs all over your fucking plate when they serve your meal?
If you're gonna eat like a fucking pig let me know, we'll serve your food in a trough

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>cutting on your plate

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>never fell for the margarine meme, mainly because it tasted like shit
i did use canola in moderation for cooking up until seven years ago though when the paleo / good fats meme started appearing

I take it you've been a well-treated guest at a traditional Southern dinner? No? Well, you don't know shit about actual American cuisine, just memes. Fucking European garbage.

What do you know about the best chefs? You haven't even been to Europe.

Everyone thinks Americans are cultureless because of people like you.

America was a mistake

Actually nobody I know eats at McDonald's here in America
McDonald's is for niggers and poor white trash. There's so many better places to eat around here. Oh and stupid europeans, I mean the restaurants are open for a reason.

Attached: mc-donalds-2016.jpg (1300x1300, 377K)

Who gives a fuck, a plate is a tool for eating and he's just serving the sandwich to his kid. Do you also make sure your silverware matches? You're compensating with meaningless things.

Reminder that European garbage is descended from multiple waves of invaders miscegenating with the defeated they encounter, and that every Eurotrash faggot with the audacity to call anyone "mutt" is living in denial.

>The United States ranked first with 45.1 McDonald's stores per million people

Literally twice as many McHeartattack fine dining in American than any European country.

>having crumbs and shit all over your plate instead of a nice clean plate
oink oink piggy go ahead eat like a pig see if we give a shit

Go eat some margarine and get Alzheimers then, retard.

Why does that matter? Are you scared of crumbs?

Please, one doesn't follow the other, you're just shoehorning that in for some perceived dramatic effect. You don't know shit about me, but I know who the celebrated chefs are, and they usually aren't from the area they specialize in. Dumbass.

Burn Europe to the Ground

Genuinely though, I get bullied by roommates because I enjoy cooking, I even offer them food. What the fuck?

No I just don't eat like a pig, I like my food served in a clean plate

How much of their food have you tried, food expert?

No fucking way, really?

You mean it's most popular where it started? And in places with more nonwhites? Weird...

Considering that I worked in fine dining for 10 years and traveled a lot with my chef, a great deal.

>oi m8 u got a bloody loicense foh that thea buttah?

Are you actually braindead? You said no one eats it there, and then posted stats. You then got totally BTFO by your own stats to then just start back-peddling.


So I was wondering,
Drenching shit in butter and frying things is the cheap and easy way to make things taste good right?
I know herbs and spices and good smells have a lot to do with it but I've always felt this was the case.

Do you really think people would go on the internet and tell lies?

I would never think that, personally.

You may be autistic if a couple bread crumbs on a plate with bread bothers you to this degree.

>clean plate
user, I feel that I must make you aware that the bread you are consuming is simply a conglomeration of crumbs and is, in fact, no more or less "dirty" than the crumbs that have become dislodged from the larger grouping.

t. caveman

>someone says something bad about amemerica
>instantly assume it's some uropoor user

The O B S E S S I O N

I said no one I know eats there and that it's nigger and poor white trash food

I give up you'll never understand.
You're probably a fucking slob and you'll never get what I'm trying to tell you, to you presentation means nothing and everything just gets slapped together.
Everyone around you is secretly disgusted by you, you fucking pig.

It's just smaller pieces of the food that you're eating. If you aren't serving it in a restaurant it doesn't matter.
Cavemen didn't have plates.

Embarrassing post my man.

Yes, and the asian version of this is to dump crystallized/granulated MSG into everything. They actually have sacks of it they dump in. I worked in a cheap Chinese restaurant.


I'm not him, I just noticed you sperging. Getting this upset over some crumbs is a symptom of deep psychological issues.

Your first mistake is assuming everyone is lying. I have no stake in proving anything, but you're just a disingenuous asshole either way. I didn't lie, regardless.

So slapping shit together is ok?
Being a little careful and thoughtful about your food presentation to please the eye is a bad thing?
Because that's what you're saying, you fucking slob

On their own, butter and frying don't make things taste great, they make things taste better. Too much is still too much, and using the grilled cheese sandwich, for example, it's the way the bread and cheeses, and the mayonnaise taste, that are enhanced, not covered up. It's better when you put a dash of garlic powder on the bread after buttering it and before frying it.

what a faggot

>putting his disgusting fat fucking fingers all over the food

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>Drenching shit in butter and frying things is the cheap and easy way to make things taste good right?
Don't forget adding melted cheese and searing/grilling. That's a very cheap/easy/lazy way to make almost anything taste better

What I'm saying is not to carry around a spare diaper in case you shit your pants when someone hands you a plate with a few crumbs on it, spergie.

this, its Wendys, 5 guys, In & Out, Whataburger

transfat are being banned

I never said I would turn it down or get mad about it, stop projecting
I'm just saying there's nothing wrong with taking a little care with food preparation

too much cheese, jeez, i use one damn slice

>Reminder that European garbage is descended from multiple waves of invaders miscegenating with the defeated they encounter, and that every Eurotrash faggot with the audacity to call anyone "mutt" is living in denial.
mutt detected.

You just spent the last half hour having a huge autistic tantrum, calling people pigs, and cursing them out for suggesting crumbs on a plate are nothing to freak out over. You're backpedaling now because you realized you were being a retard, which is a good thing.

Obviously the ideal, professionally, is to make the best presentation that you possibly can. But if you're making your 10 year old child a grilled cheese sandwich like in the OP, neither of them should give an iota of a fuck about some crumbs.

>No Chick-Fil-A

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Grilled cheese is awful for you anyway, might as well have it be delicious as fuck.


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Why are you coping so hard? I've seen plenty of people of all socioeconomic backgrounds eating at McDicks. Even the president is shoving down bigmacs and diet coke. Cope cope cope cope.

why is this image so cursed?

>no niggers in sight
>only moderately fat
Unironically seems better than where I live.

>no niggers in sight
Outside Philadelphia and Pittsburg, PA is very much a white state. Even Northeast Philly and the surrounding areas are pretty white as well

I thought he was going to put a slice of cheese on, but he put half of the entire pile on. When he put the other half of the heap of cheese on the other slice of bread (all part of the same single sandwich) I thought my amazement was complete. Then he put the sandwich on a plate and immediately took it off, just to put it back on again. What am I supposed to feel here?

In other news, Big Night is the most kino chef film out there.

>puts butter on it cause fat
>takes 10 minutes to prepare (not cook) bread and cheese
Imagine being so bad at anything in general that it takes this much concentration and effort to prepare toast with dried be a numale!

>none of this being necessary for grilled cheese
take this bullshit to >>/ck/

> It's just a grilled cheese
Reminds me of this scene:

>absolute state of Yea Forums
Normally I'd say stick to what you're good at but in this case, I'd limit the things you do badly to just the reviewing of movies.

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>You may be autistic
>using autism as a pejorative
Do you know where you are nigger?

the pic that saved Yea Forums

Oh yeah man the amount of time he put into putting bread on a grill, then putting cheese on the bread, with all the extra steps and attention to detail, it's understandable why he'd toss away all that piss poor """effort""" because tilting the plate was that hard...

>I've seen plenty of people of all socioeconomic backgrounds eating at McDicks
Wow people from all over eat shit in a hurry while traveling stop the presses this must mean everyone is eating it 24/7 surely.

Bro this is Yea Forums. As much as a cross thread from another board seems out of place, it's just another opportunity for these reddt virgins to explain how their opinions are the only ones sound. Get used to it here and get with the sneeds

they have no idea about anything but are literally paid by various industry groups to shill one type of food.

>Get used to it here and get with the sneeds
Of course I forgot, formerly chucks and all that

this sneed gets it

I've a friend chef that works in a busy restaurant but the fucker never cooks leisurely. buys take outs for his family or have his not a chef wife cook a shitty meal. you can't taste anything he make unless you go to his restaurant.


Cutting on the plate will dull your knife, thats why cutting boards exist.

>all them pathetic sneedthing muricans in this thread
Aren't you too busy dodging bullets on the way to the grocery store?

Yep, american poster confirmed. Oh how I long for the day when your fat, ignorant retard mouths are finally being silenced again.

I hate the US so much, what a disgusting and degenerate plight on Gods green earth.

It has very little to do with scientific progress and everything to do with nutrition scientists shilling the food of whatever industry pays them the most

theyre incels, they dont have to be afraid of a fellow incel

>step 2 was necessary
>step 1 wasnt
What point do you think you're making?

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no we just save your ass again while you complain

So is Chef (2014) worth watching or nah? I tend to like food porn, but not just for the sake of it.

What is with this stupid OCD repositioning? It looks like someone trying to justify their wages by pretending to be an artist.

well thats the idea, it was supposed to show to him cooking is an art even a simple dish like a grilled cheese he makes into an art form,

but it's fucking pointless. it's just retarded micromanaging position on a grill. it does nothing to rotate it 5 degrees like he keeps doing.

i feel like i could walk through there and just receive banter whereas if i walked through a crowd of that many niggers there's unironically a very high chance im about to get my shit took if not outright murdered


There was nothing about that clip that could be called "cooking" or "art".


I mean didnt the japanese used to call Americans the "butter people" because we smelt like butter?

>good cheese
>american cuisine
pick one

>all these (you)s
americans are seething lmao

your still missing the point, the positing adds nothing to the cooking sure, be he wanted it to be perfect its the subtle things that make a portrait stand out, for him its art thats all there is too it,

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Fuck you yuropoor, butter is not bad and to be honest, theres more fatties in Europe than in the US if you subtract the fat mexicans.

But it wasn't perfect and is more than a stretch to call art tho

t. yuropoor

>all of those actual digital cameras
I'm curious to know what year this photo was taken.

the plot is pretty comfy but there's some moments where it feels like he's shilling for twitter - which he should of he did it for free lmao.

and yet the answer is merely a click away!

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If you subtract the fat mexicans then US is 40% white

Fuck you yourotrash, the US is 56% white, mexicans dont count as white.


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I heard that apparently people of different races smell bad to each other. Is this true?

dios mio....

what the fuck

No it's the darker your skin is the more you smell. Hence why blacks and indians smell the worst

get the fuck out

seething yuros. Go pray to allah, its embarassing. The US is a white christian country and you can not change shit about it

incel rage.

>have sex

i have never seen a non-white person in my country

Dude I live here, I'm just as outraged as you lol

look at the guys name man..... this is white?

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>that moustache
>child molest

me neither, Im from Vermont.

Doesn't matter what it's called. It still looks like pathetic sludge that only a fast food-guzzling cretin (read: American) would want to eat.

>burying the lead

Mayo on the inside is king of grilled cheese. It also makes for a nice toast on the outside.


LMAO I was trying so hard to come across as the dumbest stereotypical ameriturd poster and none of you faggots even called me out for these posts:

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fucking brainlets

The French have a love affair with butter

>same thread posted every day
>is an embarassing shitfest that reaches bump limit every time

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>Being this retarded

>Haha no one noticed me being retarded
So why did you draw attention to it?

>he thinks calories actually matter

i gave you the answer
>errrr but why iz dat
grow up you stupid retard

>Things present in my reality but not in this thread
In your own little world aren't you?

It's not so much scientists changing their minds, as a constant game of whack-a-mole with the sugar industry. They tamper with science and try to point the finger at something else for causing obesity and diabetes, then it gets smacked down, so they move onto their next target, and the next, and the next. High Fat Diet, High Cholesterol Diet, Transfats, etc etc. All the while telling people to eat tons of carbs, and lots of low fat sugary candybars because they're health food! IT'S LOW FAT AFTER ALL!

>He thinks there's 2000 calories there

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>Or melt it in the microwave for 10-15 seconds
Top fucking pleb. Kys yourself.

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You're not on /ck/ right now

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As someone who used to weigh 140kg a year ago and weighs 84kg today, I speak from experience when I say the keto/paleo meme fucking works and I'm living proof. Even did it with minimal exercise, just the odd 30 minute walk every day.

Hell you don't even need to go hard on it, just cut out processed carbs and sugar and load up on olive oil/fresh veggies/meat and watch the weight melt off.

the patricians grilled cheese spread

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>microwaving the cheese
What the FUCK is wrong with you people?

Your body is made of cholesterol and fat cells, retard, you need to eat it.
>inb4 your body produces enough cholesterol already, it'll just clog your arteries
Bullshit, what clogs your arteries is the oxidation of cholesterol, which is caused by high levels of insulin (carbs).

We banned poisonous artificial fats a few years ago. Americans either just did ban them or are banning them soon. You dont want to eat that shit.

I'm European and I don't eat any of that. Checkmate.

>Imagine banning food instead of just not eating it
And I thought the Americans were supposed to be gluttons lol

>pretend bread
>pretend cheese (a lot)
>butter (a lot)
imagine putting this much effort into masturbating over something needlessly complicated that will only ruin your son's health and teach him retarded eating habits

>implying shops only sell one type of each product
>implying if one brand is among the others sold there, it's clearly the most popular

You can give a kid a treat every now and then.

The thing is that food industry will use everything that gives them a profit and most people do not know enough about nutrition so the government protects their health, so that the government doesnt have to pay for it. American governments dont give a fuck about its citizens because there is no universal healthcare and no social policy at all, other than supporting useless niggers in the ghettos.

yeah, but in american terms that usually results in yet another obese estrogen filled faggot kid, that shoots up a school or a shopping mall

its maybe 20-30 grams of mayo, and if we assume that its 100% fat that is 270 kcal at most.
A slice of toast is around 100-200 kcal so lets say the two slices are 300.
The cheddar looks like it would be roundabout 100 gram, maybe 150 at most, usual milk cheese has around 500-600 kcal per 100 gram so Id say the portion here clocks in at 750 kcal at most.
270+300+750= 1320 kcal
For a 10 year old boy thats probably his daily energy expenditure, so if he eats a few more snacks hes certainly over his TDEE.
But if he doesnt eat that shit daily, its fine, kids need energy unless theyre fat. Fat kids need energy too, just not from carbs

Wait, I thought magarine is way more unhealty for you than butter?

LOL where are you from, i would love to know what sort of education they have in your country

Have you ever eaten out before? Its how food is prepared.

>disgusting plastic cheese on top of disgusting plastic bread
do americans really?

You're missing the point of the scene.
It's an allegory for the film industry. All that technique, style, experience, and using the best resources to make the perfect, yet seemingly overdone product, only to have the kid say "I like how mom makes it better" is showing how the film artform is being lost and dumbed down by the younger generations.

Amerimutts descended from those same mutts retard

So you your mom and your right hand does everything for you?

lmao seething mutt
cope harder

For me, it's the rat burger.

Attached: Rat Burger.webm (720x300, 2.87M)

probably 2005-2008

lmao all these amerilards seething
>b-b-but butter is good for you!!
not if you eat a 500g portion a day, you fatfucks

why theFUCK would someone eat an only cheese sandwich?? What about the ham? Put some meat in that you fucking faggots

I swear Americans are fucking DISGUSTING

>>only moderately fat

based trying to revive a dead/slow thread with nonsense poster

You should try fries with mayo
will change your world

americans, what is the deal with sugary bread with your hamburgers?

Attached: b70.jpg (659x1031, 203K)

This is a kino grilled cheese

>nonsense poster
grilled cheese is nonsense

Cinemascope for that?

This is the only good opinion that anyone can have

Attached: IMG_20190604_143721.jpg (737x647, 67K)

If you don't like mayo you're just not a cool guy

you’re nonsense

Of course user, the reversal would also be true

>want to love John Favreau for Chef
>want to hate JF for his soul-stealing cgi abominations

which one, Yea Forums?

chef is utter garbage. the fact that it had cameos and a well known director doesn't make it good.

Depends on the butter. What actually causes the butter to smoke is the protein still stuck in it. Separate the protein from the butter and you'll have a fat that's way better than any other for cooking at high temperatures.

It's funny really. The grilled cheese webm is posted so much because retards who have managed to make a cheese sandwich can finally comment on cooking. Meanwhile you all probably eat minute rice from the bag.

wow rude comment alert!

Fuck off, I hate mayonaise, just the name,smell and texture disgust me, i want to slap my cousin everytime he cover his food in ketchup and mayo

What do you like user?

welcome to tv

Just suck their dick already you faggot

the butter is okay but that bread looks like a fucking travesty