Hair kino
Hair kino
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I can't wait for you to lose your hair. It probably already started and you just haven't noticed yet. Maybe someday you will realize what a waste of time it is, you use it to give you a fake confidence, wasting money on haircuts and conditioners. Any guy that cares about their hair lacks a personality. I guarantee you are the most un-funny motherfucker at work.
Yikes ya baldy cunt, its ok to mire good hair
>Hair kino
I'm glad that shit haircut is pretty much dead. It was embarrassing.
The sides were cut too short. He went from hipster undercut to redneck hitler youth.
Right it's not that bad
I tried growing something like that out years ago before realizing that it was impossible to pull off with my hair type. Nowadays my hair looks like pic related.
This. For awhile there it seemed like every fucking videogame character had that shitty haircut.
He doesn't has the facial structure to pull it off
I want to fuck that cute Vulcan.
My wife Sophia Lillis always has the best hair.
>Yikes ya baldy cunt, its ok to mire good hair
It's more homolust than anything.
Mega cope
Stop posting pictures of my wife you creep
t. Coping Hairlet
My gf soph is so cute
I'll literally never lose my hair
Being fat hides definition.
Sharp haircuts require that definition.
Fat people can have long on top but just require a little more length all over until they get thin enough to pull it off.
Had this hairstyle a few months ago
Into the Blue was Alba's peak
god tier hair comin thru
this guy is so bald
Overrated imo
>tfw most popular person at work and everyone knows your name
>undercut sides and full of hair product
>6" 3
At what age did you realize that "body doesn't matter" wasn't the ultimate red pill and that hair is irrelevant as well? It's literally ALL about the face. Gyllenhall looks just as good with a shaved head. Don't even attempt to get a "cool" haircut if you're a flabby piece of shit, you'll never look good. Lose weight, lose bodyfat and clench your fucking teeth if you want to look hot
you will
literally everyone does to some degree, or you know, when you hit geriatric age and your body falls apart
Best to die young i suppose
You're either a grumpy balding man already or so afraid of losing your hair that you're projecting intensely to give yourself some reassurance.
Mad and bald
I'm kind of seeing it as I get older. Got a cuties number the other day despite having shaved my head due to balding.
Stop trying to cut your hair like professional actors.
You don't look the same as them so you can't pull it of.
looking like joe dirt is "god tier" now?
This, you'll all look 10x better by finding your own styles and working with it instead of emulating celebs.
jelly of my mane, hairlet?
You're gonna have to help me out here, because I'm a 29 year old boomer who remembers a time when "short back/sides & long on top" represented less than 3% of mens' haircuts - what is the difference between your hairdo and the one you're replying to?
I want to get this haircut but I have no idea what the name is. and no, it's not faux hawk.
>tfw immortal hairline of the gods
>thinning on the crown
>mfw hair thinned out on the top of my head quite a bit but hairline hasn''t budged
how much argan oil do I need to grow my hair back, anons
looks like something you could do yourself with electric hair clippers. Ask for the "Michael Cera."
it's really not, from the side it kinda looks like faux hawk, but it's not.
then take these cartoons to the barber shop and ask them to make your hair look like that
Is it possible to pull this off these days or is it not worth it?
dumb dumb, show the barber these pictures.
Quite a bit, just keep it consistent.
This is what my hair looks like currently just because I decided to go a year without a haircut to see what my hair would look like.
Are you pulling pussy like a motherfucker?
More volume, slicked to the side rather than straight back
how can i achieve this look?
Textured cut I think.
It's more about the type of hair the cut. That looks like thick hair
*It's more about the type of hair THAN the cut
Short haired Thor is best Thor
Nice virgin posture buddy
She looks like an ape
Hey bald cunt.
>six inch three
>ywn pull off young leo
Pulling that off aint easy.
How can a man be this aesthetic
She can't act
she has the same facial mannerisms as Steve Buscemi
Seething baldlet
you short as hell nigga
That's ridiculous and that guy is ugly as fuck, look at that beak...
unreal how well he pulls off norwood 3
homeless thor is the best thor
He's relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.
haha I'm nearly 33 with no sign of balding, sometimes i buzz it just because i couldn't give a fuck how lucky i am. suck my dick.
just keep in mind when youre looking at all these pics, they look good bc theyre good looking. the hair is only part of it. if you think a good haircut is going to change your ugly face, get real.
the reason those haircuts look good is because you're looking at people with male model facial features. they'd look good with a total buzzcut. you're probably closer in appearance to dishsink slime than jake gyllenhaal
how do i get it back bros. i miss when girls would run their fingers through my hair
How in the hell did Justin Beaver replace this?
>forward neck posture
absolutely disgusting
losing your hair fucking blows ya'll. if you got it, treasure it.
It's a hair thread you coping retard
did you have fine hair?
what am I coping for you cock munching retard I have a full head of hair and good non-faggy posture
I can see your neck drooped forward just typing this shit out lmao fix your posture nigger
I'm glad these hairstyles died in the 90's because I can't pull off long hair.
Could you even be an alt guy in the 90's without long hair?
>tfw bald 20
Going for the Bronson look eventually.
what jumper is that?
So fucking dumb looking
Does he pull this shit off irl?
yeah, his hairline only looks good because of his tiny forehead
Fapped to Thor in this movie so many fucking times
Worth eventually getting kicked out of the theater
Who cares, his hair looks amazing which is the point of the thread
You know how girls do something called combining their clothes so that as a pack everything looks better? Like if you have a lot of little good things that resonate whit each other they make somthing better?
Well the hair cut is one of does little thing
Did you get it?
Cope more seething cue ball
Stick your head in a barrel of used fry grease at McDonald's.
Losing your hair sucks, man. Especially if it starts in your early 20s.
Based Art Garfunkel
>tfw bald but also have a lumpy head so I can't shave it off completely.
the fuck is a lumpy head
What the shit, cope
Embrace it. You’ve been genetically programed by your (((owners))) to be their farm tool. It’s only natural you lose the hair and take after your master. Keep enabling and progressing them!
why the fuck do they have the same last name?
beard kino
If you couldn't tell, they're all related.
Bro, my hair is receding, but I'm a boomer.
Your post is doooouche-chiiiiill.
I got your point, but the whole time your zipper was down, of that makes sense.
Baldcuck on suicide watch
seething baldlet detected
Please someone put me in the screencap
me2fam undercuts are really fucking gay
damn you seem weird, sorry about your bad luck loser
t-thanks user...
Christ you insecure baldlet, grow up and stop giving a fuck
My hair is slowly retreating and I don't give two shits
>he’s only 20 and already bald
guy has a permanent fart face
imagine the smell
based steve
He grew his hair out past his shoulders in the late 90s.
Embrace it
>tfw 26
>tfw every hair is like 1mm thick
>tfw hairline receded years ago
>tfw heavy thinning on the centre front
I'm thinking about getting a transplant in a few years but my gf keeps telling me not to do it and embrace whatever comes
I'm getting mixed vibes from this
at least I'm quite tall so it's hard for most people to notice
Best post so far
high iq post
don't listen to retards
>every hair is like 1mm thick
You’re a big guy
almost any character in Dunkirk
Van Helsing. Beckinsale's hair is the best special effect in the movie. Even getting bounced off of walls it never gets mussed.
based I have the same